
Author Topic: Role Play begins! (everyone in the RPG read)  (Read 31056 times)

« Reply #45 on: July 29, 2000, 08:39:26 PM »
Wario was standing on a 20 in x 20 in island smoking a pack of cigarettes and drinking a Bud, when the army of Bowser came.

Wario jumped up and killed them all, putting a end to the Bowser empire forever...or did he?

« Reply #46 on: July 29, 2000, 08:43:02 PM »
The message above doesn`t count. It was written by a friend of mine who didn`t understand the message. Mearly write like it was never there.
*Looks inside of a candy bar wraper. Reads:* You have just won a Sony Plays.... Oh it`s crap!!

« Reply #47 on: July 29, 2000, 09:02:31 PM »
As I, Lakitu the King of the Skies, flew around old fat Wario's island, I saw Bowser's fleet of men approaching. That's when I decided to destroy Bowser and Wario. That way only Mario will stand in my way of total domination of the world...or Mushroom Kingdom, whatever comes first.

I started to throw dozens and dozens of Spiny's down on the island. Wario was cornered.

"Who's doing this to me?" wondered Wario.

Actually he didn't actually say it, but looked like he was thinking it. He started to punch at them, but they stabbed him. Then he kicked at them, but they stabbed him. Finally he tried to head butt them. That was a big mistake because that left a huge scar that ran from the top left corner of his face to the bottom right corner.

I started to laugh sadistically, but had no time to finish because Bowser's army had arrived. I saw Kamek and Koopa Troopa lining up their men to attack Wario. Little did they know I was hiding in the clouds waiting to strike...

They charged onto the island only to find my Spiny's there. They fought and fought but my Spiny's were to strong for their week little Koopa shells that have no spikes. In the confusion Wario must've slipped away, because after Bowser's men fled I couldn't find that fat coward...

I'll get them again someday...


« Reply #48 on: July 29, 2000, 09:09:38 PM »
Suddenly, Kamek turned around. He could sense a Lakitu was there. With a wave of his wand, he hipnotized Lakitu. "Fall in line," he said. Lakitu flew with the rest of the army. Kamek then transformed all the Spinys into flowers. "A real powerful army..." mumbled Kamek. "Now, that fool Lakitu let Wario go free. We must find him so he knows nothing of our plan. Mwa ha ha ha!"

"Koopa pack, ATTACK!!" Koopa Troopa yelled. The entire army walked the island, looking for Wario. Wario hid in a small spot he had built in his castle. 'Boy,' he thought, 'I-a sure wish-a that-a my brother, Waluigi was here.' He could hear the army outside getting closer...
*Looks inside of a candy bar wraper. Reads:* You have just won a Sony Plays.... Oh it`s crap!!

« Reply #49 on: July 29, 2000, 09:51:34 PM »
After setting up camp and camping in the Mushroom Wood, Luigi's eyes finally crept open. He was snuggled cozily in his sleeping bag, and didn't even feel like getting up see what was going on. Just then, he heard something in the distance. He could just barely make out what they were saying..

"Hail Kamek! Hail Kamek!," said many voices in unison.

"MAMA-MIA!!!!!!," Luigi screamed, and struggled to get up, out of the sleeping bag. In the process, his foot got tangled in the tent, and it fell over on everyone.

"What the..whats going on!," Peach yelled, "I need my beauty sleep you mustacheod moron!," she continued.

"You guys Kamek's army is descending upon the Mushroom Kingdom!!!!!," Luigi shreaked. In a flash they were all up, and a bit worried too.

"WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!," yelled Toad.

"Somebody save us!!," Luigi added.

"The end is near!! It's all gone!," Peach cried.

"WILL YOU GUYS STOP?!!," Mario broke in. "Don't panic! We just have to get to the castle and get the army!," Mario explained.

"I know! There's a warp pipe not far from here!," Luigi exclaimed. They all ran after the green-suited plumber as he made his way through trees.

Then they all jumped into the pipe, and the forest was left quiet once again.


Luigi warped up in the Mushroom Village. He looked around in shock. The sky was dark with clouds, and lighting had set several homes afire. Thunder shook the land. The poor Mushroomians were in panic without their queen.

