
Author Topic: back to brooklyn  (Read 2125 times)

« on: January 21, 2002, 07:09:00 PM »
Mario and Luigi bounded out of seperate warp pipes and onto the beach of DK country!
Luigi: a vacation from all the princess rescuing!
They walked in to the woods until they came to a small shack.
Luigi: uh... it looks different on the map.
he pulled out a brochure with a luxurious house on the cover.
Mario: Who cares? It's a place to stay, ain't it?
Luigi:Yeah, I guess.
The Mario Brothers unpacked and made themselves at home. little did they know that just outside, something shook the trees.
Meanwhile, Bowser bounded from his koopa kopter.
Bowser: Finally, a vacation from all that princess capturing.
he pulled from his shell, a map to his hotel. as he followed the map(which he incidently, had upside down), he located what appeared to be a small shack instead of a grand hotel. but he decided that as long as he could get a break, he could put up with it. he tried to turn the knob but the door was locked. he went around to the window and tried to climb in. Then, he noticed that two people were inside sleeping.
Bowser: The mario Brothers! Haha! What luck.
just then he heard a noise. he hid around the corner of the shack. Several large apes crept silently past the shack. bowser became suspicious and followed them ever-so-quietly.
they came to a fire and a large grey ape standing in front of it. the apes stared into the fire as the old one began to hoot and holler and make many unusual noises. The smoke gew thick and began to change colors soon a portal had opened up. the apes cheered as a particularly large ape and a smaller one in a tank top lead the others through.
Back in the cabin, Mario stretched his arms out.
Mario: Luigi! wake up!
Luigi: huh? It's the middle of the night! What do you want?
Mario: I heard something.
To be continued.
this is an alone topic.

Junkian: By George kimo sabies! your smashed up freind soon be like new with ninety day warranty!
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2002, 05:20:18 PM »
Now to continue...
Luigi was annoyed. His brother fought koopas, saved princesses, and tamed dragons, and yet a bump in the night frightened him. he got up and got a fire flower out of the drawer for light. he looked under the bed.
Luigi: nothing here.
he then opened the closet.
Luigi: And nothing he-!
there, in the closet, was a gorilla wearing a pair of mario's overralls. He jumped up and down, and ran out out the door. Mario had a smug look on his face.
Luigi: Not a word!
they got dressed and followed the gorrila outside.
Mario: come back here with my overralls!
they entered a clearing and saw a big fire. Then, a portal opened!
Mario and Luigi: woa!
they approached carefully, not knowing what was on the other side. all of a sudden, they were sucked into it.
As the brothers awoke, the slowly realized that the place they were in was familiar. no. it was more than familiar. It was... Brooklyn.
Mario: Mama Mia! Luigi, look where we are!
Luigi: My goodness! we're- we're-Home!
Mario: No More princess rescuing!
Luigi: No more koopa stomping!
Mario: No more mushrooms on my pizza!
Luigi: No more-
Mario and luigi turned around to see the monkey that had stolen his overralls!
Mario: let's get 'im!

Junkian: By George kimo sabies! your smashed up freind soon be like new with ninety day warranty!
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2002, 10:38:59 PM »
Okay. I need to clarify something. The large ape and small one wearing a tank top are the original DK and DK jr. NOT DK and Diddy.

Mario and luigi chased Him all over town. Luigi and Mario split up to find him.
Luigi: He's not here. I hope mario's having better luck than I am.
Just then luigi caught sight of something so heavenly that all thoughts of chasing the monkey left him. There, was the The Belini & Son Pizza parlor.
Luigi: Yeee-Ha! At last, a place where one can find something remotely edible!
He went in and Gorged himself.
Meanwhile Mario was chasing down the gorrilas and causing quite a commotion. He tried desperately tokeep up with him on the crowded street but couldn't find him.
Mario: s'cuse me, pardon me.*gasp*
Mario had also found something that took his mind off the monkey.
Lady: Hey! watch where yer goin' mistah!
then she looked at mario and instantly recognized him. It was Pauline!
They were both speechless until Mario broke the silence.
Mario: Ahem. It's been a long time.
Pauline: yeh...
Ten a look came over her as if she had just discovered something. She slapped mario.
Mario: Oww.
Pauline: Mario Mario, you pig! You walked out on me twenty years ago! And didn't even bother ta say goodbye!
Mario: I can Explain...
Pauline: all right. explain.
Mario: well: theres too much to explain. lemme sum up.
to be continued...

