
Author Topic: Super Paper Mario 2: The Tribe of Darkness (Complete + Art Project)  (Read 88699 times)


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #45 on: January 21, 2008, 07:22:35 PM »
"Grah! Why can't I beat you pathetic heroes? I thought I'd found the ultimate power source!"
"We're not pathetic," argued Mimi. "Face it. Dimentio called us the same thing, but we beat him four times. You've been losing to Mario for years. What makes you think you can win now?"
"Someday, I'll beat Mario. You just watch. I'll beat all of you and become the hero of all dimensions. Then people will like me, and I'll be king over all of existence."
"What makes you think you can just take over all of the dimensions?" asked Mario. "You always want to control something, but you never have the means to do it."
"I do too have the means to do it! It's just that you jerks are always there to ruin my plans!"
"Indeed, Bowser," a voice came. "Your plans are always being ruined, aren't they? It looks like even your plan to find the rest of the Pure Hearts might fail." Dimentio appeared and Morris flipped in next to the group. "You want the same thing, don't you? The heroes want to find the Pure Hearts, and so does Bowser..." Dimentio noticed something.
Morris noticed it too. "Hey! Mimi's still with you?"
"Yeah, I am. What now?"
"Oh, don't play superior with me. Dimentio's plan was at least a partial success. We did succeed in splitting you up, even if only one person left."
"And that one person happens to have found something that would make him an excellent fighter," continued Dimentio. "That is, if he would allow me to train him. You'd be unstoppable with my guidance, Bowser."
Bowser turned to Dimentio. "You're saying you'll help me defeat the heroes? I mean, that's great and all, but I'm looking for the Pure Hearts. I'm trying to stop you so I can be the world's greatest hero."
"But your ultimate goal is to proclaim yourself king over all dimensions, right? Tell you what: If you join me, I will place you in a high seat of power in my dimensional empire."
"Bowser, no! Don't do it!" shouted Mario. "He's just trying to trick you!"
"Stay out of this!" warned Dimentio. "Let the Koopa King make his own decisions."
"Gee, that's just what I've been trying to tell these wimps this whole stinking adventure. Finally, someone who respects me for who I am!"
"No! Don't-" began Peach, but Bowser cut her off.
"All right, sign me up! I'm joining the Dimentio crew!"
"Excellent," continued the jester. He assumed a thoughtful pose. "You do seem like a very willing minion. However...after what happened to my plans at the war zone and Beachfront Town, I'm not taking chances anymore." He snapped his fingers, and Bowser was ensnared in the red bolts of hypnosis.
"No! Let him go!" Nastasia tried to counteract Dimentio's hypnosis, but it was too late. When Nastasia was close enough to Bowser, Dimentio's bolts disappeared, and Bowser's pupils suddenly glowed a bright crimson.
"HAIL DIMENTIO!" Bowser's face was expressionless and his jaw was hanging open.
"Welcome aboard, Bowser," congradulated Morris. "We're glad to have you. But you might want to look more intelligent. It'll do wonders for your charisma."
Bowser changed his pose to look tough. "That's a good idea. I'll work on a pose I can do when all the dimensions will bow before us."
"That's very nice, Bowser," began Dimentio, "but right now we should focus on your training. Now, come with me. I'll bring you to your training area, where you will hone your skills as a hero-destroyer."
"Oh yeah! I can't wait!" Dimentio vanished and Bowser flipped out. Only Morris remained.
"Thought Dimentio would just take Bowser and leave the rest of you here to find the Pure Heart? Well, there's a funny story about you guys just finding the Pure Heart, but before that happens, I'm here to stop you."
"Yeah, right!" argued Mimi. "We beat you once, and we can beat you again!"
"Oh, I wouldn't go there. I'm not the weakling you fought back in the cave. I'll rip you all to shreds!"


Morris rose into the air, surrounding himself with blue stones that encircled his body. "Let's see you harm me now!" He rose above the heroes and produced a line of stones that hovered in the air. They all fell to the ground at once, hitting several of our heroes.
"We're not prepared for a fight right after the one we just had," pointed out Mimi. "I think I still have some of the Shakes I bought at Flipside. Here, take these!" Mimi tossed some Super Shroom Shakes to the injured heroes. Meanwhile Mario, repeating the tried-and-true maneuver, picked up a stone and threw it at Morris. With the stones surrounding him, it didn't make contact, but it knocked out several of the stones, making him a vulnerable target. Luigi damaged him with a Super Jump.
"Your old tricks aren't going to work here!" Morris generated more stones and flipped into 3D. He was untouchable in three dimensions, but the blue stones could still hit the heroes. He shifted sideways along the battlefield, aiming to get some cheap shots on our heroes.
"That old trick won't work here either!" Mario flipped as well, taking the hammer to Morris's shield. He knocked away the stones and dealt Morris more damage. Morris responded by flipping back, so Mario went back to 2D as well, only to discover that Morris was again forming a hovering line of sharp stones. He knew the others would be hit again, so he vaulted over to where most of them were standing and performed a hammer spin, sending most of them flying out of the way. One of them hit Morris.
"You think you've got it? Let's try something new." Morris surrounded himself with more blue stones and hovered up and down the battlefield, still in 2D. He was harder to dodge, so more of the heroes were hit.
"Take this!" Mimi aimed several Rubees at Morris's stones, destroying several of them, but Morris remained untouched. Finally Nastasia took one of the blue stones and hit Morris with it.
"We're getting there!" Peach grabbed a stone as well, but Morris quickly re-formed his sheild and whirled it around, sending the stone flying back at Peach. She ducked under her parasol just in time.
Morris lifted into the air again, the sharp stones still orbiting his body. He suddenly fired the stones in different directions without warning, causing several of our heroes to be hit. "There's six of you, but my stone supply is infinite!" He again formed the shield of blue stones.
Mario tried a new tactic. "Get ready again, Luigi!" He flipped into 3D, walked to side of Morris, and threw his hammer. It hit Morris squarely, richocheting to land in Luigi's hand. Luigi imitated Mario's move, and Mario again returned the volley. "We could just do this until he's out, bro!"
Morris was clearly on the verge of losing all of his health, but he remained confident. "Not on my watch!" Morris fired a stone at the hammer as Luigi tossed it, sending it back at Luigi. Luigi was hit, but Mario managed to take the hammer again. He had stayed in 3D for a bit too long, though, so he flipped back into 2D to conserve his health.
O'Chunks was a big target, but he decided he was going to do something. With his huge strength, he picked up four stones at once and hurled them at Morris. None of them made contact, but his shield had been damaged to the point where he could be hit with any attack. Luigi hit him with another Super Jump. One more hit, and Morris would be down for the count. Morris realized this, though, and once again produced the shield, sending the stones in all directions. Several were hit again, but the rocks provided ammo. Peach picked one of them up and nailed Morris one last time. He collapsed.
"No! I've lost again! To these stupid heroes...and Mimi!"
"They're the heroes of the Light Prognosticus," replied Tippi. "What did you expect?"
"Oh, like that automatically means they can get past anything. Next time, I'll be even stronger. I'll wipe the lot of you out!" Morris flipped out, leaving our heroes by themselves again.

"I guess we look for the Pure Heart," thought Tippi. "What did Morris mean when he said there was a 'funny story' about us getting the Pure Heart, though?"
"The Pure Heart's pretty close, isn't it?" asked Luigi. "We shouldn't worry. There's nothing in this plain that can hurt us anymore, anyway...right?"
"Well..." Tippi felt for the Pure Heart. "It's extremely close. I'll just follow the energy..." Tippi lead our heroes a short walk away from where they were standing. "The Pure Heart should!" Tippi stopped.
"I don't see it," remarked Nastasia.
Suddenly, the ground began shaking. A few seconds later, giant sections of the air were enclosed in outlined boxes, forming a chain of rectangles. Just as quickly, the boxes flipped over, revealing a giant, mechanical crimson dragon!
"Wha?" exclaimed Mario. "It's just like one of the dragons I fought before! But it'!"
The dragon emitted an ear-shattering roar. It then scutinized our heroes carefully. "INTRUDERS DETECTED," it said in a mechanical voice. "EXAMINING INTRUDERS..." It paused. "LEGENDARY STATUS SUSPECTED. ANALYZING DATA BANKS..." The Wii Shop Channel logo appeared in the dragon's eye, complete with the catchy chime. The eye returned to normal after a few seconds. "ALERT! LEGENDARY HEROES STAND ON THESE GROUNDS!" The red dragon lowered its head somewhat. "WELCOME, HEROES. I RECOGNIZE ONLY THREE, BUT THE OTHER THREE MUST HAVE NOBLE INTENTIONS AS WELL IF THEY ARE WITH YOU. I DO NOT KNOW YOUR PURPOSE FOR BEING HERE, BUT I ASSURE YOU ALL THAT YOU ARE SAFE. I AM CALLED HACKTAIL. I AM THE MOST ADVANCED WEAPON FORGED BY THE ANCIENTS, SO IF THERE IS ANY WAY I CAN HELP YOU, I WOULD BE GLAD TO."
"Are you sure about that, Hacktail?" came yet another voice.
"WHO SPEAKS?" The dragon looked around.
Hovering high in the air, Dimentio materialized with a glowing square. "I thought it would take longer for the heroes to defeat Morris, but Bowser can train well enough on his own. Well, here we are with another robot dragon to threaten the heroes of prophecy. And another one they'll have to defeat to find a Pure Heart."
"There is much you don't know, Hacktail. I've already hidden the Pure Heart inside you while you were inactive. Just so these heroes couldn't reach it."
"Not so fast. The backup plan I formulated has a few finishing details that haven't been put into action yet. The first this!" Dimentio waved his arms, and Hacktail's antenna sparked with electricity. "Enjoy the new and improved Hacktail, heroes. He'll finish you before you even catch a glimpse of the Pure Heart. And with that, I must depart. Ciao!" The mad jester vanished.
"Uh oh," uttered Mario. "I know what comes next."
Hacktail was beeping and sparking. "I AM ERROR."
"He's malfunctioning!" cried Mimi.

Our heroes were trapped in Hacktail's throat. "So now what?" asked Peach.
"Dimentio said the Pure Heart was somewhere inside this thing, right?" asked Luigi. "Let's just look around until we find it."
This voice had come so many times now, our heroes weren't even startled. "Ah ha ha ha. Going to look for the Pure Heart, are you?" Dimentio once again appeared in front of our heroes. "Too bad you're trapped inside Hacktail's throat. There's no way to get to the midsection where I hid the Pure Heart."
"We'll figure out something," asserted Nastasia. "We can think just as hard as you do about all these plans you come up with, you know. And the difference is, our plans actually work!"
"Oh? Do they, now? I wouldn't be so sure. You wanted to keep the group together, but Bowser left, did he not?"
"That was his own fault. The rest of us want to stick together as a team. That's why we're so powerful."
"Six heads are still better than one," pointed out Mimi. "And I guess seven is even better, because with Merlrock's help, we've figured out your plan! You're going to kill us and release the energy to reactivate the Chaos Heart!"
"Ah ha ha ha. It is rather well-thought out, isn't it? You hopeless minions are just pawns in my grand plan. A plan that extends far beyond simply killing you and reactivating the Chaos Heart."
"Then what?" asked Mario. "You're going to form The Void and engulf all dimensions? That's already been tried, and it didn't succeed by a long shot."
"Don't be so sure. Thousands of dimensions were moments away from destruction at the moment Tippi and Count Bleck stopped the Chaos Heart. If I had delayed you heroes for just a short while longer, I would have returned from The Underwhere to see a dimensional empire ready for me."
"How did you return, anyway?" asked Tippi. "You died at Castle Bleck. We saw you die!"
"The answer's quite simple. I hypnotized Queen Jaydes."
"But...but..." That didn't answer much of anything. "But how..."
"But nothing. You've already learned too many of the world's secrets. There's still several of them out there, waiting to be discovered, but not by you. Now that the Mimi's Past phase of my backup plan has passed, none of you have any use to me now. That is why I came here. I'll deal with you quickly and easily, and then I shall kill the minions and bring back the artifact I will use to fulfill my grand plan...the Chaos Heart!" The jester waved his arms, and Hacktail's throat fell away in a series of rectangles, replaced by a strange green room. "Welcome back to Dimension D, everyone who was not here the last time. I have not perfected this dimension yet, but it still allows me to use my talents in ways you could never imagine. Now, heroes...ciao!"


Dimentio hovered toward the center of Dimension D and flipped into 3D. He gathered energy for a white energy ball, but when he released it, the ball split into four identical ones, aiming for our heroes in different directions. They had all fought Dimentio before, so they knew what to expect, but Dimentio again produced an energy ball that created four more. Our heroes hadn't been hurt yet, so Dimentio again produced an energy ball, but this one was pink. It too split into four energy balls, bouncing in different directions in the small room. They were hard to avoid, so our heroes were hit a few times. Dimentio flipped back into 2D, visible again. He gathered energy, seeming to produce another energy ball, but instead of doing that, he snapped his fingers. Sharp, bronze pointy spikes suddenly appeared below Mario.
"YOW!" Mario flew into the air and hit the ceiling. Landing back down, he observed "We've got to jump when he does that!"
"Ah ha ha! You just aren't crafty enough to conteract my new talents." Dimentio again flipped into 3D and produced four white energy balls. Mario flipped as well to try and damage Dimentio, but he was hovering too high to jump on. Mario tried a hammer throw, which was successful, but the hammer was knocked to the other side of the dimensions with Dimentio's second volley. Mario quickly grabbed his hammer and flipped back into 2D, but Dimentio was now preparing the four pink energy balls again. With the four already in the field, these added four provided yet more danger to the heroes. Dimentio flipped back into 2D and waved his arms. Knowing what was coming, our heroes jumped as high as they could, avoiding a rising spike bed centered around O'Chunks and Nastasia. On the other side, Mimi aimed a Rubee for Dimentio, hitting her target squarely.
Dimentio vanished, brining the eight pink balls with him. He was invisible for a few seconds, but he eventually reappeared with two clones. The three Dimentios formed a triangle, surrounding Dimension D as Dimentio had done before, but these Dimentios floated within the ceiling and floor, making them impervious. The Dimentio triplet fired white balls in all directions. They weren't as difficult to avoid as the pink ones had been, but the sheer number of them made them tricky obstacles. "Come on!" urged Luigi. "We've got to hit Dimentio somehow!"
"You'll never hit me now. Have some more!" Dimentio and the three clones swapped positions, turning the triangle upside-down. They again produced a volley of energy balls.
"We've got to hit him when he's moving!" Mario waited for the triangle to reverse itself again, then hit one of the Dimentios with a hammer spin while he was moving between the ceiling and floor. His hammer passed through the clone, so he knew that wasn't the true Dimentio. After more energy balls, Peach jumped into the air and landed on another Dimentio. This was the right one, so he disappeared, damaged. Dimentio hadn't lost much health, but he was still pulling out all the new tricks. Ten of him appeared, three on the ceiling and floor and two on each side wall. They fired pink energy balls, creating moving horizontal and vertical barriers across the arena.
"Ahhh! He's going to make more!" shouted Nastasia.
Mario figured out a way to damage Dimentio. He flipped into 3D and tossed his hammer at each of the Dimentio clones until he figured out the right one. Dimentio and all of the remaining clones vanished, then Dimentio quickly reappeared and hovered toward the center, flipping into 3D again. "You think you've got us with that old trick?" Mario flipped into 3D along with the jester and performed another hammer throw.
Mario's hammer was a formidable weapon, so Dimentio had lost a large amount of health. "You heroes think you're so talented. You have the moves and the maneuvers. But I have the skill and strength. Let's see how well you stand up to this!" The jester began producing giant glowing boxes that formed a ring around our heroes. He was planning to trap them all in a small area and then attack them with another death box. Thinking quickly, Mimi crept in the space where Dimentio was forming another box and hit the jester with a Rubee. Dimentio ended the assault, but he wasn't finished just yet. He flew to the other side of the room and began wildly creating glowing boxes in random locations. Peach plus the three minions were enclosed. They'd be killed, or at least almost killed, in just a few seconds! Luigi figured it was his time to perform the heroics. He expertly navigated the space between two tall boxes, readied the Super Jump, and nailed Dimentio perfectly, deactivating the energy boxes.
"'Ee's almost done fer!" announced O'Chunks.
Dimentio disappeared, reappearing in the upper-right corner of the room. "I may be almost done for, but here is when I pull out my last shot!" Dimentio gathered energy for another energy ball, but this one was unlike any of the others our heroes had seen. It was lavender in color, and it was easily three times the size of any energy ball our heroes had seen! Dimentio released it, and it sailed for the minions. They all got out of the way, but when the giant ball hit the ground, it split into two more, smaller but still larger than an ordinary one. These ones floated up toward the ceiling, where they hit the top and each split into two normal-sized lavender balls. There were four balls now, but they in turn bounced against the walls and split into two smaller balls, forming eight energy balls in total. Some of our heroes were hit, but the energy balls weren't done dividing.
"Can you destroy these with your hammer?" Peach asked Mario.
"I'll try!" Mario hit one of the energy balls with his hammer, and the hammer was thrown out of his hand toward the other side of the room. "I guess not!"
The eight small energy balls had hit more sides of the arena, forming 16 small energy balls that richocheted off the walls like crazy. Mario tried to get close enough to Dimentio to throw his hammer, but he was now faced with 32 tiny energy balls swirling around Dimension D. After being hit a few times, Mario was ready, but 64 energy balls stood between him and Dimentio. He waited for a clearing, then tossed the hammer with all of his strength. It hit Dimentio again, once and for all.

The 64 energy balls disappeared, Dimentio collapsed, and Dimension D disappeared. "Fine, fine! I give!"
"We've beaten you again," pointed out Tippi. "Will you ever give up?"
"Given that six of you are fighting against me, I figured you might win anyway. You may have won the battle, but the war is far from over. Even if you find both of the remaining Pure Hearts, you won't be able to stop my plan."
"We'll figure something out," countered Luigi. "Just like we always do."
"That's what you think. In fact, you're going to assist in my grand plan without even realizing it. I've orchestrated this all to allow for the Chaos Heart's reemergence."
"We'll never help you!" fired Mario back.
"Ah ha ha! You still aren't aware of the numerous intricacies of my ultimate plan. And, frankly, it would best if you remained unaware of them. Now, there's something more urgent you all need to attend to." Dimentio waved his arms, and Hacktail began shaking. "Actually, you'd probably be safer inside Hacktail's throat than outside it. Which is why I'm sending you out. Ciao, one last time!" Dimentio vanished.
Hacktail was apparently agitated. With another rumble, he spat our heroes out onto the ground. "FATAL ERROR IN SPRITE LAYOUT DATA DETECTED. INITIATE FATAL ERROR CORRECTION PROCEDURE." Hacktail descended toward the ground, finally sinking into it. But this wasn't over. He then rocketed out of the ground, shooting into the sky and aiming to destroy our heroes!


The giant red dragon turned a full circle in the air high above our heroes. Aiming for the group, he plummeted toward the ground. Three of them had experience fighting dragons such as this, so they knew what to do. They ran to the side and dodged the attack, the minions following. Hacktail was apparently more experienced than Fracktail or Wracktail, though. Flying in an arc, he angled himself back toward the heroes and dove quickly. They dodged this assault as well, but Hacktail came back and dove four more times. Peach and O'Chunks were hit. With the damage they had taken from the three previous battles, it was clear that our heroes wouldn't last very long against attacks like this. "Mimi, do you have any more Shroom Shakes?" asked Nastasia.
"Um...I have one more. But we should save it for an emergency."
Hacktail floated high into the sky and came down horizontally. He waved his long body up and down as he traveled, creating arcs our heroes had to follow carefully. When Hacktail had passed to the right, our heroes heard rumbling. "Everyone, jump!" Mario warned as the dragon came near. They all jumped onto Hacktail's body successfully.
The heroes were now passengers on Hacktail's body as it flew through the air. "We need to damage the antenna," pointed out Luigi. "Now let's just wait for some Hackles to show up..."
"The antenna's protected!" Mario pointed. The antenna's round top was shielded by a durable gray coating. "How do we damage it?"
"We might as well try!" Peach picked up a Hackle that had appeared. As soon as she did, a digital timer appeared on it that displayed a red "3". It quickly dropped to 2, and then 1.
"Throw it!" warned O'Chunks.
"Ahhh!" Peach threw the Hackle to the side, where it exploded in midair.
"I'll try it." Luigi had picked up another one, so he sent it for the antenna. The Hackle bounced off the antenna, exploding in midair above Luigi. "How do we harm this thing?"
At that moment, Hacktail roared and began gliding through the air ever quickly. Our heroes were pushed toward the rear. "We have to jump back on when he loops," announced Mario. "One, two, THREE!" Mario, Luigi, and Peach made the jump, but the minions missed and plummeted to the ground. Hacktail began targeting the minions. "We have to make sure they aren't hurt!" Mario jumped off Hacktail's head, followed by the other two a few seconds later.
When they landed, the red dragon was about to hit them all with a dive. Our heroes leaped out of the way, but Luigi was hit. Hacktail then performed another dive. "Back on, everyone!" shouted Peach. The heroes jumped and landed on Hacktail's head.
"I think I know how to damage him," announced Luigi. He picked up a Hackle, then threw it for the antenna just as the timer hit 1. The Hackle exploded next to the antenna, damaging it despite the protective coating. Hacktail roared.
"That's it! We just need to keep doing this!" Mimi grabbed another Hackle and tossed it at the antenna when it was about to explode. Hacktail was hit again. After a few more hits, Hacktail tried something new. Hackles appeared and flew into the air. They'd come down in a few seconds.
"Outta the way!" O'Chunks stayed away from the shadows of the Hackles. They touched ground and exploded simultaneously.
After Hacktail was hit two more times, he began looping again. "Let's make the jump, guys!" shouted Mario. But none of them would get the chance. Hacktail glided straight up, forcing our heroes to drop to the ground below.
Once our heroes were standing on the ground, Hacktail pulled off another new talent. He opened his mouth wide and produced a huge blast of flames, shooting them at the heroes. No one was hit, but several of them came dangerously close. Hacktail than went for another dive. Knowing what to do, our heroes attempted to jump back on, but only Luigi and Mimi made the jump with Hacktail's erratic moving. "We have to go back and get them!" worried Mimi.
"It'll be fine. Let's make this quick!" Luigi began throwing Hackles.
Mimi realized this was probably the best plan of action. She joined Luigi, and after some more hits they had done serious damage to the dragon. One more hit, and he would be defeated. But Hacktail had one last trick up his sleeve. With Luigi and Mimi still on him, he plummeted and dove for the other heroes, opening his mouth.
"Quick! Luigi!" Mimi shouted. "Give me that Hackle!" Mimi was closer to the dragon's antenna.
"Here!" Luigi tossed the Hackle as fast as his impulses would allow. Mimi caught it, and in a flash, tossed it for the antenna. The counter hadn't quite reached 0, but the throw was accurate enough. The Hackle exploded, wrecking the antenna.
"ERROR! HEALTH DEPLETED! SYSTEM HAS CRASHED!" Hacktail hit the ground with a loud crash. "I AM OVER. FATAL GRAPHICS ERROR HAS OVERCOME THE READ-ONLY MEMORY. I APOLOGIZE FOR MY ACTIONS, HEROES. IT IS I WHO HAS ERRED. BUT I WILL STILL HELP YOU. THE READ-ONLY MEMORY MAY BE DESTROYED, BUT WITH THE PROPER ACTIONS, THE MODIFICATIONS MAY BE TRANSFERRED TO A NEW FILE. AND SO EVEN IN DEATH, I WILL He*@4 45T2591&%f1!@gggggggg!!!!!!!11111" Mimi and Luigi jumped off as Hacktail exploded, creating a boom even louder than when he had hit the ground. The purple Pure Heart flew out of the wreckage with the explosion and landed in front of our heroes.

"Here we are. Another Pure Heart," Tippi sighed. "We really jumped through hoops to get this one, huh?"
"When did we enter this dimension?" asked Peach. "It seems like days ago."
"A lot happened, that's for sure." Tippi looked at the heroes. "And we even lost a hero. But we got the Pure Heart. We stopped Dimentio's plan to destroy us. And we've gained knowledge of what Dimentio's plan is. That's quite an accomplishment, isn't it?"
"Yes, especially because there's only one more Pure Heart!" Mario walked toward the purple Pure Heart. "This is the second-to-last Pure Heart, everyone. After this, there's only one more dimension we have to travel through. And then we'll be ready to stop Dimentio. Are you ready, everyone?"
"I'm ready," began O'Chunks. The others soon followed.
"All right," finished Tippi. "Let's take this Pure Heart. And no matter what comes next, we'll do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of all dimensions. We're fighting as one unit!"
Mario nodded.


