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Topics - Bigluigifan1.0

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Video Game Chat / Game Making programs you use?
« on: January 10, 2006, 09:34:27 PM »
So what Game Making program do you use? Do you use multiple ones, or do you have any at all? For me, I use Game Maker, ot was pretty easy for me to get used to, so I'm pretty good at doing stuff with it.
So what about you?

Forum Games / The Conicles of The Mushroom Kingdom
« on: January 01, 2006, 10:06:15 AM »
I know it's a cool idea, but I'm not even started yet, and it will be tough, but I will gladly take any ideas for the story, the full name is: Conicles of the Mushroom Kingdom: The Plumber, the Bowser, and the Warp Pipe. Please post your comments and a little help would be nice too.

Mario Chat / Favorite Mario form.
« on: January 01, 2006, 10:00:01 AM »
I had a feeling this would be a pretty big poll, so I didn't bother, but anyways I really like the Raccon Tail. (It will also count if you pick Dr. Mario.)

General Chat / What do you do on your b-day?
« on: December 21, 2005, 01:57:04 PM »
Or at least, what did you do on your last b-day? Last time I went to a place called Star Castle, they have cake eating contests (With your hands behind your back!), Laser Tag, Roller Skating, and an arcade. It was very fun and I invited 20 people!!!

So, what about you?

Site Discussion / Money for the FF.
« on: December 11, 2005, 11:45:49 PM »
How much did it cost to get these forums up and running, or did it cost anything? (I am only talking about the forums, not the site, I know it costs money to run a site.) Thanks, the reason for this is because, these forums inspire me to make my own.

Game Help / M&L: PiT boss. (Boss Spoiler)
« on: December 10, 2005, 01:34:35 PM »
I am having trouble with the boss inside Yoob's stomach (the fat pink Yoshi), he beats me every time, and this is getting on my nerves, please give me some tips on how to beat him. Thanks.

Mario Chat / Best of the DS.
« on: November 20, 2005, 08:35:58 PM »
This is crazy, isn't it? We are taking up so much of these polls ;D. Anyways, really what do you think will be the best upcoming DS Mario game? I am, to the full extent, undecided. :-\

General Chat / Make your own pop-up jokes
« on: November 17, 2005, 06:31:30 PM »
If you have pop-up problems, then enjoy yourself with my little joke:
(And you can join in if you want)

[attachment deleted by admin]

Site Discussion / Members you want to meet.
« on: November 16, 2005, 09:20:58 AM »
My first poll here! I know I didn't add much members to it, but I'll gladly add anyone to the list. Oh yeah, I added Chaotic because I wanted to see his votes shrivel down. Let the voting begin! ;D

General Chat / Talking Advice.
« on: November 06, 2005, 10:49:27 PM »
Some of you may know as I may type alot, I don't really talk alot, but I have a book on how to talk to anyone! It's not working! What I noticed is, I'll talk to anyone as long as they talk to me first. I just don't know why I can't just walk up to someone and say somthing! When I plan on talking to someone my brain dies, and I don't say a word. I just don't get it. How can everyone else talk, but I can't?!?

Warning: This is the end of post, may contain "Hazardious Objects", and is only safe for 13 and up.

Edited by - bigmariofan1.0 on 11/7/2005 11:37:02 AM

Mario Chat / Neglected Mario Characters.
« on: November 03, 2005, 09:36:06 PM »
I don't know if it's already been mentioned, but I found a quiz on Which Neglected Character are you? And it turns out:

Which Neglected Mario Character Are You?

Ooopss this belongs in General Mario Chat!


Warning: This is the end of post, may contain "Hazardious Objects", and is only safe for 13 and up.

Edited by - bigmariofan1.0 on 11/3/2005 7:36:46 PM

General Chat / Sentence Editor 2.0
« on: November 01, 2005, 06:53:32 PM »
Yes, this is version 2.0! Here you can edit posts like last time, but you must then and one more word to the sentence, if you don't you must take one away! I'll start us off again:

My name is Bigmariofan1.0, I just bought The Sims 2 for the DS, and it was very fun, I also like Mario, and have alot of Mario games on GameBoy, and the Nintendo DS.

