
Author Topic: The Mushroom Kingdom's Annual Ball  (Read 22683 times)

« on: April 25, 2005, 05:04:45 PM »
Chapter 1: A Week From Excitement ~ Princess Peach stared out her window on a bright, sunny morning.  The birds were chirpping, the fish were swimming, and everything was doing what it was supposed to be doing.  Exactly what the princess didn't want.  She sighed of boredom.  'Where is Bowser lately?' she thought to herself, 'Shouldn't he be kidnapping me or something?  I'm SOOOOO freaking bored!'  Just then, she glanced over at the calendar to have a rush of excitment go threw her body.  Mushroom Kingdom's Annual Ball was in one week from now!  Princess Peach gasped in excitment.
"The BAAAAALL!" she cried out in joy.  She thought of the wonderful music, the beautiful scenery, and of coarse, slow dancing with Mario, "Oh goodie!" she said, "I wonder when he'll call..."
"Princess?  Are you talking to yourself?" Toadsworth asked as he entered her room.
"," Peach said quickly, "Shut up."
"Alright," Toadsworth said as he began to leave.
"Wait!" she cried, "Do you know what is coming in one week from now?"
"Why, yes princess, its Mushroom Kingdom's Annual Ball!  You and Master Mario always do make a lovely couple."
"Thank you," Peach replied, blushing, "This year, we're going to BEAT Bou and King Boo in the dance-off, once and for all!"  Every year the Mushroom Kingdom had a dance-off to see who could dance the longest.  King Boo and his dance partner Bou ALWAYS won, since they were very skillful at ballroom dancing. and had no legs so they never grew tired.
"Whoa!  Wouldn't that be a change in tradition!  But don't get too excited, I hear the Boos have been practicing.  Oh, and princess," Toadsworth said as he was about to leave, "did Master Mario ask you to the Ball yet?"
"," she replied, "no he hasn't."
"Really?...hmm.  Well, alright, he probably will soon!" he said as he left.  Peach nodded.  Usually, Mario would ask Peach three weeks before the Ball, so they could practice dancing for the ball and get moves that would make everyone be in 'awe'.  Where was he?...
There was now only 4 days left until the great Ball!  Decorations were being set up and music was being practiced by the famous Toad Band & Orchestra.  Toadsworth was their conducting and would be the spokestoad for the Ball.  Peach would obviously be the great honored hostess.  After this long waiting for Mario, she had had enough!
"I have had enough!" she cried, "I'll call him myself!"  She marched over to the phone and dialed his number.  The phone began to ring.
Mario: "Hello, Mario Bros. Residence, MArio speaking."
Peach: Hello Mario, it's me...Peach."
Mario: "Peach!...oh no...hi!"
Peach: "Hi...Mario, is there something you want to ask me?"
Mario: "Um, yeah...what do you want?"
Peach: "The Mushroom Kingdom's Annual Ball is coming up.  Aren't you going to take me like you do every year?"
Mario: "Well-I-She-You...*sigh*...Peach, I can't lie to you.  I'm tired of losing to the Boos, and no offense personally, but...with you I always lose, and...Peach, I already asked someone else."
Peach: "...."
Mario: "I'm really sor-"
Peach: "Who?"
Mario: "What?"
Peach*harshly*: "Who did you ask?"
Mario: "Oh, no one important...Princess Daisy."
Peach: "WHAT?!?!  HER!?!  Mario Robert Mario how COULD you?"
Mario: "Well, I-"
Peach: "Get Luigi on the phone."
Mario: "But I-"
Peach: "NOW!!!"  Peach tapped her foot impatiently as Mario fumbled with the phone.  She heard Luigi's surprised voice in the background as he picked up the phone.
Luigi: "...hello?"
Peach: "Hey Hun!<3!"
Luigi: ""
Peach: "Luigi, would you, being the tall hunk you are, like to take me to the Ball?"
Luigi: "Wow Peach!  That's nice of you!"
Peach: "GREAT!  You can pick me up at-"
Luigi: "But I already have a date."
Peach: "......pardon?"
Luigi: "I'm going to the ball with a hott Pianta chick.  I'm sorry."
Peach: "No you're not." she said as she slammed down the phone and began to cry.  What will she do?

