
Author Topic: Nintendo to Give Away 'Zelda' with GameCube  (Read 3299 times)


  • Old Person™
« on: April 12, 2003, 09:29:35 PM »
I read this on Yahoo! News.

Technology - Reuters

Nintendo to Give Away 'Zelda' with GameCube
Fri Apr 11, 6:20 PM ET  Add Technology - Reuters to My Yahoo!

By Ben Berkowitz

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Struggling Japanese games company Nintendo (news - web sites) Co. Ltd.(7974.OS), having fallen well short of its sales goals for the GameCube video game console, said on Friday it will give away one of its most important games for free with the purchase of the hardware.

Nintendo, which has been offering a free game from a small selection with the purchase of the $149.95 GameCube for a few months, said it will add "The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker" to the giveaway pool as of May 4 and continuing through July.

"Zelda" will replace "Resident Evil Zero" in the giveaway offer, which some retailers have supplemented with a second free game on their own.

Nintendo had been counting on "Zelda," the latest title in one of gaming's most successful and storied franchises, to boost the GameCube's fortunes after a disappointing holiday season.

"They just need to find ways to get more traction," RBC Capital Markets analyst Stewart Halpern told Reuters. "Apparently the title itself has not been enough to drive machine sales."

Earlier this week, Nintendo said it had shipped 5.6 million GameCubes worldwide in the fiscal year ended March 31, substantially shy of its goal of 10 million.

Nintendo was aggressive in promoting the new "Zelda" game before its launch, offering a free disc with versions of two classic "Zelda" games to people who pre-ordered the new title. The company claimed pre-sales of more than 600,000 copies of the game ahead of its late-March launch.

"They're really taking their best card and playing it," Halpern said.

As a further enticement, Nintendo also said on Friday it will include a demo disc, with playable samples of upcoming games, as part of the promotion.

Nintendo officials said earlier this week they would not cut the price of the GameCube unless their competitors lowered their prices. Sony Corp (news - web sites).'s(6758.T) dominant PlayStation 2 (news - web sites) and Microsoft Corp.'s(Nasdaq:MSFT - news) Xbox (news - web sites) both retail for $199.

After dominating the international video game market from the early 1980s to the mid-1990s, Nintendo has been eclipsed by Sony and Microsoft in the global console market.


Super Mario 128:

"I believe that with this game you''ll be able to feel the "newness" that was missing from Mario Sunshine."

- Shigeru Miyamoto
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."

« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2003, 03:46:50 PM »
Struggling!?? Those media peeps...

Has Nintendo gone mad!?Giving away zelda free?!Well its only for a short time so thats ok....

Do you know when we die,we''ll be boos too?
Find your inner monkey.


  • Old Person™
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2003, 04:55:50 PM »
I don't think they are struggling, but I much as I like Nintendo I think they made some mistakes.

They should of had DVD support.  I know people who bought a PSII because it could not only play games, but also play DVD's and CD's.

They should have brought it to market sooner and offered Mario Sunshine with it.

Now it appears they are looking at the future more and planing on releasing their next system with new games way before Sony or Microsofts next system.

Having said that, I think there GameCube sales will increase when they release Super Mario 128 and the GBA player.  But, I could be wrong, SMS didn't boost their sales much.  Maybe what they need is more adult content games like Vice City, BMX XXX, etc.

As long as they continue to have Mario and Zelda games I will support them.


Super Mario 128:

"I believe that with this game you''ll be able to feel the "newness" that was missing from Mario Sunshine."

- Shigeru Miyamoto
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2003, 08:37:16 PM »
Actually, BMX XXX came out on NGC. I think.

Seriously, Nintendo made 3 HUGE --COSMETIC(!)-- mistakes. All three could have easily been changed:

And all three were immediately picked up by the Shallowville High School class of '05.

1: The inital color of the NGC is purple. Of course, purple is the supposed "gay rights" color. My classmated linked owning a NGC to being gay somehow.

2: The NCG has a handle. And since it is not even 3 pounds (1.4 kg), my classmates saw it as a system for weak people and 5 year olds that can't lift 3 pounds somehow.

3. The name of Super Mario Sunshine.

Actual quote from a classmate:

Why the hell would anyone buy a GameCube? It's major title has the word "sunshine" in it! I mean, you HAVE to be a total [beep] to even buy a GameCube! Sunshine... how gay.

Of course, I omitted the several "like" fillers to make the quote more readable.

Thus, Nintendo could seriously have sold AT LEAST a million more consoles with those three cosmetic changes.

I mean, we live in a shallow world. (see Are You Hot?, ABC) Nintendo must cater to the shallow gamer.

Congratulations! You have just been blessed by the wisdom of Steve.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2003, 08:57:51 PM »
"They should of had DVD support. I know people who bought a PS2 because it could not only play games, but also play DVD's and CD's."
NO! That is exactly what I don't want.

"Maybe what they need is more adult content games like Vice City, BMX XXX, etc."
Even though BMX XXX was released on GameCube, I am one of the people that dislikes such "mature" games. I view them as more immature.

Sunshine. I like the title, especially since such idiots (like the one you quoted, Steve,) don't like it. Heh.
Geez, the game's about the sun, for Pete's sake.

As much as I disagree, I think you're absolutely right, Steve. It's so sad.