Luigi, Mario and Toad ran towards the castle, while Peach pulled out a loud speaker and tried to calm the people down.

Peach then yelled out, "Toad, get the Mushroom troops! You'll lead them into battle!".

Toad ran to the barracks, and gathered the entire Mushroom army, which was vast and strong. But would it be enough?

Meanwhile, Peach and the Bros. discussed plans in the meeting room. "Mario, you'll be in charge of heavy artillery, as well as doing your best to defeat Bowser as you always have," Peach said to Mario with a small smile. "Luigi, you'll be in charge of battle tactics, as well as working with Mario to defeat them," Peach said to Luigi, who nodded in agreement. "Toad is going to be the general of the troops, as well as supplying you two with items," Peach continued. "And going to fight in the army," Peach concluded, holding her head high.

"But Peach, you can't!," Mario gasped. Peach crossed her arms and arched an eyebrow, "And why not? Haven't I taken as much abuse from that over-grown lizard and his lackies as you, if not more?!". Mario didn't say a word, and Luigi went to get out some maps.

Meanwhile, the Mushroom army readied the Mushroom Tanks, the Bob-omb guns and the fire shield, which would cover the whole army. They also put on special armor, and Toad got them lined up in front of Peach's Castle.

Inside the castle, Peach looked out the stained-glass window, her hands clasped behind her back. Sighing to herself, she thought about how this may be the biggest threat to her Kingdom as of yet.

Meanwhile, Mario was outside lining up tanks, and supplying powerful flame throwers to Mushroom Soldiers in the right and left flanks. Luigi made complex maps of the area, and special attacks the army could move as.

Some Mushroom soldiers rode Yoshis, carrying spears at their sides and pouches with hand bob-ombs. Peach put on chain mail and a spiked metal hat. She grabbed a huge broad sword that she could barely carry, and painted her face with green. This time, Bowser wouldn't get the best of her. This time, she would be the one to laugh.

Mario and Luigi also got special suits.

Luigi, who was trained in M-Jitsu and sword manuevers, put on a black suit and carried a long, curved sword which he wore on his back. He looked just like a ninja, an assassin. And Kamek was his target.

Mario put on huge wool boots, as well as full armor over his whole body. He gripped a double-bladed axe, which was bigger than he was. Finally, he covered his face in red and black paint, and slid a large, fierce helmet over his face. Not even a metal cap could do this.

Now, the Mushroom Kingdom was ready.

Anything with a shell was going to fall to the fungi.

OOC: okay...I know it was a little extreme...but now...WE RULE! heeheehee..

Do my funky dance, Oy Oy Oy!

*does victory dance after SSB fight*

« Reply #50 on: July 29, 2000, 10:25:08 PM »
The whole walk to the Kingdom, Koopa Troopa thought of his plan. 'Hmmm,' he thought, 'I felt so sure before, but now I`m nervous. When I was thinking before, I had an idea. But what was it?!?' He walked blindly thinking, trying to remember. Without warning, the army walked into the forest. Koopa Troopa almost walked into a tree.

'Aaw yes,' he thought, 'Now I remember! I must hurry.' Koopa Troopa snuck into the forest and away from the army. Since the entire army of Koopas that he led looked the same, no one seemed to notice him dissapear. Koopa Troopa knew the woods like no one else. He knew every twist and turn there was to know in the whole Mushroom World. He had traveled the world in almost every one of Bowser`s dumb plans. He was almost to the kingdom, when suddenly he saw it.

The massive army walked the entire kingdom. Tanks were everywhere and Mushroom warriors walked the ground.

'OH DEAR GOD!' he thought to himself. Koopa acted swift. He hid in the woods and grabbed a Mushroom Warrior without anyone seeing it. He knocked the mushroom out (without biting his head this time) and stole his clothes. He found a rock and cut the top of the warriors head off. Just the Mushroom part. When the warrior awoke he lay in the forest, naked and bald. Koopa Troopa was already at the castle. When he got their, he stood before Peach. She was not yet ready to go to join the others. Suddenly, she noticed the "Mushroom Warrior" among her.

