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Messages - Game Over

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Forum Games / Re: Endless Rock-Scissors-Paper
« on: January 10, 2006, 09:03:37 PM »
Superior Foot is tickled by Tickle Me Elmo

(Elmo is god, unlike your christian fairy tale)

General Chat / Re: How Christmas Treated You
« on: January 10, 2006, 09:00:52 PM »
I'll probably buy PS3 like 2 years after it comes out, just because that's what I did with the PS2. I have enough money to buy both, but I also like to buy other stuff. Like CD's and voodoo dolls resembling forumers.

Aw, somebody loves me...

Elmo on DS would be awesome.

General Chat / It's Supervolt!!!
« on: January 10, 2006, 08:56:40 PM »
They *said* it was some sort of budget thing. But *I* think it's because I complained that they were always pairin' me up with a white Super Friend, like I was gonna start super-lootin' the minute they weren't watchin'. And you think I named *myself* Black Vulcan? Heck, no! I used to go by Supervolt. "Black Vulcan" was Aquaman's idea. And I said, well, maybe we should just call you White Fish.

General Chat / Re: How do you say it? If there is more ways too.....
« on: January 10, 2006, 08:50:15 PM »
I'm supposed to be Emo, but not in real life.  In real life, I don't say much except "hi!" and "how are you?".  When I come here, I sometimes let people know that I feel about things.  Sometimes I read or watch things that are sad, because those things are cathardic.  I don't have a dim outlook on life, although I act that way sometimes.  I have only been to Hot Topic three times, each time to get a Mario-related shirt I knew was going to be there.  Otherwise, I don't really like the store and all the other things it has to offer, such as bad smell, weird lighting, bubble gum stuck to the change the cashier gives you, etc.  While I have feelings and sometimes want to express them, I am usually aware that not everyone cares about me enough to want to listen to how I feel, so I try not to break out in tears in the middle of a topic and perform some melodramatic monologue about the sufferings in my life.  Some people really do have sucky lives, and while everyone should be happy with what they have, sometimes bad things happen and they can't help but feel bad-- weird sentence, huh?  Just give people a break instead of thinking low of them.  Sorry if I've offended anyone.  I know how I can be offensive sometimes. 9_9

Uh-huh...wanna play with Elmo?

Hot Topic is funzizzle fo shizzle.

General Chat / Re: How do you say it? If there is more ways too.....
« on: January 10, 2006, 07:55:07 PM »
Elmo is cool!

Lalalala lalalala Elmo's World! Lalalala lalalala Elmo's World! Elmo's has a goldfish, his crayon too! That's Elmo's World!!!!!

General Chat / Re: Save JLU!
« on: January 10, 2006, 07:51:39 PM »
(how can the creator of Rocko's Modern Life create such a horrible cartoon?)

I knew that voice was familliar!!!

Edward the Platypus is Filburt!!!

Mario Chat / Re: Favorite Female?
« on: January 10, 2006, 07:46:47 PM »
None of them, they are all kind of annoying. XD

I voted for Peach since she is not that bad.

General Chat / Re: How do you say it? If there is more ways too.....
« on: January 10, 2006, 07:43:20 PM »
Sheeh, as long as no one goes on like Yoshi used to, I think everyone is fine. We aren't little kids that get offended by someone calling us a stupid-head. We just like to have a little fun. Isn't the fact that we can't curse bad enough?

Anyway, seriously all Emos ever do all the time is whine and get mad at me for calling them Elmo.

General Chat / Re: New Members Post Here!
« on: January 10, 2006, 07:26:02 PM »
i think that's what were SUPPOSED to think j/k

I just posted a lot...

General Chat / Re: How do you say it? If there is more ways too.....
« on: January 10, 2006, 07:21:28 PM »
I pronounce it wusses.

General Chat / Re: How Christmas Treated You
« on: January 10, 2006, 07:20:30 PM »
Dude, you guys seriously don't have enough money for both the PS3 and the Revolution?

Just pre-order the Rev and buy the PS3 later, I can't believe some people actually have to save up for a year.

Are you guys like paying a mortgage on Mcdonalds pay or something? No disrespect, just wondering why you need to decide between the two instead of getting both.

General Chat / Re: Underwear Poll
« on: January 09, 2006, 05:38:26 AM »
Please tell me Lei voted commando...

General Chat / Don't Be Hatin!
« on: January 09, 2006, 05:37:28 AM »
Stop hatin on the GBM, it is prettier than all of you put together.

GBC games suck, I have my NES Classics SMB and some SMB Advances for it, and just look at that sexy thing:

General Chat / Re: How Christmas Treated You
« on: January 09, 2006, 05:33:37 AM »
Well I guess it's smaller by a ton for people who have a cell phone, a thick wallet, an MP3 player (soon to be fixed by Play-Yan), causing them to have 15-pound pants. But that's no excuse for the inability to play GBC games or have a proper link cable. Whatever. Even if I did have a Micro I'd never use it because I always have my DS, and when in situations that might involve multiplayer, my GBA and a link cable.
The GBM's for people who aren't insane Nintendo fans like us and only want to play 1 or 2 GBA games occasionally. And it would make a sweet MP3 player with the Play-Yan, I want one a those! Too bad the DS would have to be open...

Ironic you should say the 15 pound pants thing, because I always wear these UFO Pants with a 40 inch leg (going around the leg) and I can fit a slim PS2 and two games in each pocket. Or the slim ps2 and 7 games using both, being that two ps2s is something that is actually pointless.

Also, the only GBC games that I still have are: Donkey Kong (one of the rarest GB games ever, I shall never sell it.), Pokemon TCG (Darn childhood: I could never sell it), and Pokemon Gold because I got every pokemon without cheating (Except the unobtainables, Mew and some other dudes).

Plus, why the frig is everyone hating on GBM. It is awesome, especially because the 20th anniversery one is for hardcore nintendo fans. And being that I have 15 pound pants, I carry my PSP, IPod, DS, Micro, Cell, and tons of games all the time.

And my reasoning for carrying both the Micro and DS at the same time?

The Gameboy Micro is:

One Screen so you don't have the empty one
And so freakin light

Whoa, mint bumped this topic up more than a month. XD

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