Warning: I talk about IRL junk in this topic on a Mario message board.
This question occurred to me recently after asking a good friend of mine out the other day. We had been hanging out on-and-off for the last couple years and had a lot of stuff in common. After finally getting up the courage, I wrote this huge speech-esque "proposal" of dating to her on Facebook; basically it outlined that I thought we had a special bond and that even if it didn't work out or she didn't want it, I would be fine with being "just friends." (GASP, I was being serious!) It was pretty long-winded, and I was beginning think that maybe there were better methods of interacting instead of Facebook (although she lives several hours away in New Mexico). I talked with a guy I kinda know online about the situation, and he encouraged me to tell her how I feel, and that it would be the right thing to do, instead of letting it bubble over, which is totally what I normally do in these situations. Anyway, she turned me down, but I got a new best friend out of the deal.
What my original point comes down to is this: Would there have been a different reaction if I had asked her a different way? I mean, big speeches have always kinda been my thing, but what if I took a more romantic/funny/ridiculous way of asking? Is the response sometimes dependent on the execution of the proposal? I didn't necessarily think I did it "wrong," but there's this idea I've been having that maybe there's a way to get a yes if I did things a little differently. To be honest, we both like each other and I figured that it could easily translate into a relationship, because that's what happened to the train wreck that was my last relationship... but I guess really good friends don't always add up to that.
Also, the "friend zone" stuff doesn't bother me in this case; we were already just friends to begin with, and I like being really good friends, even with girls. The only thing that irked me was that I've wanted a relationship for a while, and it always helps when it's with someone you already like. It only "hurts," because I haven't been as optimistic about this part of my life in a long time, and she gave me a glimmer of hope recently.