<Skeleton> [20:40] <%Ventricle> I still maintain Epic Yarn is perfect for a date <-- said the man with the perfect romance record
<Ventricle> dude
<Ventricle> it got me laid
<Androu1> As if that mattered.
<Ventricle> I'm not lying about this
<Skeleton> (note that I have a perfectly negative one)
<ShadowBrain> I would like to play Epic Yarn, but I would not like to pay in the double digits for it.
<Skeleton> You should make a commercial for it
<WarpRattler> As an example of why genre pedigree doesn't matter, Psikyo was famous for two types of games: excellent shmups, and crappy porn and/or mahjong games.
<Androu1> For example, Grin developed both the Bionic Commando reboot and Rearmed, for example. (And most hate the reboot, but I personally think it's great fun)
<Skeleton> "I played Kirby's Epic Yarn and then sex happened to me"
<Skeleton> "Thanks Kirby's Epic Yarn"
<Androu1> "I played Epic Yarn with a girl and... and... I don't remember anything because it was so boring that I felt asleep and couldn't wake up for WEEKS!"
<Androu1> fell* or whatever
I swear every time I copied the text for this one, another great line showed up.