
Author Topic: new story  (Read 10778 times)


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« Reply #30 on: April 02, 2004, 12:18:20 AM »
AAAAAUUUGGHHHH!!!  I need to add to this!  I'll try to add to it tomorrow night, I swear!

''Are spirits delicious?''
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."


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« Reply #31 on: April 12, 2004, 09:18:01 PM »

Meanwhile, Mario had finally made it back to Bowser's castle.  He ducked through the front door, which, although Mario had seen it many times before, looked a lot different.  The front door was always this giant door to Mario, but as Bowser, it looked like a regular sized door.

Mario stood in the middle of the hall front hall, wondering which way he should go.  He decided to sneak to Bowser's office, which Mario of course knew the path to, since he had been to Bowser's castle many times before.  The only problem was that Bowser's office was at the end of the hallway that also had doors that led to Bowser's seven children's rooms.  He would have to sneak past their doors without making a noise.  In other words, Mario had to try the impossible.

Mario took a small step, as quiet as he could, but when his (or Bowser's, I guess) foot hit the ground, he could feel the vibrations from the stomp go all throughout the floor and walls.  He heard little kid's voices, and Mario let out a little gasp, which wasn't so little.  Suddenly, Iggy, Larry, Lemmy, Ludwig, Morton, Roy, and Wendy ran out of their rooms.  "Daddy!" they all yelled, and came running towards "Daddy".

"Uh, hi, kids," Mario managed to say, although seven small dragon koopas were climbing on his legs.  Mario lost his balance and fell over with an "oof!".

The koopalings were about to conquer "Bowser" Island, but luckily for Mario, Kamek came over and managed to get them all off of Mario, or as everyone thought, "Bowser".  Kamek sent them off to their rooms, muttering, "Go along, your father is busy today.  No, he can't play later.  Yes, Morton, this cape is flammable, don't get any ideas!"

When all the koopalings were gone, Kamek went over to Mario and said, "Sire, get up, you have eight new laws to either reject or decree today."

"WHAT?!" Mario exclaimed.  Mario hadn't expected to be doing anything important today, which became evident when he fainted, leaving Kamek to wake up the gargantuan reptile before him.

Edited by - Markio on 4/12/2004 8:20:00 PM

"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."


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« Reply #32 on: May 26, 2004, 10:28:53 PM »
Back in the Mushroom Kingdom, Mario and Luigi were still wrestling each other.  Bowser suddenly pulled himself free and ran and jumped on the dresser(he fell off, but got back on before Luigi could get him), and took a deep breath and started breathing hard out towards Luigi.  Luigi stared at him, wondering if Bowser had too many blows to the head.
"What are you doing?"
"What do you mean, I'm-- RRAARGHH!!!  I CAN'T EVEN BREATH FIRE!!?!"
Luigi started laughing at Bowser, which turned out to be a bad mistake.  Bowser started getting even madder, until he couldn't take it and tackled Luigi.  They rolled out the door and kept fighting outside.  A few Toads were walking by, and came to see what was happening.
"What's going on?"
"Why are you two fighting?"
Luigi answered, "Because 'Mario' is a lousy, rotten, stupid--"
He was cut off by Bowser, who was yelling too, "Well, my 'brother' is a moronic, loserly, no good--"
The two Toads watched them fight.  "Go Mario!" one of them said.  "No," said the other, "Luigi knows what he's doing..."
A few more Toads came to watch.


"So tell me," Mario said to Kamek, "What is REALLY the most embarrassing thing you've caught me doing?"
"Well, Bowser, I don't know which to pick." said Kamek.
They were both laughing at Bowser.  Which of course, to Mario, was over in the Mushroom Kingdom, and to Kamek, was right in front of him.  Mario luaghed, "Tell me 'em all!"
"Well, there was that time you were racing and your kart hit a wall and you flew off and through a window into the shower!"
They both laughed as Kamek went on.
"Or the time you flew through another window and got stuck!"
Kamek kept retelling a few more stories until they were sprawled on the floor guffawing uncontrollably.