2 B Continued...

If Toad is a mushroom and a mushroom is a fungus, can we say that Toad is a fungus?
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2005, 05:36:59 PM »
Chapter 2: Turned Down ~ Toadsworth found Princess Peach sprawled over her pink bed crying and eating hershies kisses.  He gasped.  He had never seen the princess so broken up, and he had a feeling he knew why.
"It's okay princess, I'm sure you'll lose that extra weight," Peach stopped and gave Toadsworth and angry look, "...That is why you're crying, right?" Peach chucked a box of kleenex at Toadsworth.
"No you idiot!  I've been stood up -*blows nose*- BY MARIO-HO-HOOOOOO WAAAAAAAH!" she cried as she burried her face in her pillow, "He said *sniff* that *sniff* he really wanted to beat the Boos and I wasn't a good enough dancer.  *sniff* so now he's going with Princess Daisy!!!  AHHH!  I HATE HER!" she yelled.
"There there princess.  Did you ask Luigi?-wait, no, you wouldn't sink THAT low." Peach stared at him and began bawling again.
"Will you go with me Toadsworth?" she asked.  Toadsworth was shocked.
"Me?  What?  Who?  Me!?!  *clears throat* no thank you, I mean-I'm the spokestaod,"
"Then who, Toadsworth?  Who???"

Peach was cruising under the tall buildings in Mushroom City, at the wheel of her Double Dash buggy.  In the old racing days Daisy would be behind her throwing shells at Bowser or DK, but if that was now, she would be strangling her!  Peach loved getting away into the big city, the lights shining through the darkness like stars.  She knew of someone she could ask to the Ball, and that was a guy who could blow Mario's Pants off (in jealousy).  He was also italian, and in a lot better shape then him!  His name was II Piantissimo.  She stopped at a very tall, and very high class building.  This is where he lived.  This appartment was very fancy.
"Hello, I'm looking for a Mr. II Piantissimo," she told the desk clerk Toad.  She blew a large bubble of pink bubble gum rudely and let it pop.
"Well aren't we miss pretty princess," she said in a nazelly, bored like voice, "hold on barbie." she said as she picked up a phone.  "Yes hello, is this II Piantissimo?...uh-huh...someone is here to see you.....some barbie in a pink poofy, she's not covered in whip cream....what?...ew...okay, I'll send her up you sicko," she turned to Peach, "He's in room 67."  Peach nodded and took the elevator.  Peach stood in front of room #67 and knocked nervously.  A man in a Pianta mask and gloves opened the door.  Yep, this was II Piantissimo alright.
"Hello II Piantissimo!" Peach said happily.
"Hi," he replied, "Who the heck are you?"
"I am Princess Peach of Mushroom Kingdom.  This may seem sudden, but would you like to go to Mushroom Kingdom's Annual Ball with me?"  II Piantissimo seemed delighted, but replied,
"Sorry Peachy, but I already have a date for that thing."
"Yeah, a chick named Flurry.  Apparently she's a movie star with a hott bod!" He said, "Tough luck princess!" and like that he closed the door.  Peach was in shock.
"NOO!" she yelled.  A goomba stuck his head out of his door,
"Do you mind?  I'm tryin' to sleep!" he cried.
"Would you like to go to the Mushroom Ball with me?!?!" she yelled back.
"Nope!" he shot back, slamming his door.
"Crap!"  Peach drove back home in sorrow.  There still HAD to be someone out there.  There HAD to be...

To Be Continued

If Toad is a mushroom and a mushroom is a fungus, can we say that Toad is a fungus?

