« on: August 30, 2000, 10:22:51 PM »
I WISH that Nintendo would make N64 games playable on Game Cube. I already have like 9 systems, and I feel the Game Cube will be "just another system". I'll be suckered into buying it for a few good games, and then that'll be number 10 to my collection. I don't wanna get rid of me old systems but wanna get the new ones. And then you just have too many to store. But if Nintendo made it backwards copatible with N64 I'd ditch my N64 and by a Game Cube without thinking twice. But because of this little system problem I have no Game Cube for me.
Lets see what systems I have
Nintendo-My alltime fav
SNES-Like the Final Fantasies alot
N64-Mario Kart 64,Crusin Zelda
Sega Genesis-Sonics
Playstation-Castlevania,Mega Man,Tomb Raider,Crash
Atari 2600-Classics
Gameboy-Old games,pac-man
Gameboy color-lots ofgames