Dimentio's plan in the sixth dimension our heroes visited was his most powerful yet, but in the end, our heroes stuck together and fought as one. That is what unites them, a group of heroes fighting for the well-being of all existence. Even in perils as threatening as a dry, fatiguing desert, a deadly mountain range, a dangerous volcano, and an experiment gone wrong, our heroes prevailed and demonstrated just how much the power of teamwork can accomplish. Well, except for Bowser. Because of Dimentio's crafty planning, he's fallen to that mad jester's command. What awaits him as Dimentio's newest minion?
We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #46 on: January 21, 2008, 07:28:02 PM »
"Excellent minion choice, Master Dimentio," congratulated Count Bleck. "Bowser's magnified strength and abilities will produce an unstoppable fighting machine in your hands."
"That is correct. We have already gone over some basic training, but I've brought him here so we can all discuss the next move we will make. You probably all know by now that the six heroes have found another Pure Heart."
"That's only one left!" complained B-A Omega. "How can we stop them from finding the last one?"
"If they find it," continued Bowser, "they'll be able to find this place, and then we'll be in trouble!"
"Not so fast, minions. There is no need to worry. The heroes will not be a threat to our plans. In fact, according to the next phase of my plan, I will allow them to find the last Pure Heart."
"What!?" exclaimed Morris. "You can't let them just walk up and take it!"
"No, it won't be that simple, but they will certainly find it nonetheless. I have placed the final Pure Heart in a pivotal location that will kill two birds with one stone. They'll find it, and then they'll come here. When they're here, I'll observe them as they fight through the castle. We will still try to destroy them, but don't be discouraged if they defeat you. If they reach the room where the Chaos Heart was deactivated, it'll be a simple task to kill the minions and reactivate the Heart."
"What's the other thing, though?" asked Bowser. "You know, the other thing? The other bird that you're going to kill?"
"In the heroes' process of finding the eighth Pure Heart, they'll also release someone. A very special someone. I will not tell you his identity yet, but Morris, you already know him well."
"Oh, that guy? He was kind of a jerk, but that's a great plan. Even if we fail, he'll-"
"That is enough talking. Minions, you are hereby ordered not to interfere whatsoever with the heroes' quest to find the last Pure Heart. We'll ambush them when they enter the castle, and we'll see how it goes from there. You may return to your training areas."
"Yes, Master Dimentio!" The minions flipped out and Dimentio vanished.

"W...what? Where am I? Who am I?"
"The last thing I remember is a huge explosion. A destruction of space itself..."
"...and then I'm here. I must have lost my memory..."
"Should I try to remember? Or just start over?"
"Hmm...wait. I remember something..."
"Power. Great power. I am merely a vessel through which another person shall accomplish his plan..."
"And something else. I remember something else..."
"A man named Count Bleck..."
"He is the person responsible for all of my troubles."

The heroes, minus Bowser, emerged from the blue door on Flipside Tower. "We've got to tell Merlon what we figured out," announced Tippi. "It might help us." When they took the elevator and came out on the second floor, Merlon was there yet again.
"It's been a while, heroes. I was starting to worry. But you've found the next Pure Heart, haven't you?...and Bowser's gone! Has he finally left you?"
"We have. It's a long story, but if you want to know..." Tippi explained their adventure in the blue door.
"I must say I am amazed. Dimentio is just coming up with one plan after another."
"Have you read anything more in the Light Prognosticus that might help us? We've figured out Dimentio's plan, but we still don't know anything else."
"Hmm...well, I have read something interesting, but I'm not sure how much significance it truly has. The Prognosticus says this: 'The last Pure Heart waiting to be found will become part of the dark one's plan. The heroes will accomplish his bidding without knowing what they are doing.'"
"Dimentio said the same thing!" realized Mimi. "He said we'd help him accomplish part of his plan!"
"It is intriguing..." sighed Merlon. "Well, at least if Dimentio wants you to do something for him, it isn't likely he's set any traps or is going to send any minions to attack you in the next dimension. Let's hope for a relatively safe trip, and bring back the last Pure Heart!"
"We will!" assured Tippi.
After another rest at the inn, our heroes set off for the second-to-last Heart Pillar, which was in Flopside again. Our heroes retraced the path they had taken last time, but continued to the left instead of flipping for the third time after they had entered the pipe. Luigi needed to jump over a wall to access the Heart Pillar, so he did so and placed the purple Pure Heart in the pillar. The energy pulsed again, and the purple designs filled the screen. The purple door was then drawn into existence upon Flipside Tower. It was the last door in the row of seven. Our heroes returned to the tower. "Here we go," announced Mario. "One last dimension, and then we'll have all eight."
"Let's go!" urged Peach. "We're fighting as one unit. We can overcome whatever Dimentio hits us with!"
"That's right." Tippi and the six heroes slowly opened the door and stepped into the final dimension. The dimension that carried the last Pure Heart...and the dimension where our heroes would just perhaps become part of Dimentio's grand plan.
We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #47 on: February 06, 2008, 05:02:33 PM »
I've made some changes to my schedule lately. That is, I've relieved myself of a lot of self-inflicted schedule cramming. The good news for SPM2 is that I'll be able to update it more often. 7-1 and 7-2 are both very short chapters, but I expect 7-3 to be longer.

The purple door opened into the dimension that contained the final Pure Heart. Could our heroes collect it and save all of the dimensions? Or would they just fall prey to Dimentio's sneaky plan? Whatever the case, our heroes remained confident as they stepped into the new universe. Dimentio's castle was only one dimension away!

A line was drawn.

Joining this line were a few others, vertical lines coming in pairs of two. Jagged lines appeared above these pairs, forming the outlines of pine trees. Mountains appeared in the background. The ground was white with snow, and the blue-green trees were covered in fresh snow as well. The sky cloudless and peaceful blue. Finally, a light snow began falling. The purple door was drawn into existence, and our heroes entered the snowy field of the eighth Pure Heart.

"It's very peaceful here," observed Mimi.
"Let's hope Dimentio doesn't come here to spoil the peace," hoped Peach.
"It's cold, but I like it," stated Mario. "It looks like this Pure Heart won't be too much of a challenge to find. How far away is it, Tippi?"
"'s about average distance. It shouldn't be as much of a challenge as the past few dimensions."
"That's good news. Let's go, everyone!"
Mario and Tippi were immediately proven wrong. Although there were no traps or minions sent by Dimentio to stop them, our heroes encountered Lost Levels-style difficulty as they moved to the right. There were regular and upside-down pipes containing fire-breathing Venus Fire Traps, Frost Piranhas that froze our heroes as they jumped on a series of pipes, trampolines over huge pits, and more dangerous enemies. At one point, our heroes came across single blocks suspended over a pit. Quite ironically, firebars spun around them. "It's the Lost Levels all over again," remarked Mario. The heroes had acquired plenty of platforming experience by now, so they could navigate the floating platforms with relative ease.
Their next challenge came far too soon. Mario was jumping across some platforms to test their safety. They plunged into the abyss as his weight pushed them down, requiring him to move nimbly across them as he jumped. When he reached the sixth unstable platform, though, he found himself in the shadow of something above him. He looked up. There, directly above him, was a Thwomp, and it was falling fast! It would soon catch up with the platform's falling motion, squashing Mario. Thinking fast, the hero rushed to the very edge of the platform where the Thwomp wouldn't touch him, and jumped to safe ground just before the falling platform fell too low for him to do so. "You've got to stand on the very edge of the platform!" he shouted back to the others, not being able to help them. Mario had already caused the platforms and the Thwomp to fall, but for some reason no one really knows, platforms and enemies like those reappear if they're scrolled off the screen and then back on again. The others took Mario's advice to reach the safe ground on the other side.
With Tippi and the other six safely assembled on the ground after the valley, they continued walking in the direction of the Pure Heart. They went through more obstacles, including some green trampolines that bounced them hundreds of feet in the air, on their way until they came to a large pipe structure. It wasn't as large and complex as the pipe maze in the cavern of the sixth Pure Heart, but it would still require some thinking to make it through. Three long, floating pipes formed a rough U shape above them, and two blue switches floated in the air within this structure. There was no apparent way to get inside it, except for Mario. He flipped into 3D, jumped into the pipe structure, and flipped back. He hit the switch on the left, but nothing happened. Confused, he struck the right switch, and again nothing happened. Just to be sure, he hit the left switch again. Still nothing. "I can't figure this out."
"Maybe you need to hit both at the same time," suggested Nastasia.
"How do I do that, though?" Mario tried hitting one right after the other, but that didn't work.
"I think I can go in there," began Luigi.
"How can you get in here? It's too high."
"If I stand on this pipe, I might be able to land right in there." Luigi Super Jumped and angled himself into the U. The two Mario Brothers simultaneously hit the switches, and the tall pipe to the right shortened, allowing our heroes to jump over it and proceed.
After some more enemies, firebars, and hammer-whacking, our heroes found a lone ? Block. Mario proceeded to strike the block, and a Mega Star appeared. "Looks like it's fun time." After a pretty sweet animation, Mario transformed into an 8-bit giant. He then stomped to the right, blowing away enemies as he went. When his invincibility time was up, the others caught up with him. The Star Block was next to them.
"Well," reflected Peach, "we sure had a difficult time, but we made it."
"We still have three more chapters to go, you know," pointed out Luigi.
"Chatpers? 'Ey?" asked O'Chunks.
"Uh...nice weather today, isn't it?"
Mario sighed and hit the Star Block.


Our heroes had persevered through the dangerous snowy area, but their trials were far from over. "The Pure Heart is still a good distance away," felt Tippi, "but it is closer."
"That's good, at least," agreed Mario. "Come on, guys. We can do this!" Ahead of them, the landscape grew less snowy and increasingly icy. Could our heroes make it across the frozen lake that appeared before them?

The sky had darkened somewhat to a moderate dull blue. If our heroes were still traveling when night fell, they'd be able to see the stars clearly due to the lack of clouds.
The heroes began treading on the ice. "Whoa!" O'Chunks slipped and flipped upside-down, landing on his head.
"Let's take it slow," advised Mario. "This ice is very slippery."
The six heroes did take it slow, but this grew increasingly difficult to do now that enemies began appearing. Our heroes eventually reached a giant hole in the ice that revealed water underneath. Luigi dipped his finger into the water, and then pulled it out faster than the others would have thought possible. "Gaah! This is the coldest water I've ever seen! We'd better not ever touch it."
As the heroes continued their trek, the difficulty level didn't get any easier. There were several enemies ready to push our heroes into the freezing water, and they had to make jumps over slippery platforms. They were damaged several times as they struggled to reach the Pure Heart. "The Pure Heart's getting closer," announced Tippi. "We just have to put up with these obstacles until we find it. It won't be very long."
"Let's hope so," wished Luigi, jumping over a large spiked fish.
The frozen lake finally ended after a long walk. Our heroes were again faced with a snowy field, although the trees had noticeably thinned, making the field seem more open. The darker sky was more apparent as well. As they proceeded, the difficulty still didn't let up. Munchers, invisible block traps, and Hammer Bros. kept our heroes on their toes. Just when they thought they'd be trapped in the Lost Levels forever, they came upon a steep downward slope. There was a large ski lift that could take them down the slope and over the canyon on the other side. "So this left will bring us across the canyon?" asked Luigi.
"No," began Nastasia, "I think it'll take us back to the frozen lake. Really, do you see that line going across the canyon? That the ski lift will follow? It's totally going over the lake."
Luigi gave Nastasia a glare. "I was just giving us a prompt."
Our heroes jumped onto the ski lift, which began its downward descent. Soon enough, another ski lift, carrying a Dr. Freezegood, came in the opposite direction. Mario promptly stomped the Freezegood as its lift arrived. Another one soon came, and Mario repeated the performance. The lift then carried our heroes over the chasm. It was very deep, and our heroes could barely make out the gorge's bottom. They just hoped the rope would hold.
When the lift reached the other side of the canyon, our heroes hopped off and continued on. There was nothing in their way, which was a welcome comfort despite the cold. In silence, they walked until they found another downward slope. There was no ski lift to help them out in this area, however. "So we just have to tread down this slope?" asked Nastasia.
"No," began Luigi, "we run around in circles, do the hokey-pokey, and jump into the canyon back there."
Nastasia gave Luigi a glare. "I was just giving us a prompt."
"Well, I gave us a prompt a few minutes ago, and you made fun of it, so I'm returning the favor."
"Well, you should have known that-"
"Hey!" shouted Tippi, suddenly speaking after a long time of silence. "What are we fighting about? Bowser's not even here anymore. Why are there still disagreements?"
Mario thought his response over carefully. "It's in human nature to disagree. We can't avoid it."
"But even so..."
"Maybe we're thinking of ourselves too much as oh-so-perfect heroes that can conquer anything. But we're not perfect. No one is. We just have to strive to be the best we can."
Tippi responded after a few moments. "You're right. We can't expect ourselves to be perfect."
"That still leaves the question of how we get down this slope," added Peach. "It's to steep to climb down."
"I say we sliiiiide!" Mimi had jumped over the edge and was careening down the slope.
"I follow!" Luigi followed suit.
The others figured this was a good idea and slid down the huge slope. It was like a playground slide, but more extreme. Snow was flying everywhere as our heroes pushed it out of the way, and Peach, being in the back, was constantly getting snow flung in her face. "Can you guys slow down? All this snow is getting in my face!"
"Maybe you need to speed up!" playfully urged Mimi, positioning herself to slide even faster. Peach was about to criticize Mimi's behavior, but she thought better of it.
When our heroes finally reached the bottom of the mountain, they ground to a stop, sending snow everywhere. They were now covered in the white snow. "Well, that was fun," reflected Mario as he pushed the snow out of the way.
"How close is the Pure Heart now?" inquired Mimi.
"It's quite close, actually." Our heroes could sense the excitement in Tippi's voice. "It probably won't be very long before we find it. And given that it's just an empty field in front of us, it'll probably be an easy walk."
Our heroes suddenly heard a rumbling sound. "What's that?" Luigi turned back in the direction they had come. He fell silent for a few seconds.
"What?" Mario turned to look in the direction Luigi was facing. " You don't want to know, guys."
"Why?" asked Mimi. "What is it?"

We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #48 on: February 07, 2008, 07:43:08 PM »
First a rockslide, then a mudslide, then another rockslide, and now an avalanche? What kind of terrible luck were our heroes having? And what had caused the freak avalanche in the first place? Regardless, if our heroes didn't do something fast, they'd be swallowed by the rushing snow! What could they do?

The roar of the tumbling snow was deafening. "Run!" Mario shouted, but we wasn't sure if anyone heard him. The other's instincts kicked in, though, and they began dashing away from the tumbling snow along with Mario. Since they were walking in snow, however, they couldn't run as fast. The avalanche kept gaining.
"What should we do?" shouted Luigi.
"What?" shouted the others.
"I don't know!" yelled Mario back.
"WHAT?" This wasn't getting our heroes anywhere. Soon they'd be buried under the flowing mountain of snow. Desperate, our heroes tried jumping from place to place instead of letting the snow slow them down. They gained some speed, but it just wasn't enough. For every foot they moved, the avalanche moved twelve. They now couldn't hear anything but the rumble of the avalanche. It would now catch up with them in just a few seconds. As a last resort, Mario turned backward and attempted to jump the incoming snow. As he was hit by the avalanche, he was smacked backwards and thrown several feet. He thought he might have a chance, but as he landed back in the snow, the moving snow slammed into him again, burying him and the others under dozens of feet of snow.
Silence. "Where is everyone?" called Peach.
"I'm here." Luigi shuffled through the snow to find Peach and O'Chunks. "Where's everyone else?"
"Here!" Mimi crawled up from below them. "That just leaves Mario and Nastasia. Where are they?"
There was more silence until Nastasia entered this small carved-out area. "Where's Mario?"
"I don't hear anything," worried Peach.
"I'm here!" Mario pushed his way into the area.
"So what do we do now?" asked Mimi. "We have to get back to the surface somehow."
"Actually..." Tippi began, "...I'm not sure if this indicates something, but I'm feeling the Pure Heart much more strongly here than I did on the surface."
Luigi was dumbstruck. "Do you mean the Pure Heart is underground?"
"It might be. I think we should dig around and see if we find anything."
"Where should we look?" asked Nastasia, beginning to search around in the snow. "That is, if the Pure Heart really is under here somewhere."
"I say we just go down for now. I'll feel for the Pure Heart as we go."
The six heroes began traveling through the packed snow down toward the area that hopefully contained the final Pure Heart. "How deep is this snow?" complained Mario. "It's..." At that moment, Mario's hand slammed into something firm below him. "Hey, is this the ground?"
"The Pure Heart's a lot closer here," affirmed Tippi. "I think we should go this way." She floated over in one direction.
The snow was frigid, but our heroes still felt warmer than they had on the surface. Digging through the snow wasn't a difficult task, but since they were under so much of it, it was well-compacted, and it took some time to break all the way through. The assurance that they were getting closer to the Pure Heart, though, gave our heroes the motivation to continue doing this.
As O'Chunks was clearing out some snow, his foot suddenly slipped. "Waah!" He picked himself up. "'Ere's some kind o' drop!"
Luigi stepped into the area where O'Chunks had slipped. "It looks like a drop in the ground. Let's see if we can find anything."
It took a while, but our heroes eventually hollowed out the entire area around them. There was indeed a large rectangle-shaped depression in the ground before them. "The Pure Heart is closer than ever," stated Tippi. "We might find some clues in this area."
After digging through the snow some more, our heroes still hadn't found anything, until Peach spoke up. "Hey, I think I found something!" The others came nearer. "I think this is some kind of hidden passageway." She extended her hand into a section of the snow, and her hand continued through a space.
"Let's see if it goes somewhere." Mario climbed into the tunnel and started digging through it. It was a tight fit, but Mario squeezed in and continued through the passageway. "It really is a secret passage!"
When Mario had cleared the tunnel, the others ducked into the hole one by one and crawled in. "Is there anything in here?" asked Luigi.
"Come here, everyone!" called Mario from deeper into the tunnel. Our heroes dropped down a short shaft to reach a more spacious underground room. "Is the Pure Heart closer here?"
"It's quite close. It's probably near here."
"That door is probably some indication," pointed Luigi. It was a large blue door cut into the icy wall.
"Strange..." Mario walked up to the door. He grabbed the handle and smoothly opened the door. Another icy corridor lie beyond it. "This must be where the Pure Heart is. All the secret passageway stuff fits together."
"When was this place built, though?" questioned Nastasia.
"What do you mean?"
"Whoevever built this passage must have done it a long time ago, so it obviously wasn't built for the purpose of hiding the Pure Heart. Why was it built?"
"That's a good question..." Mario thought things over. "And if Dimentio hid it here, he must have known about this place."
"How does he know all of the other things?" sighed Mimi. "And how did he know my past? That's...secret stuff!"
Peach answered. "Well, if we want to find out, we'd better keep looking for the Pure Heart."
"That's a good idea," agreed Luigi. "Let's go."
The narrow passageway contained several obstacles, but it was rather short, so our heroes wouldn't have to put up with the still-extreme difficulty for long. However, the difficulty was at its highest point yet. Crashing spike turrets and frequent pits kept our heroes busy as they struggled for the other side.
Exhausted, they finally reached the end of the passageway, coming to another large blue door. "The Pure Heart's very, very near," announced Tippi. "It's probably not on the other side of this door, but I don't think we're very far from claiming it."
"That's good," exhaled Peach. "I don't think I can stand any more of this extreme difficulty."
Mario slowly opened the door...into the area in which our heroes would, hopefully, find the last Pure Heart and be on their way to Dimentio's castle.

We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #49 on: February 25, 2008, 05:39:08 PM »
I made 7-4 a few days ago but forgot to post it, so here it is.

Our heroes gazed into the room in front of them. The walls, floor, and ceiling were all a moderate light blue, and intricate glass decorations were mounted on the walls, adding to the shine that the smooth walls already had. "It's...a hidden palace!" squealed Peach.
"This only intensifies the questions," thought Mario. "Who built this place? And why?"
"I'm certain this is where the Pure Heart is," assured Tippi. "It's very, very close."
"Wait," halted Luigi. "I just had a thought. Dimentio said he'd use us to accomplish his plan. Maybe he wants us to do this? Maybe we're falling into his trap as we speak?"
The others thought about this. "Well," began Tippi, "we should know if Dimentio wants us to do something, shouldn't we? We'll know not to activate an ancient power or something." Was Tippi correct? Only time would tell as our heroes ventured into the strange icy palace beneath the snows of this dimension...