Edited by - The Blue Toad  on 4/25/2005 4:37:40 PM
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2005, 06:20:42 PM »
Chapter 3: Desperate ~ Word had been going on around the Mushroom Kingdom that Mario and Daisy were a huge hit!  And in the Daily Mushroom (Newspaper) they were stating that Daist may be the new Peach, and how they wouldn't be surprised if Bowser started kidnapping her!  Peach took this very offensive, and simply HAD to get a dance partner.  She rode on her private jet to DK Jungle, here she would ask the muscular primate Donkey Kong to the Ball.
"Princess!" Toadsworth cried as he tried to catch up with her, "Do you realize your about to ask out a monkey???"
"Yes Toadsworth," she replied, "Now shut up." Peach marched up to DK's jungle hut and loudly knocked on his door.  It swung open revealing DK.
"Peach?  What are you doing here?  Oh no, are we going back to the old days where i have to kidnap you?"
"No, no Donkey...Kong.  I was just wondering.  Do you have a date for the Annual Mushroom Kingdom Ball?"  Donkey Kong looked concerned.
"Aren't you going with Mario?" he asked.  Peach stared at her feet.
"Lets just say," she replied, "Would you like to go with me?"
"Sorry, I'm already going with Hottie Kong.  Peach's smile suddenly turned into a frown.
"FINE I didn't wanna go with you any ways!" and with that she stompped away, angry and ticked off.  Toadsworth was stumbling to keep up.
"Now what princess?" Toadsworth asked.
"We're flying to Yoshi Island.  COME ON!!!" with that they climbed back into her private jet and flew off to the tropical, fruity paradise of Yoshi Island.  The Toad Stewartess walked up to Peach.
"Hello Princess!  Would like some peanuts and a drink?" she asked happily.  Peach stoode up and grabbed her by the colar of her shirt.
"SHUT UP YA DITSY LITTLE FREAK BEFORE I POP YOU!" and she chucked her out the window.  She sat back down and there was a long silence.
"DaaaAAAAAAaaang!" Toadsworth said as he scooted his chair away from her.  The plane landed on Yoshi island, and Peach jumped out stomping her way over to the first Yoshi hut she spotted.  She rang the bell angrily.  A bright green Yoshi answered the door.  Toadsworth hid behind a rock just in case the Yoshi said no.
"Umm...can I help you?" he asked.  Peach smiled.
"Yes, hello, you are the lucky Yoshi to be chosen as my date for the Annual Mushroom Kingdom Ball!!!  WHOOO!  Congrats ya little Yoshi!  Now, you can pick me up any time around 4, and-"
"I'm sorry," the Yoshi interuptted.  Peach stopped suddenly as Toadsworth coverd his ears.
"Why?" she asked, teeth clenched.
"Because, I already have a date myself," Peach did not lose her temper, but merely sighed sadly.  She did not want to start a scene.
"Does anyone here not have a date?" she asked hopelessly.
"Nope, everyone is paired because here at Yoshi Island EVERYTHing works...out...ok bye!" the Yoshi cried as Peach was already gone by the time he said "Island".  She flew everywhere asking out everything!  Piantas, Nokis, Toads, Professor E. Gadd, Koops, heck, even Baby Mario!  Peach was at her last straw as she marched up to a large wooden door with Toadsworth by her said.  She knocked loudly like she had been doing all day.  Wario answered the door.
"Hey!  Peach!  What do ya want?" he asked roughly, "Can you make it quick?  Me and some "Shadow Siren" named Marilyn are practicing some dance moves for your little ball thingy."  Peach began twitching terribly, "WHOA!  Look at that eye!  You might want to get some meidication for Twitchy over there..." it was silent as Peach just stood there twitching, "Alright, bye." he said as he slammed the door shut.  Peach let out a long, loud scream.
"WHAT WAS I THINKING?  How can this be?!?!" she asked no one in paticular.
"Now now Peach, it's not so bad.  You know, I DO know of someone without a date..." Toadsworth said.
"Who?  I need to show Mario that he's a loser!  Who is it Toadsworth?  I'll take whoever it is, just WHO?!?!"

Who is it?  You probably already know, cuz it's kinda obvious.  2 B CONTINUED!!!

Doesn't anyone read stories anymore?

If Toad is a mushroom and a mushroom is a fungus, can we say that Toad is a fungus?