But I was just thinking, what's the point of Nintendo selling more than PS2 and Xbox if they have the same crap that those systems do?

You can be silent and let the world think you are a fool, or you can open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Edited by - Chupperson Weird on 4/14/2003 10:53:30 PM
That was a joke.


  • Old Person™
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2003, 09:07:00 PM »
I agree, Nintendo has always been about the games so DVD would just be destraction.  But, many people don't see it that way.


Super Mario 128:

"I believe that with this game you''ll be able to feel the "newness" that was missing from Mario Sunshine."

- Shigeru Miyamoto
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."

« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2003, 01:27:58 AM »
Talking about DVD's,my cousin did this really stupid thing....

He bought an XBox for his birthday right?6 months later he bought a DVD player!!!
Mistake?He bought a DVD player! What a waste of money!!!!

Do you know when we die,we''ll be boos too?
Find your inner monkey.


  • Self-evictor
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2003, 12:37:05 PM »
I don't have time to post these days. But ya know what? I'm posting anyway to proclaim that this is the most sensical, accurate statement I've seen anyone make since this console war began. It is how I have always felt about the situation, but I've never screwed up the courage and/or wit to say it. Read the quote below. Think about it. Realize that it's right and that all contradicting statements are wrong. Do it now.

"But I was just thinking, what's the point of Nintendo selling more than PS2 and Xbox if they have the same crap that those systems do?"

There is no point. It would mean defeat of the worst kind.

I posted in BORED!! With a pinch of salt.

Edited by - Watoad on 4/15/2003 6:48:10 AM
The weaker you are, the stronger you can become.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2003, 11:55:02 PM »
Thank you, Watoad.

This appears to be the only issue I feel strongly enough about to use the word "crap" in a sentence. Hmm.

You can be silent and let the world think you are a fool, or you can open your mouth and remove all doubt.
That was a joke.


  • Self-evictor
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2003, 07:49:14 AM »
Notice that I don't use the word, either. That probably factors into the "I've never screwed up the courage" thing I was talking about.

Oh, and you're welcome. If we agree on this, I don't care how much we disagree about Microsoft.

I posted in BORED!! With a pinch of salt.
The weaker you are, the stronger you can become.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2003, 12:28:52 AM »
*supresses halfway-amused grin*

You can be silent and let the world think you are a fool, or you can open your mouth and remove all doubt.
That was a joke.


  • Self-evictor
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2003, 09:25:29 PM »
*thinks . . . is unable to figure out what Chupperson's grin might mean . . . hopes he didn't contradict himself somewhere*

I posted in BORED!! With a pinch of salt.
The weaker you are, the stronger you can become.


  • Inquiring
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2003, 09:46:24 PM »
CW, I completely agree with everything you said in your first post here.

Sigh... will this system war never end? I'm lazy, so I'm simply going to copy/paste what I said on a similar topic (PS3 will fail):

***This is exactly why I don't like Playstation. Never have. I mean, my brother bought a PS2 two summers ago, and he and I STILL argue to this day over which system's better.

"But it can play CDs AND DVDs!"
What a bunch of extra crud. Most people already HAVE CD players, and besides would rather play them on THE CD PLAYER!

And DVDs? Yeah, sure, that's all well and good, but I've heard more stories of people's PS2s burning out from using it too much as a DVD player. If you want to play DVDs, get a DVD PLAYER!! Then you don't have to worry about it! (We got one, even though he has a PS2.)

It's a game system. Who cares what fancy extra junk it has on it? If you want a game system, you should want it for its main purpose: GAMES!

Simple point: Gamecube has better quality in sound, graphics, load time, etc, simply because the developers put their efforts into quality, not quantity. It also has the most variety of games, appealing to more people. Soon the other systems will fail for not being as wise.***

***I do, however, admit that XBox has faster loading times, but honestly, does 3/5ths of a second really matter? Gamecube's fast enough that no one really cares it's *slightly* slower than the Xbox.

When I say GCN has more variety of games, appealing to more people, I mean in terms of whom the system focuses on. PS2 and XBox focus mainly on games which appeal to teenagers and young adults with more "mature" themes. Look and you'll see most are rated T-M.
Nintendo, on the other hand, has games like these (i.e. Resident Evil), but also has games that everyone can enjoy (e.g. Mario, Zelda), no matter what their age. Games rated E-M have a LOT wider range than just T-M, showing that Nintendo can appeal to any generation, and therefore has a larger audience.

People go on and on comparing GCN and XBox's sound and graphics, and basically it boils down to opinion. But let's just say, hypothetically, the two are EQUAL in these areas.
I simply do not support XBox because of its owner. That's right: Microsoft. It's bad enough that Bill Gates dominates the entire computer software industry (which I do support the software, but that's a different topic), and he has BILLIONS of dollars, but now he just wants power.
He wants to dominate the VG industry, too. This alone poses a threat to Nintendo, which has spent over 20 years bringing games to us, and we can't let him do that. Look what he did to Apple/Macs--he based his ideas off of someone elses and then manipulated computer hardware companies to support his. Nintendo's worked too hard for that to happen, and we owe them for our enjoyment the past 20+ years.

So while, hypothetically, GCN and XBox may be "equals", I simply do not support Microsoft because of the motives behind it.***

If things don''t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."