On both of the side walls, as well as the wall facing our heroes, glass doors, lighter blue than the walls around them, offered three paths into the interior of the palace. Before Tippi could begin her usual "Which way should we go?" quote, Mario gave his opinion. "I think we should go in the left door. In areas like these, there's often two areas where you solve a puzzle or something, and that allows access to a third area where you can continue on."
"You've been through a lot of these palaces, haven't you?" asked Nastasia.
"A few."
Mario and the others entered the door on the left wall. The room they entered was similar to the first room, but it was longer and resembled a hallway. There was nothing in this room as far as our heroes could tell. Peach looked around. "Is there anything in this hallway?"
"There's something here," felt Tippi. "I can feel it somehow, but I don't know what it is..."
Our heroes suddenly heard a metallic sound coming from the ceiling above them. At the same time, a pillar at the far end of this hallway rose from the ground. Our heroes could see that there was something white resting on the pillar, but at this distance, they couldn't tell exactly what it was. "What is that thing?" asked Mario.
"What's above you is more important!" screamed Luigi.
"Wha?" Mario looked up to the ceiling...and saw a field of descending spikes! "Oh, my!" Trusting his instincts, Mario rushed to the pillar as fast as his legs could carry him, almost tripping when he reached the pillar to grasp the object lying on it. He didn't have time to examine the object in his hurry to get back to the others. "Out the door! Quick!"
Mario and the others dashed through the door and emerged back in the previous room, stopping to catch their breath before Luigi noticed the object Mario was carrying. "What is that?"
The others examined the strange object. It appeared to be made of smooth white marble, with some grayish patches here and there. Its shape was perhaps the most perplexing thing about it; it was a flat circle with three evenly spaced sharp points radiating from the outer edge. There was a large heart-shaped hole in the center of the main circle. "It looks like some kind o' symbol," observed O'Chunks.
"That shape seems familiar," realized Nastasia. "I've seen it somewhere before..."
"You have?" asked Tippi. "Can you remember? It may help to know what it is."
"Hmm...well...oh! The castle! Remember when Blumiere led me to a castle where I found an orb that granted me the power of hypnosis? I saw this symbol somewhere in that castle!"
"You saw this symbol there? Hmm...what could this mean?"
"You still don't have any idea of exactly what that place was?" asked Mimi.
"No. And I don't know who it was that confronted me when I took the orb. The light in the room was dim in the first place."
"Golly, there's just too much we don't know! I'm clueless about my past too. I have no idea what Amtakan intended to use us for the Tribe of Darkness. And if he ever finished that...thing."
"That thing?" asked Peach. "What was he working on?"
"Morris and I can only copy the shape of people we've seen and know the names of. But that jerk Amtakan was working on a formula that would allow us to transform into any object, living or not. He was almost finished with it when the three of us left him."
"You and Morris? What about Margaret?"
"Well, I'm pretty sure it's the same for her, but I haven't seen her since the three of us split up, so I don't have a clue of what's happened to her since then."
Mario was thinking. "I just remembered something. You and Morris can only turn into people you've seen and know the names of. So the people Morris disguised himself as...Paletta, Larneg, Tavirp, and Novelle...those are real people?"
Mimi's eyes widened. "Gee, I never thought about that. They probably are real...but I've never heard of them. How did Morris find out about them? And who exactly are those people?"
"Tavirp and Larneg looked like they came from the dimension where we found the fourth Pure Heart," mused Luigi. "I have no idea who Paletta and Novelle are."
"Wait, no, that isn't true," continued Mimi. "I think I remember Amtakan mentioning one or two of those names before."
"This Amtakan person seems quite influential," pointed out Peach. "Who exactly was he?"
"I just don't know! He was evil, I'm sure of that, and he worked with the Tribe of Darkness, but I have no idea who he was or where he came from. It's been so long...I've almost forgotten what he looked like, too, even though I spent most of my time with him. He was very kind to us, until he sent us to kill Merlumina, but he never told us anything."
"Sometimes, answers just lead to more questions..." reflected Tippi.
"Anyway," interrupted Mario, "we need to figure out what to do with this thing. It's probably some kind of...puzzle piece."
"Let's try going in the door on the right this time," offered Luigi. "Mario's never wrong about these kinds of things."
Our heroes walked into the room on the right. This room was slightly smaller than the first room, and was empty except for another pillar at one end. Mario walked to the pillar, noticing a shape identical to the stone block in his hand carved into the top. Mario fit the stone into the pillar's top, and felt a rumbling under his feet. "What was that?" As he turned back to face the others, he again heard the noise of spikes being readied at the ceiling, and these ones were falling much faster! Mario and the others rushed for the door and made it out just before they would have been impaled.
"I guess we go through the third door now," uttered Peach. The six heroes walked through the last unopened door. The room they entered was very small, containing only another door engraved with the same mysterious symbol.
"We're probably able to enter this door now that we put that stone in the pillar," gathered Mario. He opened the door for our heroes to step futher into the palace.
The next room in the palace was much larger than any of the previous rooms, and somewhat less lit, giving it a more open and somehow uncomfortable feel. Our heroes' reflections moved with them along the polished floor as they walked. Moving further into the room, our heroes could see a single floating ! Switch at the far end. When they reached it, Mario struck the block. Large blue cubes appeared at each of the four corners, and spikes popped up from the floor, covering almost the entire floor but leaving some pathways for walking. Finally, three large square holes appeared in the floor at the center of this room. "We probably 'ave to put them square thingies in those 'oles," noted O'Chunks.
"Hey," questioned Nastasia. "There's four blocks, but only three holes. Does that mean anything, Mario?"
"I don't know everything about every palace, you know, but there's usually a reason for everything. Let's try pushing these blocks."
The blocks were too big to carry, but pushing them worked fine. Our heroes started with the one in the northwest corner, pushing it through the spikeless passage. There were several twists, turns, and false paths, so it took quite a while for our heroes to place the block in one of the holes. When they finally did, it dropped into the hole smoothly, and an area on the back wall suddenly cracked. "I think we'll be able to exit this room once we fill all of the holes," guessed Luigi. Our heroes started for the block in the northeast corner, pushing it back toward the center. The wall cracked again.
There was now only one more hole to be filled, but two blocks remained. "Does it make a difference which block we use?" wondered Mimi. She looked toward the block in the southeast corner. "That block's completely fenced in by the spikes! How do we use it?"
"Well, let's try getting the other block in the hole," advised Mario, "and we'll see how it goes from there." Our heroes walked toward the southwest block and began pushing it. There were several tough spots our heroes had to push the block through, including a place where they had to push it onto one of its corners and carefully make it tip to one side, but in the end they prevailed. The back wall was weakened even more, but it wasn't completely broken.
"What can we do with the fourth block?" asked Tippi. "We can't get it over the spikes."
"I'll check it out." Mario long-jumped over the spikes to a large square spikeless area where the southeast block resided. A dark blue square spiral pattern was painted on the floor of this area. What does that mean? Mario looked for any way to push the large block out of this area, but there were no gaps in the spikes anywhere near the spikeless square. He tried pushing the block around, but there was no square hole in this area, and nothing happened no matter where Mario pushed it. Hmm... Mario tried picking the block up, but it was simply too heavy. Wait! The spiral pattern! Maybe if I follow it..." Mario pushed the cube to the area where the spiral pattern began and then worked his way toward the center, pushing the block with him. When he reached the end of the spiral, the cracked area of the back wall shattered completely, revealing a door. Mario jumped back to where the others were waiting.
"Gee, you can figure out anything, can't you?" admired Mimi.
Mario was flattered, sighing a little. "Maybe I can, but I've gotten stuck before. Remember, we're not perfect." Our heroes walked toward the newly created door to delve even further into the palace.
The next room was a small square room with four doors; one they had just come out of and three on each of the other walls. A blue block, just like the ones they had pushed around in the previous one, rested in the upper-left corner of this room. "Is this another puzzle like the first one?" asked Tippi. "And what's that block there for?"
"It probably is," answered Luigi. "Let's take the left door."
"Are you sure?" asked Mario.
"Why? Can't I lead for once?"
"Fine. Go ahead." Luigi led the others into the door on the left. Our heroes emerged in another room identical to the one they had just been in.
"It looks like a door maze," thought Nastasia.
"There's got to be some clue that tells us how to get through," asserted Mario. "It always works that way."
"Maybe we have to do something with that block," offered Peach.
"I don't think we can move it." Mario attempted to push the block, but he couldn't move it since it was stuck in a corner. He jumped on top of it, but nothing happened.
"Maybe it's just for decoration," guessed Mimi.
"Hmm...there has to be some reason it's here, though..." Mario recollected all of the puzzles he had to solve on his earlier adventures. "Maybe it's a clue about the direction we're supposed to go in. It's in the northwest corner, so maybe we have to take the north and west doors."
"Ain't no harm in tryin'," agreed O'Chunks.
The heroes entered the north door, coming out in yet another identical room, and then the west one. The room was still unchanged. "So what now?" asked Luigi.
"I just don't get it..." Mario continued thinking. "Let's try finding a room that's different so we have a marker to use." Our heroes entered the west door again and then the south one. As they stepped into this room, they indeed came out in a different room, but not quite the one they were expecting.
"Hey!" exclaimed Luigi. "We're back in this room!" They had emerged back in the large dim room with spikes and blue blocks.
Our heroes were dumbstruck. "What happens if we..." Mario opened the door to enter the small square room again. It was still the same.
"I think," mused Peach, "that all of those rooms we just went through were actually the same room. There might be a certain path we have to take."
"And 'ow do we figure that out?" asked O'Chunks.
"There has to be some clue somewhere. We can't just be expected to know what to do." Mario led the others back into the small room and looked around. His observations didn't yield anything new; there was absolutely nothing special in this room besides the block in the northwest corner. "Hmm...could this block be a clue?" He studied it, but it was just an ordinary blue block. "Maybe it's some kind of indication."
"Oh!" Luigi had been thinking. "I think that block's in the northwest corner for a reason. It's referring to the northwest block in that other room."
Mario turned to face his brother. "You think so? could that be a clue, though?"
"We have to look at the other northwest block. We pushed it in several different directions. I think..." Luigi drew his breath. "...that the directions we pushed the block correspond to the directions we have to travel."
Mario was silent for a few moments while he thought this over. "That actually sounds like it could work! Let's try it."
"But how do we remember which directions we pushed the block in?" asked Mimi. "We pushed it here, there, all over!"
"Well, let's go back and try to memorize the path." The six heroes walked back into the previous room and looked in the direction the block was initially placed, trying to memorize the steps they took.
"How are we supposed to memorize all of this?" asked Peach.
"We'll split it up," suggested Nastasia. "We pushed the block in eighteen different directions. If each of us memorizes three, and we can remember those in a certain order, we'll know which doors to take."
"Sounds good," agreed Mario. "Let's see...we first pushed it right, then down, then down again." They continued down the line, each of the six heroes memorizing the next three steps until Nastasia committed the last three to memory. "All right, let's try this out."
Our heroes re-entered the small room and took the right door. They then curved to their right and entered the south door, coming out in another identical room. "I think it's working," rejoiced Luigi. "Normally the south door would've taken us back into the spike room."
The heroes continued through the sixteen remaining doors. "Here's the last one," announced Mario. He slowly opened the door. The room beyond wasn't another small room; it was a long hallway. "I think we did it!"
Our heroes walked through the hallway, their footsteps echoing in the corridor. The silence that covered the area seemed somehow more intense than when our heroes had entered the area. At the far end of this hallway, there existed a door bigger than any of the previous ones. The mysterious symbol, a three-pointed circle with a heart at its center, was engraved on this door as well. "I feel the Pure Heart very, very strongly," sensed Tippi. "I think it's safe to say that it's on the other side of this door."
"That's good news..." Peach's voice seemed to drift into nothingness.
"Is something wrong, Peach?"
"No...I mean...well, I'm sort of worried. We're almost at the Pure Heart, aren't we? But if we find the Pure Heart in the next room, how will we help Dimentio with his plan? He seemed like he knew what he was talking about..."
"Well...let's just open the door, and if we see anything unusual, we'll avoid it. That'll work, won't it?"
"I think so. Well, let's do this." Our heroes slowly opened the giant door, closing it behind them when they were all gathered in the next room. It was somewhat smaller than the room that contained the spikes and blue blocks. A large red switch was on the floor in front of them, and beyond the switch, our heroes observed a giant, uneven ice structure at the far end of this room. It had no real shape, as if it were a waterfall that had suddenly frozen.
"Hey, look!" Mimi pointed at what seemed to be a large white object embedded in the ice. It gave off a soft glow, lighting up the nearby area of the ice.
"That's...that's the Pure Heart!" Mario walked up to the ice structure. "Yes, there's no mistaking it! How do we get it out of there?"
"Maybe by using this conveniently placed switch?" noted Luigi.
"Oh, yeah. That's it." Mario stepped on the red switch until his weight had pushed it all the way down. The entire ice structure exploded, sending giant shards of ice in all directions. The white Pure Heart was tossed out of the structure and landed in front of our heroes. Mario was just about to move to pick it up when he, as well as the others, noticed that there had been something else encased in the ice. As this object floated toward our heroes, they could tell it wasn't a thing, but a person. He was clothed in a red cape, with two symmetrical light gray designs that stretched from his neck to below his armpits and then curved back up to continue down his sleeves, finally ending where his sleeve ended to expose his pure black, six-fingered hand. His red cape went around his head to form a sort of cloak surrounding his face, or at least what he had of a face. His face was nothing except for blackness and two glowing red eyes. Two gray objects, seeming almost like lightning bolts, began at opposite ends of his head and continued in a gentle downward line to a point slightly less than a foot away from his head and then zigzagged down to his shoulder and then slightly upwards away from his head, ending slightly beyond his armspan. He had no apparent legs, floating in the air much like Count Bleck, and held an ancient-looking scepter in his right hand. It had a gray handle and a dull red jewel at its top partially encased by the gray handle.
"So it has been done," the mysterious figure said in an ominous voice that seemed to strike fear in our heroes. "I have been released." He paused while our heroes continued staring, wide-eyed, at the strange person. "You six must be those 'heroes' of the Light Prognosticus I know so much about. In that case, thank you for setting me free. I knew Wretcha had done the right thing when she cast that spell. It truly worked wonders for me. I was still doubtful that I'd be released, but it looks like I have. Hmm hmm hmm..."
Mario finally worked up the nerve to say something. "Umm...uh..." he stammered. "...who are you?"
"You should not concern yourself with who I am. Your games will be over long before my plan is finally put into action, so I do believe I'll be taking this..." He grabbed the white Pure Heart.
"Hey!" Luigi dashed toward the mysterious figure. "We need that Pure Heart!"
"Oh? Do the heroes think they can stand up to me? Even though I've been frozen in this cursed palace for the last 1,100 years, all of my power is still intact. You'd be wise to let me have the Pure Heart and then calmly go about your business."
"The Pure Heart is rightfully ours, and we're going to take it!"
"A bit overconfident, aren't you? All bark and no bite. Well, we'll see how you like it when I strike you all down and render the Light Prognosticus obsolete!"


The mysterious villain hovered toward the northeast corner of the room and waved his scepter, which began to glow a bright crimson. A bolt of lightning suddenly appeared over Mario, who dodged it just in time. Our heroes kept moving to avoid the series of incoming lightning bolts. "Who is this guy!?" uttered Mimi.
"You all seem to be quite good at avoiding enemy attacks," taunted the villain. "Let's see how well you do against these."
He moved downward slightly and again waved his scepter. A spiked ball of glowing ice was assembled in midair with a metallic clank and sent crashing down at O'Chunks. O'Chunks leaped over the dangerous projectile, but the giant ice ball shattered on impact with the ground, splitting into dozens of smaller pieces that damaged several of our heroes. Seeing his opportunity, the villain produced several more of the spiky projectiles and sent them flying at more of our heroes. They dodged the attacks pretty well, but Mario and Mimi were directly hit. "Are you OK, Mario?"
"That took a lot out of me, but I'm still in fighting condition." The figure was close enough to the ground for Mario to damage him with a jump while he was distracted with creating more projectiles. The villain responded by flying up to the center of the ceiling and surrounding himself with glowing energy spheres, similar to how Morris surrounded himself with rotating blue stones. He hovered around the arena, damaging the heroes. Some of them were inflicted with a status effect that slowed them down.
"Ahhh!" screamed Peach. "I can't run!"
"Pitiful fools," uttered "???". "It's time you knew what real power is." He moved to the center of the room and fired the energy balls in different directions. However, instead of landing on the floor or on a wall like Morris or Mimi's stones, they richocheted off the walls, bouncing everywhere and causing massive damage to our heroes. By this point, they had acquired large amounts of HP, but they couldn't hope to survive at this rate.
"We've got to get him somehow," said Mario. "Let's break out everything we have." Mario impulsively ran toward the villain and swung his hammer. Damaged, the villain flipped out, flipping back in on the left side of the room. He readied more lightning bolts, but wasn't aware of Luigi readying his Super Jump directly below him. Luigi scored a direct hit, dealing a large amount of damage. Frustrated, ??? sent a lightning bolt down on the unsuspecting Luigi. Luigi was knocked back into a wall. While the mysterious figure created more spiky ice weapons, Mimi appeared to the right of him and produced several Rubees that struck the villain's head. ??? responded by sending three of the projectiles in Mimi's direction. Mimi was badly damaged, but Princess Peach crept beneath the path of one of the spiky balls and deflected it with her parasol, sending it bouncing back at the villain.
"Your teamwork skills are impressive," admitted ???. "And that's why I'll have to take you all on at once." He hovered toward the ceiling and held his scepter straight out, shaking a bit. The entire room began shaking, and sharp icicles began forming from the ceiling. At random intervals, they broke loose and crashed down into where our heroes were standing.
"Keep moving!" Mario flipped into 3D to attempt to dodge the raining icicles, not able to help any of those who couldn't flip. However, the icicles were coming down at all locations in 3D as well, and seemed to be even harder to dodge. Mario flipped back into 2D to make things simpler.
When the icicle assault had ended, our heroes had been heavily damaged. "Now I'll finish you all." ??? again surrounded himself with glowing spheres of energy. He floated to the center of the room and flipped into 3D, firing one energy sphere that bounced off the right wall. The next one he fired richocheted off the ceiling to land near the floor and damage Nastasia.
"I'll get him!" Mario flipped into 3D and jumped on the villain, bouncing off his head to attack him again. ??? flipped back into 2D and released the remaining energy balls, which once again careened all over the area like Dimentio's pink balls of energy. The figure sent down yet more lightning bolts, further injuring our heroes. Nastasia and Luigi were put out of fighting condition by this attack.
"Just a few more attacks will do it!" Mario attacked ??? with his hammer, doing plenty of damage. Mimi and O'Chunks joined the attack, Mimi firing more Rubees and O'Chunks charging the villain and slamming into him. ??? flipped out, reappearing above them.
"You may be winning, but in the end you will pay the price." He gathered energy with his scepter and waved it, creating a whirlwind of darkness in the center of the room. It soon expanded, resembling The Void, pulling our heroes closer to its black center.
"Run!" Mario grabbed Luigi, preventing him from being sucked into the vortex. Peach did the same with Nastasia. There was nothing our heroes could do as they fought to escape the miniature Void. It finally disappeared after several seconds, but ???'s attacks didn't stop. He fired more spiky projectiles, and these ones were much larger than the ones he had previously created.
"Come on! Let's finish this!" Peach walked toward the villain, aiming to deflect one of the weapons. While ??? was distracted with Peach, Mario crept up to him and delivered one final stomp.
"GAAAHHH!!!" The mysterious villain flailed his arms for a few moments and then fell to the floor, the white Pure Heart falling as well and landing in front of our heroes. "Nooo! Why have I been defeated by these cursed 'heroes'?"
Tippi moved toward ???. "Now tell us! Who are you?"
The villain gathered himself. "It is none of your business to know. Even though you may have defeated me here, my plan is still as active as ever. You'll never be able to stop me. I'll be seeing you all later...if Dimentio hasn't killed you by then." He flipped out, leaving the final Pure Heart before our heroes.

"This is it," announced Tippi. "The last Pure Heart."
"That was it," stated Luigi, his voice weakened with dread. "I'm sure Dimentio wanted us to release that guy. We played right into his hands."
"But who was he?" wondered Peach. "He seemed like...well...I just don't know."
"I hope we'll be finding out soon," wished Mario. "Whatever Dimentio's secret is, it might have to do with that person. Maybe Dimentio knew him, and then when...he remembered something he'd forgotten, he...well..."
"Well, regardless of who he was," began Tippi, "he couldn't get his hands on this. The last Pure Heart!"
"That's right. We've gotten all eight Pure Hearts. Come on, everyone. We're going to take this Pure Heart and stop that Dimentio once and for all!"


At last, after seven dimensions of trials, perils and mysteries, all eight Pure Hearts are in the hands of our heroes. All that is left now is for them to use the Pure Hearts' power to transport them to Dimentio's castle. Can they defeat Dimentio and stop the Chaos Heart from being activated again? Or will something dramatic and completely unexpected occur? And what about all of the mysteries our heroes are confronted with? Who are Alpha and Omega? Where is Margaret? What is the mysterious symbol our heroes found in the palace? And most importantly, how did Dimentio cause all of this? Our heroes returned to Flipside, hoping to put a stop to Dimentio's plans and find out the answers to their questions...

"Well, minions, there really isn't much I have to tell you. The heroes have found the last Pure Heart, as we expected, and have released the person I was planning for them to."
"But don't they have all of those darn Pure Hearts?" asked Bowser. "Now they're going to come here!"
"Don't worry, Bowser. We'll attack them the moment they enter the castle. And, even if they do defeat all of you, there is still no way they can escape the plan I've been concocting for quite a while."
"WUT DA PLAN?!???!!!" asked H-X Alpha. "LOL IT MUST B GOOD!!11!1!!1 OMG LOL"
"You don't need to concern yourself with it. If I do put it into action, it will be after you have already been defeated."
"Shut up, Alpha!" shouted B-A Omega. "You're breaking my sound proccessor!"
"You have my sincerest apologies, B-A Omega."
"So we're going to make sure those heroes don't succeed?" asked Morris. "Sounds good to me! I'm ready to get my revenge on that weakling Mimi!"
"Count Bleck assures you he is ready for this task, Master Dimentio."
"Excellent, minions. Go to your posts immediately. The heroes won't stand a chance no matter how well they perform."
"Yes, Master Dimentio!" The minions flipped out and reported to their posts throughout the castle. Dimentio was left alone.
"Ah ha ha. The heroes, their anxiety is like a dog being teased with a piece of juicy bacon...only to discover that it's time for an appointment with the veterinarian. Come, heroes! Your doom awaits."

"Count Bleck is sorry, but he cannot accept you. I simply do not see how you would benefit my search."
"With all due respect, Count, I believe you are not looking closely enough. Surely there is some way I could help you."
"That is enough, Dimentio. Count Bleck has no need for you. Begone, now."

"Yes, count?"
"Count Bleck has changed his mind. Dimentio, you may join me."
"Excellent, Count Bleck. I will make sure to help you in any way I can. Might I ask...what made you decide to take me in?"
"Well, a certain passage in the Dark Prognosticus interested Count Bleck. It mentioned a person that seemed to match your description perfectly."
"I see. Fate has destined it to be this way. All the better for you, count."

"Ah ha ha ha..."

Our six heroes exited the purple door atop Flipside Tower, all eight Pure Hearts in hand. "Well, well! The heroes return once more. Have you managed to collect the final Pure Heart?" asked Merlon once they had descended to the second story.
"Yes, we have," answered Tippi. "So now we can go to Dimentio's castle?"
"That is true." Merlon seemed to notice something wrong with Tippi. "Is everything fine, Tippi?"
"What? Oh...well, it's just that..." Tippi explained to Merlon what our heroes had encountered in the dimension of the last Pure Heart.
"Amazing..." Merlon thought about this. "You released a strange person in accordinance with Dimentio's plan..."
"Do you have any idea who that person is?"
"I'm afraid I haven't the slightest idea of who he could be. Given how long he's been trapped in that palace, it is possible that he was alive during the time of the Ancients...but I have never heard of anyone who matches that description."
"Have you found anything new in the Light Prognosticus? Anything would help us now."
Merlon sighed. "The Light Prognosticus has revealed something to me, but I still don't know what it's describing. This passage is quite different than any of the others. It says this: 'Do not burden yourself with your own thoughts, and do not overcrowd your thoughts with worries of the unknown. You will need a clear and focused mind to survive the trials ahead. When disaster strikes, don't worry. I have it all under control.'"
"Wait," uttered Mario. "Wait one second. 'I have it all under control'? Who is 'I'?"
"That's exactly what I was wondering myself. Until this point, the Light Prognosticus has described things in the future tense-'this will happen' or 'that will happen'. I have never seen a command or statement like this anywhere else in the book."
"Well, Merlumina is the author of the Light Prognosticus, isn't she?" asked Nastasia. "Is she the 'I'?, that can't be right. Merlumina's game has been over for a long time."
"Careful! Even though it's just created yet another mystery, we should follow the Light Prognosticus's instructions. We shouldn't focus on what we don't know; we should make use of what we do."
"That's a good idea," agreed Tippi.
"So now all that's left is for us to put the Pure Heart in the final Heart Pillar, and then we'll be able to reach Dimentio," stated Luigi. "I still feel like we're proceeding without knowing what's going on, but I guess that's all we have to do at this point."
"That is correct," answered Merlon. "I would advise buying some items at the local shops for the trials ahead. There's no doubt Dimentio has made it difficult for you to reach him."
"We probably should."
"Well, heroes, that is all I can do for you. I can do nothing but wish you luck on the road ahead. Be sure to defeat Dimentio and return safely, so that all worlds may be saved."
"We will!"
After a rest at the inn, our heroes returned to Flopside, flipped into 3D, and walked to the rightmost area of the Outskirts. The final Heart Pillar waited for them on the other side of some large stone blocks. Mario silently placed the white Pure Heart in the pillar. For the last time, pulses of energy radiated from the Pure Heart, and white patterns rotated around the area. A giant black door was drawn into existence atop Flopside Tower. Before heading for the final encounter with Dimentio, our heroes stopped at the Flopside item shop. They had saved up hundreds of coins over their adventure, so they bought several healing Shroom Shakes and a few other assorted items that would help them in the final dimension. When they were finished, they took the elevator to the top of Flopside Tower. The large black door stood in front of them, seeming to create an ominous feeling as our heroes walked toward it. "Well," began Tippi, "are we ready for this?"
"Let's do it!" cheered Mimi. "I can't wait to teach that Dimentio a lesson or two!"
"'Ey, let's 'ear it!" pushed O'Chunks. "I'm ready to save all o' the worlds!"
"There's no telling what we'll find beyond this door," began Mario, "but no matter what we encounter, we'll push forward until the very end. Ready? Here we go!"
« Last Edit: February 25, 2008, 05:41:36 PM by Reading »
We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.

« Reply #50 on: February 25, 2008, 08:13:17 PM »
This keeps getting awesomer and awesomer with every bit. 8D
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #51 on: February 29, 2008, 11:39:49 PM »
This keeps getting awesomer and awesomer with every bit. 8D

Thanks! I'm glad people are still reading my fanfic.

Six heroes in one corner, Dimentio and his five minions in the other. As our heroes approached the dimension of Dimentio's castle, they mentally readied themselves for whatever lie ahead. They were one unit, fighting against Dimentio to save all of the dimensions. The fate of all universes once again hung in the balance. What would they encounter in the last dimension of their adventure? Our heroes plunged into the unknown. They were ready for anything.

