
Author Topic: Rat Race To World 9  (Read 2500 times)

Mr. Koopa

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« on: November 24, 2005, 07:55:11 PM »

Bowser was sitting in a pile of rubble. His castle has been torn to bits. His last battle included a complete war with Mushroom Kingdom. He threatend to bomb the castle but his plan failed when he shot off a small distance away. He wondered what he could do, he was homeless. He stood up and began to walk away when Toad came up to him.
"WELL!?!" Bowser roared, "HOW DO I GET MY LIFE BACK!?!"
Toad was sweating, "W-well, the King was t-talking about a-"
"SPIT IT OUT!" Bowser screamed
"He said that th-there was a time st-stone." Toad stammered "He w-wanted me t-to retrive it for protection!"
"Hmmm," Bowser smirked, "A Time stone?" He started pacing back and forth, "I can use that to bring everything back!"
Toad stood there wanting to die.
"GO ON!" Bowser barked, "I'm a respectful person! I'll let you live!"
With that Toad dashed off to the Mushroom Kingdom.

Mario was sitting in his chair when the alarm went off.
The King came in on the monitor after 5 minutes of banging and "Whats" and "Come Agains", "We just got word that Bowser was trying to take the Time stone from the Tomb of the Boss of World 9! You must get there before him!"
"World 9?" Mario questioned, "We've only went to 8 worlds!"
"That's because Bowser knew about only 8!" The King replied "There is someone in the castle giving away information for the past year... We believe we know who it is!"
Then there was a crash.
Mario turned around and Luigi came in bouncing on one foot with the other stuck in his pant leg knocking over everything he came by. He then tripped over the side of the pipe and fell through.
Mario jumped in after him.
"World 9?" said a voice from outside, "Maybe this Time stone thing is worth a lot of money."
So a skinny body crept through the window and looked down the pipe.
Then another crash.
This time caused by a shorter man breaking through a door. Wario walked in and Waluigi slapped him in the back of the head.
"Why did you do that!?!" Waluigi whispered.
"Noone's home!" Wario said loudly, "There's probably no security!"
At that there was a large hammer that swung and hit Waluigi and Wario and knocked them in the pipe. Wario got stuck and Waluigi was holding on to one of Wario's rolls. Then the hammer opened up at the front and a laser zapped Wario. Then a can of Slim Fast rolled from the shelf and a paper saying,

You're already skinny enough Luigi! Stop drinking my freakin Slim Fast!

Love Mario

"Waaaaaaa!" Wario screamed, "I'm on the Subway Diet!!!!!!!!!!"
WIth that he slipped in myseriously like Santa Claus.
Food or Mr. Koopa? I'll have Mr. Koopa

« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2005, 09:33:51 PM »
Stop drinking my freakin Slim Fast! That was too funny!
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?


  • Banned
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2005, 08:12:18 AM »
I love it when the fat man gets stuck in the tube!

Mr. Koopa

  • Banned
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2005, 01:15:42 PM »

Bowser walked on through his desert and found the true pain of Mario and Luigi doing this about 3 times a week.
He stopped suddenly thinking, "Why Didn't I ask where it is!?!"
He slumped to the ground and fell asleep. He looked up and he saw the sun in his eyes and a shadow. He stood up to look at the shilouette *or however you spell it* and it was Toad.
"I can't do this anymore!" Toad said.
"WHAT?" Bowser yelled at him, "WHAT CAN'T YOU DO!?!"
"I can't give you this information!" He said, "I'm not telling you anymore about the Time Stone in World 9!"
Bowser tossed Toad. He landed on his back and skidded a little. He charged at Bowser and jumped as Bowser tried to grab him again. Toad kicked him in the face then jumped off of it. As he landed he looked scared when he thought back on what he just did.
Bowser took a deep breath and blew fire with all his rage over the shuddering Toad. He was burned to a crisp.
Bowser smiled like the Grinch, "Just the way I like them, Fried." Bowser picked up Toad and ate him, "They say you can't eat wild Mushrooms, but if cooked just right, you've got..."
He stopped. His stomach rumbled and he threw up a Toad- Look-alike. Instead of a dotted mushroom top though, he had a purple one.
"Hmmmm," Bowser said, "I could use this guy. REPORT!"
"Toad!" Toad saluted, "I am now here to penetrate the Mushroom Kingdom!"
He hobbled off without saying anything.
Bowser turned around and said, "World 9. I shall go there and get the Time Stone. If I had that I could go back to the bomb threat! We could hit! Or.... yes that will be better! I'll go back in time so far, that I haven't met Mario yet! I could make an attack on them as babies!" Bowser skipped away.

