« on: October 27, 2005, 08:22:39 AM »
Yes, this story is called "Wario's Diet" this becoming a site for Wario fans, isn't it? Oh well, Here we go:
One sunny day, well accually forget the sunny part, Wario's watching the game!
Wario: Hey Waluigi, can you push the volume button, this remote is shrinking, too small for a tall, handsome fella like me.
Waluigi: Whatever.
(As Waluigi turns up volume, he made his other hand go down to Wario's stomach, because his hand was skinny enough. When his hand came out, all he could see was, a skinny thing where Wario was sitting, then her looks at his hand covered in pig slop. As Waluigi looked at it, he had a strange look in his eye.
Wario: Hey where's my stomach? (He sees Waluigi) Give me my stomach back!!!
(All of the sudden Waluigi eats the fat!)
Waluigi: Ahh! What's that thing above my legs, and under my head?!?!
Wario: What are you talking about? I can't even see your head.
Waluigi: I have to go to the doctor!
(Waluigi rushes off to the doctor. While Wario had his experience of bieng skinny, he accually took walks, which for me is bad, because, I want to watch the game.)
Wario: This is nice, I wonder what I should call it? OOOHHH! I've got it! I'll call it-
(At this time Wario was inturupted, by a diet advisor.)
Diet Advisor: My! I thought Waluigi told me that I was supposed to put you on a diet!
Wario: NOOO!! Not the "D" word!! Please spare me!!!
Diet Advisor: Now please, this is made to train you to keep your figure, not dissapear.
Wario: Oh, in that case, I guess so.
Diet Advisor: Excellent!
(As they walk back to Wario's house, they see a note from Waluigi's doctor it says "Hello Wario residence, we are giving Waluigi an operation, in it we shall heat his stomach and that should burn off his fat, then we can put him back on dru--. Oh, nevermind.")
Wario: I hear those things take forever! Who will tuck me in at night, and turn on the night-light, and-
Diet Advisor: Don't worry, I'll take care of you.
Wario: Thank you! Thank you! Thank You!!!
Diet Advisor: Let's get back to the diet, each day you must eat: Three of one veggie, or fruit.
Wario: You mean that stuff that comes from the ground?
Diet Advisor: Yes.
Wario: Awsome!!! I've always wondered what dirt tastes like!
Diet Advisor: Ooookaaayyy, but you must only eat three a day.
Wario: Alright, but dirt should taste good anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter.
Diet Advisor: I'll be leaving now, you may start eating your three of a veggie or, fruit ...... now!
One month later;
Waluigi: Wario Im home!! Did the diet advisor give up on you yet? WHA? Are you eating fruit and veggies?!?
Wario: Ummm, Yep!
Waluigi: But your still skinny, and Im skinny, so ........ There ain't enough room for the both of us!!
Wario: Alright, I got the attic!!
Waluigi: Fine, I'll help you move.
(All of the sudden Wario saw something bouncing around, and had that gleam in his eye again.)
Wario: Did they melt your fat away Waluigi?
Waluigi: Accually, I had a dream they did the same thing I did to you.
Wario: MY FAT!!!
(Well, I don't need to explain this.)
The End!
What do you think?
Edited by - bigmariofan1.0 on 10/27/2005 2:00:19 PM