The black door was drawn into existence in the dim, murky bowels of The Void. Our heroes stepped out of this black door, coming face-to-face with Dimentio's castle, seperated from them by a short walkway lit by torch posts. Our heroes felt surrounded by some new kind of silence.
"Well, here we are. Dimentio's castle," Tippi stated. The castle was nothing short of gigantic. It was a massive fortress, built from a dark gray brick and adorned with towers upon towers. The massive purple door that led into the castle featured a white symbol, the same exact three-pointed, heart-centered circle our heroes had seen in the frozen palace. "There's that symbol again..." Tippi paused. "I can't put my finger on it, but something about this castle seems familiar."
"I remember these lamp posts," thought Luigi. "And The Void, and...if I didn't know better, I'd say this was Castle Bleck!"
"Oh! This castle...this castle IS Castle Bleck! I remember exactly how it looked. Dimentio must have remodeled this castle and made it his own."
"Wait a minute," began Nastasia. "This castle shouldn't still exist, should it? I mean, when The Void was destroyed, shouldn't the castle have gone with it?"
Tippi thought about this. "Hmmm...well, if the Chaos Heart still exists, I guess it still has some power. Maybe it's enough to keep this castle in existence."
"Well, we've all been in this castle before," pointed out Mario. "We'll know what to do."
"Chances are, though," started Peach, "Dimentio's added all kinds of new traps and obstacles. We'll still have to be careful."
Tippi was still thinking. "There's something else familiar about this castle...something I noticed earlier. Not just because it's Castle's something else. Like a distant memory. Maybe someone just spoke to me about it."
"Have you remembered everything from your past yet?" asked Mario. "There still might be things you can't remember. You didn't remember King Animaul, even though you had remembered meeting Blumiere."
"That's true..." Tippi again fell into silence. "Now that I think about it, I do remember something about this castle. And I think I heard it from someone. What could it be..." She turned toward the heroes. "Well, I'm sure it's not terribly important. Come on, let's defeat Dimentio and save all the dimensions!" Our heroes silently walked up to the castle, which now loomed over them, as tall as a skyscraper. Mario opened the door, allowing the others inside the castle that had once been Count Bleck's.
The main door lead into the entrance area our heroes were familiar with. Dimentio had gone all out with the renovations; although this room's torch lighting and large windows were still intact and in the same places, the walls now consisted of the same dark gray brick that made of the exterior of the castle, and the torches now produced standard orange flames rather than the creepy black fire present in Castle Bleck. The floor was covered in a red carpet edged with yellow decorations, underneath which was a lighter gray brick. Purple curtains hung along the walls several feet above our heroes' heads. The first room of the castle otherwise looked identical to how it had been in Castle Bleck, except for the stairs at the far end that led to a higher door. The interior doors were purple as well and also featured the strange emblem, painted in white. Right in front of the heroes was a Koopatrol. Knowing what to do, Mario smacked the foot soldier with this hammer. The Koopatrol took another hit to defeat, though, and in that time it managed to hit Mario once. "We've got to face Bowser's minions again, too," pointed out Luigi. "Now that Dimentio's in control of Bowser, he's also in control of the Koopa army."
Our heroes continued to the right, defeating more Koopatrols, some Blue Magiblots, and some Cursyas Dimentio had apparently added. At the top of the staircase, a Thwomp waited above the door. Mario faked it out, causing it to crash down over the door. When it rose again, Mario and the others ducked into the door. The heroes came out in a room they'd never seen before. It consisted of two narrow hallways, one on top of the other, with a small space between them. There were several Dry Bones in this room. "Bowser, can you..." Mimi started, but then she remembered Bowser was no longer with them. "Can we defeat those Dry Bones?"
"I don't think so," Mario answered. "There's no way to beat them without Bowser. We'll just have to do our best to avoid them." They weren't quite successful, though. As they passed the first Dry Bones, it began throwing bones and hit Luigi and Peach.
Nearing the center of the sideways-H-shaped room, our heroes could see four doors, one in each end of the "H", the top left one of which they had entered from. The bottom-left door was locked. "I guess we need to find the key," stated Tippi.
"Perhaps," answered Mario. "Let's try the top-right." Our heroes entered the top-right door, coming out in a tiny room with a ! Switch above the door they had entered from. It was seperated by a thin section of floor from an identical room below. Mario jumped and hit the ! Switch, and it flashed light blue for a few seconds before returning to normal. "We probably have to hit the other block before this one stops flashing." Mario hit the block again, then quickly led the others out of the room and into the lower-right door. They were too late. The upper block had stopped flashing.
"'Ow can we do it faster?" asked O'Chunks. "We ran with everythin' we had!"
"Let me try again." Mario jumped for this block, gathered his energy, and ran for the other room as fast as his muscles would allow. He was still too late. Gah! How do I do this? A thought hit him. Um, duh? He hit the first block, flipped into 3D, dropped off the section of floor, and hit the second block. Flipping back into 2D, Mario observed a key materializing in the center of the lower room. "I should flip more often."
The six heroes exited this room and proceeded for the lower-left door of the sideways H room, unlocking the door to enter another room. This room had consisted of two large staircases in Castle Bleck. The castle was quickly becoming unrecognizable; Dimentio had replaced the two staircases with a single, gently ascending staircase. In our heroes' path were Koopatrols, Fire Brothers, Bombshell Bills, and the occaisonal falling spike. Our heroes were damaged several times as they fought for the door on the other side.
The next room wasn't any less changed. The door to their right was locked, and the door above them could only be reached by traveling up a series of platforms crawling with enemies. "I'll take out all o' them," announced O'Chunks. He jumped to the first platform, squashed the Soopa Striker, and proceeded to the next one. The path was soon ready for the others. Climbing the platforms, they ascended to the small door and stepped into an outside area.
There was a pipe on the other side of a wide gap only Peach could cross. "I remember the key being in there. I'll just go get it real fast." Peach crossed the ravine while the others collected some items from chests to the left.
Taking the pipe, Peach found herself in a    large chamber, quite unlike the narrow corridor of Castle Bleck. The floor and ceiling of the room were covered in spikes, and small platforms floated back and forth over the sea of pointy spikes. Peach jumped to the first platform, using her parasol to guide her descent. She reached the chest containing the key with little difficulty, but misangled her jump and hit the spikes on her return trip. She had lost a large amount of HP, but there was nothing she could do besides try again. When she returned to the others, Mario walked up to her. "We found some items in the chests back there. You look damaged, so here, have a Super Shroom Shake."
"Thanks, Mario." Peach used the Super Shroom Shake to recover her health, and our heroes backtracked to the previous room. Mario unlocked the next door, and our heroes entered a long corridor filled with enemies. Mario was able to deal with them with his hammer, clearing the path to the next door.
Dimentio apparently thought staircases were boring. As our heroes entered the next room, they saw that the room's two large staircases had been replaced with a wide-open area, with small pieces of ground spaced throughout the room. Enemies like Spiked Parabuzzies made life difficult in this room, and the falling spikes certainly didn't help. When they'd reached the other side, they had all been badly damaged. "We've got to use some of our items," urged Nastasia.
"Wait," halted Luigi. "If I remember correctly, there's an Ultra Shroom in the next room. We can just use that."
There was indeed an Ultra Shroom in the next room, so our heroes hit the ? Block and recovered their health. Enemies lined the large staircase in front of them, but our heroes could defeat them with little trouble. "Unless Dimentio's stuck another room in here, one of his minions will be beyond this door," Mario explained. "Make sure you're all ready for a fight."
"I'm totally ready!" cried Mimi. "I'll put a dent in anything that tries to stop us." Our heroes climbed the stairs, defeating the enemies along the way, and opened the door at the top.
All six heroes recognized the next room; besides the asthetic changes, the only difference was the minion. "So glad you could come, heroes," taunted Morris. "That is, I'm glad Dimentio put me at the front line to destroy you all."
Mario walked out in front of the others. "Stand aside, Morris. You know we can defeat you."
"Oh, is that what you think? I'll let you know the hard way that I'm not the weakling you fought before. Dimentio's helped me with all kinds of new skills, and my power is as high as ever. Why don't you all stand aside and spare yourselves the pain?"
Mimi joined Mario at the front lines. "Morris...what happened to our friendship? We used to be best friends. Why are you working for Dimentio now? Why have you given up our friendship?"
"Because Dimentio has a plan, and I'd like to be a part of it. In fact, why don't you join him as well? You're used to working for the destruction of all worlds."
"Never! I may have worked for Count Bleck before, but it was a mistake to try and destroy all dimensions. How can you even agree with Dimentio? What has he done for you?"
"I'll tell you what he's done for me. He's given me leadership. He's given me power. And he's given me the ability to destroy those who don't want to accept the fact that Dimentio's going to become the ruler of all dimensions. One last chance: join us, or it's Game Over!"
"No! I won't do it! I'm sticking with Mario...and that's final!"
"Very well then. Since we used to be friends, I'll do you a favor and make your game's end quick. We'll still need the other minions, but your blood will put us a long way toward reactivating the Chaos Heart."
"Not if we defeat you first!" Mimi and Morris simultaneously transformed into giant, mutated spiders.
"Ha!" Morris laughed. "Once I have Mimi done in, I'll go for the other minions. Who knows, I could end up defeating the whole lot of you! Promotion, here I come!"


While Mimi and Morris climbed up to the ceiling, Mario attempted to damage Morris with a hammer throw. Morris, however, expertly produced a blue stone that hit Mario's hammer and knocked it across the room, out of the way. Mimi and Morris waged a stone war on the ceiling and were both damaged several times. "We can't just let her get nailed like that," cautioned Luigi. "We've got to do something."
"I'll see if I can get some stray stones." Nastasia quickly ran to one of Morris's blue stones that had landed in the left corner of the room and hurled it at Morris. Luigi saw his chance and Super Jumped Morris from below, knocking him to the floor. He continued his fight with Mimi, but gravity was now on Mimi's side.
"Give me a boost, bro!" Mario shouted to Luigi. "I'll nail him with a ground pound." Mario jumped onto Luigi's shoulders and then jumped off, sailing above Morris and then delivering a well-timed Ground Pound. One of Morris's spidery legs was removed.
"I've got you all. You can't avoid this!" Morris produced a double wave of stones, hitting several of our heroes as well as Mimi. The distraction, however, opened another opportunity for Mario to stomp Morris again, causing him to lose another leg. Morris responded by climbing onto the right wall and firing giant, sharp stones. These ones were too large to pick up with enormous effort, but Peach knew she had to do something. She groaned as she lifted one of the hazardous rocks and threw it at Morris. It missed its target, but Morris was already under fire by Mimi's Rubees, damaging him but not doing enough to remove another leg.
"We've got to all go for him at once," urged Mimi.
"Not on my watch!" Morris withdrew his legs, balancing himself on a single vertical line, and surrounded his head with four blue stones. He began rotating his head, turning it into a spiked weapon that careened around the room. Our heroes dodged Morris as he richocheted off the walls, but Morris eventually released one of the stones, hitting Mimi squarely. He fired another one, not hitting anyone but coming close to hitting Mario.
"I think I can hit him!" Mario picked up the stone, carefully planned his move, and hurled his weapon at an exposed spot between the remaining two stones that surrounded Morris's head. Startled, Morris dropped the other two stones and came out of the attack with only three legs. Peach attacked him with an upward parasol thrust, delaying him long enough for Nastasia to attack him with the two stones on the floor. Morris was now down to two legs.
"I'll just go for you, Mimi!" Morris aimed a large sharp stone upwards at Mimi, who fortunately dodged it at the last second. Morris was continually producing more, so she couldn't dodge all of them. She was hit a few times and was knocked to the floor. "Now you're dead!" Before Morris could put his intentions into action, though, O'Chunks came up from behind and stomped Morris, doing enough damage to knock him to one leg.
"We've almost got him!" exclaimed Tippi. "Luigi, see if you can give him the Super Jump again."
Luigi ran over to where Morris was standing, but Morris and Mimi had again crawled up to the ceiling and were fighting among themselves, throwing stones everywhere. Thinking quickly, Luigi grabbed one of the stones and used it to block another stone that Morris was firing downward. Using the newly cleared path, he Super Jumped upward and hit Morris, weakening him enough for O'Chunks to charge upward as well and knock him to the floor, where Mimi finished him with a sharp Rubee.
"You guys think you've beat me? Think again!" Morris's head fell to the floor, where he again extended duplicates of his head on twisty legs. He extended twelve this time, making the rain of blue stones even thicker. Not able to jump to defeat Morris's heads, our heroes tried, unsuccessfully the first few times, to hit them with the stones. They took out some of the heads, but Morris was still going strong. With one of the heads, he extended a chain of blue stones and sent it sailing to the right, spraying the stones at the heroes. He repeated the maneuver, sending the weapons upward toward Mimi. Mimi was hit a few times, but she did send several Rubees down at her rival, destroying more of Morris's heads. Only five duplicate heads were left.
"O'Chunks, send me straight toward those heads!" commanded Mario. "I'll defeat them with the hammer!" O'Chunks obeyed, throwing Mario in Morris's direction. Mario spun his hammer around, aiming to defeat Morris's remaining heads, but Morris quickly moved them out of the way, sending several stones in Mario's direction. Mario sent the stones back at Morris with a hammer swing, destroying two more heads. Morris surrounded the three remaining heads with a circle of blue stones, just as he had done when they had fought him in the plain of the seventh Pure Heart.
"How can we hurt him now?" wondered Nastasia.
"I'll see if this hammer can come in handy." Mario spun his hammer through the air, hitting the stones surrounding one head, turning a full flip and expertly landing on his feet. He attacked the exposed head with his hammer, defeating it. Morris responded, sending the blue stones on the left head in all directions. Mario and some of the others were hit, but the head was now exposed as well. Luigi attacked it with a jump, leaving him with only one duplicate head. This one was still surrounded by rotating stones.
"You have fancy new talents, but I have skill!" Mimi tried to help the others by blocking the orbiting stones with Rubee shots. Once she had made the head vulnerable enough to attack, Morris quickly swerved it out of the way and produced another double blue stone wave. Our heroes had learned how to dodge it by now, so none of them were hit, but Morris kept the wave coming. Mario tried to get close enough to Morris to stomp the final head. He was hit and knocked back the first two times, but the third time he tried, he finally managed to nail Morris's last head. Morris stopped the wave assault and, just as our heroes were predicting, grew six new regular legs, pulling himself back to a standing position. He again withdrew his legs, spun around, and used his head as a careening weapon. There were no stones on the ground to use as weapons, so our heroes just had to avoid Morris as he attempted to dive-bomb them. When Morris crawled out of his attack, Mario hit him with the hammer, stunning him. Luigi then delivered another stomp, but it wasn't enough to remove a leg. Morris fired more blue stones into the air that came down toward the heroes, but they had become used to his method of attacking. They picked up several of the stones and nailed Morris, taking out one of his legs.
"You've held out longer than I thought. Let's turn this up." Morris again withdrew his legs, but instead of surrounding his head with four stones, he produced dozens of rocks that formed a large sphere around his head. He rolled the ball to the left, aiming for the heroes.
"Jump!" shouted Mario. Our heroes leaped over the rolling obstacle while Mario tried to disperse the blue stones with his hammer. He was partly successful, but there were just too many of them, and Morris bounced off the left wall to come back and aim for Mario. The hero tried to run away at the last second, but Morris overcame him and crushed him under tons of sharp stones. He left Mario weakened, with almost no health left.
"Here! Take this!" Luigi tossed a Super Shroom Shake in Mario's direction. Mario gratefully used it and recovered some HP.
Peach tried removing more stones with her parasol, knocking enough away to considerably reduce the size of the rolling weapon. Realizing he'd be exposed to attack soon, Morris released all of the remaining stones and stood up. The dozens of stones formed the most intense stone rain our heroes had dealt with so far, and several of them were hit.
"Quick! Pick these up!" Peach grabbed several nearby stones, attempting to damage Morris with them, and Mimi joined with her own Rubees. The others joined as well. Their strategy worked. Morris was hit and lost two more legs. Trying to hurt the heroes again, Morris climbed up the left wall and fired large stones again. Mimi used the same technique Morris had, surrounding her head with Rubees and nailing Morris. Luigi Super Jumped the damaged Morris, leaving him with only two legs.
"You idiots! I'll get you all for this!" Morris extended two twisty legs from his head, creating two head duplicates while still mobile. He also produced a line of blue stones in the air that fell to the ground after a few seconds.
"Mario!" called Peach. "I think you should take the Block Block and go for it!"
"Are you sure? We only have one!"
"We can't risk our lives to save our items. That's what they're for."
"All right. Send it over here!" Peach threw the Block Block to Mario, who used the item. He was surrounded in a square force field, rendering him invincible. Mario went for it with everything he had. Blasting through the waves of blue stones from Morris's three heads, he destroyed one head and hit Morris repeatedly with his hammer. With one leg left, Morris focused on avoiding Mario and attacking Mimi, but Mario was too fast. He hit Morris with both a stomp and a hammer strike, destroying his last leg and putting him out of fighting condition.
"Noooo!!! I had all those new moves! Those new skills! And upgraded power! HOW'D I LOSE!?" Morris reverted to his normal form.
Mimi changed into her normal form as well and walked up to Morris. "It's because we work together. You can't win if you're fighting by yourself."
"Oh, shut up! Listening to you, I'd think you were Margaret. I don't need a lecture on how to fight. I just need better skills."
"Morris...please. Working for Dimentio will only make you unhappy. You can't be a hero if you're fighting for the wrong thing. You just don't have"
"Love? Who needs love? We're on opposite sides of the war now, and unless you join Dimentio, that isn't going to change. This is what I'm sticking to. Stop trying to change my mind!"
"Morris...please. For me...and for all of us..."
"NO! Stop shoving your stupid opinions in my face! I have a life of my own, and I'm not about to let you walk all over it!"
"I'm outta here. See ya." Morris flipped out.

"Morris..." Mimi was close to crying.
"Come on, Mimi," encouraged Mario. "I know he was your friend, but we've got to move on. We've got to stop Dimentio."
"I know. It's just that...when Amtakan sent us to kill Merlumina, I never would've seen this coming. I thought we'd just do our job and that would be that. I thought we'd just keep living with Amtakan like we did before. But instead we split up and Morris and I ended up on opposite sides of the battle for the universe."
"It's OK. At least you don't have a friend who's always getting kidnapped by an evil king."
"Yeah, I know. But I just can't get over that feeling. When I worked for Count Bleck, I put myself in denial. I just focused completely on what Count Bleck told me to do. I didn't care about anything else. But now I'm trying to save the world, not destroy it. And...well..."
Tippi floated over to Mimi. "You can push through, Mimi. Morris is evil, but maybe if we defeat Dimentio we can knock some sense into him."
"Yeah. You're right." Mimi paused. "OK. Let's go and defeat Dimentio!"
Mario led the others through the door on the other side of this room, coming out in another small room. They had won one battle, but the war was far from over. Many dangerous corridors and puzzles still awaited them in the castle Dimentio had claimed as his own. But for now, they were one step closer to saving all worlds, and for now, that's what mattered.

We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #52 on: March 05, 2008, 02:01:30 PM »
Just for fun, what's your favorite new character I've introduced in the story? I imagine H-X Alpha might be pretty popular, but then again I'm just going with my brother on that one. :P

Our heroes had entered Castle Dimentio and had defeated Morris. They were feeling quite confident, but many traps and puzzles still awaited them in the massive castle. Since they were all familiar with Castle Bleck, they could hope to know what to do most of the time, but just what had Dimentio planned for them in the Foyer of the castle? Would their knowledge of Castle Bleck be enough to help them as they passed through the dangers of the refurbished castle? Our heroes stepped forward into the next room, not knowing what to expect.

The first room of Castle Dimentio's foyer was a long hallway filled with enemies. However, it seemed shorter than it had in Castle Bleck. "Something tells me Dimentio's added another room," mused Tippi.
"Let's check it out," agreed Mario. He led the others to the right, defeating the enemies along the way. There were Blastboxers, Mega Muths, Skellobombers, and some enemies our heroes had never seen before. Instead of being a simple hallway, this room had some variation in its floor patterns, including some pits of lava. The bubbling lava along with the gray bricks reminded Mario of when he had traveled through Bowser's Castle when the Koopa king had captured the seven Star Spirits. The pillars in the background gave him even more of a Bowser's Castle vibe, and the Koopatrols completed the picture. The only thing that didn't belong was the purple emblemed door at the end of this room.
When our heroes entered the door, they came out in another new room. It was a rather small room, with three Koopatrols and another door at the other end. Mario easily defeated the Koopatrols and proceeded on to the next room. This room looked exactly the same; small, with three Koopatrols. "Why'd Dimentio put two of the exact same room here?" he wondered as he defeated the Koopatrols and led the others into the door. Our heroes came out in another room that looked the same.
"Are we going in circles like in that palace?" asked Peach.
"Maybe so," answered Mario as he dealt with the Koopatrols. "There might be another clue here." He flipped into 3D, but doing so didn't reveal anything. He flipped back. "Nothing in 3D. What do we do...?"
"Maybe," began Nastasia, "if these Koopatrols are here every time we enter this room, they haven't already been defeated, so we really aren't going in circles. Dimentio might be trying to trick us."
"That's possible. Let's try this door." The door led to a fourth room, still the exact same. "Hmm..." Mario thought about this while he took out the Koopatrols. "This is the fourth time we've entered this room."
"Let's see if the next door takes us to another room like this," suggested Luigi. "If it does, then I think we are going in circles."
Mario led the others through the door. Indeed, the fifth room was still the exact same. "How do we figure out what to do? There's nothing in this room we could use as an indicator."
"Oh! I got it!" Mimi exclaimed. "Let's go back through this door. If we end up back in that hallway, then this is the same room we've been going through, but if not, we know these are different rooms."
"Good idea!" Mario opened the door our heroes had entered from and looked around. The previous room was identical to the one they were in now. "Yes, it's the same. That means we're not going in circles."
"So we should just keep going through these doors," stated Tippi.
The next door took them to a room that was, finally, different. Except for the visual changes, it was the same room in which Mimi had tricked the heroes in Castle Bleck. The door at the far end was locked, as it had been in Castle Bleck, and there was still a person here. "Excuse me, heroes..." began Novelle. "See this block?" She pointed to a blue ! Switch in the middle of room. "Please hit it. It'll take you to the key."
"Morris?" uttered Tippi. "Didn't we just defeat you? Or..."
"I'm sorry I don't have time for questions. Just hit it."
"How do you know the key isn't in that door?" asked Luigi, pointing to an added door in the center of the room. Luigi knew what would happen if they hit the block; they'd fall through a trapdoor in the floor.
"Please, just hit it!"
"No! I'm on to you!"
"I wish I could make you understand. I'm sorry I have to do this." Novelle (Morris?) produced a glowing magic wand. Waving it, she created a trapdoor beneath the heroes. "Don't worry. I have it all-" A glowing lavender ring extended from Novelle, and she abruptly vanished before finishing her sentence.
Our heroes crashed to the floor in a prison far below the above room. Apparently, Dimentio hadn't bothered refurbishing it; it looked exactly the same as it had in Castle Bleck, a black void broken by white outlines. Mario stood and looked up. "That was weird. Was that Morris? Or..."
Luigi thought about this. "Well, the people Morris disguised himself as were real people, we know that, but what are the chances they'd know about us and be here? Since Morris was around in the time of the Ancients, are they even still alive?"
"What I'm wondering is who they are in the first place," asserted Mimi. "And how Morris knows about them. I've never seen or heard of any of these people! Well, except for Amtakan mentioning one or two of them...but even then, I don't know if he really mentioned those names. I just think I remember something from that time."
"Hmm..." Tippi was wondering. "Does Dimentio know who they are? Maybe we'll learn something about them when we confront him."
"Come on," encouraged Mario, "we can't worry about the unknown. Let's find the key and get out of here. If this is indeed where it is, that is."
Our heroes walked through the still-destroyed patch of wall the four original heroes had broken to reach the other side of the prison. A pipe, leading up into the ceiling, rested in the center of this room. There were doors on both sides. "We need to move the pipe to the left," explained Peach. "If Dimentio hasn't moved it, the key should be up there."
Our heroes entered the door on the left. Dangerous firebars rotated around the room. "I'll go ahead." Mario flipped into 3D to dodge the firebars and hit the red ! Switch twice. He walked back to the others and returned to 2D. "The pipe should be ready now." Our heroes returned to the prison room, and the pipe had indeed traveled two spaces to the left. Entering the pipe, our heroes found themselves above the room in which they had fallen through the trapdoor. Three chests here contained some items, as well as the Castle Key they were looking for. Dropping through a hole in the floor, they returned to the trapdoor room and used the key to unlock the door.
"What's in the middle door, though?" wondered Nastasia. "I mean, this whole situation is sort of strange. Maybe that door takes us farther."
"That door ain't locked, though," pointed out O'Chunks. "The key's only fer this door."
"Let's check it out." Mario stepped into the next room. "It seems safe, guys." The others followed him into another familiar room. It was another two-giant-staircase room, and it was the first one Dimentio hadn't changed the layout of. However, he had added numerous obstacles and enemies that would be hard to avoid while climbing stairs. Hammer Brothers, falling spikes, Bombshell Bills, Headbonk Goombas, Koopatrols, Mr. Is, and countless other foes patrolled the two sets of stairs. There was a door on a flat space between the staircases, as there had been in Castle Bleck.
"How are we supposed to get past all these minions?" exclaimed Mimi.
"Oh," began Peach, "we bought some attack items, didn't we? We could always use a Fire Burst or something."
"We have two Fire Bursts and an Ice Storm," answered Mario, "but they only target nearby enemies. The enemies on the second staircase look more dangerous, so we should just fight through the first one and use one of our items when we reach the second one."
"Sounds good to me," agreed Luigi.
Mario jumped on the first Headbonk Goomba, getting headbonked by the second. It didn't hurt Mario much, so he was able to use his hammer to defeat the first Koopatrol. Our heroes continued defeating the enemies and dodging the falling spikes in this manner, dodging the enemies as best as they could but still taking moderate amounts of damage. "Should we see what's in this door?" asked Tippi once they had cleared the first staircase.
"We might as well," offered Luigi. "There might be a key or something in there."
Our heroes opened the door and stepped into an outside balcony. There were several Cursyas in this room, so Mario went ahead and slammed them with his hammer. Nothing else appeared to be in this room, but Mario knew better. "There's a passage here in 3D. There's probably something on the other side, so I'll get it." He flipped into 3D, expecting to see a narrow passage to the left of the giant wall on the right side. The walkway was still there, but it had been fragmented and some parts had been replaced with small moving platforms.  If he wanted to reach the other side, once wrong move and he'd plummet into the depths of The Void. He jumped over the first few platforms easily, but the trickier part came with the small moving platforms, and in 3D, it was harder to judge the distances between them. Mario's tension slowed him down, and he soon realized that he had spent too much time in 3D. If he flipped back, he'd be caught inside the wall and would likely fall to his death, so he had no choice but to allow his Flip Meter to expire. Fortunately, he only took a small amout of damage, so he was able to continue across the platforms, carefully thinking out each jump in advance. Relieved after reaching the other side, he flipped back into 2D and opened a chest. Just as Mario had guessed, it contained a key. Now for those platforms again! Mario had to flip back into 3D and backtrack across all of the moving platforms. It was a tedious task, but the hero eventually made it back to where the others were waiting. He displayed the key to the others. "The door at the top of the next staircase is probably locked, so this key will do the trick."
Our heroes returned to the previous room. Dozens of enemies waited for them, but Mario pulled out one of their Fire Bursts and used the weapon. All of the nearby enemies were trapped inside a glowing yellow box, and flames engulfed the enemies, dealing damage until most of them had been defeated. The enemies that remained posed little trouble to the heroes as they climbed the staircase and unlocked the door at the top.
Before Dimentio had changed it, the next room had been a long hallway with three Mushroom traps that would drop the heroes into a trapdoor. Now, though, it consisted of several rows of rising-and-falling platforms spanning a huge pit of lava. Firebars and flying enemies were placed at those annoying spots that make them difficult to dodge. "Mario, you should go ahead and find a safe way to get through all of this," suggested Mimi.
"OK." Mario had experienced a large amount of platforming in this castle already, but he was always ready for a new challenge. He jumped onto the first platform, avoiding the molten firebar, then proceeded across the dangerous platforms one step at a time. He didn't have to be in 3D this time, so the journey across the platforms was slightly easier. When he had reached the other side, the others again followed his example to cross the platforms. They were hit only a few times, but Nastasia once was hit by a firebar and was sent backwards, clinging to the edge of a platform that would soon descend into the lava. Luigi quickly jumped into action and grabbed Nastasia's hand, pulling her onto the platform. They leaped onto the next platform before the one they were on sank into the lava. All five of ther others made it to the other side safely, where our heroes then proceeded through yet another purple emblemed door.
The next room was a short corridor with nothing in it except for a few easy enemies. The next two rooms were similar, short with a few enemies, and the third short room contained an Ultra Shroom lying on the floor, waiting for the heroes to pick it up. "That's strange," mused Mario after the heroes had replenished their health. "I thought Dimentio would've remodeled these rooms, since there was nothing in them. But he just added a few enemies, and then there's an Ultra Shroom just waiting for us? It doesn't seem like Dimentio would do something like this."
"Well, enemies always make rooms more difficult, right?" pointed out Peach. "Maybe he just couldn't think of anything else."
"Maybe." Fearing a long discussion about another mystery, Mario didn't want to push the issue.
The next door took them into the room in which Peach and Mimi had battled in Castle Bleck. "So ya punks thought ya'd jus' come 'ere n' defeat Dimen'sho?" asked H-X Alpha.
"We aren't going to let that happen!" finished B-A Omega.
"It's those robots again..." sighed Tippi.
"Well, yeah, of course we're robots! Like, I think that's pretty obvious!"
"Your annoying rambling didn't faze us last time, and it's not going to this time, either."
"Of course," answered B-A Omega. "Talking doesn't do it justice. Let me show you what we can really do." The background fell away in a series of rectangles, just like it had in Dimension D and the previous time our heroes had fought the two robots. "You'll never be able to stand up to us now! After you see our amazing new skills and weapons, you'll be begging for your death to be quick and painful at best."
"We're GONNA totally ANNIHILATE you MEDDLING fools! AND then WE'LL kill THOSE minions AND reactivate THE Chaos HEART so DIMENTIO can RULE all DIMENSIONS!"
"Mario and the others will defeat you just like last time," stated Tippi. "You might have superior weapons, but your intelligence is no greater than all the other persistent bad guys Mario fights."
"Really? There's six of you, just like when we fought in the cave, and Bowser's been replaced by some secretary. You don't stand any better of a chance than you did last time, so our new weapons will guarantee your destruction. A little logic could do you some good!"
"You can't just rely on logic to tell you everything. These heroes are going to defeat you both, and that's it!"
"How about we test your little theory? Let's throw down, shall we?"
H-X Alpha began rapping. "We're gonna throw down! We're gonna throw down! Eat your cornflakes and then-"

