
Author Topic: I'm going away! Signed, TMK member  (Read 348468 times)


  • Ridiculously relevant
« Reply #540 on: May 26, 2008, 06:54:10 PM »
Well, like I said, it's not like I've been to tons of forums--and the internet, like the real world, is always rife with nice/cool people and losers no matter where you go--but this is a pretty good place in comparison to the stuff I see going on on other websites (DO NOT JOIN GONINTENDO. Great source for news, bad place to sit down and have a decent conversation). I mean, I was browsing this website called "The Prank University" a long time ago... Man. There were whole threads dedicated to how one disliked member was "gay".
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef

« Reply #541 on: May 26, 2008, 11:47:22 PM »
Is he gay or bisexual or what?      

For information purposes only: Vid is a homosexual.
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #542 on: May 28, 2008, 10:09:01 PM »
Great. This means I gotta CHANGE. I hate that. I don't think that it should be necessary that I should change for the pure will of other people, but I suppose I should do what is right. After all, I'm a naturally passive person.

Of course, this should be discussed in Manners and Morality thread which seems to have been recently posted but blissfully forgotten.

Ignorance is bliss.
Kinopio is the ultimate video game character! Who else can drive a kart, host parties, play tennis, give good advice and items, and is almost always happy??

« Reply #543 on: May 30, 2008, 02:36:22 PM »
For information purposes only: Vid is a homosexual.

What?! I thought he was straight*. Anyways, I will not EVER bash someone on these forums. Why? Because I can take alot. I have taken a bunch of bulls**t for about 4 YEARS! And it is still going on with the constant bullying of my brother. I think of the FF and TMK as a place to just sit back, relax, and post humorous posts. And I see this bashing going on! I agree with whoever said that its just wrong to insult a person who left! Ya know... this just about ****es me off!

*I'm not gay-bashing Vigmcthr.


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #544 on: May 30, 2008, 08:03:25 PM »
Why is "gay" such taboo (in some circles)? You can claim to be perfectly comfortable talking about sexuality and the like, then turn right around and get defensive--I said the word "gay" but I'm not bashing!!! Honest!! No one would've assumed you were gay-bashing, so don't worry. It's just... why is it such a touchy topic in the first place? Some people are straight. Some people are gay. Some people are bi. Some people hate everyone.

Hopefully the end of gay discrimination and this touchiness will end soon, and I mean on a nationwide scale. Then that'll be black people, women, gay people... who's next? Well, obviously, there are still racists, still sexists, and there'll always be homophobes--but when will homophobia become frowned upon by the majority, I wonder...
All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #545 on: May 30, 2008, 08:35:07 PM »
People seem to get touchy with names. Saying "black guy" doesn't make you racist, saying "broad" doesn't make you misogynist, and saying "gay" doesn't make you a homophobe. Those are just words to describe someone and should have no negative connotation. And also I seem to see a lot of confusing defense. I've had a middle-aged white woman tell me that I should say "African-American" instead of "black". I know some black people that prefer "black" over "African-American". I know some black people that couldn't care less what you call them as long as it's not the n-word. How does a white lady care about what a black guy is called more than he does? A real act of prejudice is denying a man a job because of his ethnicity or sexuality. A real act of prejudice is hurting someone because they are different. Phooey to all those Volvo-driving soccer moms who shiver in disgust when you refer to someone as a "chick". It used to simply be a female version of "guy" until some overactive women's rights activist changed it to oppress themselves. I'm not saying women's rights are bad. I am for the equal treatment of both sexes. It just seems like people want to deem certain words as offensive when they really aren't. We all just grope for faults in others, even if we have to make things up. What a "gay" country.       
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

« Reply #546 on: May 30, 2008, 09:21:09 PM »
Pretty sure "broad" carries negative connotation.

And I only "grope" for "faults" with girls.


  • Ridiculously relevant
« Reply #547 on: May 30, 2008, 09:51:48 PM »
People seem to get touchy with names. Saying "black guy" doesn't make you racist, saying "broad" doesn't make you misogynist, and saying "gay" doesn't make you a homophobe.
QFT. I saw this article on a website once that popped up into response over those "racist" PSP ads and it said something like "Saying someone is something doesn't make you a racist. Saying someone is something--and then hating them for it makes you a racist."

And, heck, I saw this college that called it the "Queer-Straight Alliance".
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #548 on: May 30, 2008, 10:19:34 PM »
And I bet they got some complaints. Bleh.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2008, 10:28:24 PM by Ambulance Y »
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.


  • Ridiculously relevant
« Reply #549 on: May 31, 2008, 08:05:02 AM »
Well, if it's called that, that must mean the... um... "queers" were fine with it. Unless, of course, it was some odd prank poster.
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef

« Reply #550 on: May 31, 2008, 08:34:27 AM »
Dude, I'm pretty sure "queer" is offensive, as opposed to "gay".


  • In flames
« Reply #551 on: May 31, 2008, 08:37:44 AM »
Not always.  It's kinda like the n word.  It's okay when used by the group it's referring to.

« Reply #552 on: May 31, 2008, 11:17:59 AM »
Yeah, that makes sense. Like in Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.


  • Ridiculously relevant
« Reply #553 on: May 31, 2008, 07:53:44 PM »
Not always.  It's kinda like the n word.  It's okay when used by the group it's referring to.
Which has never made sense to me, but there you go.
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #554 on: May 31, 2008, 07:57:06 PM »
It'll all be fine once we just make one of those words for members of FF, that only we can use. How about it, my deezah?
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.