Mario and Luigi knew that World 9 was past Bowser's castle (of course Luigi thought) after instruction from the King.
"I bet Bowser's got the place swamped with Koopa Troopas and Goombas already!" Mario said, "He has a head start."
"Not after that great war up there!" Luigi laughed, "We really killed about everything there. I bet he's going the wrong way right now!"
Then they saw a shadow coming to them. It bounced over to them.
"Toad!" Mario said relived! "They said they lost..." Mario stopped and looked up at the purple top. "You're not Toad!"
Suddenly it threw a punch at Mario's jaw. Luigi tried to dive on the anti-Toad but it moved quickly and Luigi hit the ground with a thud. Then it picked up Luigi and threw him into a cactus. Mario tried to catch it but Toad jumped in the air and stomped on Mario's head. Mario hit the ground. Then Luigi tried to dive again and landed on top of Mario. Mario pushed Luigi off and threw fireballs at Toad. It jumped out of the way of every one. Finally Luigi came from the bombard of fireballs and punted Toad. Mario spun his arm around like he was about to pitch and let off a large fireball which hit Toad who exploded.
"Man that thing was tough! Luigi said.

Wario was obviously not cut out for this walking thing, but they were still closer to World 9 than the Mario bros. They did not stop for directions (I'm a man said Waluigi) and they did not stop to fight.
As they walked, they heard someone coming. They turned around and Bowser was skipping along like a 6 year old girl. They both started snickering uncontrollably when Bowser stopped in front of them.
"What are you two doing!?!" Bowser said knowing they saw him.
Waluigi and Wario straightened up. They started laughing again because a thought of Bowser in a dress, throwing flowers, and skipping down an aisle knocking people over with his giant body came across there minds.
"What are you laughing at!?!" Bowser said scared.
Wario stood up, "What channels do you watch? Lifetime? The WB?"
Waluigi piped up, "Did Wendy ever catch you in her clothes?"
Bowser turned red, "How do you know My DAUGHTER!?!?!"
Waluigi's smile came off of his face quickly, "I-ummm, Met her at- the-uhhhhh Lay-Z-Boy?"
That was a mistake because she slept on a Lay-Z-Boy.
Waluigi ran away fast as possible.
Bowser turned and saw Wario turning purple because he was laughing so hard, "What are you laughing at FAT-BOY!?!"
Wario was scared but he couldn't stop laughing.
Food or Mr. Koopa? I'll have Mr. Koopa

Mr. Koopa

  • Banned
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2005, 04:55:40 PM »

Bowser walked away from Wario's mangled body. He made his way to a jungle. He walked through and there were some odd creatures walking around. It was like a small green devil, with a large hammer which he had a hard time lugging around. Bowser ignored it. He kept going and saw Waluigi yelling for help hanging by a vine over a cliff. Bowser looked down and he saw some small four-legged creatures. They were purple. They had bodies like dogs and they had skulls over their heads with holes for a long nose poking out with bared teeth. Waluigi screamed as one jumped and grabbed his butt. Bowser laughed and attempted a long-jump across the ravine, but failed to make it so he grabbed on Waluigi's vine. They droppedin the pit and killed the monsters. They stood up and jumped because all of their weight did was break the masks which showed faces like dogs, but their eyes were black. Then they chased them in a cave at the end of the cliff. Bowser punched a wall and some of the celing collapsed on top of the rest.
"Whew!" Waluigi said as he slumped against the wall, "That was close!"
He looked at Bowser and he started backing away. Bowser started crying.
"Ohhhhhhhh!" He wailed, "My child died and I heard about this news which made me sad!!!!"
"I-m I-m sorry!" Waluigi said as he hugged Bowser. Then Bowser stopped abruptedly and slammed him on the ground.
"I'LL KILL YOU!!!!" A claw was pointed to Waluigi's face. Suddenly they heard footsteps coming near.

Mario and Luigi walked in and saw what was going on. Wario close behind them. Bowser Stopped and looked at them all. He charged and knocked over the newcomers over like bowling pins. Wario got up and did a punch like a hammer on the top of Mario's head. Luigi was trying to wrestle Bowser to the ground but was easily thrown to the side of the wall. Wario turned to Waluigi and cracked his knuckles. Wario stared to run for him but Mario tripped Wario and stomped on the back of Wario's head. Luigi punched Bowser in the head and Bowser felt a flurry of fists as soon as his shell touched the ground. Wario came to tackle Mario, but Mario did sort of a leapfrog move over him so he instead knocked Luigi and Bowser through the wall. The three fell into a clearing.
Mario turned his head and saw Waluigi turning the corner. Mario Ignored His brother, Wario, and Bowser and chased after Waluigi. He ran into a sort of a village as Mario dived on Waluigi and grabbed his hed. Waluigi fell backward on the dirt. Mario started punching him in the face when he was kicked off into a nearby cottage.
Mario came out running when the little devil creatures came out. One of them tossed a hammer at Mario which hit him in the back of the head. Mario fell on the ground. A lot of those creatures came out and started surrounding him. Mario then was dragged away. Waluigi made his run for it when he got hit by a bird that looked like a parrot carrying a bow and arrow with the arrow on fire. It shot an arrow at Waluigi then the little devils came for Waluigi too.
Wario, Luigi, and Bowser were still in their little brawl when the little dogs came out of the trees. One of them grabbed Luigi by the pant leg and Luigi kicked it with the other. Then these little gecko's with monkey tails and bat wings came from the trees and began blowing fire at them. Bowser blew fire back but he was punched out by a sucker punch by Wario. Then Wario was attacked by the little creatures and dragged off with the people he was fighting with.
Food or Mr. Koopa? I'll have Mr. Koopa