Edited by - The Blue Toad  on 4/25/2005 5:28:03 PM
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2005, 08:24:56 PM »
Chapter 4: A HArd Decision (VERY short cahpter) ~ Peach sighed sadly as she watched herself combing her hair in the mirror.  She REALLY didn't want to go to the Ball with the King of Koopas, Bowser, but if it was the last option she had.  Terrible thoughts came to her mind as she thought of Bowser accidentally stepping on her foot, and her foot being crushed.  Bowser bowing to Peach as they do every dance and knocking her out with his huge horns.  Bowser sneezing and having her be blown away!
"TOADSWORTH!" she cried.  Toadsworth came running in.
"Princess!  Are you alright?" he asked.
"Toadsworth I can't go through with this!  Mario and the whole Mushroom kingdom is SURE to laugh at me when they see me dancing with Bowser!"  she said, her face in her hands.
"Princess!  You MUST have a date!  Otherwise the Annual Ball just won't be the same."  PEach thought of how she might be looked up to as a great role model, and brave to go out with Bowser.  She had to do this.
"Alright Toadsworth, you're right.  Come on!  TO THE PEACH-MOBILE!!!"  (*cheesey batman music*)

If Toad is a mushroom and a mushroom is a fungus, can we say that Toad is a fungus?
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2005, 08:59:16 PM »
Lol, Good story!  I feel so bad for poor Peach that even I want to ask her out, but the whole thing is still hilarious.  And btw it's Candy Kong not Hottie Kong! (but that's still funny)

"Do you got a mullet goin’ on?"
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.

« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2005, 02:47:08 AM »
This, hands down, is one of the funniest Mario fanfics ever! It's brilliant!!

Edited by - No-One on Whichever day that happens to be convenient for me at Whatever time I feel like it.
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2005, 04:43:50 PM »
Thanx guys!