Posted - 32 October 3005 13:61 PST

General Chat / Youth jobs?
« on: November 01, 2005, 03:45:28 PM »
Hello, long time no post! (At least in General Chat.) This topic is for you to tell: What jobs did you have when you were a teen? But before you were an adult, but if you are in that age now: What are you doing for money? As for me I mow lawns in the summer. (But that's for those of you that did not see my Green Thieves topic, by the way, I bought a new one.) As I have said before, if this topic has been made before, please just close it.

Posted - 32 October 3005 13:61 PST

Fan Creations / Wario's Diet.
« on: October 27, 2005, 08:22:39 AM »
Yes, this story is called "Wario's Diet" this becoming a site for Wario fans, isn't it? Oh well, Here we go:

One sunny day, well accually forget the sunny part, Wario's watching the game!

Wario: Hey Waluigi, can you push the volume button, this remote is shrinking, too small for a tall, handsome fella like me.

Waluigi: Whatever.
(As Waluigi turns up volume, he made his other hand go down to Wario's stomach, because his hand was skinny enough. When his hand came out, all he could see was, a skinny thing where Wario was sitting, then her looks at his hand covered in pig slop. As Waluigi looked at it, he had a strange look in his eye.

Wario: Hey where's my stomach? (He sees Waluigi) Give me my stomach back!!!

(All of the sudden Waluigi eats the fat!)

Waluigi: Ahh! What's that thing above my legs, and under my head?!?!

Wario: What are you talking about? I can't even see your head.

Waluigi: I have to go to the doctor!
(Waluigi rushes off to the doctor. While Wario had his experience of bieng skinny, he accually took walks, which for me is bad, because, I want to watch the game.)

Wario: This is nice, I wonder what I should call it? OOOHHH! I've got it! I'll call it-
(At this time Wario was inturupted, by a diet advisor.)

Diet Advisor: My! I thought Waluigi told me that I was supposed to put you on a diet!

Wario: NOOO!! Not the "D" word!! Please spare me!!!

Diet Advisor: Now please, this is made to train you to keep your figure, not dissapear.

Wario: Oh, in that case, I guess so.

Diet Advisor: Excellent!

(As they walk back to Wario's house, they see a note from Waluigi's doctor it says "Hello Wario residence, we are giving Waluigi an operation, in it we shall heat his stomach and that should burn off his fat, then we can put him back on dru--. Oh, nevermind.")

Wario: I hear those things take forever! Who will tuck me in at night, and turn on the night-light, and-

Diet Advisor: Don't worry, I'll take care of you.

Wario: Thank you! Thank you! Thank You!!!

Diet Advisor: Let's get back to the diet, each day you must eat: Three of one veggie, or fruit.

Wario: You mean that stuff that comes from the ground?

Diet Advisor: Yes.

Wario: Awsome!!! I've always wondered what dirt tastes like!

Diet Advisor: Ooookaaayyy, but you must only eat three a day.

Wario: Alright, but dirt should taste good anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter.

Diet Advisor: I'll be leaving now, you may start eating your three of a veggie or, fruit ...... now!

One month later;
Waluigi: Wario Im home!! Did the diet advisor give up on you yet? WHA? Are you eating fruit and veggies?!?

Wario: Ummm, Yep!

Waluigi: But your still skinny, and Im skinny, so ........ There ain't enough room for the both of us!!

Wario: Alright, I got the attic!!

Waluigi: Fine, I'll help you move.

(All of the sudden Wario saw something bouncing around, and had that gleam in his eye again.)

Wario: Did they melt your fat away Waluigi?

Waluigi: Accually, I had a dream they did the same thing I did to you.

Wario: MY FAT!!!

(Well, I don't need to explain this.)
               The End!
          What do you think?

Edited by - bigmariofan1.0 on 10/27/2005 2:00:19 PM

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