Edited by - Markio on 5/26/2004 9:32:35 PM
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #33 on: May 27, 2004, 04:08:46 PM »
Hahahaha. This is FUNNY.

Friends? Heh, these are my only friends- grown-up nerds like Gore Vidal; and even he''s kissed more boys than I ever will.


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« Reply #34 on: May 30, 2004, 10:34:42 PM »
Kamek managed to go on for hours about all the embarrassing stories involving Bowser suffering somehow.  Mario was laughing so hard he was close to crying.  His stomach burned and he sort of... breathed fire onto a curtain, which in turn increased the laughter.
"Anyway," Kamek started again, calming down so he could continue, "There was that time when Iggy installed security cameras all over the castle, an we would watch the videos of where you would drive by on the track in your Kart, and the was a window nearby... and Morton was throwing bananas out the window--"
Mario and Kamek started laughing again.
"Or that other time," he continued, "when you were in that race last month, and you were in second and Mario was in first and Peach was in third, and Mario was only a few feet in front of you, and you were on the last stretch of track, and you happened to get a red shell, and-- you let him win because Peach wanted him to?!  I think you must've had motion sickness that day!"
Kamek continued laughing, but Mario stopped.  He remembered that race.  He won the Kingdom-wide Championship because of that last race.  Bowser could've won.  But he let himself lose...
"I have to go..." Mario said slowly, and he walked out the door.
"Sire, what is it-" Kamek began, but "Bowser" had already gone down the hall and out the back door.  It was actually a good thing Mario went out the back door, because their was an angry mob waiting to pulverize him because of the delay of the law-making.
Kamek went to the back door and saw "Bowser" disappear into the woods, in the direction of the Mushroom Kingdom.  Kamek heard the angry voices from the front, and went to see what was going on.
After realizing what was going on, Kamek stood on the front balcony and yelled to the mob, "People of the Koopa Kingdom!  Bowser is not here!  He was gone to the Mushroom Kingdom!  Go there!  Leave me alone!"
The mob started heading off to the Mushroom Kingdom...

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, especially if you have good aim!
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #35 on: August 13, 2004, 11:55:50 AM »
Wow! Cool story! Keep going!

I'll give you a peach if you give me a daisy.
I'll give you a peach if you give me a daisy.


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« Reply #36 on: August 14, 2004, 08:32:47 PM »
Back in the Mushroom Kingdom, practically the whole town had come to watch "Mario" and Luigi fighting in the street.  After a while, the police had come and pushed through the crowd to the fight.  "Alright," said one of the uniformed-goombas, "This fight has to be broken up!"

Luigi and Bowser contiued fighting though, and one of the crowd members asked, "Why do they have to stop?"

Another police goomba answered, "They're blocking the street--"

As he said this, Luigi had pushed Bowser backwards onto the ground, and jumped above him, but Bowser pushed him in midair behind him, and they continued fighting off the street.

As the crowd moved over to the fight, a police goomba said, "Well, they're out of the road, let's go..."

The fight continued, evenly matched, but Luigi was winning a little bit more than Bowser because he was still himself, while Bowser was in a totally different body and perspective.  Normally, because of his size and strength, he would have a higher view of the fight and could clear out a whole group of enemies with one massive fist.  But as Mario, fighting was almost completely different.  Not only was his strength no greater than Luigi's, but he was shorter and more compact making it harder to score kicks with Luigi's head.  Luigi was making easy contact with Bowser's head because it was only shoulder height, the same height as his fist, but he also had a decent high kick for a guy and kicking his head wasn't difficult.  
Bowser thought angrily to himself, Grr, when I'm back to normal, I'm going to crush Luigi! Bowser attacked head on, which was a pretty dumb idea, since Luigi simply kicked foward and made contact with Bowser in the stomach.  Bowser still rushed right in, and even though he gave Luigi a couple of bruises to think about, he was still punched back. Jeez, why can't Mario just rush in and have the immediate advantage?  It always worked for me. Bowser rushed in again, ending with him being punched backwards.  His only choices were to lure Luigi to him, or retreat to a safer area to which he would have the advantage.  Bowser chose the former, as he was headstrong and would never retreat in battle.