H-X Alpha and B-A Omega

H-X Alpha hovered toward B-A Omega until the small robot was resting on Omega's head. Omega extended sharp, metallic spikes from the ends of his arms, and Alpha did the same on the sides of his body. They both began spinning, slowly at first, but soon they had gained speed and sent themselves flying at our heroes, two evil machines of spiky death. Our heroes carefully jumped over the robots' assault, but Alpha and Omega came bouncing off the left wall, aiming for our heroes again. All six heroes again dodged the attack, but as they came back to the left again, Peach misaimed her jump and was hit by Alpha. "Aaaagh!!" She was thrown toward the floor, in clear pain, but she instinctively stood back up and jumped over the robots' next spinning attack.
Once they had hit the right side of the room again, Alpha and Omega withdrew their spikes and seperated. Alpha headed toward the ceiling, dropping bombs on our heroes, while Omega stayed on the right side and began firing laser shots from his gun-like right arm. Mario jumped through the onslaught of lasers and nailed Omega with his hammer. The robot flew up toward the ceiling and prepared to smash Mario, but as B-A Omega came down, Mario dove out of the way and delivered a ground pound. "All right, fine," admitted Omega. "You still have it in ya. But the mathematical odds are in my favor!" He produced a shuriken in his left arm and tossed it at Mario, who leaped over the weapon like a pro.
Meanwhile, the others were trying to figure out how to hit Alpha without being hit by one of his explosives. Mimi finally aimed a Rubee at the small robot's side, away from the bombs that would have blown it away. Alpha increased his speed, dropping even more bombs, but Mimi quickly hooked to the left and hit H-X Alpha with another Rubee. "Try defending yourself now!"
"Oh, I will." He hovered to the left of our heroes and surrounded himself with pointy spikes. Beginning to rotate his body, he flew toward O'Chunks, hit his target squarely, richocheted toward the ceiling, and came back down for another attack. After bouncing off the floor and ceiling again, he aimed in Mario's direction, planning to attack Mario from behind while he was distracted dodging the other robot's shurikens. Thinking quickly, Nastasia grabbed one of the shurikens attached to the floor and hurled it at B-A Omega. "Duck, Mario!" Mario promptly ducked, jumping over Alpha as he bounced from the lower-right corner and landing on Omega.
"Have a taste o' O'Chunks!" When Alpha had centered himself in the room and withdrew his spikes, O'Chunks propelled himself into the air and came down on the enemy, doing serious damage.
B-A Omega decided to take action. He hovered to a low point where most of our heroes were standing and fired a flame jet from his left palm. Luigi was caught almost directly in the path of the flames and was singed by the attack, but jumped out of the way before he would have been seriously hurt. Luigi landed below Alpha, who was still recovering from O'Chunks's attack, and Super Jumped H-X Alpha from below. "He's open, guys!"
"Not as long as I'm here!" Omega lifted his right leg and detached his metal two-toed foot. It spun through the air like a boomering, damaging several of our heroes.
"'Ey, I need an item or somethin'!" cried O'Chunks. "I'm losin' here!"
"Here's a Super Shroom Shake!" Mario tossed the item in O'Chunks's direction.
When Omega's foot had reattached itself, Alpha hovered toward Omega on the right side and Omega flew to the left. Alpha began charging a giant laser blast while the other robot headed for the ceiling, sweeping hard-to-dodge laser beams around the room. "Jump!" Mario shouted when Alpha's attack was fully charged. They all leaped over the giant laser successfully, although Mario was hit by one of Omega's lasers. He quickly bounded to the right and attacked Alpha with a hammer strike while the others continued dodging Omega's lasers. Mario was again seperated from the others, although he was facing a different robot this time. He jumped, getting hit again by a small floating explosive, but managing to jump on H-X Alpha twice. "Luigi, catch!" Mario threw his hammer at B-A Omega. "Get Alpha, everyone! He's almost down!"
Luigi again caught Mario's hammer and threw it at Alpha, further damaging the small robot. As Mario caught the hammer, Alpha began sparking with electricity. He wasn't out yet, however. "Let's give these punks the double spin, Double-Homie-G-Money!" H-X Alpha again extended his spikes, and Omega did the same, as they had done at the beginning of the fight, but they now careened individually. Omega was speeding around the floor while Alpha was richocheting around the room, making the robots quite hard to avoid. Most of our heroes were hit at least once before the minions finally ended their attack. They had all been reduced to about one-third of their maximum HP, except for O'Chunks, who had a decent half.
"Quick! Get Alpha!" Peach stomped Alpha while O'Chunks attacked him from below. The small robot crashed to the ground, deactivated.
"Yes, it figures you'd defeat him, but you're all just about defeated yourselves!" Omega was hovering on the left side of the room. He produced more shurikens, heated them, and sent the flaming shurikens into the crowd of heroes. Luigi and Mimi were hit and badly damaged, dashing to the other side of the room to avoid more pain.
"We can still use these against him!" announced Mario. The shurikens lost their fire after staying in the floor for a few seconds, so our heroes could pick them up and hit Omega with them. Omega was hit with three shurikens. Two of them hit his chest, but the third one struck him directly in the shady visual input device that was his "eyes". "Agh!" Omega pulled the shuriken out of his face and threw it at Peach.
"That's it! We go for his 'eyes'!" exclaimed Mimi. She aimed a Rubee for Omega's eyes, but the robot knew what she was planning. Omega fired a laser at the Rubee, sending it back at Mimi.
"You've survived longer than I thought. I guess it's time to pull out the homing lasers!" B-A Omega bent his left leg backward, opening a laser cannon. He targeted all six of the heroes individually, then fired six lasers in rapid succession that aimed for the heroes. They could be avoided by leading the lasers into a wall and jumping, but they traveled too fast for our heroes to think about dodging them. Everyone but Mario was hit. "Now it's time for me to finish you off!" Omega produced more flaming knives and sent them at our heroes.
"Nooo!!!" Mimi aimed a Rubee at the closest knife, knocking it back into the others. The weapons fell to the floor, harmless.
"What? How could you possibly counter my flaming knives? It goes against logic!" Omega prepared to toss more, but Mario quickly jumped to where the knives had fallen into the floor, grabbed one, and aimed for Omega. The others joined him, further damaging the minion.
"We have him! Go for the faceplate!" Luigi Super Jumped Omega as he rose to the ceiling while Mimi damaged Omega's eyes with another Rubee.
"Gaah! I can't see to my left!" The robot turned his right side to the heroes. "You'll all pay for this!" He extended two long, sharp blades from his gun-arm and rushed for the heroes, using the blades like giant scissors. Our heroes jumped out of the way while Mario delivered a head stomp. Luigi and O'Chunks soon followed, and while B-A Omega was vulnerable, Mimi fully deactivated his visual input with a Rubee.
"He can't see at all now!" rejoiced Nastasia.
"Grr!" Realizing he was almost done for, Omega flew toward the ceiling and again fired the homing lasers. He did this repeatedly, hurting our already-damaged heroes. Luigi, Nastasia, and Peach fainted.
"We have to get them fast!" Knowing a few more blasts would likely kill Nastasia, Mimi tossed a Rubee in the air. "Get it, Mario!" Mario wasted no time. He heroically jumped for the Rubee at the height of its arc and threw it further up, hitting B-A Omega one last time.
"What!?" Omega crashed to the floor, blinded. "We had...all these cool weapons...and you still defeated us. How..."
"They're the heroes of prophecy," replied Tippi, "and they may not always be perfect, but they can certainly defeat a few minions."
"W3've...b33n @ l0T 0f P33pl n0w," groaned H-X Alpha.
"I guess you're right, Alpha. We've been beaten twice by these heroes, and we pretty much got fried in the Pixl battle, not to mention losing to Novelle at the ice crater."
"What? Pixl-"
"Listen, heroes. Next time, we'll be more powerful than you could ever imagine. You won't even be able to comphrehend how fast our weapons will travel."
"Until next time...farewell, glockenspiels!" H-X Alpha and B-A Omega flipped out with some pizazz.

"They're an odd group, aren't they?" reflected Mimi.
"What was the 'Pixl battle' Omega was talking about?" asked Tippi. "If he's talking about what I think he is, then those robots have been around far longer than we thought."
"You mean, the Pixl Uprising?" asked Luigi.
"Yes. I don't know of anything else that could be considered a 'Pixl battle'."
"Omega mentioned Novelle, too," added Mario. "That pretty much confirms that Morris was using the disguises of real people, but...not much else."
"Other than those robots encountered her at some time in the past," answered Nastasia.
Mario sighed. "Well, I guess we just move on now." The six heroes moved into the next room, where another Ultra Shroom was waiting for them. "Wha?"
"This is weird," thought Tippi. "Why are these items appearing exactly when we need them?"
"Who cares why," began O'Chunks, "we need this 'ere stuff!" Our heroes recovered most of their health.
"Two down, three to go," reflected Mario, trying to change the subject. "Dimentio's probably put Bowser in the next section of the castle, and then we'll be up against Count Bleck and Dimentio."
"OK," answered Tippi. "Dimentio, we're coming!"

We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.

« Reply #53 on: March 12, 2008, 07:43:16 PM »
I may have said this in some fashion before... but you have me TOTALLY HOOKED ON THIS STORY DUE TO YOUR IMPECCABLE WRITING SKILLS. ... UM... MY CAPS LOCK KEY BROKE. 8O HELP!!!
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #54 on: March 13, 2008, 05:40:10 PM »
Here's the next chapter, then. :D

Dimentio was closer than ever before. Our heroes still had a large amount of the refurbished castle to travel through, though. The remaining trials and puzzles would inevitably become even more challenging. As our heroes fought their way into the Interior of Castle Dimentio, the lighting seemed to grow dimmer. The castle somehow took on a more ominous personality as our heroes delved deeper...

The first room of Castle Dimentio's interior was much like the foyer; it was a hallway filled with lava and enemies. It seemed longer than it had in the foyer, so Dimentio probably hadn't added more rooms in this area. "I can't believe we're about to fight Bowser," noted Peach. "I mean...I can believe it, but it seems so strange, fighting him in this castle. And he was our ally for quite a while."
"Yes," agreed Tippi. "He was a good ally, if a bit arrogant. But it was Bowser's own fault he fell to Dimentio's control. We can't do anything about his flaws."
"I wonder if Dimentio's taught him new skills," thought Mario. "He'll probably be even more powerful than he was the last time we fought him."
"And he was pretty powerful then to begin with," weighed Luigi. "How did he get so powerful? Something he ate..."
"He said he ate some kind of device," reminded Nastasia. "Just like O'Chunks did."
"Merlrock said that was where The Ancients tested some of their experiments," said Mimi. "That's probably why it was there. They might have had lots of those things."
Tippi thought. "They were used for creating Pixls..." She paused. "I wonder...was 'getting fried' in the Pixl battle the reason H-X Alpha is so...crazy? He may have been injured in the battle and damaged his brain."
The heroes thought about this. "It might be," began Luigi, "but...let's not think about it."
"That's probably the best idea. Let's go."
Since our heroes had now almost fully recovered their HP, the enemy-infested hallway wasn't a huge challenge. At one point, though, our heroes encountered a Mega Muth on top of a small pedestal sticking out of the lava. They couldn't jump to the platform without being hit by the Muth. "Luigi, can you jump over there?" asked Tippi.
"I think so." Luigi charged the Super Jump, aiming for the Mega Muth, but ended up slamming his head against the ceiling instead. "Nope. I don't think I can."
"Easy solution." Mimi fired a Rubee at the Mega Muth. Perturbed, it began gathering strength to charge our heroes.
"Uh oh," uttered Nastasia. "RUN!"
"Not so fast!" O'Chunks leaped into the air and pounded the hairy Muth as it fell onto the platform our heroes were resting on. It had tons of HP, so it still hadn't been defeated. Now that it was low enough to attack, though, our other heroes could pitch in with everything they had. The Mega Muth was defeated in a few seconds.
"Whew," breathed Nastasia. "I thought we were goners for sure."
The rest of this room was a short walk up to the purple emblemed door. Our heroes opened this door and entered a two-floored hallway. All kinds of enemies inhabited both floors, but the room was otherwise identical to how it had been in the previous castle. "We should get some experience from defeating these enemies," pointed out Mario. Taking out the enemies was a simple matter, and from there our heroes entered the next door.
Dimentio had scrapped the mirror hallway in favor of what seemed to be a small, low-ceiling room with nothing but another locked door in it. "Where's the key?" wondered Tippi.
"It might be in 3D. Let me check." Mario flipped, revealing a series of obstacles to the right (up in 3D). Looking forward, Mario could see a few safe spots where he could flip back to 2D and replenish his Flip Meter before tackling the next obstacles. He flipped back. "There's a hallway to the right in 3D. The key's probably at the end."
"You've done so many things on your own, Mario," lamented Peach. "Are you sure you want to find the key?"
"I'm positive. I'm carrying a lot of responsibility, so I can't afford to back off now! Here we go!" Mario again flipped into 3D and headed to the right. He first had to cross a wide pit by bouncing on a Copta. This was difficult to do in 3D, so Mario carefully thought out his jump first, as he'd done while crossing the moving platforms in the Foyer. Reaching the other side successfully, he flipped back into 2D so he could wait for his Flip Meter to recover. When it had fully replenished, Mario entered the third dimension again. The next two obstacle areas consisted of moving platforms, which were fairly simple for Mario to cross. After flipping back to 2D and checking out the fourth area, though, Mario could observe large spiked pillars that crashed down every few seconds. He'd have to carefully sneak between them to reach the other side. He walked forward, stood still in a space between the first and second pillars, and waited for them to crash down. When they did, he prepared to run once the pillars lifted. He dashed forward at his first opportunity, reaching a chest on the other side. Mario collected the key, flipped back into two dimensions, and waited for his Flip Meter to recharge again. When it was ready, he flipped once more and headed back to where the others were waiting. "Here it is."
Mario unlocked the door, and our heroes entered it, coming out in another room they weren't familiar with. It was a long vertical tunnel, and a platform was provided for them at the entrance of the room, guided by a line that ran up the shaft. Our heroes jumped onto the platform, and it began carrying them up. Soon enough, our heroes found that they were being fired at. They ducked to avoid the Bombshell Bills being blasted at them. Mimi figured she was safe until a Blastboxer fell from a platform above her and slammed her on the head. "Is platforming in castles always this crazy?" she asked Mario and Luigi.
"No. It's usually not this crazy," replied Luigi. "Most of the time, it's crazier."
Our heroes continued fending off the enemies that assaulted them until the platform stopped rising and headed down a passage to the right. The floor, ceiling, and walls of this passage were smothered in spikes, so our heroes couldn't leave the platform. Some of the spikes broke off and fell as our heroes came near, forcing them to hurry to other areas of the platform before they were skewered from above. After a few downward turns and bends, the falling spikes weren't the only thing our heroes had to worry about. The usual Bombshell Bill Blasters, as well as other enemies like Cherbils began appearing, making things much more difficult. Our heroes were hit by the enemies several times before the platform finally came to a stop at another door. Relieved to be out of the spiked passage, our heroes entered the door.
Dimentio had left this room mostly untouched; the two large staircases of Castle Bleck looked the same except for the visual effects and added enemies. "There's a passage under the staircase," explained Mario. "The key is probably still there, so I'll have to go alone again."
"You're sure you want to go alone again?" asked Nastasia. "You never know what's past the next door. Maybe someone else should go with you."
"That's true, but..." Mario thought of a way he could take another person with him. "Actually, if I flipped some of you and we walked into the passage, we could all reach that area."
"Sounds like a good plan," approved Luigi. "Flip me first, bro!"
Mari obeyed, flipping Luigi into 3D while Mimi and Nastasia, already able to flip, entered the passage beneath the stairs. Mario followed, bringing Peach and O'Chunks with him into the passage. The passage contained the usual Soopa Strikers, but there were also some Ice Cherbils that, if successful in attacking the heroes, would leave them unable to dodge the Strikers' continuous shell volleys. Our heroes went to work on the enemies, being as careful as they could of the Cherbils. Luigi turned to face the others. "Gee, Dimentio's really making sure-" At that moment, an Ice Cherbil hit him and he was frozen inside a block of ice.
"Luigi!" exclaimed Mario.
"I'll get it!" Peach jumped on the next Soopa Striker so that Luigi wouldn't be harmed.
Mario tried to break through Luigi's ice block while the younger brother struggled to break himself free. Luigi eventually made it out, shivering. "Remind me never to look backwards when we're fighting!"
Our heroes had reached the next door. Taking it, they entered a small room with three blocks floating in the air, too high for anyone but Luigi to reach. The blocks were black with a white "X" pattern on them. "One of these will open a door," recalled Luigi. He hit the first two blocks before striking the third, creating a door directly beneath the rightmost block. Our heroes entered the door just as the Magiblots began appearing.
The next room was identical besides the Koopatrols. After Mario defeated them, Luigi hit all three blocks, but none of them produced a door. "I think you have to hit them in a certain order," estimated Mario. "Let me check." He flipped into 3D. The side of the rightmost block read "1", the leftmost block read "2", and the middle block read "3". Mario flipped back into the second dimension. "Hit the right one, then left, then center."
"Got it." Luigi hit the blocks in the order Mario had described, and a door was drawn underneath the center block.
Our heroes entered another identical room, this one containing several Chain Chomps. They were hard to defeat because of their high defense, and our heroes were hit a few times before being able to check out the blocks. Again, none of the blocks produced anything. "Time to check in 3D again." Mario flipped, expecting to see numbers written on the sides of the blocks again, but no numbers were present. Instead, the left block displayed an image of a violet heart, the middle block contained an orange heart, and the right block showed a light blue heart. Mario flipped back. "There's something sort of strange on those blocks." He explained what he had seen. "What could those heart symbols mean?"
"Pure Hearts?" was O'Chunks's first guess after a few seconds of silence.
"Different colors of Pure Hearts..." mused Tippi. "Maybe we have to hit the blocks in the order of the Pure Heart colors. So Luigi would hit the middle block first, than the right one, then the left one."
"I'll try it out." Luigi followed that pattern, and the door appeared on cue underneath the left block.
Entering yet another similar area, Mario took care of the Magikoopas and flipped into 3D without anyone having to tell him. What he saw on the sides of the black blocks seemed even more vague than the Pure Heart hints. All three of them featured white images, but Mario couldn't tell what they represented. The closest, leftmost block displayed what looked like an explosion, the middle block contained the mysterious three-pointed heart circle emblem, and the rightmost block featured what seemed to be a white Pure Heart. Mario flipped back to share his observations with the others. "The right one might be referring to a Pure Heart," he concluded, "but I have no idea what the other two mean."
"An explosion, that emblem, and a Pure Heart?" wondered Peach. "Hmm..."
"Wait a second," realized Mimi. "Luigi, try just hitting the blocks in every order you can think of. It'll probably take less time than trying to figure out what those pictures mean."
"Why didn't I think of that before?" Luigi hit the blocks in various patterns. The combination of hits going from right to left opened a door beneath the left block.
"So...wait," began Mario. "Pure Heart, emblem, explosion? How do those go in order?"
Tippi thought. "Pure Heart...that explosion..." She thought about what the order meant. "Hmmm...well, we need to know exactly what that emblem is. The Pure Heart coming before the explosion seems natural. The explosion might be The Void. But...wait. The Void formed first, and then the Pure Hearts were collected.'s referring to when the Pure Hearts were created? The Purity Heart? A lot of things happened between that and The Void. The emblem could stand for just about anything."
"It's no use thinking about what we don't know," replied Mario for the umpteenth time. "But I sure hope Dimentio will make all of this make sense somehow." Our heroes proceeded through the door, finding a small room with nothing but the key in it. Mario picked it up. "All we have to do now is get out of these puzzle rooms. The locked door is at the top of the stairs in the other room."
Mario led our other heroes back through the doors until they reached the passage beneath the stairway. Mario guided the others back to the front of the staircase, and our heroes were ready to proceed. Once the group had unlocked the door and entered the next room, they were greeted by a long hallway of mirrors. Dimentio had kept this one intact and had made it much more difficult, with added enemies and lava pits, as well as mirrors in which the jester himself appeared and fired energy blasts at the heroes. "Whoa!" exclaimed Mario. "This'll be a hard one to get through!"
"We can't all go through here at once," cautioned Tippi. "Some of us might be injured."
"I'll go ahead with Mario, and we'll defeat the enemies. Sounds good, bro?" asked Luigi.
"OK." Mario and Luigi headed to the right, defeating the enemies and dodging Dimentio's fire.
"Let's go," announced Tippi once they had made it to the other side. Going through this room was somewhat easier without the enemies to deal with, but Dimentio's threat still existed. When the others had reached the area where the Mario brothers were waiting, our heroes had all taken heavy damage. Fortunately, an Ultra Shroom waited for them before the door.
Our heroes walked into the next room, coming face-to-face with Dimentio's newest minion. "Well, what have we here?" Bowser mocked. "Two dorks with mustaches, a princess who thinks she's tough, a fat guy, a green freak, and a secretary. Wow. These people kept whupping Dimentio's minions? No wonder those minions lost. They're total weaklings!"
"Bowser, it's us!" shouted Tippi. "The heroes!"
"You don't look like heroes to me. You look more like itsy-bitsy bugs that aren't even worth my time to squish."
"Well, we must be not so itsy-bitsy if we took out all of those other minions!" asserted Luigi.
"Whatever. Listen, 'heroes', Dimentio's got big plans, and I'm here to make sure they go into action. Do you want to give up now, or do you really think you can take me on?"
"We can defeat you any day," proclaimed Mario.
"All right, you're on. I'll make sure Dimentio enjoys some Roast Hero Surprise!"


