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Messages - ONLYME

Pages: [1] 2
Important!!!! All read this!!!

Date: July 23, 2006 - July 30, 2006

One of six very unique Animal Crossing: Wild World virtual gifts are awaiting you at your nearest Toys "R" Us store July 23-30. Trade 'em, sell 'em or decorate your home with 'em. Your Friends will be Mario-red with envy.

To get your virtual gift:

Insert your Animal Crossing: Wild World Game Card into your Nintendo DS. Power up.
Purchase Bottle Mail at Tom Nook's Shop.
Write a message and release your Bottle Mail into the river or at the beach. Save and end your game.
Visit the specially marked Animal Crossing: Wild Word promotion in the video-game section of your nearest Toys 'R Us July 23-30. At the main menu, tap Tag Mode.
Watch and wait for something to arrive in your town!
Restart your game and comb the beach for Bottle Mail containing a special rare item!
While at Toys 'R Us, be sure to get demos of a hottest new games for DS at the Nintendo DS Download Station!

Max Vance can you please update thorugh here when is your town online?

Ex: Town

Thanks! :)

Friend Codes / Re: Super Mario Kart DS: Friend Codes
« on: June 12, 2006, 04:20:48 PM »
Add me to the first page, please.

FC: 193 345 886 024


Status: PM to play Now (ONLINE)!

That helps too...

I'm considering using my old DS to start another 24-hour online town. Would anyone want to have another one, since Luigison's is gone?

YES please!!!!

I would love too have a place to visit 24/7

If you got a DS Lite, you don't neeed a new friend code. On your old DS, get to the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Setup screen and select "Options" (the orange one on the right). Then select "Transfer Nintendo WFC Configuration" (on the bottom). Your DS will tell you what to do then. Don't play any online games on your old DS after that unless you want a new friend code.

This post has been repeated in all the Nintendo WFC game topics.

I turned in my old DS, that's why I got a new friend code!!!!

I got a new friend code!!!


Name: Eddy
Town: Emylno
FC:4166 8418 5696

Anyone online now, who wants to play ACWW?

That's odd. The AC:WW player's guide says Joan comes between 6:00 AM and noon every Sunday. Last Sunday was the Fishing Tourney, so she may not have come because of that.

Nope....she came ....I saw her!
She left just before noon, that's the time the fishing tourney starts!

Does anyone have the walking Pikmin ?

-Not the three little Pikmin flowers.

Luigison, I might need some of the space things you have, for example the Space wall and floor, the Rocket and the Space Shuttle.

I also need space items.

I have the space shuttle for you bobman!

Yeah....that was weird!

I was stucked for like a minute going from one room to another.

Please MaxVance, Open your town.

Or someone, I want to play online!


Talk to bobman37. He might let you catalog some of his space items.


Im looking for space items!

Lunar Rover

Oh, nevermind! It's ONLYME's town.

She's in my town?

General Chat / Re: Merry Christmas!
« on: December 24, 2005, 06:39:49 PM »
Merry Christmas to all, and a Happy New Year!!!!

Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo

Take Care, but most importantly have fun!!!!!

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