Chapter 5: Koopa Queen ~ Peach sighed as she watched out the window of her private Mushroom Kingdom jet.  "Don't worry princess," Toadsworth reassured, "Everything will be fine.  You know, Bowser has had his eye on you!  I think he's in love...." Peach looked confused, "...with you," Toadsworth finished, Peach understanding.  She grabbed an air sick bag and tossed her cookies, "Ewww!  My God!  I'm sorry I even said anything!  UGH!!!.....wait...I thought you were allergict to carrots,"  The plane finally landed and Princess PEach tumbled out on top of Toadsworth, "Okay, did you have a bit too many taquillas or something?" Toadsworth asked as he shoved her off.
"No, shut up," she replied, "I just REALLY don't want to do this."  She looked up at Bowser's enormous, haunting castle.  Her stomach churned as she approached the huge door.  Peach lifted a nervous hand and knocked at his door.  It swung open reavealing the Koopa King himself.
"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU GIRL SCOUTS TO" Bowser said, trailing off at the sight of Peach, "Um...hello?...ok, what are you doing here?" he asked.  Peach was too nervous to answer, "Is this one of those stupid hidden camera shows?  URGH!  I HATE those shows!  It's always the same!  They say, 'You're on canded camera!' the person swears and laughs, blah blah blah, show is over.  And you never get to-"
"Bowser," Peach interuptted, "...oh my god, what am i doing?...*clears throat*, Bowser, would you like to go to the Annual Mushroom Kingdom Ball with me?"  Bowser most likely had a heart attack, but then got over it because he was so happy.
"Pizza," he replied, his eyes bulgy, sweat dripping from his brow.
"Pardon?" Peach asked.
"I mean-Nana!"
"Josie And The Pussie Cats?"
"Bowser, what are you?-"
"YES!!!...I mean...sure babe, if that's what you want," he finally said.  Peach winced at the thought of Bowser calling her 'babe' (even SAYING the word 'babe' for that matter).
"Alright.  I'll be here tomorrow at 2:00 so we can practice our dance moves.  Please, tell me you can dance," Peach said as she was about to leave.
"Are you kidding?  I was the dancing king in Koopa Kingdom High!" Bowser replied.
" that saying much?" Peach asked.
"Yes.  Yes it is," Bowser said as Peach stepped into her private jet and waved goodbye.  As soon as she was out of Bowser's sight, he panicked.
"KAMEEEEEEEK!!!" he yelled as he slammed the door and charged inside.  Kamek flew in on his broom to check on his master.
"Yes, what is it Great King Bowser?" he asked.  Bowser was chewing on his fangs making a strange whimpering noise.
"I can't dance!" he shouted.
"'s..o..k?" Kamek replied, feeling a little 'weirded out'.
"You don't understand!  I have a date with Peach for the Annual Mushroom Kingdom BAll!  I can't frickin' dance!  I've never wanted to any ways, but it's different," Kamek nodded although he was very confused.
"Well, congrats!  Peach picked YOU over that little pest MArio!" he cried.
"Yes I KNOW that Kamek!  This is why I MUST learn to dance, and quickly!  I'll prove Mario that just because he's whooped my tail oh so many times, I can still win over Peach!  HA!  She obviously went for my good looks.  Do you thinks it's my muscles or my sweet mowkawk?" Bowser asked smoothing his hair.  Kamek wasn't used to this kind of Bowser, and didn't know what to say.
"I don't know what to say," he replied, "But I CAN help you with your dancing problem."  Bowser's worries drifted away.
"Excellent!  What is it?  A spell?  A dancing robot that only LOOKS like me?  Some kinda thing where I need to steal stars-or whatever, like every other mario game?"
"No, no Lord Bowser, even better!" Kamek jumped off his broom, landed with an excellent form.  He stuck a rose in his mouth, and began tap dancing like there was no tomorrow.
"Uhhh...I hope you're not thinking what I think your thinking of thinking of, I'm not taking dance lessons with you!" Bowser said, "How do you even know how to dance any ways?  You're know...are you?"  Kamek shook his head.
"No!  It all happened when I was three, I saw my sister tap dancing and was inspired by...her..grace-SHUT UP!" Kamek yelled as Bowser began laughing.
"Bwah Hah!  Bwah HAh!  Haaah...ok, but really.  Teach me to dance so I can be the greatest dancer on the floor!...Kamek, make note that if I ever say that sentence again, EVER, throw me in the dungen for about...a year or so."

To be continued!

If Toad is a mushroom and a mushroom is a fungus and a fungus is a decomposer, can we say that Toad is a decomposer?
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2005, 05:31:44 PM »
Chapter 6: Peach's Haunting ~ Peach tossed and turned in her pink bed, having terrible nightmares of the Mushroom Kingdom's Annual Ball.  In her nightmare, Bowser accidentally sat down on the entire Toad Band & Orchestra, along with Toadsworth.  He drank up all the punch in one sip, fought with Mario most of the time, and annoyingly ate all those little weenies that people seem to love.  Peach awoke with a start.
"I'M SORRY!  I'LL GET SOME MORE WEENIES!" she yelled.  Toadsworth happened to be walking past her room at that time, and didn't want to know what she was talking about.  Peach panted heavily, " was all just a terrible dream...thank heavens!"
"Hi Peach."  Peach screamed at the unexpected voice.  At the foot of her bed was King Boo and Bou, laughing menacingly.
"You!" she said, glaring them in the eye...s.
"Yes, you foolish princess, it is us," King Boo said, "We just came to warn you to get out of the contest while you still can!  We heard you are partners with that clumsy fool Bowser!  Mwah ha ha!"  Peach growled.
"Yeah, well if you win, I'll have him turn you two into ghost toast!!!" she shot back.  They're laughter ended and Peach felt stupid.
"Lame!" Bou cried, "Well then fine!  I guess we'll just beat you two fair and square...well, SQUARE any way!  Wee hee hee!"  Peach grew suspicious.
"What do you mean?  I heard that Mario and Daisy were getting good.  They might beat you," she said.
"Stupid girl," King Boo said, "We can take them EASILy!"  King Boo suddenly stopped, looking as if he said too much.  Peach grew suspisiou, "...yes, well, come Bou!  We must practice!"  They twirled gracefully in the air as King Boo threw her into the air and caught her.  As soon as he caught Peach noticed a peice of paper fall out of Bou's pocket.  Peach quietly gasped.
"Ta ta!" Bou said as they disappeared into the night.  As soon as they were gone, Peach rushed over and grabbed the peice of paper, quickly unfolding it.  She read it over twice.
"Oh my gosh!" she cried.  Toadsworth stuck his head in her room.
"Princess!  Please stop talking to your window, or pillow, or whatever your talking to, just STOP DANG YOU!!!...nighty night."