Bowser raised his head toward the ceiling and expelled a large blast of fire. Hundreds of small fire droplets began raining down from the ceiling, coming down into the area our heroes were standing in. "Get to the left, everyone!" ordered Mario. "I'll take him from close-up." Mario ran over to Bowser and aimed his hammer directly into Bowser's chest.
"OW! You'll pay for that, pesky plumber!" Bowser prepared for a claw swipe and stuck Mario's stomache, sending him collapsing backwards. Bowser was just about to fry Mario when a Rubee hit his face. "Rrgh! What now?" He jumped into the air, sailing over our heroes and delivering a ground pound. The five others got away in time, but Bowser created a shockwave when he touched down, sending O'Chunks flying into the already-dazed Mario. Bowser continued jumping up and down, creating a series of shockwaves that traveled along the floor.
"I'll get him!" Mimi prepared to fire a Rubee at Bowser. The Koopa king began gathering a ball of white energy in his right hand. When the Rubee's arc carried it toward Bowser, he blasted it with a stream of energy, sending it flying back at Mimi as well as creating energy sparks that flowed outward from the area. Luigi was thrown backwards into Mimi at the same time she was hit by her own Rubee, and they both were slammed against the left wall.
Hoping to distract Bowser, O'Chunks and Mario attacked him from behind. "Take this, yeh big galoot!" O'Chunks swung at Bowser with all the muscle he had. It did the trick.
"Ugh! You're so annoying!" Bowser sent flames in O'Chunks's direction, but the burly man leaped above the fire stream.
"Hiiii-YAAAH!" O'Chunks came crashing down on Bowser. Bowser wrestled free of O'Chunks's weight, and the two fighters began exchanging sucker punches.
"O'Chunks!" called Mario. "Use this!" He tossed his hammer to O'Chunks.
"'Ey, thanks!" O'Chunks was now throwing sucker hammer strikes.
"Forget this!" Bowser produced a spiked orb in his hand and sent it at O'Chunks, knocking him to the right, injured.
"We can't just let him demolish us like this!" announced Peach. "We have to do something!"
"I can tell O'Chunks took a lot out of him," reported Nastasia. "Let's add to that."
"I'll help!" Luigi jumped on Bowser while he was walking to the right toward Mario and O'Chunks. Bowser responded by turning toward Luigi and aiming fire toward the green plumber, but Mario quickly ran behind Bowser and dealt a hammer blow.
"Gah! There's just so many of you! I'll fix that." Bowser jumped into the air again, turning somersaults as he rose. He hovered in the air for a few seconds, then suddenly aimed downward and crashed onto Peach, bouncing upward again after hitting the ground.
"Peach!" Mario pulled his love to the right, away from Bowser, who had now turned himself into a bouncing weapon. After crashing down to the ground again, he sailed in an arc above our heroes, coming down again and aiming for Nastasia. Our heroes had learned Bowser's pattern by now, though, so he was relatively easy to avoid. Once Bowser had landed for the final time, he uncurled himself and produced more spiky balls. He threw them into the air, where they eventually fell down and damaged several of our heroes.
"Let's get him with these!" Nastasia picked up one of the spiked balls that had landed on the floor. Following her advice, Luigi and Mimi also grabbed a spike ball, and all three heroes tossed the weapons at Bowser.
"We're whittling him down!" Mario again pounded the distracted Bowser.
Without speaking, Bowser produced an energy orb in his hand. He sent a wave of blue energy to the right where all of our heroes were standing. Mario was blasted back into the others, crashing into the right wall. Bowser continued firing energy beams, and several of our heroes were taking serious damage. "You like that, heroes?" Bowser aimed white-hot fire at the group. Luigi leaped over the fire, flying above Bowser and coming down, planting his foot in the Koopa king's face. "Waah!" Startled, Bowser fell over backwards. This gave enough time for Mimi to hit him with another Rubee. Mario followed with a head stomp.
"We've almost got him!" Luigi joyfully announced. He aimed to jump on Bowser, but their nemesis suddenly reared up and flew toward the ceiling, spinning in circles again and coming down on Luigi himself. Bowser again repeatedly bounced and hit the ground.
"Luigi!" Mario ran to help his fallen brother, dragging him to the relatively safe right corner.
"Mario, distract him!" called Mimi. "I'll attack from this side!" Mario silently obeyed, dashing under Bowser as he rose into the air again and stopping at Bowser's left. The Koopa king stood still on the ground and aimed several spiky orbs at Mario. The hero was hit a few times, and his health was getting dangerously low, but he knew his efforts would pay off. While Mimi hit Bowser with more Rubees, Mario grabbed some of the spiked orbs and hurled them at Bowser.
"GRAAAH!!!" Bowser was almost knocked out, but he had one last trick up his sleeve. He surrounded himself with a crackling energy field, ducked into his shell, and sent himself rolling around the floor.
"Ahhh!" O'Chunks was slammed by Bowser's shell and tossed to the right, smashing into Mimi and knocking both of them out.
"How do we stop him!?" asked Nastasia frantically, jumping over Bowser's careening shell.
"I don't know!" answered Mario, constantly eyeing the weakened Luigi to make sure Bowser didn't crash into him. "I'll try the hammer!" Mario waited for Bowser to come near and smashed his hammer into Bowser's shell. His hammer was blown backwards with such force that Mario was flung backwards, his back slamming into the right wall. Mario fell from the wall, breathing strongly. "Someone...anyone...get him!"
Bowser withdrew from his spinning shell attack, apparently tired out. "Whew. How'd you like that, heroes?"
"Better than you're going to like THIS!" Peach picked up a spare spike ball and slammed it into Bowser's face.
"YOW!" Bowser fell over backwards, collapsing on the floor. "NOOOOO!!! Darn it darn it DARN IT! I can't believe I lost to these puny heroes!"
"Well, they have beaten you a hundred times before," pointed out Mimi.
"What are you talking about?"
"Bowser, you're under Dimentio's hypnosis. Why-"
"Oh, shut up. I'm going to keep training, and sometime soon, I'll obliterate the lot of you! I'LL BE BACK!" Bowser flipped out.

"It's kind of sad to see him fighting for Dimentio like this," remarked Peach. "This just isn't the Bowser I used to know."
"Dimentio's minions keep saying they'll get revenge," noted Tippi. "They say they'll defeat us next time. Is there even a next time? Once we defeat Dimentio, we won't have to worry about his minions anymore, right?"
"A lot of villains are overconfident like that," answered Luigi. "Those minions are no different."
"I suppose you're right. Let's go."
Our heroes were fully healed in the next room, courtesy of an Ultra Shroom. They didn't want to talk about it.

We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #55 on: March 24, 2008, 12:24:19 PM »
Get ready for the final chapter, everyone. Here goes!

Six heroes. Eight Pure Hearts. One villain. Three minions. Our heroes had finally reached the Inner Sanctum of Castle Dimentio. There remained only a relatively small amount of puzzles and traps to fight through, and then...Dimentio. The climax of our heroes' adventure was fast approaching, and the stakes were high as our heroes ventured into the final area. Will our heroes defeat Dimentio and save all worlds? Or will Dimentio kill Bleck's minions, reactivate the Chaos Heart, and form The Void once more? Only bravery, determination, and love can win the day...

The castle was as dark as ever. Several of the torches seemed to struggle helplessly to stay lit, only to be swallowed by the ever-encompassing darkness. Our heroes could almost feel the bleakness enveloping them. "Let's hurry and defeat Dimentio," offered Peach. "This place gives me shivers." It was much colder without the abundance of torch lighting as well.
"Yeah," agreed Luigi. He was going to continue, but decided to finish his sentence there. Something about the enviroment demanded silence.
The inner sanctum's first hallway was an enemy-infested gauntlet, much like the previous two sections of the castle, but containing a wider variety of traps; besides enemies, there were also spike beds, spikes that fell from the ceiling, sections of the floor and ceiling moving up and down that could crush our heroes, and several more. No lava pits existed in this room, which didn't remedy the chilly dark atmosphere. "Dimentio's really trying to stop us now," observed Mimi.
Mario had a strange thought. "Is he really trying to stop us? He knows we're powerful. Powerful enough to accomplish his plan for him and release that...person. I can't shake the feeling that he wants us to reach him. And then..."
"And then?" asked Luigi after a brief pause.
Mario shook his head. "Let's just go for Dimentio. Whatever he has planned for us, we'll be able to stop him."
Mario, Luigi, Peach, O'Chunks, Mimi, and Nastasia walked hurriedly through the dark chamber, defeating enemies as they went. They eventually found a Hammer Brother atop a tall pedestal, too high to jump over.
"I'll take care of him!" Luigi readied his Super Jump.
"Do it fast!" O'Chunks was trying his best to dodge the rain of hammers.
Luigi sprang into the air, coming down on the hammer-throwing minion and stomping on it three times. Luigi observed a switch slightly beyond where the Hammer Brother had been. He jumped on it, lowering the pedestal and allowing the others to proceed. "We've got to be careful now," warned Mario. Between them and the door lie a large pit with a never-ending series of platforms rising out of it. If our heroes stayed on the platforms for too long, they'd be carried directly into the spikes on the ceiling. "Run as fast as you can!" Mario began dashing across one of the platforms while it was still below the floor level to demonstrate. He came out safely on the other side.
"I'll try." Peach repeated Mario's example, and the others soon followed.
The next room was a short hallway, containing nothing but Magiblots, two blue ! Switches, and a door. This door was plain purple, unlike most of the other ones, which displayed the white emblem, but the emblem was painted on the wall a few feet to the left of the door. "What's with this door?" asked Luigi as he defeated one of the Yellow Magiblots. "It's like someone removed the emblem and put it on the wall."
"Let's see what these blocks do." Mario hit the ! Switch on the left, and the blank door moved slightly to the left.
"I think we have to get the door to match up with the symbol," noted Tippi.
"Let's see." Mario hit the switch a few more times until the door was lined up with the white emblem. He opened the door and looked inside. "Yes, there's another room in here."
The others followed Mario into the next room. It was somewhat small, with a few enemies and a locked door on the other side. "Let me see if the key's here." Mario flipped into 3D, but there wasn't anything special besides the 3D-ness. He flipped back. "I don't see the key anywhere."
"Is it in this room?" asked Luigi. He looked around, trying to find any sort of clue they could use, but there was nothing. "So...what do we do?"
"Maybe it's in the previous room," offered Mimi. "We can move the door around, so maybe if we move it somewhere else, we'll enter a different room and we might find the key."
"Good idea!" Mario led the others back through the door. "Hmm. Let's try going to the left first." Mario hit the left switch until the door had traveled as far to the left as it could go. He opened the door and peered inside, and he saw nothing. He soon realized why; he was standing at the edge of a massive drop that plunged into the darkness below. Recoiling, he quickly shut the door before he tumbled into the pit. "Whew." Mario walked to the block on the right and hit this one, checking out the door again. He finally found a chest in the room one space to the right of the emblem. Opening the lone chest, he found the castle key. "I found it," he announced after exiting through the door. He hit the left switch, lining the door with the symbol again, and our heroes entered the room again. Mario unlocked the door, and our heroes proceeded into the next room.
Our heroes emerged in a massive hallway. The ceiling was far above them, and a huge pit, broken by rising-and-falling floor segments, covered most of the floor. It was essentially a harder version of the same room in Castle Bleck, with some altered platforms and added enemies like Cherbils. "You know how to get across these, right?" asked Mario. He jumped to the first moving pillar, defeating the Ice Cherbil.
"I 'ope so!" O'Chunks followed Mario onto the second platform. Our heroes continued across the perilous moving platforms, being as careful as possible not to be hit by the enemies. Even so, they were hit and knocked back a few times. Peach stumbled over the edge of a platform, but Mario quickly pulled her back up. Our heroes reached the end door with little damage, relieved that they hadn't been hurt more.
The next room was also similar to Castle Bleck. Another large pit spanned the room, and more platforms, similar to the rising platforms in the first room of the inner sanctum, were placed over the pit. Some platforms moved continually down while others moved up. There were Spiked Parabuzzies and other enemies waiting to sabotage our heroes' pit-crossing. "Careful!" Luigi cautioned as Mimi almost slipped off one of the platforms. When they had reached a rest area in the center of the room, Mario seemed distracted by something.
"Wait a second...if I remember correctly, I have to flip here. Hang on a second." Mario flipped into 3D, revealing a pipe to the left of the platform. He jumped to the pipe and entered it, coming out in a small room with a few enemies. The hero easily dealt with these foes, and seeing nothing in the room, flipped into 3D. A tunnel into the right wall became visible. It was inhabited by several more enemies, and these ones weren't as easy to avoid. The tunnel wasn't extremely long, but Mario had to make it in one shot before his Flip Meter expired. He quickly dashed through the tunnel, trying his best to dodge or defeat the enemies. He was hit several times, finally making it to a more open space on the other side. Flipping back, he collected another key from a chest. When his Flip Meter had recharged, he ran back through the passage, not having as much trouble because he'd defeated several of the enemies. He soon reemerged in the platform room. "This key's for the door ahead of us."
"You were in there for a while," remarked Luigi. "I was starting to wonder what you were doing. What was in that room?"
"There was a tunnel I had to go through in 3D. It was pretty brutal."
The trek across the next series of platforms was difficult, but our heroes made it across fine. Unlocking the door, the heroes entered the next room. It was another long hallway, filled to the brim with enemies. Almost literally. "This is the enemy hall to end all enemy halls," breathed Peach.
"That's good," agreed Mario. "The next part of the castle is a giant maze, unless Dimentio changed it, and after that there's no more enemy halls. Let's tackle this."
Unlike most of the other rooms in the Inner Sanctum, this hallway contained windows, revealing the sky-filling Void outside the castle. Although The Void was a dark, cloudy, ominous structure, the room felt more open and warmer with the windows than without them, probably because of the ever-increasing darkness of the castle. The relative warmth was a comfort in the chilly castle, and helped our heroes' tense muscles relax as they ventured into the enemy chamber. That was a good thing; Mega Muths, Blastboxers, Fire Brothers, Mr. Is, Bombshell Bills, Cherbils, and almost every other variety of enemy our heroes could think of inhabited this room, and getting past them uninjured was out of the question. "Uh-oh!" uttered Peach. "Mega Muth!" It was right behind a Boomerang Brother, and had begun to charge our heroes.
"Yaah!" Acting on instinct, Mario held out his hands as the Boomering Brother tossed his weapon. The boomering slammed into his hand. He quickly pulled it back and hurled it at the Mega Muth, making it flinch long enough for Peach to begin attacking it while Mario dealt with the Boomerang Brother. A row of Blastboxers waited for our heroes directly after these enemies, hurting our heroes with their sound waves. O'Chunks gathered his strength and charged the dozens of Blastboxers, knocking them out one by one.
The door that ended this hallway finally came into view after a group of Bombshell Bill Blasters. After defeating these enemies, Mario and the group headed for the door. "We're heading deeper into the castle," announced Mario. "I have to flip back and forth to navigate in the next room, so I'll have to take all of you with me one at I time like we did a while ago."
"Sounds fine," approved Luigi.
Our heroes entered the giant maze section of the castle. There were several Koopatrols in the first area, which Mario and the others defeated easily. "I'll take you first, Luigi." Mario grabbed his brother's hand and flipped them both into 3D. Walking through an arch-shaped hole in the wall into another room, Mario flipped them both back into 2D. He repeated the process with the four others, bringing them all into the new room. After defeating the Fuzzies in this area, Mario proceeded to flip them all again. They continued through the maze rooms in this manner, occasionally having to go back and take another path. They were hit several times, but found items in a few areas.
"We should heal ourselves," Mimi advised once the door was in sight.
"We probably should." Mario used a Super Shroom Shake to heal the party somewhat. It wasn't a large amount, but they regained enough health to presumably be safe in the room ahead. The purple door, identical to all of the others, stood out more against the background. The castle was dark enough by this point that it felt similar to the original Castle Bleck. Our heroes entered the door.
Dimentio hadn't kept the second maze room intact. This room contained another wide chasm, and a large climbing net was suspended across it. The path they'd take on the climbing net took them through various obstacles and enemies. "He's made it harder," breathed Luigi.
"It shouldn't give us too much trouble," countered Mario. "Come on." He jumped onto the net and began pulling himself to the right. The others followed, weaving in and out of the dangerous Thwomps that blocked their path on occasion. Our heroes carefully descended through a narrow vertical tunnel with spikes on either side, thankful for the climbing net. When they emerged on the right side of the tunnel, they could observe some Spiked Parabuzzies below a small opening in the ceiling.
"Yeh think we should see what's up 'ere?" asked O'Chunks.
"I don't see why not." Mario led the others past the Parabuzzies and onto a small ledge above the opening. There didn't appear to be anything in this small area.
"Is there anything here?" wondered Tippi.
"I'll flip." Mario again flipped into three dimensions, and saw a passage through the wall form to his left. He jumped into the passage, finding a door. Another puzzle... When Mario entered the door, he emerged at the right side of a small room. This room was surprisingly well-lit by a series of six torches that seemed to be oddly positioned: The first torch was quite higher than any of the others, the second one was much lower, the third one was also lower, the fourth one was in the middle, the fifth one was low, and the sixth one was in the middle. At the left side of this room, there were three doors stacked on top of each other. I've done this before. I just have to follow the torches. He jumped on a few platforms to reach the top door and entered it. However, he came out through the door he had first used to enter this area. What? I'm back here? Is that torch sequence incorrect? He studied it again, and just to be sure, took the top door again. He again emerged in the same area. Hmm... He tried going in the middle door, emerging in a room that didn't contain the torches. I'm in a different room now? Wait... He then realized the pattern: He had started on the right, so he had to read the torches from right to left, not left to right. Following this pattern, he then opened the bottom, middle, bottom, bottom, and top doors, finding a small room containing the key. He exited through this room's only door, coming through the door in the 3D tunnel he had first entered through. He walked back to the others and flipped back into the second dimension. "I found another key. Let's go."
Our heroes continued through the spiked net maze. They had been heavily damaged by the time they reached the door at the end. "We've got to use an Ultra Shroom Shake," advised Nastasia.
"Are you sure?" asked Peach. "We only have three of them."
"True...but if we get hit a few more times, we're out. We can't take the risk."
"All right, let's use it." Mario pulled out the Ultra Shroom Shake and used it to revive the party's health. The heroes then entered the door.
If it had contained white outlines, the next room would look almost identical to Castle Bleck. There was nothing in this room besides a giant staircase and a door at the top. Mario thought it was the final room before Dimentio's lair, but then he realized something. "This is where the third maze section should be. It's not the penultimate room. There's something about it that-" Mario's sentence was interrupted by a sudden rumbling.
"What's that shaking!?" exclaimed Peach.
Without warning, the top of the staircase began to crumble and break apart. The rest of the staircase followed, cracking in half from top to bottom. Soon the entire staircase was falling in the direction of our heroes! "Back through the door!" Mario commanded. He attempted to open the door, but it had apparently been locked behind him.
"What do we do now?" worried Mimi. The sharp fragments of the black staircase were moments away from spearing our heroes.
"Just jump!" Mario shouted as the pieces approached them. Our six heroes leaped over the incoming shards, but none of them avoided them completely. They were all hit with several pieces of the staircase, even as they jumped as high as they could. A rather large piece was the last to come.
"How do we dodge that!?" asked Tippi.
"I'll take care o' this!" O'Chunks jumped in front of the boulder-sized fragment before anyone could stop him. Holding his hands out, he braced himself for the impact as the fragment collided with him. He was pushed backward a few feet, but managed to stop the boulder after a few seconds of struggling. Breathing out, he let go of the shard.
"That probably negatated the Ultra Shake," lamented Luigi. "I hurt all over."
"There's an Ultra Shroom in the next room," reminded Mario. "We'll be fine..." The hero then realized the collapse of the staircase had created a high wall, much too high for any of them to jump. "Mimi? Can you carry us up the wall?"
"No, I don't think so," she sighed. "That wall's way too rough for me to climb. I'd slip."
"Well, then what can we..." Mario paced, turning around to think, and saw a blue object. "What? I could swear this switch wasn't here before." He stepped on it, and the stairs repaired themselves.
"That was weird..." uttered Luigi.
"Dimentio isn't far away," announced Mario. "Come on. Let's climb these stairs." Our heroes proceeded up the stairs, entering the door at the top. They came out in another room with a large staircase, but fortunately this one didn't break apart as they climbed it. At the top of this staircase, an Ultra Shroom waited for our heroes.
"Whew." Luigi grabbed the Ultra Shroom, using it to restore the HP of the group.
"So this door will take us to Dimentio," recalled Mario. "This is it. The final confrontation." He paused to let those words sink in.
"We're ready, aren't we?" asked Peach.
"I sure am," replied Luigi. "Let's teach that Dimentio a lesson he'll never forget!"
"My husband is beyond this door," reminded Tippi. "We musn't delay."
"Before we enter this door," continued Mario, "I just want to remind us that we need to fight as one unit. Don't think about what we don't know. Just focus on our task. It's the only way we can take down Dimentio and save every universe."
"That's true," agreed Luigi. "We need partnership, companionship...we need love."
"You're absolutely right. We loved existence enough to find all eight Pure Hearts, even when it was tough. And Tippi loved her husband enough to accompany us and travel with us all the way through obstacles like these. Are we ready?"
"Yep!" answered Mimi. "Let's do it!"
"I'm ready fer anythin'!" approved O'Chunks.
"Let's do it!" answered Peach.
"OK." Mario cleared his throat. "Here we go!" And he opened the door.

Dimentio hadn't changed this large room at all. It retained its black background and white outlines and platforms, all in the same positions.
"Bleh heh heh heh...So you've come this far...only to be Count Bleck!"
Our heroes turned toward the voice. Count Bleck was resting on one of the floating platforms, and Dimentio was floating behind him. "To be honest, Count Bleck never expected you to make it this far. You heroes have endured trials Count Bleck expected would stop you all for good. But your travels were all in vain, for now your games shall end, courtesy...of Count Bleck!"
Tippi floated forward, the others soon following. "Blumiere! How can you say such things?" Tippi reverted to her human form. "You're not a villain! You're my husband! What have..." Her voice faded.
"Count Bleck does not interest himself in the ramblings of pathetic heroes. If you wish your game's end to be painless, stop talking and let me do the work."
"Blumiere...don't you remember? Don't you remember the time when we loved each other?"
"Count Bleck never loved you. He serves only Dimentio, and he uses Count Bleck as he sees fit."
"Blumiere...oh, it's no use! Don't you see? Don't you know what we've been doing since Dimentio scattered the Pure Hearts? I helped the heroes find the eight Pure Hearts all over again because I love you. I want to release you from Dimentio's control. We've fought in a war...we've been forced into slavery...we've ventured into a volcano...all becuase I want to rescue you. How could you not see that?"
"Details bore Count Bleck. Let us cut to the chase. Count Bleck will defeat you all, and then kill his former minions so Dimentio can reactivate the Chaos Heart!"
"And make sure you do it well, Count," added Dimentio. "If you fail, I'll be forced to take them out myself."
"You!" accused Timpani. "You hypnotized my husband! What are you planning? What allowed you to do such a thing?"
"Ah ha ha ha. Foolish're clueless of the true story of Blumiere's tribe, aren't you? You wouldn't be speaking so romantically if you knew the truth."
"I don't care what the Tribe of Darkness was. It doesn't matter what group or family or nation Blumiere came from. I don't even mind that he tried to destroy the world. Now is what counts, and I want my husband back...NOW!"
"My, you're energetic today. Your passion for Blumiere is breathtaking, I will hand that to you. It's almost as intense as the rage I had when my most valuable treaure was stolen long, long ago, a treasure that could have changed the fate of the universe. But now is not the time for talking. Now is when Count Bleck will destroy you all, like seven innocent, naive children who chose to climb a tree during a storm. Ciao!" The evil jester vanished.
"All right, guys," began Mario. "Let's do this."
"Stand back, heroes. You will be shown what real power Count Bleck! BLEH HEH HEH HEH! BLECK!"