 "Hey 'Bro'! Nice high kicks!  What did you do, take ballet as a kid?  It sure didn't help!" Bowser yelled.  Luckily, Luigi was angry with that comment and in turn rushed to Bowser.  Once Luigi was close enough, Bowser quickly drop kicked Luigi in the stomach, sending him back sprawled on the ground.  His kick must have been effective, because Luigi was taking his time getting up, allowing Bowser to get to him in time to attack before Luigi attacked him.

The crowd watched eagerly, watching the fight continure on.

Mario was getting close to the Mushroom Kingdom now.  He managed to keep from tripping more than twice on his trip, and that would have giving him more elevated spirits had he not felt so confused.  He wasn't sure why he had left Bowser's castle, it might have been because he wasn't that comfortable there.  It was probably because he wanted to apologize to Bowser and get everything straightened out.  Bowser really does have it tough, he thought.  Having to rule over a kingdom from a cramped castle with seven children isn't my idea of fun.  Wait, what am I saying?  Bowser deserves this anyway, the evil jerk.

Mario instantly regretted thinking that.  Mario had gone through with Bowser's day for not even a day, and he was already mad that he had to go through that while Bowser had to go through that every single day.  Plus Mario felt worse for impulsively calling him an evil jerk.  I guess he isn't exactly evil... I mean, he is only capturing the princess to add to his kingdom, not to be evil.  He knew that even the Mushroom Kingdom had the desire for land expansion.  He is a jerk usually though.  Just not all the time I guess.  Mario had reached the edge of the woods by then.  He spotted the first row of mushroom houses and took a big step over a house and onto the street.  He looked around.  The streets were deserted.  He looked around cautiously, and then continued to his house.  He was only a few blocks away when he heard shouting coming from the direction of his house.  He rounded a corner and peered down the street a couple of blocks.  There was a large crowd of people shouting and cheering outside his house.   Oh no, now what? Mario thought.

Edited by - Markio on 8/14/2004 7:37:25 PM

"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."


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« Reply #37 on: February 20, 2005, 12:46:04 AM »
Luigi had pinned Bowser to the ground when a sudden tremor interrupted their "brotherly" brawl.  They both turned their heads around, as the vibrations got larger.  I lady screamed and people pointed.

Luigi and Bowser saw Mario coming up the street and were confused at his return but relieved, unlike the townspeople, who screamed at the sight of who they thought was Bowser.  Many were frightened with terror, too scared to move.  Others stood at the front of the crowd facing Mario, attempting to protect the other toads from the oncoming monster.  The rest got behind Bowser and Luigi and pushed them foward, hoping they could send the reptilian beast back to his castle.

Mario's large shadow fell over everyone from town, who were still huddling with fear.  "Oh, bother," Mario muttered, rolling his eyes.  He went over to Bowser and Luigi, ignoring the crowd's obvious displeasure.

"Uhh, Bowser..." Luigi said, not sure if acting along would do anything, "What're you doing here?  Don't make us teach you a lesson, right Mario?"

Mario said in Bowser's gruff roar, "Oh knock it off!  I can't handle being Bowser, I admit it!"

Bowser had a smug expression of triumph on his face, then remembered his difficulty of being a small human with a princess girlfriend that hung on his every word.  He bowed his head.  "Yeah, well...  OK, I admit it, it's downright impossible to be you!"

Edited by - Markio on 2/20/2005 3:29:18 PM

"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #38 on: February 20, 2005, 01:29:48 AM »
Allrighty then! I thought this thing was dead.

"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."


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« Reply #39 on: February 21, 2005, 12:51:23 AM »
The onlookers exchanged glances among themselves, even more confused.  What were the small plumber and the big koopa talking about?

Suddenly, there was a loud trumpet fanfare and many angry yells coming closer to Mario's front lawn.  The trumpets were signaling Princess Peach's arrival.  The angry yells were from the inhabitants of the Koopa Kingdom, who were angry of their king's incompetence that day.

"Bowser!" Peach gasped.

"Bowser!" yelled Bowser's town's people.