What did the paper say?  Find out as the story continues.

If Toad is a mushroom and a mushroom is a fungus and a fungus is a decomposer, can we say that Toad is a decomposer?
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...


  • Normal
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2005, 05:40:09 PM »
Tee Hee!  This is a funny story!  It makes me giggle like a little school girl! *goes berserk*

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.” -Atticus Finch
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2005, 06:28:02 PM »
lol.  Thank you all for your compliments.  And the story continues!

Chapter 7: Cheaters & Dancing ~ Peach simply couldn't get to sleep that night.  She had just found the top secret plans of King Boo and Bou!  What they were planning on doing is kidnapping Mario and Dasiy, forcing them to be their slaves for life!  At first Peach liked the idea, but couldn't forget all the times Mario had saved her.  She still hated Daisy, but it was Mario she worried about.  Peach knew that this would be the easy way if she just let the Boos kidnap them, but it would also be wrong.
"Ah heck I'll just let them get kidnapped," she said to herself (or her pillow, you never know).  That night Peach had ANOTHER nightmare.  This time Mario was being held in jail by Boo, and was crying.  'I was gonna surprise you with a cake Peach!' he yelled, 'I was gonna shove a pie in Daisy's face, and give you a cake!  BUT YOU LET ME GET KIDNAPPED!!!'  Peach woke with a start, "I'M SORRY!  CAKE IS MY FAVORITE!"
"Princess," Toadsworth said, sticking his head in her door again.  He threw a sock at her, "Shove that in your pie hole, AND GET SOME SLEEP!...kiss kiss, sleep dreams." Peach ignored him.
"No," she said, "I have to save mario.  It's THE RIGHT THING TO DO!  I have to warn him before-" a pillow slammed against her head, causing her to fall off her bed with a THUD!
"Shut up and go to bed," Toadsworth said as he closed her door.

Meanwhile at Bowser's Castle...

"No Bowser!  God!  It's tap tap hop hop!  Do you wanna win the dance-off, or not?" Kamek asked as he whacked Bowser in the back of the head with his wand.
"Ow!  Mother Trucker!  I'm TRYING I'm TRYING!!!" he yelled as he set Kamek in flames.  Kamek was trying to teach Bowser how to tap dance, and it wasn't going too well so far.  Kamek sighed.
"Sorry Lord Bowser.  Let's skip tap dancing and move right along to slow dance."
"Oh God no," Bowser said backing away, "Kamek, I swear, if you're just taking advantage of me, so help me I will-"
"No No!  Honestly Lord Bowser!  This will be the dance that matters the most.  It will let you get closer to Peach, if ya know what I mean," Kamek said.  Bowser nodded.
"Oh, I know what you mean!...what do you mean?"
"I mean," Kamek replied, "If you master this dance you a Peach will be like this!" he laced his middle finger and index finger together, obviously indicating that they would be very close.
"Ooooohhhh...what do you mean?" Bowser asked.
"Just forget it.  Now, first you have to bow," Kamek instructed.  Bowser nodded, ".......Lord Bowser,"
"Oh!  Alright," Bowser said as he put his claw to his chest and bowed lowly.  His massive horn whammed into Kamek's head, knocking him out, "Oh crapples!" he said as he grabbed a random bucket of water and splashed it on Kamek.  Kamek quickly woke up, squirming and yelling,
"BUT MAMA!  THE PRETTY NURSE SAW MY GOOGOO!" Bowser gave him a weird, disgusted look and started laughing.  Kamek cleared his throat, "Yes, well, any ways...LORD BOWSER!" he cried as Bowser stopped laughing, "Once again, bow to me, FRICKIN' CAREFULLY!" he cried as Bowser did a very polite and accurate bow.  "Excellent!  Now take my hands."
"Kamek, are you ABSOLUTELY sure no one can see us?"
"Yes, now take my hands."
"...alright," Bowser said as he grabbed Kameks hands.  *CRACK*
"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!  Mother $%$#%!  You %#$%#!!!  OW!! OW!! OMG!!" Kamek yelled.  Bowser had basically crushed Kamek's hands.
A few moments later after getting the proper medical care...
" Lord Bowser, GENTLY GENTLY GENT-LEE!!! take my hands."  Bowser did so, WITHOUT breaking Kamek's hands!
"Look at me Kamek!  I'm holding hands with you! tell ANYONE I EVER said that, and your hands won't be the only thing broken."
"Yes Lord Bowser," Kamek replied, "Now it's time to dance.  You will always lead in ballroom dancing, so you take your first foot forward-" *CRACK*