Count Bleck

Count Bleck waved his staff, producing a flash of energy that sailed toward where our heroes were standing. Six of the heroes, including Timpani, jumped out of the way while Mario aimed for the count. "We beat you once, we can do it again!" Mario leaped for Count Bleck, aiming for his head, but Bleck swung his staff in Mario's direction, hitting him with the blue jewel and knocking the hero backwards, where he crashed onto the floor in a sitting position.
"You pathetic heroes think you can take down Count Bleck? Let us reconsider that!" Bleck produced another energy wave, sending it at Mario. When it hit the ground, it divided into twelve smaller waves that expanded in a circle pattern, hitting Mario directly and damaging several of the others. "Bleh heh heh! This will be easier than Count Bleck thought."
While the count was distracted, Luigi attacked from below with a Super Jump. "Not so high and mighty now, are you?"
"This is just the beginning. You have yet to witness every power Dimentio has granted Count Bleck." The count flipped out, and three of him flipped back in. The three Count Blecks moved to different sections of the room, all the while attacking our heroes with magic blasts.
"Dimentio's given Bleck some of his skills," remarked Nastasia. "We've got to take out the real count."
"This isn't it!" Peach had fallen right through one of the Count Bleck duplicates.
Mimi aimed a Rubee at another Bleck. It hit a solid body, and the other two Blecks disappeared. The real Count Bleck hovered around the room, producing bombs that exploded after a short time. "Whoa!" Mimi was thrown back by the force of one bomb's explosion. She was thankful she wasn't caught directly in the explosion.
"Maybe we can use these against him?" Nastasia positioned herself below one of the falling bombs and caught it, quickly throwing it in Bleck's direction before it detonated in her hands. It hit its target, but the count negated their future counterattacks by moving higher toward the ceiling and continuing the explosive assault.
"Let me hit him again." Luigi stood on one of the higher platforms and Super Jumped in the count's direction. However, he didn't anticipate Count Bleck releasing a bomb right above him. It slammed into Luigi, exploding and throwing the green plumber against the left wall. "Ughh..."
"Timpani, yeh 'ave to do somethin'!" urged O'Chunks. Timpani had been silently watching the fight until now.
"I...well...I don't know if we really should do this...if we really should fight Blumiere. Isn't there another way we can do it?"
"I don't think so. We ain't goin' to kill 'im or anythin'. We're just gonna pound some sense into 'im."
"Well...I suppose you're right..." Timpani jumped to one of the high platforms next to the one Luigi had attempted to attack from. When Count Bleck dropped an explosive in her direction, she quickly caught it and tossed it upward as hard as she could, hitting Bleck with the explosion again. The count flipped out.
"We're doing fine so far," reported Mario. "We just have to keep this up!"
"Not me..." groaned Luigi.
"Here, have a Super Shroom Shake!" The party had acquired a total of five Super Shroom Shakes, so Mario wasn't too concerned with their supply.
Count Bleck flipped in, appearing in the lower-left corner of the room next to Luigi. This gave Luigi an opportunity to head-stomp the count, damaging him again. Luigi was feeling quite confident, but Bleck wasn't going to allow himself to be attacked like this anymore. He floated right and upwards, waved his staff, and created a miniature Void, almost identical to the one produced by the mysterious villain in the ice palace. Our heroes knew what to do, but since Luigi was weakened, running away was difficult on his legs. "Help me, bro!"
Mario made a split-second decision. "Land on your feet, Luigi!" Luigi found out what his brother meant soon enough. Mario grabbed Luigi's arm and flung him away from the small Void to the left. Following Mario's advice, Luigi landed on his feet several yards away from the Void, where running away was much easier. The swirling vortex eventually dissipated. Count Bleck attacked again almost immediately, surrounding himself in an energy barrier and charging toward the heroes. Mario, Peach, and Mimi were hit by the count's energy charge and were knocked to the left.
"BLEH HEH HEH! BLECK! You pathetic heroes stand no chance...against Count Bleck!" Count Bleck again sent a beam of energy at the heroes that divided into twelve rays when it hit the ground. All of our heroes except Luigi and Nastasia were hit by the blast.
"We've got to attack him as a group!" whispered Mario. "I'll distract him, and you all give him your best!" The lead hero jumped onto the nearby platforms. The count followed, sending another magic beam Mario's way, but the other heroes dashed to the right and jumped into action, Luigi dealing another Super Jump and Mimi aiming a Rubee. O'Chunks and Timpani attacked Bleck from the nearest platform behind the count.
"Your puny attacks will do Count Bleck!" The count soared up and left toward the corner, using his staff to create a complex pattern of white lines that stretched across the pitch-black room.
Mario remembered this attack from when he had fought Count Bleck at the very beginning of their adventure. "Get away from those lines!" He stood still in a line-free area, but Peach, Mimi, and Timpani weren't fast enough. Bolts of blue lightning flashed across the guiding lines Bleck had drawn, electrifying the three heroes. Mario rushed over to where they were resting, and could tell they had lost a large amount of HP from their heavy breathing. "Here!" Mario handed them another Super shake. The group now had three left, in addition to two Ultra ones.
"Bleck! uttered Count Bleck in disgust. You heroes have lasted longer than Count Bleck anticipated." Bleck spun his staff, creating a ring of teal-black squares that surrounded him. They condensed back into his body after a few seconds, from where they created a blue-green wave of energy that stretched horizontally across the room. The wave expanded in all directions, encompassing the entire room, including where our heroes were standing on the floor. Our heroes were thrown into slow motion, but the count was unaffected.
"Jump!" Luigi shouted, noticing a magic blast Count Bleck had fired from behind. Slowed down, only himself and O'Chunks were able to avoid the blast. The villain then flipped out, three of him flipping in again. Mimi tried to hit the nearest one with a Rubee, but the red stone traveled too slowly and the count was able to easily dodge it. Our heroes were all hit by the three Blecks' magic blasts.
Soon afterward, the slow-motion spell wore off and our heroes regained their normal speed. They were all damaged, but they could last a while longer without having to heal themselves. Mimi got her chance to hit the nearest Bleck with a Rubee while Timpani and Luigi aimed for the other two. The one Luigi targeted was the real Bleck, who then flipped out again. Flipping back in toward the left side of the room, he again unleashed his energy charge, sailing into where our heroes were standing. The heroes knew how to avoid this attack by now, however, and all of them dodged the assault successfully. When Count Bleck paused after slowing down, Mario nailed him with a hammer blow. "We're getting there, guys!"
The count again created white lines that stretched across the room. "Over here, O'Chunks!" Mario motioned toward a relatively empty area where both of them could fit. O'Chunks followed Mario into this area while the others found empty spots as well. Most of them were safe, but Nastasia was caught directly in the path of an electricity bolt when Bleck unleashed the attack. Moving to prevent the count from attacking the weakened Nastasia, Luigi prepared his Super Jump yet again and attacked Count Bleck. This gave an opening for Mario to deliver another hammer strike.
"Bleh heh heh..." Count Bleck was clearly weakened. "You heroes shall all be vanquished!" He again spun his staff and unleashed the teal time-slowing ray. This time, he also produced the small Void.
"Watch out!" uttered Mario. With our heroes trapped in slow motion, trying to run away from the Void was like asking a snail to run a marathon. Even as they ran as fast as they could, they were still slowly being pulled toward the center of the swirling darkness.
"Help!" Nastasia had been heavily damaged by Count Bleck's lightning attack. She'd faint if she was sucked into the vortex.
"Take my hand!" Luigi followed the move his brother had used to save him and threw Nastasia away from the Void. All of the others flailed helplessly as they were pulled into the center of the dark Void. The Void exploded in a flash of white light, dropping our heroes to the ground.
"I don't think we can go for much longer!" worried Peach. They were all close to being knocked out.
"We just need to hit him a few more times!" shouted Mario. "Come on! We can do it!" He jumped for Count Bleck. Time had reverted to normal by now, so he was able to dodge the blast the count sent at him. Bleck then began producing more bombs. Come on, come on...give me a chance to attack! Mario grew tense as he continually dodged the bombs. How long would it be before he was hit and defeated?
"Take this, and then tell me you love me!" Mario looked below as Timpani hurled a bomb in Bleck's direction. The explosive detonated on impact, putting Count Bleck out for good.

Count Bleck vanished, flipping back in on the floor to the right of the heroes. "Noooo! It cannot be possible! You have defeated...Count Bleck!" He was lying on the floor, gasping for breath.
"Blumiere!" Timpani walked toward her husband. "You're not badly hurt, are you?"
"Count Bleck is finished, but Dimentio remains. He will finish you all..."
"Blumiere..." Timpani observed Count Bleck, horror-struck. The count was covered in injuries and was barely able to breath. "I knew we shouldn't have fought him! I knew..."
"Timpani..." Mario walked toward the couple. "I know you love him...but we had to. If we hadn't fought him, he probably would have killed us."
"I know...but...but..." Timpani fought to hold back her tears. "What...what do we do now? Blumiere's game will be over if we don't do anything, but he doesn't even remember me."
"I..." Mario truly didn't know what to do at this point. He was the leader, the one who was supposed to guide the others. Why couldn't he think of anything? Had the situation finally become too much for him?
"Struggling with your decision, are you?" taunted Dimentio's voice. The jester appeared above and behind Bleck. "I do believe I'll drop in and spare you the trouble."
"Dimentio!" accused Timpani. "You'll return Blumiere to normal...RIGHT NOW! I want to talk to my real husband before his game ends!"
"Oh, why not? Just for some romantic parting words. Count Bleck's going to die in a few moments anyway, so I guess it won't make a difference." Dimentio snapped his fingers, enclosing Bleck in a box which then shattered.
"T...Timpani?" Our heroes noticed for the first time that Blumiere's voice had drastically changed. "Where...where are we? What is happening?" Blumiere moved his hands, gasping at the pain this caused him.
"I'll give you the details, Blumiere," answered Dimentio. "You've been fighting as my servant ever since I brought you to Flipside, working to help me end the games of your former minions and reactivate the Chaos Heart."
"That...that cannot be true!" Blumiere gasped for breath again, exhausted after speaking.
"It's true...Blumiere..." Timpani moved closer to her husband. "Please, don't let your game end! Stay with me, Blumiere! Stay with all of us!"
"I'm afraid it's too late for that, Timpani," replied Dimentio. "At least Blumiere will have passed away knowing you're still alive."
"Timpani...heroes...even if my game ends, you must...defeat Dimentio. I don't kn...know how he returned, or how he knows about the past of the...Tribe of Darkness, but he must be defeated...if you want to save...all worlds."
Timpani was too overcome with sadness to speak.
"Well, there's no use just sitting here waiting for Blumiere to die," began Dimentio. "Let's activate my plan. Minions, prepare to meet your ends!"
"You'll never take us!" shouted Nastasia.
"Oh really? We'll see about THAT, pathetic minions!" Dimentio floated to the right, aiming a pink energy ball into where the three were standing.
"Let's git 'im!" O'Chunks, Mimi, and Nastasia dodged the attack and jumped onto the platforms, aiming to attack Dimentio from above. The evil jester positioned himself to the right of the minions, where he began firing waves of energy.
"Mario...what do we do?" asked Peach. "Should we help them?"
"I...I don't know. I guess we should...but should we leave Timpani and Blumiere like this?"
"It's fine," assured Timpani. "I just want to be with my husband. Go and help the minions fight."
"Are you sure?" Blumiere had begun to cough and hack uncontrollably. "Is there anything we can do to help Blumiere? We can't let his game end like this."
"Trust me, it's fine. I know you can help the minions defeat Dimentio. It's the only way we can save all of the dimensions."
"All right, then. Let's..."
"Watch out, Mario!" Mario ducked to avoid the Rubee that Mimi had aimed at Dimentio.
The jester snickered. "You minions are getting nowhere. Come and fight like you did in Flipside!"
"Fine, maybe we will!" Mimi jumped between Timpani and the heroes, facing Dimentio. The other two minions soon followed. "You'll never end our games in a million years!"
"So sure about that, pathetic freak? You're all quite exausted from the battle, and even more of your energy is gone from playing around with me. Wouldn't it be rather easy for me to kill you all?"
"Not on my watch!" asserted Nastasia.
"Very well, then. I will show you the hard way." Dimentio gathered energy and formed three glowing yellow boxes around the minions.
"Wha..." O'Chunks looked around at the interior of the box, shaking in horror.
"No!" shouted Peach. "You can't kill them! You..." Her voice trailed off.
"Oh, but I can. And I will. It's time for you to become the tools I intended to use you for since the beginning. Say your final farewells, pathetic minions." With a final "Ciao!", Dimentio snapped his fingers.
The glowing boxes exploded.
"YAAAAHHH!!!" screamed Mimi as she was engulfed in the burning explosion.
"NOOOO!!" Nastasia and O'Chunks were surrounded by the fiery explosions as well. When the blasts finally ceased, the minions had disappeared.
"" Mario stammered. "NOOOOO!!!" He tilted his head downward, closing his eyes in disbelief.
"I think 'yes' is more appropriate," countered Dimentio. "'Yes', I've destroyed the minions. 'Yes', you've all been defeated. And 'yes', I'm going to reactivate the Chaos Heart." Dimentio held his hands in the air, absorbing the energy the minion's deaths had released. He released the energy in the exact spot the Chaos Heart had rested the last time our heroes had been in this room. An explosion of dark energy radiated from that area, accompanied by two bright flashes. Our heroes, plus Blumiere and Timpani, watched helplessly as the Chaos Heart formed before them, giving off the omnious energy pulses they had become accustomed to.
" cannot..." Blumiere struggled.
"Ah ha ha ha ha! Oh, but why not? I'm not going to spare you once the Chaos Heart begins its consumption of all worlds. You're the last person I'd spare, Blumiere, all are the person that caused all of the problems I now face."
"What? What are you talking about?" The area seemed to grow even more quiet, the encompassing silence broken only by the sounds of the dark energy emanating from the Chaos Heart.
"Well, I suppose Novelle could also share that blame, since that meddling rascal did interfere with Amtakan's plans...but you, Blumiere, chose to follow through with what she set you up for."
"Novelle? Amtakan? Who..."
"Oh, Blumiere, you're as clueless as ever, just as I was after I lost my memory. It's a good thing the shock of my own death reactivated the area of my memory I had lost, or I'd never have been able to carry out my plan of revenge."
"What? Then why...why did you steal the Chaos Heart?"
"I remembered that a person named Count Bleck was responsible for my troubles, and that I needed a form of intense power to accomplish the plans of someone else. That is why I joined you, Blumiere. I succeeded in stealing the Chaos Heart, but I unfortunately didn't remember what I truly needed it for. So I want to thank you, heroes, for not only gathering those Pure Hearts and defeating Blumiere for me-but also for causing my game's end."
"What are you talking about?" wondered Luigi.
Dimentio turned toward the heroes. "I'm talking about how Blumiere and those minions have caused nothing but trouble to the Tribe of Darkness. Blumiere caused the explosion that caused me to lose my memory, and I barely survived even then. O'Chunks stole the device Amtakan was going to use for the final illegal Pixl creation. And Nastasia stole my most valuable hypnosis orb. Although Amtakan eventually did provide me with another one, I am still angry at her for stealing it, and even angrier that Blumiere would send her to do such a thing." The mysterious jester turned toward Blumiere and Timpani again. "I needed that hypnosis orb so I could keep you two seperate. If you hadn't married, the Tribe of Darkness wouldn't have been overcome with such disaster. Only pure Tribe of Darkness blood could continue to support the Dark Prognosticus. Mixed blood from another source would contaminate the chemical mix...and if you hadn't stolen that book, Amtakan could have waited until the safe time to release the Chaos Heart. Instead, you rejected your bloodline and caused the Chaos Heart to be released ahead of time, and for that, you must be punished." Dimentio surrounded Blumiere in a glowing yellow square. Almost whispering, he finished, " worthless son." With a snap of his fingers, Blumiere was trapped in series of fiery explosions that eventually dissipated, leaving an empty area where Blumiere had been.
"You..." Timpani stammered. "You...did...are..."
"It doesn't matter now, you pathetic excuse for a daughter-in-law. Now I'll merge myself with the Chaos Heart," he picked up the Heart, "and kill all of you arrogant fools! AH HA HA HA HA!!!" The Chaos Heart produced two glowing flashes. Beams of gray energy extended from the artifact, expanding to surround the entire room, which soon began shaking as if there had been an earthquake. In the center of the room, two lines were drawn, forming the top of a purple-and-yellow jester skirt that soon materialized. Larger versions of Dimentio's black shoes were drawn in and attached to the body with black-and-white chains. His hands followed the same pattern. Above the gigantic body, alternating purple and yellow spikes appeared, forming two circles above the body with a black area in the middle. The three topmost spikes of the two spike rings were much larger than the others, and white diamonds formed at their tops while more chains connected these two objects to the neck of the body. In the black center of the left spike ring, a gently sloping "U" shape appeared, glowing red, while another gentle, but upside-down "U" shape, glowing yellow, appeared in the same place in the right black area. Above the U shape in the left area, an upside-down yellow U identical to the shape in the right area formed above the red regular U, and the right area produced another red U above the yellow upside-down shape. This seemed to make the left area look like a smiling head, while the right one held a more malignant personality. Finally, the entire creation fell to the floor with a loud crash. "AH HA HA HA HA!!!" laughed both of Dimentio's heads in a booming voice. "I'LL DESTROY YOU ALL, AND THEN I'LL MAKE SURE THE TRIBE OF DARKNESS FINALLY GETS ITS HANDS ON THE CHAOS HEART AT THE RIGHT TIME-JUST AS AMTAKAN INTENDED!"

Hyper Dimentio

"What can we do?" worried Timpani, changing back into Tippi. "Dimentio's being shielded by the power of the Chaos Heart. I don't think we can hurt him."
"I'll defeat him!" Mario jumped toward Hyper Dimentio's right head, using the platforms that now moved left to right and had faces. When he jumped on the head, he bounced off, dealing no damage whatsoever. He landed back where Luigi, Peach, and Tippi were waiting. "I can't hurt him!"
"AH HA HA HA!!!" laughed Dimentio's twin heads. "YOU PUNY HEROES CAN'T HURT ME NOW!" He extended his hand toward them and fired a neon green spreading laser from his finger. The three heroes were knocked back by the blast.
"We can't do anything!" stated Luigi. "And now..." He watched in horror as Hyper Dimentio began firing square projectiles at the group. "We're almost done for. We've got to use one of our Ultra shakes."
"But what use will that do?" argued Peach as she dodged Dimentio's projectiles. "There's no way we can hurt him."
Mario's mind raced. He still had questions about the whole situation, but now wasn't the time to think about them. They had to either fight to their last breath or die trying. How could they counter the Chaos Heart's power? That's it! Counter the Chaos Heart's power! "We need the Pure Hearts!"
"What?" asked Luigi.
"The Pure Hearts. They can negate the Chaos Heart's power and remove Dimentio's barrier. We just need to repeat what we did last time!"
"We" asked Peach.
"Yes. We need love. We love every dimension. We love each other."
"I love my husband, even though..." Tippi couldn't finish her sentence. "I love him! I love Blumiere!"
"I loved existence enough to travel through eight dimensions, find the Pure Hearts, and confront Dimentio!" confided Luigi.
"I showed Kara love by disagreeing with Bowser, even as she tried to force us into slavery," continued Mario. "I showed Mimi love by forgiving her past mistakes, even after I learned she killed Merlumina. I showed Bowser love by not being angry at him, even as he rejected us!"
A brilliant flash appeared in the center of the group. Eight brightly glowing Pure Hearts, red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, blue, purple, and white, appeared in a ring that circled above where our heroes were standing. "The Pure Hearts!" joyfully announced Tippi.
The eight Pure Hearts rose into the air and formed a ring around Hyper Dimentio. "WHAT? WHAT IS..." After a brilliant flash, Dimentio seemed to weaken, and his body didn't glow with energy like it did before. "GRAAAHH!! NOT THE PURE HEARTS!!"
Our heroes suddenly felt their health being completely restored. "Hurry! Attack!" Mario led the others up the moving platforms, where Luigi jumped from the nearest one onto Hyper Dimentio's right head. His attack did damage, sending a rush of confidence through the heroes.
"I'll go for the body now!" Luigi walked below and to the right of Dimentio's body and aimed his Super Jump at his side, but he was knocked back without dealing damage.
"I think we have to take out the heads first!" Peach performed a sideways parasol thrust and hit Dimentio's right head again.
"YOU'LL NEVER DEFEAT GANTER, KING OF THE TRIBE OF DARKNESS!!" Hyper Dimentio, or Ganter as he was apparently once named, extended his right foot and crushed Luigi, who was still waiting below.
"Oww..." Luigi jumped to the platforms where the others were waiting, but Dimentio then leaped high into the air, clipping all three of our heroes and knocking them to the right.
"He's going to come down!" warned Mario. "Everyone, run to the left!" All four of them dashed leftwards as fast as they could. They heard Hyper Dimentio's large body slam into the ground behind them. The villain continued firing square projectiles while walking to the left, toward the heroes. He extended his left arm, and the hand grew about twice as large as it had previously been. Dimentio aimed his hand at Luigi in a powerful punch, but Luigi jumped out of the way and landed a direct hit on Hyper Dimentio's left, smiling head.
Dimentio created a large spark of energy in his right hand. He released the spark, and it began circling around the jester's body, posing a hazard for our heroes. At the same time, he began firing lasers from his left hand. "Watch out!" Luigi dive-bombed Mario out of the way to the right before she was zapped by a laser. Unfortunately, this put Peach in the path of the same laser. She was hit and slammed into the left wall.
"YOU'LL NEVER STAND UP TO MY FIRE DARTS! AH HA HA!!" Hyper Dimentio sent several flaming jets from his two heads into the air. They zoomed down to the ground in various places, burning all three of our heroes.
"Aahhh!" screamed Peach. "Quick! Get his head while he's charging his next attack!"
Mario climbed the nearby moving platforms, Luigi following close behind. Jumping for Hyper Dimentio's left head, Luigi scored a hit, but Mario was knocked back and electified by Dimentio's rotating spark. "Toss me the hammer, bro!" Luigi suggested. Mario quickly threw his hammer in Luigi's direction, managing to hit the head again before Luigi caught it. "Great aim!" Luigi struck the left head with Mario's hammer.
"PESKY BUGS!" Dimentio moved his left head to the right, and Luigi crashed to the floor. The jester held out both of his hands, and they began glowing. He fired short beams of energy in two different directions, and they slinked around the room, bouncing off walls and hitting our heroes.
"We're pretty beat," exhaled Luigi. "We still have two Ultra shakes, right?"
"Yes," answered Mario, "but we still have some health left." Hyper Dimentio's attacks dealed a tremendous amount of damage, but our heroes could still be hurt two or three more times before they needed a health booster.
"Let's finish this head!" Peach jumped for the left head, careful to avoid the rotating spark, then dodged Dimentio's laser blast and took out the smiling head.
"GRAAHHH!!!" The glowing yellow eye and red mouth on Dimentio's left head dimmed, and the head seemed to deactivate.
"Go for the right head!" Mario jumped to the right, bounced off Hyper Dimentio's body, and landed on his angry head, landing to the right.
"Mario, take this!" Luigi threw Mario his hammer. Mario expertly caught it and gave Dimentio's right head a hammer blow.
"Mario! Watch out!" screamed Tippi as Hyper Dimentio grew his right fist to massive proportions and sent it upward, punching Mario from below and smashing his head into the ceiling.
"We've got to help him!" Peach rushed to the right, past the villain's feet. Dimentio had moved his right head leftward to avoid attack, but this gave Luigi a chance to Super Jump the head from below and land on the right side where the others were waiting.
"I'LL CRUSH YOU ALL!!!" Hyper Dimentio again leaped into the air. Our heroes were too far to the left to avoid him when he came down.
"Get in the corner!" advised Mario. They all rushed for the lower-right corner, managing to avoid Dimentio when he landed.
Peach tried to attack the right head, but was intercepted by the rotating spark. "I think we need some healing now!"
"Here goes Ultra shake number one." Mario used the item, restoring the party's HP.
Hyper Dimentio enlarged his right fist again, aiming to crush all three of the heroes in one shot. They quickly climbed the moving platforms, but Mario was the last one to jump and was smashed by the huge fist. Struggling to rejoin Luigi and Peach, he was able to deal a double jump with Luigi while Peach attacked with her parasol. "I think this head is almost done in," reported Mario.
Attempting to defend his remaining head, Dimentio extended it to the left on its chain and fired constant lasers from his right hand. Our heroes were being hit by laser after laser. "Luigi! Stomp that head!" ordered Mario.
"It's way over there! I can't hit it!"
"Use your Super Jump! It'll take you over there!"
"Well...all right." Luigi charged his Super Jump, sailing over Dimentio's body and nailing the angry head. Its glowing eye and mouth faded, just as the left one had done.
"I think we can attack the body now! Come on!" Mario jumped at the body, avoiding the deactivated but still dangerous right head. His attack worked.
"GRRR!!! YOU'LL ALL DIE NOW!!!" Hyper Dimentio's body gathered energy and suddenly fired four large energy beams; up, to the left and right, and down. He continued firing them, making four constant obstacles. Then, he began to rotate them clockwise.
"Watch out!" Peach pulled Luigi away from one of the rotating beams, and they both dashed to the left. The four beams formed an "X" pattern that rotated around the room. Our heroes had to use the moving platforms to avoid the beams and stay in one segment formed by the perpendicular beams, making them very difficult to dodge. They were hit several times, although Mario managed to hammer-strike the body while dodging the beams.
Dimentio eventually turned the beams off. "IT'S NOT OVER YET!!!" The energy spark that rotated around the villain's body divided into three identical sparks, making it even harder to hit him.
"Luigi, throw me between those sparks!" commanded Mario. "I'll get him with the hammer, and you two can give him all you've got!"
"OK!" Luigi sent Mario flying to the left toward Dimentio's body, where Mario dealt the most forceful hammer blow he could manage. At the same time, Luigi Super Jumped the body while Peach attacked it from above.
"We're doing good," breathed Mario. "We just have to survive whatever he throws at us, and we'll be fine!"
Dimentio did throw something new at them. He extended his arms as far as they would go, and began spinning his body, rotating his hands. He threw himself to the right, slamming his fists into our heroes, then richocheted to the left, coming back to the right again. "Quick! Jump over his hands!" Luigi advised. He and the two other heroes jumped Dimentio's second fist swing and climbed the platforms, ready to stomp on his body when he came around again. He stopped in the center of the room, giving our heroes a longer jump than they anticipated, but they went for it anyway. Mario and Luigi stomped Dimentio's body, but Peach was knocked back by the right head and landed on the floor.
"Mario! Noooo!!!" Peach screamed as Hyper Dimentio's right foot came down on her.
"Peach!" Mario rushed to his princess's side. "We still have a couple of Super shakes." He gave Peach the item.
"Thanks, Mario."
"Watch out!" Tippi shouted as Dimentio aimed another laser at Mario and Peach. Peach jumped out of the way just in time, but Mario was hit.
Meanwhile Luigi, on the left side of Hyper Dimentio, was dodging the projectiles the jester was firing. "Yah! Wahoo! Think you can hit the Great Luigi?" Dimentio roared and smacked Luigi into the wall with his fist.
"Luigi, we're coming!" Mario and Peach rushed to Luigi's side, Mario giving Dimentio's body a hammer attack while he was at it.
"I think we almost have him!" reported Peach. Hyper Dimentio seemed weakened.
"YOU'RE ALL JUST PUNY HEROES! YOU'LL NEVER STAND UP TO THE FULL MIGHT OF THE TRIBE OF DARKNESS!!!" Dimentio moved to the right, again firing the four perpendicular lasers, this time rotating them in a counter-clockwise manner. Our heroes rushed to the right, past the villain's feet, to avoid the beams. Dimentio almost managed to smash Mario, but he jumped out of the way before his right foot came down to the ground. While they were climbing the platforms on Hyper Dimentio's right side, Mario attempted to damage the jester again, but was zapped by one of the three sparks. He decided it was best to wait until after Dimentio had stopped using the lasers.
After a while, Hyper Dimentio turned the lasers off, leaving our heroes on his left side. "Quick! Aim for the top!" Mario told Luigi. Luigi attacked the top of Dimentio's body while Mario jumped and spun his hammer around, damaging the lower part of Hyper Dimentio's body.
"GRAAAHH!!! I'LL GET YOU ALL!!!" Hyper Dimentio was on his last few breaths. A couple more hits, and he'd be out.
"He's just about done for!" Luigi stated. "Let's get him!" Before our heroes could do anything, though, Dimentio again produced the bouncing lasers from his hands, firing several of them this time. He then stomped directly on Mario, who watched helplessly as the bouncing beams struck Luigi and Peach multiple times.
"No!" Mario struggled under Dimentio's left foot, finally wiggling free. "Come on, guys! Let's defeat this crazy jester!"
"YAAAHHH!!!" Luigi aimed his foot toward Hyper Dimentio's body, and Peach gave it her best from the top. Mario again attacked from below with his hammer, and the three heroes all nailed Dimentio at the same time, once and for all.

