
Author Topic: Bored so I wrote this  (Read 1704 times)

« on: October 12, 2003, 09:09:09 PM »
What's this?
You've never heard the story of the the great warriors and the koopa king?
Well sit down, and have a bite! I'll tell ya!
Let's see...
The tale begins in the Mushroom Kingdom, when Princess peach was still young. A terrible Monster known as the Koopa King was after the kingdom for his own. He kidnapped the princess and dragged her off to his castle, where he planned to keep her until she promised to marry him.
At about this time, two great warriors, one in red armour, the other clad in green, came to the mushrrom kingdom, where they heard of the young princess's peril.
Now these were no mere mortals;. They were seven feet tall, with magical weapons that gave them fiery breath! They could jump eight times their height and could magically appear anywhere through the use of warp tunnels. They were brothers (so say most of the stories). Some say they traveled here from another dimension.
The Warriors fought their way through legions of the monster's troops, astride their green, fire-breathing steeds, to the monster's castle.
The monster was humongous, with natural fire breath and super strength. It's mouth was full of sharp teeth that dripped with the blood of its many victims. It wore on it's back, a huge sheild of spikes and had a long tale that thrashed back and forth wildly. The green knight grabbed the tale and swung him around, throwing him onto a thin shaky bridge, suspended over a pit of molten lava.
The red knight showed his courage when he leapt over the giant balls of fire spat by the beast, jumped over its head, and, grabbed the axe on the other end of the bridge...
Now don't ask me WHY there was a thin shaky bridge suspended over a pit of molten lava in the castle.
No, I don't know why there was an axe at the other end.
OR why the impact of a huge monster onto it didn't cause it to collapse.
Stop asking questions and just listen to the story!
Now, where was I?
The red knight grabbed the axe at the other end of the bridge and chopped the rope in two, causing it to fall into the lava!
The beast was dead! And the princess was rescued!
What? Again with the questions! No, I don't know what happened after that. But y'know what? If you go to Toad Town, you can find a couple of crazy old plumbers who say they know the rest of the story.

"Walk softly and carry a Super Scope."
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."


  • Normal
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2003, 09:15:34 PM »
That was actually pretty cool.  One time I got a birthday card, and on the front it said, "Hapu Birthdai", and inside it said, "Mark, I may not know how to spell, but I know that you are cool."  It was really nice of him to write that.  Oh well.  I like your story.  Too bad it's over.

Luigi likes to flirt in his backwards shirt!
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."


  • June 14-16, every year
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2003, 03:18:25 PM »
That's the best fan-fic I've read to date.  Actually, it's the only one that I have ever read to completion.  Good job!