"Oh, hello," she said.

"Greetings," said Koopa Troopa. "I am about to show you a secret of the enemy, but you must not tell anyone."

"Okay," answered a reluctant Princess.

Slowly, Koopa Troopa removed the Mushroom top. The Princess let out a scream.

"Wait!" explained Koopa Troopa. "I am joining the Mushroom army. I am tired of Bowser`s stupid plans. They`re the same plan over and over again! I am betraying him to help you."

"How can I trust you?" asked Peach.

"Ha ha ha," cackled Koopa Troopa. "If I were going to attack the Mushroom Kingdom, wouldn`t I of killed you already?"

Peach took time to think. "Well," she reluctantly said, "well, then, how can you help me?"

"I," said Koopa Troopa with great pride, "am the Grand General of all of Bowser`s army. If I can give the army horrible commands or lead them straight to your troops, it`s good-bye to the Koopa Pack."

"Well," said a Peach who was in deep thought, "Alright. Here..." she handed him a necklace with a Starman on it... "wear this so the Mushroom Army knows not to kill you."

Koopa Troopa put on the necklace and started to leave. Suddenly, Mario ran into the castle. He was out of breath.

"Uh...Princess....heard....scream....okay?" he forced out. Luigi ran up beside him. He seemed fine.

"Peach," he began, "We heard-a scream. Are you okay?"

Suddenly, the Brothers noticed the Koopa Troopa. They started to attack.

"Wait," said Peach, "He has befriended the Kingdom." Peach told Mario and Luigi the whole story. Then, she got on the loud speaker. "Fellow Mushroom People," echoed through the land, "Do not kill any Koopa who wears a Medallion of a Starman. That is all."

Koopa Troopa bowed to the Princess and left the castle. He ran through the forest and back to his spot at the front of Bowser`s Army. 'Hehehe,' he laughed to himself, 'And Bowser`s army is ever so dumber.' So the army marched on, without knowing there fait.
*Looks inside of a candy bar wraper. Reads:* You have just won a Sony Plays.... Oh it`s crap!!

« Reply #51 on: July 29, 2000, 10:37:46 PM »
Koopa Troopa returned to the campsite of the waiting Bowser Army with the medallion around his neck.

"What do you have there?" asked the curious Lakitu.

"Oh, this is just a medallion I found it on the....ummm....ground....near that tree over there," replied the nervous Koopa Troopa.

Koopa Troopa began to order the army to move forward to attack the kingdom.

And on to the battlefield they went, led by Kamek and Lakitu. Mario and Kamek began to have themselves a one-on-one battle, and the same with Luigi and Lakitu.

Mario punched Kamek, but the crafty wizard had made a split image of himself and dodged the attack. He countered with a blazing fireball that bursted out of his ivory staff.

Mario seemed to be beaten, but the army of the Mushroom Kingdom came through and attacked Kamek. Kamek had to back off and leave.

Meanwhile, Luigi is fighting Lakitu and his Spiny's. Luigi seems to be overmatched in this great battle, because he cant seem to get his hands on the flying Lakitu.

Soon enough Luigi falls to the ground hurt, and he waves his white flag to surrender. The army of Bowser charged into the town setting fires to all the Mushroom Houses.

Mario and his army run back to the town ready to defend it. With Luigi hurt this could end bad for the Mushroom Kingdom.

While this is going on, Koopa Troopa is no where to be seen. Lakitu gets worried and leaves in search for him. He ends up lost in the woods, while the armies tear each other apart...


« Reply #52 on: July 30, 2000, 08:44:47 AM »
I am sorry. I thought that Luigi said that I was Mario. I will be Bowser now.ha hAhahahAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

  this is my message

« Reply #53 on: July 30, 2000, 09:06:58 AM »
As boo searched the forest he saw a lakitu Boo:hey lakitu do you know where mario is I want to scare him.


