« on: August 05, 2013, 08:10:23 AM »
BP: Don't post a link or anything.
Weegee: No Facebook, YouTube, or Netflix. There are Chinese counterparts to all three, but, come on, right? Just to set the record straight, daily life is probably the same as in an American city (I think, I've never lived in a city this large in America). There are small differences, but nothing huge (aside from language and ethnic demographics). At any given time, I'm being stared at by someone, not in an antagonistic way, but in a "that guy looks different" kind of way. Chinese girls have a thing for white guys; they've been brainwashed to believe they're the most handsome type of human being possible. People sneak pictures of me regularly, and openly photograph me near tourist attractions (just today a female student tried to take my picture during class). When this happens I start taking pictures with as many people as I can; it's a lot of fun.
Koopaslaya: Thanks, how are you?