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Messages - Turtlekid1

Pages: 1 ... 471 472 473 474 475 [476] 477 478 479
Video Game Chat / Re: Super Smash Bros Brawl Lost Tracks?
« on: April 17, 2008, 11:59:27 AM »
A longer one (but still nice) might be Koopa's Road.

Dang, I miss SM64...  my N64 got destroyed, then I lost my copy of SM64 DS (I still have no idea where it went)...  I've been forced to listen to the soundtrack and play through the levels in my head.

Video Game Chat / Re: Brawl's Ups and Downs
« on: April 17, 2008, 11:56:37 AM »
Ups: NICE character selection, I still haven't tried some characters; return of the Hyrule Temple; SSE makes unlocking characters easy so I can get on with the game.

Downs: The entire game was slowed down, I miss the fast and frenzied pace of Melee; 3 words: NEW. PORK. CITY.

Video Game Chat / Re: Super Smash Bros Brawl Lost Tracks?
« on: April 17, 2008, 11:21:22 AM »
The mini-boss theme from Super Mario 64 would've made a nice track... or is it in Brawl, and I just haven't unlocked it?

Mario Chat / Re: Should Mario...
« on: April 17, 2008, 11:18:00 AM »
Then how did she grow up from a little girl?...

Forum Games / Re: Movesets
« on: April 17, 2008, 11:11:05 AM »
I don't think suing solves anything.

Except in this situation, of course. >:D

Nice character idea btw, it sums up Junior's character nicely. It's the first time I've seen a moveset based primarily off NSMB and SMG, which is an interesting change from the onslaught of Sunshine Juniors.

Not so interesting if you consider I've never played Sunshine  :P



Shadow isn't as fast as Sonic, but he's definitely no slowpoke, and his Chaos abilities make him a good option for strategic attacking.  He's somewhat heavier than Sonic (mostly due to his rocket boots), but his recovery ability is slightly above average, as is his defense; don't look for brute strength in Shadow, but don't immediately disregard him as a threat, either.

Teleports in using Chaos Control.

Normal (Dark).
Red-His gloves and boots turn red.
Blue-Same as red, but they turn blue.
Light-His fur/skin is an overall lighter hue.

1. Beat Boss Battles on Intense difficulty with Sonic.
2. 750 vs. matches.

A Moves
A (Rapid): Punches rapidly.  2-3% damage per punch.
Side-A: Performs a Spin-Kick.  7-9% damage.
Up-A: Performs an Uppercut.  10-13% damage.
Down-A: Performs a leg-sweep.  7-10% damage.

Smash Attacks
Up-smash: Same as Sonic's.  Variable damage, maximum=20%.
Side-Smash: Punches with all his might.  16-18% damage.
Down Smash: Hits the ground, causing a mini-shock wave.  13-15% damage.   

Midair attacks
Normal: Punches.  8-9% damage.
Side: [METEOR SMASH] Performs a two-handed smash.  15-17% damage+meteor effect
Down: Same as Sonic's.  13-15% damage.
Up: Performs a back flip kick.  10-12% damage.

B Moves
Normal: Chaos Blast--Hold B to charge up a large burst of energy affecting Shadow's immediate surroundings.  1-40% damage, depending on charge time.

Side: Chaos Spear--Fires 1-3 (randomly) energy blasts that ricochet off surfaces up to three times.  The spears gain speed and lose attack power with every reflection.     
15%, 10%, or 5% depending on number of ricochets.

Up: Chaos Control--Teleports a medium distance in the direction held (note--Shadow can't teleport far without Chaos Emeralds).  no damage.

Down: Same as Sonic's.  Variable damage, minimum=8%

Up--Crosses his arms saying, "Come on, stop playing around!"
Side--Points at the opponent menacingly, saying, "Don't cross me."
Down--Pulls out the Shadow Rifle and strikes a cool pose (why doesn't he use it?).

Win Poses
1. Looks up into the sky saying,"For Maria..."
2. Smirks saying, "Oh, I'm sorry, did that hurt?"

Final Smash
Super Shadow: Strength, speed, and jumping ability are all doubled (Chaos Blast will do a whopping 80% damage!); he can't fly, but he is invulnerable and can still stay airborne for quite a while.

Snake's Codec:

Snake: "Colonel, who is this guy?  He looks like Sonic!"
Otacon: "That's Shadow the Hedgehog, Snake.  He's a genetic experiment, created to be the 'Ultimate Life Form.'
Snake: "'Ultimate Life Form!?'  How is a hedgehog the ultimate anything?"
Otacon: "Don't take Shadow for granted, Snake.  He can use powerful energy-based moves like 'Chaos Blast, Chaos Control, and Chaos Spear'.
Snake: "Those moves wouldn't have anything to do with those Chaos Emeralds that Sonic uses, would they?"
Otacon: "Yes, now that you mention it.  His strength, speed, and Chaos abilities are are doubled if he collects the Chaos Emeralds."
Snake: "Well then, I'll have to make sure he doesn't get the Emeralds, won't I?"
-End Transmission-

General Chat / Re: Your favorite unhealthy fast food places
« on: April 17, 2008, 10:32:09 AM »
It looks rather intimidating... so much for "eating fresh," eh?  ;)

Game Blog / Re: Super Mario Land "Explosively Awful"
« on: April 17, 2008, 10:29:36 AM »
While Super Mario Land definitely pushed my patience to its limits with some of the harder bits, I would never say it was explosively awful...

Game Blog / Re: Rumor: Paper Mario DS Coming in July
« on: April 17, 2008, 10:25:53 AM »
Possibly cool but probably (EDIT: now definitely) fake was what I thought after reading about it.

Game Blog / Re: Handy Brawl Pixel To Polygon Chart
« on: April 17, 2008, 10:23:35 AM »
They need to leave out the Paper Mario characters... it just seems like an unnatural break-off from 3-D

Game Help / Re: Boss Rush on Intense
« on: April 17, 2008, 10:18:27 AM »
I don't think I could ever beat it on Intense... I had trouble completing SSE on just Hard mode.

Game Help / Re: Pokemon Diamond/Pearl
« on: April 17, 2008, 10:15:53 AM »
I used to have a Smeargle in my party until I realized how crappy its stats were.  Now my party consists of:


in no particular order, all lvl. 100

the only real problem Pokemon to get are event Pokemon and the Johto starters (and possibly the roamers)...

Game Help / Re: SMG: Luigi's Purple Coins
« on: April 17, 2008, 09:50:50 AM »
I'm terrible at novel control methods, so I sucked at any movement controls using the remote   :(

Video Game Chat / Re: CD Factories, do you use them?
« on: April 17, 2008, 09:48:54 AM »
I still haven't tried it... been busy with Galaxy  :)

Video Game Chat / Re: Which Smash Bros Announcer Is Your Favorite?
« on: April 17, 2008, 09:47:57 AM »
I'm not sure... I'll have to play it later and find out...

I would assume the latter reason...  but it raises the question...  if he could fight in the first place, why didn't he resist Tabuu/henchmen?

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