« Reply #54 on: July 30, 2000, 09:11:06 AM »
  Ready the army!!!! I said to the general goomba. We are waging an attack on the Mushroom Kingdom!!!!! But sir, said the Goomba. Dont sir me young man!!I yelled . Now get the army ready! Right away sir. ( 10 minutes later) Sir! The army is gone!!!!said the Goomba. WHHAAATTTT!!!!!!! Where is that drunkened Koopa Troopa that I appointed general??!! He to is gone, sir. No!!! I screamed. Get my Clown Copter!! I am going to find them!!! The Goomba hurried off. He came back with a worried and stupified look on his face. Its not there...sir. What?????!!!!!! Does the universe not want me to have this army?
    should I ready a lakitu cloud for you to fly in?
    Of Course!!!!
    Ill be back sir.
    I really got to get a new general, I said quietly.


« Reply #55 on: July 30, 2000, 09:12:06 AM »
  Ready the army!!!! I said to the general goomba. We are waging an attack on the Mushroom Kingdom!!!!! But sir, said the Goomba. Dont sir me young man!!I yelled . Now get the army ready! Right away sir. ( 10 minutes later) Sir! The army is gone!!!!said the Goomba. WHHAAATTTT!!!!!!! Where is that drunkened Koopa Troopa that I appointed general??!! He to is gone, sir. No!!! I screamed. Get my Clown Copter!! I am going to find them!!! The Goomba hurried off. He came back with a worried and stupified look on his face. Its not there...sir. What?????!!!!!! Does the universe not want me to have this army?
    should I ready a lakitu cloud for you to fly in?
    Of Course!!!!
    Ill be back sir.
    I really got to get a new general, I said quietly.


« Reply #56 on: July 30, 2000, 09:19:53 AM »
Koopa Troopa watched as the horrific battle waged on. He waved his hand in the air, a secret Koopa Army signal that told for retreat. The army seemed a little confused, since they were winning. But, since Koopa Troopa was general of ALL of Bowser`s troops (meaning the only people ranking higher than him were Kamek, Bowser, and his eight little brats the Koopalings), the army retreated. They started running through the kingdom, always with the Mushroom Army close behind. Suddenly, Koopa Troopa comanded the army to stop and fight. The Mushrooms leaped up and began to attack King Koopa`s Army. Koopa Troopa dissappeared from sight. He found Mario running to battle and ran over to him.

"Hey Mario," he said, "I have a plan." The Koopa whispered Mario the plan so no one could here it.

"Hey," said Mario, "That`s not-a so bad an idea." Koopa Troopa went inside of his shell and Mario grabbed it and ran. Mario was coming from the castle, where Luigi was being taken care of by the finest of Mushroom doctors. Finally, Mario reached the battle and threw Koopa Troopa through the air. Koopa went flying until he hit another Koopa Troopa. The Troopa fell down and the shell flew on. It hit Koopa after Koopa and Goomba after Goomba and Shy Guy after Shy Guy. It seemed that the Mushrooms were going to win.
*Looks inside of a candy bar wraper. Reads:* You have just won a Sony Plays.... Oh it`s crap!!

« Reply #57 on: July 30, 2000, 09:41:39 AM »
OOC: Hey Goomba and Mario-oh-oh, you can't just make people get beat up or do something. They have to decide. Thats why it is called ROLE PLAY, not "control everyone to your benefit and storyline". I don't wanna see anymore of this.

IC: Luigi flipped up from the hospital bed and out of the window. He landed in the dense brush of the forest, hidden from all in his stealth ninja suit. He swiftly made his way through the forest, snaking around the two battling armies. He saw Kamek hovering above the battle, giving orders and casting spells.

Walking around, he slipped out into the field where the armies fought. Flipping left, he kicked a Goomba up into the air with a flying upward arch kick. Then, he turned and rammed the hilt of his sword into a Koopa Troopa, shattering its shell. He then then threw down a smoke bomb, and seemed to dissapear once again into the night, his eyes still set on Kamek.


OOC: rule. No one can do anything to someone else. You can be vague like I just was, referring to them with "a". If you want to battle another character, then you must first ask them. You can create NPCs (non-playing characters) to do stuff, but not to a real character. Please don't break this rule again.

I''m-a Luigi, number-a one!
Do my funky dance, Oy Oy Oy!