"Bowser!" Luigi yelled, turning to the small plumber next to him.

"Mario?" Bowser yelled, facing the giant turtle for an explanation.

"Luigi," Mario said, willing to tell him what happened.

Everyone started talking, yelling or screaming all at once.  Bowser and Luigi tried yelling for them to be quiet, but with no avail.  Finally, Mario sucked in his breath and let out the loudest roar he could, which shook the ground, blew the nearest people back a few feet, and definitely silenced everyone.

Eveyone looked up at Mario, in stunned silence.  Feeling kind of embarrassed, he said, "Um, well, you're all probably wondering what's going on, huh?"

Peach was the first to speak.  "Bowser, what are you doing here?"

Mario was about to say something, but Bowser interrupted.  "I'm Bowser!" he said, lowering his head a little.

Mario said, "It's true."  Silence.  "I'm Mario."

"What?" said Peach, along with a few others.

"This morning, we both woke up as the other, and we had to go through the day as the other, too," said Mario.

The people of both kingdoms listened as Mario and Bowser retold all that they had gone through as each other, which explained a lot of the problems(Peach finally understood why "Mario" was such jerk earlier, and Bowser's citizens knew why he had been a dumb king that day).  When the finished retelling up to the very present, there was a moment of silence as the sun set, and then Luigi spoke up.  "I think they should apologize, don't you?"  Everyone nodded in consent.

Bowser turned to Mario.  "Yeah....s-sorry I gave you a hard time for... well I guess I didn't realize you had enough to worry about already."

Mario replied, "Hey, you're the one with a bunch of kids and a kingdom to take care of.  I guess I'm ...sorry too."

There was a little round of applause after their apologies, and suddenly a bright flash filled the air.  When the light dimmed, Mario and Bowser were both on the ground, dazed.  Mario opened his eyes and looked up.  Luigi was looking down at him with a worried expression on his face.  Wait a minute!  Luigi had been smaller than Mario's fist a second ago, and yet here he was, looking over him!  That meant--

Mario stood up.  Next to him on the ground was the large body of Bowser, and Luigi stood on his other side, being almost the same size as Mario.  Mario let out a whoop of joy.  "I'm ME again!" he shouted.

Bowser blinked twice.  He was looking up at the stars.  He turned his head to the side and saw two small plumbers, roughly the size of his fist.  He sat up.  All around him were little people!  He looked down at himself, and saw scaly skin and spike metal bands around his wrists.  "I'm... ME!  Yeah!" he said, as happy as Mario was.  Their audience cheered, and Mario and Bowser faced each other again.

"Friends?" Mario asked.

"Er... well, as close as it will ever get to that," Bowser said.  They shook hand and claw, and everyone seemed happy.

Peach, who had walked up to Mario and put her arm around his shoulder, said, "Wait a minute.  How did you guys switch in the first place?  I doubt you two would have caused all this trouble on purpose."

"Oh yeah," Bowser said.  "Well, apparently Luigi was sick of our bickering and wished on a shooting star that we would swtich bodies."

There was a moment of dawning comprehension in which everyone turned to Luigi, realizing that HE had caused all this trouble, while he realized that he was surrounded by mad people from two entire kingdoms.  He gulped.  I sure wish I could see another shooting star right about now!, he thought.


Edited by - Markio on 2/21/2005 3:28:08 PM

"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."


  • Steamed
« Reply #40 on: February 21, 2005, 04:26:55 PM »
Heh-- finally. That was quite an amusing story!


  • Normal
« Reply #41 on: February 21, 2005, 05:29:20 PM »
Thanks, but it was really Screech's idea.  Let's just say this work of art was written under his apprenticeship or something.

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.” -Atticus Finch

Edited by - Markio on 2/21/2005 3:29:52 PM
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."


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« Reply #42 on: February 26, 2005, 01:46:28 PM »
My last bump of this topic.  Whadja guys think???

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.” -Atticus Finch
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #43 on: February 26, 2005, 02:06:53 PM »
For the record, this is Markio's story. I had almost nothing to do with it at all.
Go Markio!

"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."
