
Author Topic: Captain N:episode 3-Journey to Segaland!  (Read 1672 times)

« on: May 30, 2002, 04:13:10 PM »
Last time...
Kevin started his journey to segaland, where the stikman headquarters is. as well as some powerful allies. Samus and kirby fell into a pit and foiled the evil Bill Gates in his cheap Get-Rich scheme. now they can't get home.

 Kevin steared toward the open sea. He loved the feel of flying a helicopter. He had more important things to do though. He remembered how much lana had wanted her father back.
"Woof!" duke barked happily. "Someone shut that dog up!" Said Simon Belmont. Just then, they noticed something just ahead. It was a giant ship. No it was flying. Kevin realized it was a derigible. It was also headed right for them! Kevin manuevered low and just missed the huge aircraft. "Watch where you're going!" shouted megaman. Megaman and DK, who were in the back, looked behind them. On the blimp was a large face shape. It was white with circle eyes and roughly resembled a skull. They flew on without any more interuptions.

Kirby huffed and puffed as he ran through the tunnels. Samus followed. Soon they realized it was hopeless. they had been looking for hours and every tunnel led them back to the factory. It was a never ending maze. "Why don't you just call queen lanna with the communicater in your helmet."
"You dipstick! Don't you think I tried that already? We're so far underground that the signal can't get through! For crying out loud stop breathing like that! Your puffing up to twice your size!"
Kirby exhaled. "thanks. I didn't notice."
As they wandered around, Kirby had a strange feeling that they weren't alone.

Kevin landed on an island. He had to refuel and make sure that the blimp had not damaged anything. "What's the name of this island?" asked kevin. "Funny name." said mario. "It's called 'Katelox'. Ever heard of it?"
"Now that you mention it, I think I have." said kevin, checking the fuel.
"I Have!" cried pit."This is the halfway point between Videoland and all other kingdoms. If you wanna go somewhere, you gotta go through here. It's good for buisiness and it's a popular tourist site." he said.
"Megaman. Mario. I need you to go into town and get a map. They should be easy enough to find." He said.
"Sure thing, captain!" said mario.

In the shopping arcade. they had no trouble finding an atlas with detailed instructions on finding Segaland. But on they're way out, they noticed a burning building. there were also cries for help loudly heard inside. "quick!" said magaman! "We need water! Mario, go get-"
but his friend was gone. He knew exactly where he was. Inside the building.
Mario ran into the  building. He threw peices of wood and brick to the side and made a path.he finally reached a pair of apparently stable stairs. he bounced up them and reached the top just as they crumbled beneath him. He looked down, grimaced, and went on. He discovered that The noise was a little boy. trapped under a steel beam. Mario ran to the side and lifted the beam just enough for the boy to get out from under it. "C'mon!" he said. he came to a window. "What are you doing!?!" the boy cried.
"The stairs are out!" He said.
"You can't make it!" screamed the boy.
And indeed he wouldn't be able to make it. except for one thing. You see, Mario had the uncanny ability to jump from impossibly high places and land on his feet, intact. He even demonstrated this when he jumped out of an airplane. He had a sprained ankle but was otherwise unhurt. This earned him a spot in the book of world records.
Mario grabbed the boy in his arms and jumped. he landed on the dirt outside with a thud. He  set the boy down and he immediately ran to his mother.
"How did this fire start?" asked megaman.
"It was the Bonnes." replied the boys mother. "They did this. They did it after they robbed my husbands department store. Why they burned I don't know but they did."

Back at the helicopter, Megaman and Mario told the story of how they had rescued the boy. With some slight changes."And then I raced into the burning room, and with no reguard for my personal safety I threw myself into the fire and pulled the boy free of the evil three-eyed alien's grasp. I then beat back the beast and destroyed it." said megaman. Soon they were back in the air. "Hey mario. Who did you say started the fire?" Asked kevin.
"The lady told me that the Bonnes did it."
"Hmmm..." Kevin knew he had heard that name before...

Kirby now walked slowly. He was now sure that they were being watched. He looked around frequently to see what it was. Nothing. They came to a fork in they tunnel. "We should go this way." Said samus. "It's the only way we haven't already been."

Next time...
KIrby discovers the identity of his follower and Kevin and the N team finally reach segaland. But the machine has almost been completed. can they stop the stikmen before it's too late? What of bill gates? and just who are the bonnes? Find out in the next episode, Episode 4-The confrontation!

I'll be gone for the next week or so. Just keep in mind that you may be rid of me for a while, but but I'll come back and annoy you even more!

Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2002, 11:17:37 AM »
here too.

If it cannot break out of it's shell, the chick will die without being born. We are the chicken. The world is our egg. Smash the world shell! For the revolution of the world!-the student council, "Utena Revolutionary Girl"
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."