"WHAT!? WHAT'S HAPPENING!?" Hyper Dimentio's body began shaking. Soon enough, huge explosions covered the jester's body. "NOOOOOO!!!" The chains that connected Dimentio's heads and limbs to his body broke, sending the parts of his body flying across the room in different directions. "HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!?!?" Hyper Dimentio's heads gave one final cry before the entire monster exploded in a series of detonations. Dimentio himself was thrown out of the body and landed facefirst in front of the heroes. "Nooo!!! How could I have lost? How could the Chaos Heart have failed me?"
Our heroes walked closer to Dimentio, the villain that had caused them so much trouble. "We've defeated you, Ganter," accused Tippi. "Now go back to The Underwhere, where scums like you deserve to rot."
Dimentio stood up. "It won't be that easy to get rid of me, Timpani. As long as I'm still alive, the Chaos Heart will still be consuming every world-and now that my rebellious son is dead, there's nothing you can do about it. I invite you to sit back and watch as your world disappears into the hands of the Tribe of Darkness!"
Tippi's voice was tear-stained. "I don't care about your stupid Tribe of Darkness. I care about Blumiere, and I know he was right to reject his bloodline, to avoid whatever evil, conniving thing you had planned."
"Indeed, if Novelle hadn't taken out that section of the ground, none of this would have happened...but it's Blumiere's and only Blumiere's fault he decided to stay with you. If not for that choice, the Tribe of Darkness may well have already been ruling over all dimensions."
"What is this Tribe of Darkness anyway?" demanded Mario. "What were you and Amtakan planning? Why did you need Blumiere's blood?"
"You heroes want to know everything, don't you? I'm afraid that's too bad. It won't matter anyway, since there's nothing you can do while The Void ravages every dimension. I wouldn't even try if I were you, since there's simply nothing you can do. Or, there's always the option of joining the winning team. Would you four like to join my crew? You'll be spared once the Tribe of Darkness rules every world."
"We'll never side with you, you backstabbing lying muderer!" Tippi shouted.
"That's perfectly fine. Four more recruits won't make much of a difference anyway. Well, heroes, I guess this is our final farewell. Goodbye-and remember, you can't do anything to save the universe! Ciao!" Dimentio vanished.

"So that was Dimentio's secret..." mused Merlon. "As Blumiere's father Ganter, he led the Tribe of Darkness, hoping to use Blumiere's blood to support the Dark Prognosticus. But Blumiere rebelled and loved Timpani, so Amtakan gave him a hypnosis orb, which Nastasia ended up stealing. He was given another one, though...which is why he was able to hypnotize Blumiere. He's had this ability all along, he just didn't remember it."
"But how could the blood of the Tribe of Darkness work to help the Dark Prognosticus?" wondered Peach. "Is that why they stole it? To use their blood'support' it?"
"If Dimentio was telling the truth," continued Mario, "the person who founded the Tribe of Darkness stole the Dark Prognosticus after the Pixl Uprising to prevent another incident like that from happening again. But perhaps that person was Amtakan, and he used the Pixl Uprising as an excuse to take it?"
"If that's true," began Luigi, "then wouldn't it be possible for Amtakan to have caused the Pixl Uprising? All as part of a plan to steal the Dark Prognosticus?"
"But how would the Dark Prognosticus help him?" asked Tippi. "If...well..."
"And who's this Novelle?" posed Merlon. "Morris apparently knows who she is, and so does Dimentio..." The wizard was lost in thought.
"It's funny how answers so often just lead to more questions..." thought Peach aloud.
"Well, regardless of all the stuff that happened in the past," began Luigi, "we're here now, and the situation now doesn't look very pretty. The Void's in the sky again, and we don't have any way to stop it now that..." Luigi trailed off. "...their games are over."
"I still can't believe Blumiere's really gone..." sobbed Tippi. "No, I take that back. He must be alive somewhere. I can just...feel it. I'm sure of it!"
"You think he's still alive?" asked Mario. "I mean, I can believe that and everything, but...where? I'm...pretty sure Dimentio ended
We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #56 on: March 24, 2008, 12:26:35 PM »
Apparently there's a word limit after all. Picking up from the sentence it cut off...

"You think he's still alive?" asked Mario. "I mean, I can believe that and everything, but...where? I'm...pretty sure Dimentio ended his game."
Merlon cleared his throat. "Well, heroes, now would be the best time to bring up the latest passage in the Light Prognosticus I've figured out."
"The Light Prognosticus goes on?" asked Luigi. Then he remembered the last passage Merlon had read to them. "Wait. Didn't it say something like, when there's a disaster, don't worry because 'I' have everything in control?"
"It says exactly that. I'm certain the disaster referred to in that passage is the ended games of Blumiere and his former minions. Here's the new passage: 'You're doing a good job, but you still have a long way to go on the path of love. Go to the top of Flipside Tower and create a portal from the red door. I've taken care of everything else. Look for a glowing orb.'"
Our heroes were even more shocked than they had been at the previous passage. "Is Merlumina still writing this?" wondered Mario after a brief silence. "This is present tense. It seems like this 'I' person has taken over."
"Indeed, the style of writing in the more recent passages is drastically different from the majority of the book. In fact," Merlon closed the book, "the passages I've been reading to you over the course of this adventure almost seem like they're just appearing when I come to them. See this page?" He opened the book again and flipped to a few pages before the end. "This page contains the passage I told you about just before you entered Castle Bleck for the first time. But that was the last page of the book."
Tippi thought this over. "Are you saying," she began, "that someone's adding passages to the Light Prognosticus as we go along?"
"That seems to be the only explanation. And if this person is able to add pages to the Light Prognosticus and has been correct every time, I think it would be best to follow the book's instructions."
"Then we'll go to Flipside Tower?" initiated Mario.
"Yes. Lock the book's advice into your mind. No matter what happens, you must never abandon your task."
"We won't," assured Mario. "Even if our friends are killed and the situation seems hopeless, we'll never give up. We'll follow the Light Prognosticus's instructions down to the last word, with devotion, determination...and love."


-Lead Writer-

-Assistant Writer-
General Stuff

-Original Character Design-
General Stuff

General Stuff

-Based on a game created by-

-Special Thanks-
Original Super Paper Mario staff

I'd like to thank the original SPM staff for creating the awesome game that inspired this story; Xeus for helping with the character design of H-X Alpha and B-A Omega; and GiftedGirl and Nintendoobesessed for reading the story and giving their comments on it. Special thanks to General Stuff also, for smoothing out and coloring the artwork for me when I didn't want to spend more time doing it (that stuff takes a long time), and for his support and contributions to the story, even though his contributes were relatively minor and he didn't know where the story was going to turn. I'm going to draw some artwork of the characters that appeared after Chapter 4 out, General Stuff! :D

But of course, that's not the end of the story. Keep reading to find out what our heroes' adventure will become next...

The Stolen Guide

"Ah ha ha ha. You may think you're going to follow that book's cursed instructions, but I'm afraid you won't be able to for much longer." None other than Dimentio appeard in Merlon's house before our heroes.
"Dimentio!?" uttered Merlon. "What are you doing here?"
"You heroes are relying on my most hated enemy next to Blumiere to know where to go next, and it's all because of the Light Prognosticus. Since with that person's guidance, you might have a slim chance after all..." Dimentio picked up the Light Prognosticus.
"No! You musn't!" commanded Tippi.
"...I'm going to take your guide right out of your hands. Yes, I know. You don't want to part with your dear Light Prognosticus, but if I don't take this now, you might have a chance of defeating Amtakan, which I cannot allow to happen. I can't stop you from trying to find the first orb, but there's no way you'll be able to find the other four-not before we find them first."
"You know about these orbs?" demanded Luigi. "What are they? Tell us about them!"
"So sorry, heroes, but time is short and my minions need a morale booster. Go ahead, try and find the first orb, but just remember it'll all be for no use. Ciao!" Dimentio disappeared, taking the Light Prognosticus with him.
"Nooo!" lamented Tippi. "How will we know what to do now?"
"Wait a second..." Mario was thinking. "Dimentio said we'd have a chance of defeating Amtakan if we had the Light Prognosticus. That means Amtakan is still alive? And he's still a threat?"
"Oh!" Peach suddenly turned white.
"Is something wrong, Peach?" observed Merlon.
"That...that person! The guy we freed from the ice palace! That had to be Amtakan! It makes sense, doesn't it? Dimentio wanted us to free him because...well..."
"That was...Amtakan?" asked Tippi. "Hmm...that does fill in some gaps...but if that's true, why didn't Mimi recognize him? She spent her entire life prior to killing Merlumina with him."
"Well," began Mario, "she hasn't seen him in what, a thousand years? And she was probably trying to forget him all that time."
"Hmm..." Tippi continued thinking.
"Well, heroes," started Merlon, "I guess the best course of action would be to go to Flipside Tower as the Light Prognosticus instructed. I don't know how we'll know what to do from there,'s all we can do right now to save the worlds, isn't it?"
The Void that hung in the sky outside expanded slightly, causing a rumble beneath our heroes' feet. "We'd better hurry," urged Luigi. "We're racing against the clock again, so we don't have time to waste."
"You're absolutly correct, Luigi. Come, let us proceed to Flipside Tower."
Mario, Luigi, Peach, Tippi, and Merlon stepped outside of Merlon's house and took the elevator to the top of Flipside Tower. When they reached the top, they gasped in shock. All of the doors that led to other dimensions, with the exception of the red one, had vanished. "What happened?" exclaimed Peach. "Are the Pure Hearts gone again?"
Merlon looked down. "I see the red Pure Heart in the pillar on the third floor...but I don't know what happened to the others."
"Let me go down and check," offered Mario. "I'll be right back." He took the elevator back down, flipped into 3D, and walked to the left side of the Outskirts. The green Pure Heart was still in its pillar. That's weird... Mario rode the elevator back to the top of the tower. "The other Pure Hearts are still in the pillars. I have no idea why the other doors are gone."
"Perhaps the same person who guided us here removed the other doors," guessed Merlon.
"Maybe..." Mario didn't want to think too hard about it. "So we're supposed to create a portal here?"
"Yes. I don't know where this portal is supposed to lead, but 'I' said they'd take care of it, so..." Merlon raised his hands and gathered his magic energy. Reciting some magical words, the old sage produced a white flash where the red door resided. It faded after a few seconds. "That's all I can do, heroes. We'll just have to trust this person knows what they're doing."
"Are we all ready?" Mario looked at Luigi, Peach, and Tippi. "We're only three heroes now, but we can still find that orb the Light Prognosticus told us to look for. We'll always try our best, and never give up."
"Excellent, heroes. I wish you all a safe journey. Go now and follow the Light Prognosticus's instructions."
Mario, Tippi, and the other heroes entered the red door. Whatever they would find beyond it, they would never deviate from their task.

"Minions, I assure you that everything's fine and going according to plan. Yes, those heroes have recieved instructions to look for the orbs, but Amtakan's forces have been searching for them for more than a thousand years, and have managed to narrow down their locations. It's only a matter of us finding the orbs before they do."
"Are you sure we can find them?" asked Morris. "Even with Amtakan's forces searching for them as well, how can we be sure to find them if it took them all this time?"
"The answer's quite simple, really. The heroes will undoubtedly be led to a location where the position of the orb will be obvious. We'll just follow the heroes."
"And then we'll steal that totally radical orb?" followed H-X Alpha. "Dude, that's like, tubular!"
"Yes, that's the plan. The heroes need all five orbs in order for them to have any effect, so as long as we secure at least one, they won't be able to do anything. Of course, after the first orb, there's no way for them to find the other ones, but we should focus our interests on stopping them, just to make sure they won't ever endanger our plans again."
"Can I take those weaklings out?" asked Bowser. "Please? The only reason I lost was because I was exhausted, so I've been pumping iron ever since they beat me."
"That sounds like an encouraging development, Bowser. You are hereby assigned the task of destroying those heroes."
"Yeah, baby! You watch, Master Dimentio! I'll stomp on those heroes like pesky ants!" Bowser flipped out.
Dimentio was silent. "Is everything fine, Master Dimentio?" inquired B-A Omega.
"Yes, everything is fine, Omega. I am just it somehow possible for the heroes to find the remaining orbs? Is there any way she could guide the heroes without the Light Prognosticus? That's why I want them destroyed, even though they can only find the first orb. Is that truly the only orb they can find?"
"You don't need to worry, Master Dimentio," assured Morris. "Even with her magic, there's no way she can tell the heroes where to go next. Her seal is too strong."
"I guess you're right, Morris. That concludes our meeting. Return to your training, minions."
"Yes, Master Dimentio!" Morris flipped out, along with the robots.
"..." Dimentio stayed on his platform. "I hope her seal is too strong. What she's already managed to do isn't a good indication."

We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.

« Reply #57 on: March 30, 2008, 08:50:55 AM »
Whoa. Dimentio being Bleck's dad... just... whoa. 8O And there's more! I'm excited!
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #58 on: April 11, 2008, 01:10:34 AM »
Wow...even more. Brilliant!


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #59 on: May 09, 2008, 08:25:04 PM »
I'm back with the second sequel. ;)

O'Chunks, Mimi, Nastasia, and Blumiere were dead, and the Chaos Heart was in Dimentio's hands. It seemed like Dimentio had succeeded after all. But there still existed a faint thread of hope-the mysterious additions to the Light Prognosticus that guided our heroes to the mysterious orbs. What was happening behind the scenes? Who was guiding our heroes to these orbs? No matter what came up, no matter what happened, Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Tippi would stick to their task. Any hope for Dimentio's defeat would help our heroes as they entered the final section of their three-part adventure...

A line was drawn.

Joining this line were several others, forming enclosed polygonal shapes that became rocks. Wispy clouds were drawn in the pale blue sky and colored a dull off-white. As the ground was wiped with a sheet of off-tan, several green-yellow weeds sprouted from the loose soil, accompanied by a sparse field of grass that covered the ground. The red door was drawn into existence, and our heroes entered the first dimension of their last episode.

"This really reminds me of the place where we found the seventh Pure Heart last time," noted Mario.
Luigi shuffled his feet around, kicking up small drifts of loose sand. "At least it's more humid."
"So we should be looking for an orb," recalled Princess Peach. "Tippi? Can you sense where it is?"
Tippi felt for any kind of energy she could detect. Even though our heroes were out in the middle of nowhere in a lonely plain, she did faintly pick up something coming from the east. "There's something in this direction. I don't really know how far away it is."
"Can you make a guess?" pushed Luigi.
"The orb's energy isn't as strong as a Pure Heart, so I can't make a close guess, but it shouldn't be too far away."
"Just over the horizon, huh? That's what we kept saying in that desert of death."
"Luigi, lighten up," commanded Peach. "Dimentio's got the Chaos Heart after all, so we're lucky to even know we won't be consumed by The Void. So start marching. We need that orb."
"Fine, fine." Luigi slowly followed Mario, Tippi, and Peach in the direction of the unknown orb.
This dimension was a familiar experience for our now-three heroes. They'd already been on adventures, so they could pass easily through the Headbonk Goombas, ? Blocks, pits, Squoinkers, and other not-exactly-easy-first-level-material as they proceeded along the path.
"Hey, what's this?" Luigi stooped down, examining the ground.
"Did you find something?" Tippi inquired. She hovered toward Luigi.
"This!" Luigi stood up, pointing to an area on the ground next to him. It was a giant clawed footprint in the sandy dirt.
Peach recognized it instantly. "Bowser!"
"Dimentio probably sent him to take the orb," reasoned Mario. "Oh, no. We can't let them get the orbs before we do."
"Just like the race for the Pure Hearts," recalled Tippi. "Come on. We've got no time to lose."
Our heroes hurried toward their destination, following Bowser's large footprints. After a long trail of prints, what seemed like a town appeared on the horizon. "Civilization!" exclaimed Luigi, picking up his pace despite his tired legs.
"Hold on a second," halted Mario. He followed Bowser's trail with his eyes. "It looks like Bowser walked straight into that town. We'd better stay back and observe just in case he did anything."
"If Kara's hometown was any indication," began Peach, "we might actually be safe."
"Better safe than sorry," agreed Tippi. "I mean, wait, no. I meant we should stay back, like Mario said. We can't take our chances."
When our heroes came close enough to the town to make out some details, they could see that the civilization's entrance was protected by a series of guards, lined in front of the town. "What do you think?" posed Luigi. "Just normal, routine guards, or..."
"Why can't we just go around the town?" demanded Peach. "The orb's probably beyond it."
"Going in might offer us some clues, though," countered Mario. "We don't know where the orb is or how to find it-"
"Or what it is," offered Luigi.
"-or that, but we've got to check out what Bowser did to this town. Any help we can get"
Our heroes attempted to enter the town, but the guards promptly stopped them. "HALT!" The front guard examined the three heroes. "Our town was recently attacked, so we're not letting anyone in now."
"Did the person who attacked the town have a spiked shell and fire-breathing powers?" asked Luigi.
"THAT'S THEM!" the guard suddenly bellowed, so loud that it startled our heroes. "GET THEM!"
"Wha? What!? What-" stammered Luigi.
"Keep your cool, Luigi," urged Mario. "We can get through this. We're heroes!"

The Town Guards

"Have at you!" The foremost guard withdrew a spear and aimed it at Mario. The hero leaped over this jab, planting his feet onto the soldier's head. The guard recoiled, startled. "Whoa! This guy's tough! Get him, men!"
Mario was suddenly the target of five more spears. Taking out his hammer, he spun in a circle, knocking most of them away, but one managed to clip to the lower section of his left arm. Mario's head turned toward the injury as quickly as he could. He wasn't badly hurt, but he'd have to put up with the pain until it healed.
"I'll get you out of there, bro!" Luigi charged his Super Jump and careened into the crowd of soldiers. This gave Mario an opportunity to jump back and slam a few nearby guards with the hammer.
"Say your prayers!" The five remaining armed guards all had their weapons pointed at the exposed Luigi.
"Yipes! Help me!"
"YAAAHH!" Peach ran toward Luigi and tackled the nearest soldier, bringing him down into the next guard, who fell into the others, knocking them over like dominoes.
"We're not down yet!" One of the guards picked up his spear, ready to stab Luigi.
Mario dropped in front of his brother and split the weapon in half with his hammer. "I think you are."

"So what's going on here?" demanded Tippi. "Why'd you guards attack them?"
"You know it," explained the head soldier. "You're those guys trying to find some orb who're working with that monster!"
"Monster?" asked Mario, clutching his left arm. "That's Bowser, isn't it? He most have told you we'd come."
"We're not looking to hurt you," answered Tippi. "We need to find that orb before Bowser does."
"Wait, so..." the guard started again. "...You're not bad guys?"
"Of course not," confirmed Luigi. "Bowser's the bad guy."
"So, tell us..." continued Tippi. "What happened when Bowser came into the town?"
"He demanded to know where the orb was. We didn't tell him, so he started attacking. Three citizens were hospitalized and we just couldn't defeat him, so we pretended to give in."
"Pretended to give in?" wondered Mario.
"We don't know anything about the orb except for a stone tablet that was in the town hall. It mentioned a powerful object that could be found in the desert. Bowser took that and went to find the orb."
"Oh, no," uttered Peach. "So now Bowser knows how to find the orb? And we don't?"
"No, no. I was going to say...the tablet we gave Bowser was a fake! We have the real one hidden somewhere in town."
"Where is it?" asked Tippi.
"The mayor is the only one who knows. If you want to find the orb, you'd better ask him." The guards parted, allowing our heroes entrance into the town.
"Thank you," Tippi said as our heroes walked into the town to begin their search for the tablet. Our heroes were already one step ahead of Bowser!

We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.
