
Author Topic: boredom killed black yoshi again  (Read 2835 times)

« on: April 23, 2002, 10:56:03 AM »
black yoshi:AS you saw the last part of boredom strucked its victom you saw i won the dying contest and i won another horroble script and its about fungi forums and the holy shroom
mamamia mario:ummm idont know about this WAIT YOU COPYED ME
black yoshi: actually the anouncer told me to do this
anouncer:*faints and dies*
black yoshi: if you ever get bored this ones new

« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2002, 02:20:51 PM »
episode two, the sequel!

cable: just a quiet evening alone to watch...
mamma mia: what are we watchin'?
cable: what are YOU doing here?
mamma mia: i had to get my teeth cleaned
*someone flies in on a orange yoshi*
roshan: cable, mamma mia, we need your help. it turns out there was a second monster.  he's terrorizing washington dc!
cable: but i gotta watch...
roshan: COME ON! the others are asembled
*drive in cable's really cool awesome tubular radical bodacious far out groovy car*
*black yoshi dies...1*
*they drive in cable's really cool awesome tubular radical bodacious far out groovy car to the secret location where the league of boarders first came together*
00boo: what's the mission?
cable: *to himself* but i still want to see..
roshan: the mission is a simple one...

who wants to buy a skunkle?
Y8FooD...well, you did

« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2002, 04:22:25 PM »
Hey! The sequel is BoredMKII GT!! Go there! Go there 00Boo! Go there Cable04! Mowst impportant Go there Roshan! and Steve can go there to I guess......^_^

Sign my Petition!

ReturnRoshan: What Petition?

MamaMia Mario: Hmmmm,that''s right I should start a petition before asking people to sign it! I knew I forgot something!
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2002, 07:27:50 PM »
im sorry i didnt look in story bourds

« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2002, 02:14:54 PM »
adding to the story now
roshan: our mission is know what..i'm outta here until we get a real plot
cable: what?!
mamma mia: but you're important!
00boo: yeah!
cable: is it really just the four of us losers who add on to this?
black yoshi: i'm in it to die! *falls off chair and cracks his skull on the table..dies*<2>
computer: there is an emergency in washington dc!  a super monster is destroying anything that gets in his way! you have to go!

*they go*
monster: me am brozer to other monster youz defeated...ME WILL KILL YOU!!
*kills black yoshi*<3>
cable:*fires many different guns at the monster* this one's even tougher than the last!
mamma mia:mamma mia!
00boo:let's nuke 'im!
duke nukem: did someone call?
monster:*kills duke nukem* me am going to kill youz all!

we'll be right back after a word from our sponsor!
roshan: NO! i'm not going to advertise this stupid story until it gets a real plot! why?! i don't know why! the other one didn't have a plot either, but i don't like this one!

and now back to the show!

who wants to buy a skunkle?
Y8FooD...well, you did

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2002, 06:56:47 PM »
Roshan: Well, fighting a giant monster qualifies as a plot; Here I come!!!
*Roshan and Roy fly in to Washington D.C. Well, actually, Roy did all the flying. Roshan just sat there on Roy's back and played Advance Wars.*
Roshan: Crap!
All: What?
Roshan: HE TOOK OUT MY MD TANK!!!! That B@st@rd!
Roy: *sees the giant monster* (Roshan, I think we have more important things to worry about...)
Roshan: But HOW do you expect me to win withou..... *sees the monster* Wow.
*The monster picks up and eats the carcass of the old monster who was STILL impaled on the Washington monument.*
Roshan: Wow. . . . *turns his shoes to "Drill"* Let's go!
Roy: (Roshan, I don't think those will help you much....)
Roshan: So??? I like these shoes!
Cable: well i don't think they'll help you either
Roshan: Wanna bet???? *evil grin* Meh, you all are right.... I gotta get my "secret weapon" heh heh heh *goes to get the "secret weapon"*

What is Roshan's "Secret weapon?" and will it destroy the monster?

*My real signature went on strike, said something about "unfair working conditions". So, this is a temporary replacement sig, until I can work things out with the real sig.

« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2002, 02:27:14 PM »
i couldn't help noticing that you made me speak in all lower case....and if you're wondering why i do, it's because in real life i write in all uppercase letters
since that is considered yelling here, i thought i would just not capitalize anything <unless i emphasize something or yell>

*roshan returns*
cable: alright, mr. drill shoes, how is a toaster classify as a secret weapon?
roshan: well, no one knew about it, so it's secret
cable: oh
black yoshi: *to himself* i hope this wins the stupid award for week 5
roshan: see, we just put the bread in, turn the toaster on 'super-insane-why-the-heck-does-your-toaster-need-to-be-up-this-high?' setting, put in some plutonium, and pull down the lever!
cable: how long does it take to shoot the fraggin' toast?

will the toaster work?
will anyone else reply?
will black yoshi get his wish?
find out next time on...
this show!

who wants to buy a skunkle?
Y8FooD...well, you did
