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Topics - bobman37

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Friend Codes / Post your Xbox Live gamertags!
« on: July 15, 2007, 06:52:28 PM »
I'll admit- I enjoy playing Xbox more than my DS, especially since the online service is much more advanced.

I would like to expand my friend list with people I know, so competition is more exciting. Really though, I look forward to jamming with fellow Xbox-playing Forum-goers on Rock Band and/or Guitar Hero III.

My Xbox 360 is still in the mail, and my account died a while ago, so when my new Xbox arrives and I get a Gold card I'll post my 'tag.

Post your Xbox Live gamertag, as well as your most-played games.

EDIT: Please do NOT spam this thread with comments such as "I wish I had an Xbox" or "You're not a true Mario fan".

Bird Person = Bird Person
bobman37 = xbobman37x Now Playing: Halo 3, Rock Band, Guitar Heroes 2 and 3
Br26 = EBEnthusiast Now Playing: Rock Band, Guitar Hero, GTAIV
CrzyFlmingMnkyHead = Some1WithN0Name
libra346 = libra96 Now Playing:
Lizard Dude = Lizard Dude Now Playing: BioShock, Space Giraffe
TEM = A Happy Dog Now Playing:

General Chat / Save the Cheerleader...
« on: May 03, 2007, 03:34:20 PM »
...Save the World.

NBC's hit TV show, Heroes, is truly a great television show. I love how well the story is written. I know there are more of you out there that like Heroes as much as I do, so discuss any theories/happenings please!

Note: Put any spoilers and/or theories in spoiler text so as not to spoil it for someone who has not watched it through the most recent episode.

General Chat / Vexing Vehicles
« on: March 31, 2007, 09:11:48 PM »
We have been shopping for a used car for a few weeks, and are considering a Chevrolet Malibu. Of course, there are all kinds of trim styles, engine sizes, interior layouts, etc., so we're kind of lost on what compilation is really suitable. I really like a 2003 black Malibu LS V6 we found.

This leads me to the reason for the topic: What kind of car do you (or your parents) own? How big is the engine? Leather seats, auto or manual, etc.? What's the year? Trim style? What color? Most importantly: How do you like it? Does anyone here have a Malibu, and if so, how is it? Discuss your cars!

Video Game Chat / Think You Know Your PC Games?
« on: December 04, 2006, 03:57:03 PM »
Take this quiz and find out!

There are 40 screenshots of games that are either on PC or have been at one point, and your job is to give the title of the game (These games do not have to be PC-exclusive).  See how many you can get without help! I have completed the entire quiz already, as have some others on the forums, so if you need help, I'd be glad to give hints.

NOTE: Please, if you're going to reveal hints or answers in this thread, put it in spoiler text.

Friend Codes / Wii Friend Codes
« on: November 19, 2006, 01:33:10 PM »
Post your Nintendo Wii friend codes here!

Can't find yours? Go to Messages --> Create message --> Address Book

^Thanks Sunbun^

EDIT: Please do not post complaining about how you do not yet have a Wii. This thread should be kept to friend codes and/or related chatting.

Friend Codes

Ainslie: 0199-6898-2043-0294
Bird Person: 6129 2468 0929 8089
Black Mage: 5009 2986 5336 8221
bobman37: 0830-6903-0935-7429
BriGuy92: 1354 5740 7913 5271
Br26: 0114 2731 2142 3310
cantthinkofaname: 7166 5433 8636 9835
Captain_Jim: 1372 7895 7234 9853
Chupperson Weird: 0189 7284 8261 0763
Count Bleck: 2834 4403 6023 6292
CrossEyed7: 7798 3647 5098 6832
David Dayton: 2878 6587 9343 0860
Deezer: 4936 3051 4737 9432
Dusk: 2053 8393 1518 5556
Eclipsed Moon: 2555 9032 7541 7428
Fifth: 7410 6379 5404 3474
kirbyman: 2723 0324 9891 8557
Kojinka: 8202 3078 0083 7807
Linkin800: 5757 7154 9521 4813
Lizard Dude: 7766 9436 0912 2586
luigalaxy: 8651-6410-7184-9446
Luigison: 4893 4649 9600 3720
MaxVance: 6487 8011 1457 8802
MEGABYTE: 2007 7011 6588 7251
Metal_Slug_Mario: 7287 6853 8837 7931
Metric: 2333-7576-0116-0852
Mr. Melee: 0156 7857 8149 3363
Mr. Wiggles: 1238 7355 8992 0706
NintendoExpert89: 5312 8355 0132 9987
n-fani: 8664 0644 3246 3510
otterfiend: 6782 4275 8321 3351
pacmancdi: 4250-0982-2245-6348
PaperMario: 4438 1877 2528 2851
Phred: 7879 0097 4130 3564
Poop Dude: 3859-2111-0139-2639
Pt_Peach: 2742-0176-3004-8145
Rare: 3687 7557 0490 1372
Red Paratroopa: 7270 6550 0424 1596
Shyguy92: 8598 7630 4506 6211
solidmushroom: 8881 7829 0142 7739
Suffix: 5741 5787 6619 2149
Sunbun: 4853 8586 5310 2013
Tboneman: 4403 1098 8850 3352
TEM: 2059 1443 7154 8077
Toad: 6857-2391-6905-2584
Turtlekid1: 6898 4203 8915 8532
Vidgmchtr: 2830 8058 7839 8754
waddle_doo: 3328-7080-1528-4309
Weegee: 8264 5651 9728 7149

Forum Games / Falling Sand Game!
« on: August 23, 2006, 08:39:21 PM »

I found this game online just now and I think it is awesome. Directions on how to play are at the top of the linked website. Do cool stuff, have fun, but most importantly, take screenshots and post your designs here!

NOTE: Java must be installed

Video Game Chat / Gunstar Super Heroes.. or Tony Hawk?
« on: January 05, 2006, 04:17:56 PM »
Once again, I need help with a delimma. My next two games on my list are Gunstar Super Heroes and Tony Hawk's American Sk8land. I've heard many great things about Gunstar from gaming mags, and NP rated it a 9.5 out of 10, which is (tied for?) the best score for a GBA game since they changed the reviewing system, and probably ever. I'm an avid Tony Hawk fan, and I think Sk8land would be fun, especially online, but I don't know if it really is that great a game. If the gameplay is as fast and as fun as console verisons, that'll just make the decision harder. Any input?

Video Game Chat / Animal crossing... or Superstar Saga?
« on: December 23, 2005, 04:25:10 PM »
This is my first thread, so please don't flame if it sucks. Anyway, I'm in sort of a delimma. I think I'm going to get Mario and Luigi: Parnters in Time for Christmas, and I normally only get one game. This, along with Superstar Saga, Animal Crossing: WW, and Tony Hawk American Sk8land, are the four games that I want to get as soon as I can. I heard Superstar Saga was a little better than PiT, so I want to buy and finish that one before playing PiT, but I have a craving for Animal Crossing... Tony Hawk can wait. So, my question for those of you with experience with one or both games is, should I buy Animal Crossing or Superstar Saga first?

By the way, it takes me a long time to save money for a game due to a lack of a job, so whichever game I don't buy I'll have to wait until I get some money before I can buy it.

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