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Messages - Trainman

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General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: July 26, 2010, 05:15:44 PM »
Well, I've already complained about how the Nyko dual-port charging station for Wii remotes sucks balls, and started sucking balls right after I wasn't able to return it.

Now, it has finally taken a huge crap. Oh, it still charges. However, no matter what I do, it charges a completely dead remote for about 5-10 seconds, and then switches the LED to green indicating a full charge. For some reason, now that this problem has come up, the first port (which stopped working altogether sometime back) is now suddenly working and exhibits the same problem.

Video Game Chat / Re: "It's Too Short"
« on: July 24, 2010, 09:50:36 PM »
Eh, I'd say BC2's multi is about 50 times better. There is quite a good bit of skill involved. There really aren't any noob tactics and if there are some that seem like it, they always backfire or get you kicked from the game.

Single-player... hm, modern warfare has that action packed, movie plot feel to it with lots of focus on it. Bad Company has a much more desolate setting and it focuses on the "bad company" (the 4 main characters, of course) and their development, rather than strictly plot. It feels more social as well. The characters are very tightly-knit and make a lot of in-game conversation. What sells the dialogue is how normal it is. There's nothing poetic, nothing that feels like some epic, corny speech. It's just everyday talk.

General Chat / Re: Luigison's Dual #1: The Chinese Room
« on: July 24, 2010, 01:13:07 PM »
...just live.

Yes, my thoughts exactly.


Video Game Chat / Re: "It's Too Short"
« on: July 24, 2010, 03:44:56 AM »
Lots of interesting arguments.

Not sure if this has been mentioned before, I think another thing that can make a game feel overly-short is length of time waiting for it to release or expecting developers to make a sequel longer than its predecessor (in certain cases).

I'll refer to Modern Warfare. People complained that the campaign was short (it really is), but I mean, it was the first of the MW series and the game ended on a cliffhanger, so people lived with it. People expected the sequel to be longer and with the time spent developing it, the only thing people speculate was, "Gahhh, its been so long, they MUST be making it much longer, and MUST have heard our desires!" Aaaand, they didn't. Modern Warfare 2 was about 4 missions longer, I believe, and it ended on yet another huge cliffhanger.

Which brings up another point: paying 65 dollars for online multiplayer. The campaigns in some recent shooters are just an excuse to call it a "full" game. I want my money to go equally to each aspect of the game or at least be an unbalanced split that is fair. When I bought MW2 for $65 (I think it was raised 5 dollars to $70 not including tax because of how hot the game was going to be on release)... turns out I paid about 55 dollars of that on multiplayer because the campaign was just a joke. The lead up from "crap might be going down soon dude," to "CRAP ITS GOING DOWN DUDE," to "crap, let's throw them another cliffhanger dude" happened in the shortest amount of time possible.

Was it fun for the most part? Yeah, sure, but, right as the going gets good and you start finding out the big plot points in the game, well, it ends. The campaign is barely 4 hours long, if that.

By the way, I ended up selling MW2 because of its weak multiplayer. I'm sure some of you have heard of its lack of dedicated servers (host migrations and lag almost every match, and half the time, you can't join a lobby), and its series of glitches and exploits. Aaand, that is why I bought Bad Company 2.

Trainman: That doesn't look like the sort of badge a Pokémon trainer would ever be caught wearing.

Yeah, but it's the first attack badge from paper mario that would solve the problem you guys have been talking about for a bit.

Run into weak enemy, defeat it without having to go into battle. Problem soooolved.

General Chat / Re: Cravin' Haven
« on: July 23, 2010, 09:14:35 PM »
You've never heard [X] is my joint?

Must be a local thing.

Eh.... no. The closest thing I think I've heard (if I'm referring to the same thing you're referring to) is "[X] is my [dukar]."

"Whose [dukar] is that?"
"My [dukar]."

Mario Chat / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
« on: July 23, 2010, 09:08:32 PM »
They just need to tweak battles.

All generic boss battles feel like the same tired formula: Big enemy, glaring weak spot. Hit boss 2 times, boss gets really ****ed, adds/repeats a move to generic moveset and gets slightly faster. Get hit by boss, boss freezes and chucks it up about how they've hurt you.

Nintendo's approach to "changing it up a great deal" is by adding an extra hit or two for a boss. Of course, it's always the use of the level itself that provides the challenge for the boss which, hey, that's awesome. However, the bosses themselves are never really memorable and they don't take any technique themselves, really, to defeat. If there was a combination between the level being the challenge AND the boss being the challenge, that'd be cool.

(Tarantox is a kiiiiiinda good example of going in the right direction)


Where the hell is one of these when you need them?

General Chat / Re: Cravin' Haven
« on: July 23, 2010, 01:24:46 AM »
I was providing examples of how the word "joint" is used that I've heard as a slang term, so I could keep the comparison kinda consistent.

Mario Chat / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
« on: July 23, 2010, 01:20:28 AM »
Eh, the two games almost seem incomparable except for the game's engine and classic premise, really.

The first one was all about deep space, triumphant and soft music, some deeper story, and some ground-breaking takes at what Nintendo could really do with Mario and the Wii.

The second one perfects all flaws in the first one and adds some glimmer overall (notably lighting effects), but has an overall lighter, joyous tone to it. It's not all deep space even down to the box art for the game, and quite a few of the tunes are generally more upbeat and happy overall with less emphasis on making every song epic and everything (although the game is not without its generous share of awesome pieces).

Each game is their own experience. I like both equally.

General Chat / Re: Cravin' Haven
« on: July 22, 2010, 08:14:14 PM »
It can refer to a movie, song, really anything. It's like a generic noun and I only use it because I secretly desperately long to be black.

I'm only 20 years old and I've never heard "joint" used to refer to 'basically anything' from any person of any race or background, ever. I've heard joint used for, "let's bust out of this joint" and to refer to rolled up marijuana in papers.

"lol kids these days"

General Chat / Re: Luigison's Dual #1: The Chinese Room
« on: July 22, 2010, 08:06:13 PM »
He's not angry he just has his own way of explaining things.

Yeah, that UGH [wtd] IS THIS AND WHY???? way.

Forum Games / Re: The Pointless Topic!
« on: July 22, 2010, 01:57:44 PM »
Besides, I'd be all over your ass if you dissed Canada in front of me.

lol i'd like to see that

General Chat / Re: Luigison's Dual #1: The Chinese Room
« on: July 22, 2010, 01:51:28 PM »
I'm postulating that Glorb is one angry person.

General Chat / Re: The HOPEFUL thread: Be happy here!
« on: July 22, 2010, 01:40:38 PM »
I got a Droid. I was gonna get a Droid X, but they sold out, and like.. yeah.

But it's pretty freaking awesome.

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