
Author Topic: Captain N: episode 7-  (Read 1672 times)

« on: July 30, 2002, 12:42:27 PM »
Sonic and captain N, ran through the green hill zone, as fast as captain N could run. sonic had to stop frequently. "Some ally." muttered sonic. "He's about as slow as a turtle." Captain N was thinking similar thoughts. "This guy's fast. He could use a lesson in manners, though. Why doesn't he wait?!" Finally they arrived at shack. "What are we doing here?" Asked captain N. "Keep yer shirt on, pal."said sonic. "And I'll show you." He put his eye up next to a whole in the shack. the door made an electronic beeping noise and the door was open.

If it cannot break out of it's shell, the chick will die without being born. We are the chicken. The world is our egg. Smash the world shell! For the revolution of the world!-the student council, "Utena Revolutionary Girl"
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."