Junkian: By George kimo sabies! your smashed up freind soon be like new with ninety day warranty!
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2002, 05:01:25 PM »
aggh! it happened again. I had so much of it! I was typing and it just disapeared!
I really don't feel like rewriting the whole thing so I'll give you the short version.
Mario explaines the whole MK thing and Pauline doesn't believe it. Mario Shows her a mushroom from the MK and she faints when he grows. he drops her off at her apartment and leaves a note. meanwhile Luigi is eating when he realzes that he should be trying to find the kong. he goes and looks for him when he sees the portal at a construction site. through the portal comes several kongs and Bowser himself. Luigi is worried and goes to find mario. pauline wakes up her apartment and thinks it was a dream. she finds the note and hates herself for not believing mario. Mario sits in a bar and the bartender tells him to leave. he goes and bumps into luigi who tells him about bowser and the portal.
to be continued.
sorry about that but I coulcn't possibly type it back up.

Junkian: By George kimo sabies! your smashed up freind soon be like new with ninety day warranty!
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2002, 05:50:08 PM »
I apolagize again, for that last post, and for my horrible spelling.
Mario:Bowser! that no good, egg sucking, son of a snake! He's not happy just terrorizing the mushroom world, oh no! He feels like he needs to bother our world too!
LUigi:Man! think about it! He was hard enough to handle in the Mushroom Kingdom, where technology is almost nonexistant, but now he's in a place where we can't live without technology. If he figures out how this stuff works...
Mario:Then we could be in really big trouble!
They rushed to the construction site and sure enough, bowser was terrorizing the workers.
Bowser:ROOOOOAAAAAARRRR!*cough cough* man that felt good! all right you miserable slugs. form a line! About face! hey, this is fun. Um... touch your toes!HAHA!
Mario: Hey! Shellhead! Think fast!
Mario threw a large brick at bowser, smacking him hard upside the face. he turned to discover the two people he least expected.
Bowser: Marios!
He inhaled deeply and breathed a burst of fire! Mario charged and delivered a quick hit to the gut! bowser thrashed and swiped at mario until finally he got him on the face. He grabbed mario and began headbutting him repeatedly. Then bowser noticed a tugging feeling on his tale. he stopped headbutting Mario and turned his head. Luigi had gotten hold of him!
Bowser: I hate my life.
He dropped Mario, and luigi swung him in circles and threw him in the direction of a big steel girder. Bowser was furious! he began fighting relentlessly! while they were fighting, Mario heard the faint cry for help of a woman! He looked up to the top of the unfinished building to see a very big ape climbing to the top story. and in his arm he held...
Mario: Pauline!
The monkey reached the top. Mario grew infuriated. he reached for the nearest weapon at hand, and came upon a sledge hammer!
Mario: ahhh! the smell of nostalgia!
he began trying to climb the girders. he ran along the beams of the second story! then he noticed something rolling toward him. it was a barrel. Mario had done this before. He angrily swung his hammer at the barrel, which fell apart. he then progressed to the next story untill he reached Pauline. He untied Pauline.
Pauline: Mario! How'd ya know where to find me?
He pointed to the ground, where bowser and Luigi were fighting.
Pauline: Mario! Look out!
Mario turned and saw that the ape was behind him. they began to fight.
DK:Little man! you sent DK back to Jungle! DK Mad!
Mario: I remember you! you're that punk that kidnapped Pauline 20 years ago. you opened that portal didn't you? You stupid monkey! you let one of the most the most evil tyrants in the universe into this world! you-
Dk grabbed Mario by the throat.
DK: Me no monkey. Me KONG!
just then the building began to shake. DK fell and grabbed the beam.
DK: Little man! Help DK!
While this was going on, LUigi continued to fight bowser.
Luigi: I may not be as strong as mario but I can still take you, Horn head!
Bowser: you're nothing compared to me! If I had my way, you'd be exiled from the MK forever! why I was just saying the other day 'if I had-
While bowser was saying this luigi had grabbed his tale and flung him into the side of the building, causing it to rattle.
Back on the top story, mario and co. were feeling the effects of the fight below. Mario had helped Donkey Kong up.
DK: DK grateful! You official Kong. DK owe little man favor.
Mario: Start by stopping bowser from hitting the building!
Pauline: and then, get us down from here!
Dk obeyed orders and climbed down to the ground. he grabbed Luigi and set him down beside him. he then proceeded to beat the living snot out of bowser. when he had been thoroughly beaten to a pulp. DK climbed up and got them down.
Mario: That should take care of them!
Then a look of sadness came over him.
Pauline: mario what's wrong?
Mario: I have to go back.
Pauline: what!? you can't go back!
Luigi: he's right the MK isn't safe without us to help. we have to protect it.
Pauline kissed mario and everyone said there goodbyes. then, Mario, Luigi, and the Kongs. all went through the portal. then, Mario reached out and dragged bowser through. the portal closed up.

Junkian: By George kimo sabies! your smashed up freind soon be like new with ninety day warranty!
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.
