
Author Topic: Our Journals  (Read 2851 times)

« on: May 03, 2007, 07:05:15 PM »
Since I started a journal, I thought it'd be cool if we posted entries from our journals(for those of us who keep journals, anyway). Okay, here I go.

May 1 2007

Well, since I've just started this journal, I might as well tell a little about myself in case I find this in a cyberbox in 30 or 40 years. Okay, soooo... My name is Jess Renae Curtis. In a month and 2 days, I'll be 15. I have brown hair and blue-gray eyes and I wear glasses(preferably purple frames). I like to play video games, draw and read. My Top Six things I like are Pokemon, Homestar Runner, Mario, Sonic, Pooh and Muppets. My favorite foods are fettuccine alfredo and Chinese takeout and my favorite drinks are tea and Vitamin Water(dragonfruit is my fave flavor). My favorite song is Boggie Wonderland by Earth, Wind and Fire. I hate SpongeBob SquarePants. As of two days ago, I have a Nintendo Wii, the newest Nintendo game system at the moment. Wii would like to play~! :D My pets are Tidbit the basset retriever(or golden hound) and Fluffernut the guinea pig. My bedtime is now, so I gotta go. *shoop*

May 2 2007

Why does Mrs Anderson hafta make the sentences for Spanish so freakin' LONG?! It's irritating and makes it harder to translate. X( And we got this stupid 50 questions thing... GAAH! Oh well. I have to do these to get a good grade. Sadly.

On a lighter note, because Mom forced me to read ch4 of To Kill a Mockingbird, I was one of only 3 people who got full credit on the quiz. So Mr Howard got me a Coke. :) And Mrs Ridener has a funny ring tone: a guy says "Hey, yo phone ringin'." repeatedly and he progressively gets louder and louder with each one. XD

Today for lunch I had chicken. I got a spine with my chicken. I guess it's backribs. XD

May 3 2007

I've started work on my 50 Spanish questions. So far, I've got ¿Como esáts?(How are you?), ¿Como se llama ella?(What's her name?), ¿Como se llama él?(What's his name?) and ¿Donde es el baño?(Where's the bathroom?). I'm tempted to put the Spanish equivilent for "Up your butt and around the corner." for ¿Donde es la fiesta?, but I'll be polite and refrain from that.

I feel like I'm supporting a corrupt system. Used to be you could get as much mashed potatoes in the school cafeteria as you wanted. But now, guess what? They have the mashed potatoes already put out in little portions just for us, isn't that just cute? No. No, it's not. It's degrading, humiliating, and depriving for the kids with higher metabolisms. Portion control is just another way for the school board to take our parent's hard-earned money. I'm gonna start bringing my own lunch from now on. At least that way I can put my money to better uses than not enough mashed potatoes or one strip short of a chicken.

And now, I choose to recite a list:

- Pokemon
- new shoes
- Starburst
- capitalism
- Piplup
- boxorz
- Amish
- butterflies
- bread
- sammich
- pencils

I had one of those DQ Waffle Bowl Sundaes today. Ohhhhhh man. I swear, those things are g-e-w-d, gewd. I think decadent is a good word to describe these waffly delights... ooh! And fudge-a-liscious. I can get away with using made up words in my journal, by the way. But the biggest pleasure has to be that I ate the WBS right after my dentist appointment. (:<
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

The Chef

  • Super
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2007, 07:29:32 PM »
I've never had a journal before. I'm far too confident if my own memory.

« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2007, 08:24:49 PM »
Hmm... no offense, but if you ask me... journals are for girls. >.<

Boo Dudley

  • This is not a secret page hint
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2007, 08:49:04 PM »
Today, I awoke, and it was raining again. I grabbed the half drunken bottle of gut-rot off my nightstand, and took a deep swig. I wiped it from my stubble, and thought to myself "How's the world gonna grab me by the short hairs today?".
 later, I arrived at a drab two-story rent-a-building; my office. It's shared by Dr.hothowitz, a barely qualified dentist. I grabbed my broom and beat it against the ceiling "Cut that raquet out you incompetent quack!".
He rebuttled with a weak stomp to the floor, what a half-pint.
 On my desk was numerous unpaid bills and seedy client reguests. That's Right, I'm private eye, or at least was.
You see it all began when that blasted dame entered my doors. She-

I'd write the rest, but it's soaked in blood, and I've lost most of my memory after a fight with the local Don's henchemen.


  • Giddy fangirl
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2007, 08:52:44 PM »
Aren't journals like diaries? why would anyone want to share diaries?
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2007, 08:53:00 PM »
Hrm... sorta true.
