
Author Topic: Me, Myself, and I  (Read 1798 times)

« on: July 21, 2004, 07:02:55 PM »
After reading Sapphira's "The Prophecy," I've been inspired to write a fanfic of my own. This is my first attempt at writing a fanfic, so please don't critique it too harshly. And if anything in the story doesn't match up with the Mario storyline, it's, uh, my creative liberties.


     Night had fallen over the Mushroom Kingdom.  Everyone was fast asleep, let alone one person.  Make that two.
     "It worked!" shouted a small, bespectacled man.  "My invention's been a complete success!"
     "Your invention?!" exclaimed a voice strikingly similar to the short man's.  "Excuse me, but I believe I am the creator of this device.  See?  Look right here."  The second figure pointed to an engraving on the side of the object.  "'Gadd, Inc,'" he read.  "That's me, Elvin Gadd."
     "I had a feeling you'd think that," said the first man.  "But, in fact, I am Elvin Gadd.  You are just my clone.  You are the product of this contraption."
     "No, you are MY clone," said the second E. Gadd, "and I created YOU."
     The two argued about who was the actual one and who was the copy long into the night.
     "Wow," thought the real scientist. "He actually thinks he's the real one.  We are complete copies of each other, body AND mind.  Is the world ready for two Elvin Gadds?  This could get a bit too confusing and hectic.  Especially if he keeps arguing like this.  Maybe I should make a few adjustments to the Duplicator.  But first, I must get rid of this annoying fellow."
     "Alright," said E. Gadd.  "If you are the real one of us, then would you mind telling me what this invention is?"  Gadd pointed to a large, metal chamber.
     "Of course, that's the Dimensional Transporter."
     "No, you're wrong.  It's the Hologram Chamber, capable of projecting any location the person inside so desires."
     "No, it's not."
     "Of course it is.  Step inside and see."
     The clone stepped into the structure.  The doors closed around him.
     "Okay," said E. Gadd, as he walked to the control panel.  "What would you like to see?"
     "I don't know," shouted the clone from inside.  "Pirates have always interested me.  Let me see a pirate ship."
     "As you wish," said Elvin, as he plugged in the coordinates for Dimension #GR347 534.  "Goodbye."
     "Huh?  What do-" said the clone, as he was transported to an alternate dimension.
     The scientist then went to go work on his Duplicator.  "I am so gullible," he chuckled to himself.

"A person is a person, no matter how small."- Horton the Elephant
This is a secret coded message.

« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2004, 07:08:52 PM »
Ahh! My spacing is thrown all out of wack! It makes me sad, emotionally.

"A person is a person, no matter how small."- Horton the Elephant
This is a secret coded message.

« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2004, 05:10:23 PM »
Cool. Very interesting. But if the E. Gadd that was put in the transporter was a COMPLETE copy, wouldn't he know for a fact that that it wasn't the hologram thingy?

''Procrastinate now. Don’t put it off.'' -Ellen Degeneres
Your sig is annoying. -Deezer

« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2004, 02:23:06 PM »
Right, but the real one would have also fallen for the same ploy.

"A person is a person, no matter how small."- Horton the Elephant
This is a secret coded message.
