
Author Topic: The ANGST thread: Complain here!  (Read 1810166 times)


  • Banned
« Reply #6735 on: May 30, 2010, 03:27:04 PM »
I realize this is a Mario forum. But this ain't Mario Chat, and I'm pretty sure we don't have the Mario Police regulating what we say when it comes to real-life, non-fictional actual humans.

« Reply #6736 on: May 30, 2010, 03:39:49 PM »
The Vlasic bird is now CGI 3D.
Why did he have to be 3D? There was NOTHING wrong with him being 2D! You don't just reinvent characters for no good reason! If you're gonna do 3D, at -least- make him look as good as his 2D self, but no! Come on, this is 2010, there's no excuse!

(for reference, this is the last commercial with his 2D self that I saw)

While I miss his glasses and curvier beak, I have to admit it's not as bad as what happened to Ranger Rick, but it just rubs me the wrong way to suddenly see a character done in CGI. Remember the guy in the caterpillar suit for Money Tree? I hated that caterpillar, but still, I preferred the caterpillar suit and blatant goofiness to the CGI caterpillar they tried for a while.

But if your CGI looks as bad as "The General" Auto Insurance, then you just need to drop off the face of the earth.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2010, 03:51:56 PM by penguinwizard »
You didn't say wot wot.

« Reply #6737 on: May 30, 2010, 04:26:12 PM »
I realize this is a Mario forum. But this ain't Mario Chat, and I'm pretty sure we don't have the Mario Police regulating what we say when it comes to real-life, non-fictional actual humans.

If it's really that big of a deal, just mention the movies that he played in that you like.
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #6738 on: May 30, 2010, 06:37:50 PM »
That was a stupid, [dukar]ty role he shouldn't be remembered for. Say he was the guy from Speed, for god's sakes.

So you don't want anyone to recall his role as King Koopa from the Super Mario Bros movie (a [dukar]ty role that he made work) and yet you don't even know the name of his role from Speed (Howard Payne you retard).

Good going.
As a game that requires six friends, an HDTV, and skill, I can see why the majority of TMK is going to hate on it hard.

Captain Jim

  • TwinklyMuffin
« Reply #6739 on: May 30, 2010, 08:23:57 PM »
I found his role as King Koopa in that movie to be a legitimately good villain (similar to how I found the Bison in the Street Fighter movie was a legitimately awesome villain). That's just me though (plus it's been a few years since I've seen SMB).
« Last Edit: May 30, 2010, 08:26:42 PM by Captain Jim »
No! I don't want that!

« Reply #6740 on: May 31, 2010, 01:59:55 PM »
His role was compelling, but certainly not King Koopa.
YYur  waYur n beYur you Yur plusYur instYur an Yur Yur whaYur

« Reply #6741 on: June 01, 2010, 11:26:01 AM »
I'm a working man again. I'm not sure if this is a cause for angst or hope, but I thought I would just throw it out there.

I get to deal with all those crazy customers again. Maybe I'll be able to post some stories on
Kinopio is the ultimate video game character! Who else can drive a kart, host parties, play tennis, give good advice and items, and is almost always happy??


  • Banned
« Reply #6742 on: June 08, 2010, 08:01:33 AM »
What is it with old-school Godzilla fans popping boners over how bad they can diss the '98 American Godzilla? I didn't even know any actual old-school Godzilla fans even existed in real life, only on the internet.

Seriously, it was a pretty good movie. It was never meant to be a big stupid dude-in-a-rubber-suit film about Godzilla fightan giant lizerd doods with the help of fairies and robots and a little Japanese kid in short-shorts. It was meant to be a total reimagining, almost a deconstruction, if you will. It's not a masterpiece by any standards, but still a very good, very viciously underrated film. God people are stupid sometimes.

(By the way, I have no clue where my cousin finds his loser friends in this neck of the woods.)

The Chef

  • Super
« Reply #6743 on: June 08, 2010, 11:27:14 AM »
Godzill '98 was a ****-poor Jurassic Park clone and nothing can ever match the sheer entertainment value of watching guys in rubber monster costumes beating each other up amidst destructable miniature sets.


  • Banned
« Reply #6744 on: June 09, 2010, 11:23:55 AM »
Godzilla '98 was a good movie with a bad rep because a highly vocal bunch of butthurt Japanophile Godzilla nerds got upset that it was going to be a remake and not just 90 minutes of rubber suit fights. Never mind that they could get their fix by watching all the other four hundred identical movies in their DVD collection, this movie needed to be like them too!

Basically, what it all boils down to is that Japan-loving nerds wish that everything was Japanese.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 02:32:21 PM by Glorb »


  • Paid by the word
« Reply #6745 on: June 09, 2010, 12:10:22 PM »
I'd say it boils down to Japan-loving nerds being angry that a movie based on a Japanese franchise wasn't at all like said franchise.

The Chef

  • Super
« Reply #6746 on: June 09, 2010, 01:36:47 PM »
Even if you disregard the bad rap it gets from kaiju nuts, it's still a crappy movie on it's own merits. Like I said, we already had Jurassic Park not too long before it.


  • Banned
« Reply #6747 on: June 09, 2010, 02:06:52 PM »
Dude, Jurassic Park

came out two years before
was based on a book
had a 100% different plot
had a 100% different setting

I admit, it's obvious the FX dudes were clearly thinking Jurassic Park T-Rex when they did the helicopter chase, but aside from that the two movies have nothing in common. Plot device-wise, the baby G's were more like zombies (minus the infection angle) when you got down to it.

And how, pray tell, is the movie crappy? Disregarding the bad rep from kaiju nuts and the tenuous JP aping, it's basically a fun Independence Day disaster movie kinda deal - threadbare plot, cool special effects, and shallow-yet-likeable characters (well, not as many as ID4, but you catch my drift).
« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 02:31:48 PM by Glorb »

« Reply #6748 on: June 09, 2010, 06:27:03 PM »
Godzilla '98 was a good movie

I stopped reading right there.

You clearly don't know what a good movie is.
As a game that requires six friends, an HDTV, and skill, I can see why the majority of TMK is going to hate on it hard.


  • Ridiculously relevant
« Reply #6749 on: June 09, 2010, 10:04:42 PM »
I saw some of it on TV at one point. Granted, Matthew Broderick prevented me from taking it very seriously, but it looked like it had potential for its time.
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef
