
Author Topic: Staff caricatures contest  (Read 53062 times)


  • Inquiring
« Reply #30 on: July 03, 2008, 07:25:18 PM »
Awesome contest idea!

Imageshack? Photobucket? Don't those turn everything into JPGs? *Shudder* Upload them as attachments if you must, or just email them.

Some tips/tidbits about me:
~My hair looks darker in those pictures than it actually is.
~My eyes are blue--possibly with a hint of green, but overall they're blue.
~I no longer sport the headband look. If you'd still like me to have a hair accessory, go with a bobby pin/barrette on the left side (your right) of my part line. That's up to you, though. ;P
~I always wear a necklace. And earrings, but my hair might cover them.
~Keep my top in some shade of blue or purple.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."


  • Steamed
« Reply #31 on: July 03, 2008, 07:43:05 PM »
I might as well make a request, then: put me in a polo shirt. I've got somewhere around eight of them.

« Reply #32 on: July 03, 2008, 08:03:45 PM »
I just wish didn't rape jpegs quality so much.

I've been using it for a year and I have no idea what you mean.

I might do some. Might be really bad though...

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #33 on: July 03, 2008, 08:45:15 PM »
Some tips/tidbits about me:
~I generally resemble a human
~I more or less have two eyes, a nose, and a mouth
~I like cool stuff
That was a joke.


  • Old Person™
« Reply #34 on: July 03, 2008, 08:58:21 PM »
I couldn't find any new good digital pictures so the old bad video will have to do.  (Disregard the Red Steel stuff in the video.  I made it for a contest.)  Make the caricature however you want, but to let you know I usually wear a black, gray, or brown Nintendo (NES controller), Mario (Poison Mushroom), or The Simpsons (Hit & Run) hat and the glasses seen in the video when outside.  I also typically wear polo or t-shirts in black or bright colors like orange or yellow, but you are not restricted to any of these things.  Do whatever.  Want more ideas?  Search the forums for my favorite games, books, music, etc.  Or look at my Fungi Forums profile, my files, my blog with the "pages liked" and my tags on it.  Check out or my NeoGAF posts.  Take whatever you like.  It may be a caricature of me, but make it your own.  I'm not afraid of a little creative license.  Heck, make several versions of me.  I don't care.  It may be a TMK contest, but it's your art. 
« Last Edit: July 03, 2008, 09:09:58 PM by Luigison »
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."


  • 黒松
« Reply #35 on: July 03, 2008, 09:06:06 PM »
Sheesh, you act like everyone is taking this contest really seriously.


  • Old Person™
« Reply #36 on: July 03, 2008, 09:17:11 PM »
They should be.  It's a chance to have ones own artwork on the greatest Mario fan site and mailbags ever made.  Seriously.  I mean we're also giving away a ton of fabulous virtual prizes.  What better things could there be?  (Don't answer that.) 
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."


  • Trusts the fungus
« Reply #37 on: July 04, 2008, 07:07:58 AM »
Wait a sec... who gets to decide which "me" looks most like me?

(Returns to Wii Fit.)

I'm seriously considering entering my OWN batch of illustrations, now.
Let's do the Mario, all together now!

« Reply #38 on: July 04, 2008, 10:37:10 AM »
Imageshack! Thats the name. Thank you. Now I can make them.


  • Steamed
« Reply #39 on: July 04, 2008, 12:56:03 PM »
Go ahead, David. I'm entering stuff, after all.

« Reply #40 on: July 04, 2008, 05:53:30 PM »
I've decided to not do it (again.). Simply because the idea I had in my mind was not possible.
And it's been awhile since David or Sapph posted. Hi.


  • 黒松
« Reply #41 on: July 04, 2008, 10:08:13 PM »
Just for the record, I'm not in this contest. The picture I drew was just some attempt which took far too long, and it isn't even a caricature.

« Reply #42 on: July 05, 2008, 07:42:58 PM »
I swear, until TMK has a news feed, I'm gonna miss important stuff like this. I'm all over this!! Artwork arriving in a couple days!!
Will attempt Mario-style artwork.
Webmaster - Nintendo Database


  • Old Person™
« Reply #43 on: July 05, 2008, 07:51:53 PM »
I added TMK to my iGoogle page a long time ago, but it's slow to update.  It's currently showing news from June 8th. 
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."

« Reply #44 on: July 05, 2008, 08:20:48 PM »
Preliminary sketches done. Looking good. Even managed to nab MegaByte's profile for this. But alas, alcohol and finishing artwork don't mix.
Webmaster - Nintendo Database