*does victory dance after SSB fight*

« Reply #58 on: July 30, 2000, 10:01:58 AM »
OOC: Okay that's it no more Mr. Nice Guy I am not gonna get beat up..

IC: Mario looked down at the Koopa Troopa's shell in hand and thought,"Why am I helping him?!". Mario growled and hurled the shell into the depths of Bowser's army. He then ran towards battle, leaping in front of the Mushroom army, next to Toad. He rammed his shoulder into a Goomba, throwing it back causing a big mess. Mario then had an idea, thinking,"I sure hope this armor is strong enough." He grabbed a Bob-Omb in each hand, and jumped into the middle of Bowser's army, where he was attacked with Koopa swords, which still were not strong enough to peirce all his armor, Mario braced himself, gritted his teeth, and through the two Bob-Ombs down to his own feet. He saw the explosion, then, as the dust settled, he stood in a large crater, holding his Large Axe, with bodies of Koopa Troopa's and Goomba's all around him. He took a step, putting his foot on a Koopa shell and crushing it. The Mushroom Army began rushing in at the rest of the Bowser army. Mario then noticed that the Mushroomians didn't know how to work the tanks. Mario smirked, and ran up and jumped to the top of a tank. The Mushroomian jumped out, and Mario took his place. Mario drove into the depths of the Koopa army, crushing Goomba's and Koopa Troopa's, firing Bullet Bills at the hordes of Bowser's followers. Mario noticed the Mushroom Army was taking alot of damage from a Flying Clown Copter containing many Koopa's and Goomba's who were throwing bob-ombs down onto the Mushroomians. Mario jumped out of the tank, growled, and jumped his highest, grabbing onto the Clown Copter's side. He pulled himself up, being attacked by the Goomba's and Koopa's it contained. He slammed his axe into one of the Koopa Troopa's shells, shattering it. Mario then leaned backwards, tiltling the Copter so all the Goomba's and Koopa's fell from the sky. Mario grabbed the bags of Bob-Ombs and dropped them down to Toad, who was the general of the Mushroomian army, and fighting greatly for it. Mario noticed that the Mushroomians had begun to win, the Koopa's and Goomba's backing down a bit. Toad ordered the Yoshi Riders to charge, and charge they did. They rushed forward clobbering Bowser'a army. Mario jumped back down, and landed and rolled to his feet. Mario surveyed the ongoing battle for a moment, thinking, then he got at idea. He jumped on a Yoshi that had no rider and rode forward, and told the Yoshi to eat all the Koopa Troopa's and Goomba's he liked. The Yoshi yelled 'Yoshi!' and began swallowing all the enemies around Mario, turning them into eggs.

Mario watched as the Bowser army decreased, many eggs laying on the battle feild being undesturbed. Toad sent in the rest of the Mushroomian army, and they finished off the remaining soldiers in Bowser's army. Mario hopped off the Yoshi, noticing it had become quiet. He saw Kamek flying towards the Mushroom Woods, needing cover. Mario smiled as Mushroom Kingdom still stood proud.


Here we gooo!!!
Kickin' it since 2000.

« Reply #59 on: July 30, 2000, 10:46:16 AM »
Lakitu is flying around in the woods, trying to find his way out. He kept bumping into the trees since the trees were so tall.

After many hours or days of traveling he found a mushroom filled road. He decided to follow the road. The road seemed endless and after a few hours he stopped to take a rest.

That's when the mushrooms started growing. They tried attacked Lakitu, but Lakitu thought fast and flew up. Then the mushrooms started to spit poisonous gas at Lakitu. Lakitu had to get out of here fast, so he flew away as fast as he could.

That's when he bumped into a big wall! It was the wall of Mario's house. He wondered why Bowser's armies aren't invading Mushroom Kingdom anymore, so he searched the adjacent areas. He found the remaining troops scattered and injured.

So Lakitu knew that they had been defeated and there was no hope for the army of Bowser unless they regroup. Lakitu picked up the remaining members of the once great army of Bowser and delivered them back to Bowser's Castle where they will train harder and fight in the name of Bowser again...