To be continued!

If Toad is a mushroom and a mushroom is a fungus and a fungus is a decomposer, can we say that Toad is a decomposer?
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2005, 08:53:15 PM »
Holy cow... I don't know if I can keep reading this without dying from a laughing attack.  Chapter 6... oh man.  Ahahahaha!  Anyway... yeah, good work.  This will probably turn out much better than I thought.

"Do you got a mullet goin’ on?"
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.

« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2005, 08:56:37 PM »
Again, thank you!

Chapter 8:  Peach's Dance Rehersal ~ It was a rainy morning, and Peach was getting ready for her dance rehersal with Bowser.  She had a lot on her mind as it was.  She had only 3 days to dance with Bowser AND stop Bou and King Boo before they kidnap Mario.  Peach just couldn't take the pressure.  She began having a hissy fit, squealin' like a piglet.
"I WANNA GO HOME!...OR WHATEVER!...OR...SOMETHING?.........WAAAAHHHHH!!!" she picked up a nearby chair and smashed it on a nearby Toad.  It was knocked out in a flash and laid on the ground, drooling, his leg twitching.  Peach heard Toadsworh coiming down the hall.  She panicked and threw the Toad out into the Moat.
"Princess!" Toadsworth said as he entered the room.  Peach quickly turned around.
"No I didn't kill a Toad and/or chuck his life-less body out the window!...i mean...hi," she said.
"I know," Toadsworth said as he randomly started sucking on a jolly rancher, "Princess...*suck on J.R.*...I was thinking...*suck* know...*suck*...oh, i HATE grape flavored Jolly Ranchers, ya know?  I like green apple.  THAT is some good jolly rancher...what's your favorite flavor?"
"Toadsworth, my God, do you have frickin' A.D.D.?  OUT WITH IT!" she yelled.  Toadsworth shook his head disapproving, but he spit out his jolly rancher anyways.
"I was just gonna say I think Friends shouldn't have been cancelled.
I know, but, shut up and get in the plane."  Peach and Toadsworth flew off to Bowser's castle once more.  Peach said goodbye to the old servent.
"Peach," Toadsworth said, grabbing her shoulder and staring her in the eyes, "...stay safe."  Peach gave him a disgusted look.
"Just because of that little statement I might come home with a tatoo of a trucker on my @$$."
"Sorry."  Peach knocked on Bowser's door again, and out came Bowser.  He had a rose in his jaws.
"Jeh beh beh," he said.
"...what?"  Bowser took the rose out of his mouth.
"I said 'hey baby'.  The rose, do you want lemonade, or something?" he randomly sputtered out.  'Crap!' he thought to himself, 'Please say no!  I don't HAVE lemonade!'
"No thank you," Peach replied.  Bowser sighed of releif as he invited her in.  Once they were in the ball room, Peach began.
"Alright Bowser, I think that first we should start out with a slow dance."
"Ah ba baaa..."
"...Bowser, don't do this agai-"
"There are no egg rolls left!  GOOD BYE!"
"..........and at that note-"
"Ainka!" Peach slapped Bowser.
"BOWSER SHUT UP BEFORE  I'M FORCED TO GO CHAIN CHOMP ON YOU!!!"  there was a long silence, "Ok, lets get started.  Bow to me," she said.  Bowser was about to yell, 'NEE NEE' out of nervousness, but decided it was best not to.  He slowly bowed. "Ok, now, lets dance."
"Uhhh..ok,"  he replied.  Kamek was still in the hospital, and he hadn't practiced in a long while.  Peach held up her hands, "Will you get angry if I..accidentally harm you?" Peach stared him in the eye.
(Deep, scary voice)-"I WOULD SUE YOU UNTIL ALL YOU HAD LEFT WAS THE HAIR ON YOUR HEAD, AND THEN I WOULD BE FORCED TO SHAVE YOUR FRICKITY FRICKIN' MOWHAWK!!!......well lets get started!*wink*" Bowser gulped nervously as he gently took her hands.  And just like that, a strange vibe serged through his body!  It was like all his worries and fears were gone!  Was it love?  Was it hope?  Was it the fact that he didn't crush her hands?  No, it was most likely he had a nox of sugar for breakfast and it was just kicking in now.  He danced like he never ganced before.  He twirled her, flipped her, dipped her, and schnipped(?) her!  Peach was surprised at Bowser's grace, but just then, her watch began beeping.  Peach gasped, "TROUBLE!"  Bowser gave her a weird look.
"Are you serious?" he asked.
"...about what?" Peach asked back.
"You have a watch that tells you when there's trouble?  I mean, come on.  Thats like batman, or something."  Peach decided to refrain from yelling, 'TO THE PEACH MOBILE'.  The watch was indicating that it was time for her to watn Mario about Bou and King Boo.  She had a tight schedule, you know.
"Sorry Bowser," she said, "but i got to go!  Some things are more important than other...things...ok bye."  And with that she was gone to warn Mario, and perhaps save his very life!  Bowser was left in the cold.
"Well GEESH!  I thought i did quite well...didn't i do quite well?" he asked a nearby Goomba.
"What?  I don't know, kinda-"
"SHUT UP!  I NEVER ASKED YOU!" Bowser said, flaming him to a crust of some sort.

