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Messages - Watoad

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Actually, I already trust you enough simply because you helped to make a parody of my Meet Watoad movies, not to mention that you and I have met five of the same people in person. And I suppose that 12 bucks could be a good price for the game collection since I originally got it for free with an NP renewal. Right now it is sitting in my family's house an hour away, so let me get my hands on it again, and then I'll confirm both the item's condition/completeness and the price. Thanks!

General Chat / Re: Doom: The Movie
« on: October 21, 2005, 11:33:46 AM »
I seem to surprise people all of the time with my lack of pop culture knowledge and experience. Yesterday some people in my house were shocked out of there skin to hear that I've never seen Top Gun. (I believe one of them will have me watch it this weekend (which is fine because I'd like to see it).)

General Chat / Re: Doom: The Movie
« on: October 20, 2005, 09:41:12 PM »
Now I know his real name. Sweet. Thanks.

God helps me every day. But I'm not posting just to tell you that.

I have a mint copy of what you seek that I haven't used for many eons, and I'd be willing to hand it off to such a trusted member as you. Did you have any kind of an idea of what you'd like to pay? (I don't know what its value is, so this is an opportunity for you to take advantage of me in a trustworthy sort of way. :P )

Video Game Chat / Re: Game Music Discussion
« on: October 20, 2005, 08:35:04 PM »
It is now official: I'll be going to the initial Video Games Live concert next weekend. I wish I could take pictures for the rest of you like Mß did . . .

Latest News / Re: Revolution controller revealed!
« on: October 12, 2005, 10:17:58 PM »
May I ask who deleted my post?

Fan Creations / Re: MS Paint!
« on: October 10, 2005, 12:41:45 PM »

Fan Creations / Re: MS Paint!
« on: October 10, 2005, 01:21:37 AM »

General Chat / Re: Mario Bar
« on: October 05, 2005, 07:09:28 PM »
I attempted the bike ride to Nintendo today. Oh man.

The trail was beautiful and long. And it was long. And I mean loooooong. I started getting pretty tired when I had about eight miles left to the end of the trail in Redmond, but I kept thinking to myself that I'd be able to push toward the end. Two miles later that was looking less likely to happen, and each successive mile after that the goal slipped further and further out of my grasp. Eventually I found myself practically falling asleep on my bike while I was riding as my energy level signaled empty and my body tried to shut down. This was out in the countryside, more or less, so there wasn't easy access to food or water (and because of not wanting to mess with the trouble of carrying my backpack, I hadn't brought any with me). My goal had changed from Nintendo to food, but I still started wondering, "Oh man, am I going to make it?"

With about two and a quarter miles left, I came to an overpass for vehicles. (I'm talking about a very nice, paved bike trail that goes to great lengths to stay separated from vehicular traffic.) In half desperation I rode up onto the overpass and down into civilization. All I found, though, were office buildings. This was disappointing because I didn't know how much longer I could stay conscious without food. My despair, however, arose more from not wanting to establish a hopelessly irresponsible reputation for myself than from fear of fainting on the sidewalk.

After that I rode over to the other side of the overpass, hoping there might be some kind of food-serving establishment over there. And, at last, I found a shopping center that had two coffee places and maybe two or three other restaurants. The best-looking place there was Samurai Sam's Teriyaki, where I ate the best teriyaki chicken bowl I've ever had. I probably couldn't describe how good it was. As I turbo-gulped it down with a pair of chopsticks, I could feel myself returning to life again. Aside from the fact that it felt nice to be revitalized, I was also glad to receive some hope that I might be able to manage the ride back. Before leaving I intentionally went to Starbucks for high-fat dessert in hopes that it would give me enough calories to last until I returned to Seattle.

Although I felt largely revitalized, I did not want to travel any farther from home than I'd already come, so I didn't make the last little jaunt to Nintendo. My purpose in taking the trip was to see if it was manageable for me, anyway, and the answer to that was already clear. So back up the trail I sped, though often a bit slower than before because I had less stamina to work with. My motivation to keep riding, however, was at an all-time high, so I managed to ride the 20 or so miles back without incident.

If I were in better shape and had a better bike, then 40+ miles roundtrip might be feasible for commuting to and from work. Today that distance just wasted me, though. I got from it not only a lot of exercise but also a new experience, new insight into my limits, and sore muscles (starting no later than tomorrow morning, I'm sure).

Sorry, Ninty.

General Chat / Re: Mario Bar
« on: October 02, 2005, 10:52:31 PM »
I have something I want to say, but I don't feel like braving the chat room right now to announce it in there.

Last month MEGAߥTE told me about a job opportunity at Nintendo, which I considered applying for. Even though Redmond is close to Seattle, the bus rides between there and here appear to take about an hour—and I don't know if that's taking traffic into consideration, which is often heavy between the two cities. Mainly because of that, I had pretty much decided against it.

But I just learned that a bike trail that runs through my school goes all the way to a park in Redmond near Nintendo. So as soon as I can, I'm going to give the route a try. If it proves to be a good ride, then I'm thinking I might apply for the job after all.

Problem is, I know that training for it starts on the 10th, but I've no idea when the application deadline is (or was).

Mario Chat / Re: Nintendo DK or Rareware DK
« on: October 02, 2005, 08:59:21 PM »
Rare's: tie, voice, overall look and body shape, many or all of the added Kongs, rideable animals, enemies, worlds, music, and DK rap.

General Chat / Re: What do you like?
« on: September 29, 2005, 08:43:33 PM »
TEM, if you don't stop with that, then I'm going to start laughing harder than I already am.

But seriously, I voted for Mr. Bush myself (for only one reason).

More to the point, I will not attempt to list out things that I like, which apparently is the purpose of this topic. I'll just say that I like the people of these forums. And Lizard Dude's old sig. ;P

General Chat / Re: Evens VS. Odds
« on: September 29, 2005, 12:21:40 AM »
Other than finding your inaugural post or the e-mail with your password that you got when you first registered, no.

General Chat / Re: How Long Where You Here?
« on: September 29, 2005, 12:02:37 AM »
Chocobo, zootalo, Mario Maniac, and Lola Prue were here before Fifth, but I suppose that they've all flown the coop by now, too. :/

Luigison, I claim newbie status before you. ;P

General Chat / Re: Evens VS. Odds
« on: September 28, 2005, 09:20:44 PM »
Oh, I get the Mod bonus? I was filled with suspense about whether or not I'd get that until TEM flipped a coin and decided that I wouldn't. But, okay, I'll take it. ;)

Old total: 28 points

Fungi Forums Mod: 2 points

New total: 30 points

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