Woah. Insane Steve speaks French.
In '94 I was in Jr. Kindergarten. As for second grade, I remember getting suspended for a day because my archenemy lied and said I bit his hand. I DIDN'T bite his hand, but because I was an emotional kid, I started crying and I couldn't defend myself through my tears anyway. I looked too guilty already.
Also later that year at the 2nd grade 4th grade picnic when we walked to a park and I found this amazing fuzzy leaf(sycamore), after school he ran and grabbed it from my hands, crushing its fragile little form into a bunch of heartless little shreds! I ran after him but he rand into his minivan and locked the door, laughing at me. I stood there crying, while he laughed. I yelled "I'm going to GEt you!" in this menacing shriek.
So what two of my friends and I did was we came up with this plan to get back at him. We were to get a happy face sticker from an outside agent(some girl in the class who had a roll of them) and place it on the target's chair sticky side-up so when he sat down, there would be a sticker on the rectum area of his pants. It worked! But a spy from the outside(some other random kid in the class) told our secret plans to the teacher, and we had to sit out one recess. It was still a satisfying victory.
But now that I look back, none of us were really nice to my archenemy, and it is rather sad. He wasn't very nice either, but I guess there isn't much we can do to change the past. We have but one moment for every moment to make that moment a happy moment. SO why not make that moment happy for everyone? *crowd cheers*