Yes, this wasn't one of my better chapters, but heck!  2 B CONTINUED!

If Toad is a mushroom and a mushroom is a fungus and a fungus is a decomposer, can we say that Toad is a decomposer?
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2005, 05:41:42 PM »
Chapter 9:  Peach's Warning ~ Peach made it to the Mushroom Kingdom, and marched up to Mario's door.  She felt furious with her italian hero, but knew that his safety was very important to her and all of Mushroom Kingdom.  she ran her fingers through her hair quickly.  'Lord, please, let my hair look, like, REALLY good.'  She knocked on his door.  Mario opened the door.
"Hello!-" Mario said.  He quickly stopped as soon as he saw Peach.  He slammed the door shut.  Peach heard him fumbling around his home, and Luigi shreiking angrily.
"What are you doing?" Luigi cried as he was shoved to the door.  Luigi opened it to reveal an impatient Peach.  He grew pale as he tried to slam the door, but Peach quickly ran inside, "Peach!" Luigi began, "Hi!  Hey, what are you  Don't hit me!" he cried as he winced.
"Dear Luigi," Peach said, "Do you think I'm angry because you and MArio turned me down!  Heh heh!" she said through VERY clenched teeth, "Heavens no ya annoying little green son of...*grumbling bad words*" she trailed off into little grumbling noises that reminded Luigi of some sort of piglet.  As she silently grumbled she began punching her fist into her hand and stomping angrily, every once in a while getting louder so Luigi could make out words such as 'PLumber Jerk!' 'Hockey Puck!' and 'Meenah Shneenah Fergan Hergan!!!(?)'
"What was that last part?" Luigi asked.
"I said Shneenah Fergan-OH NEVERMIND! *clears throat*  Luigi darling" she replied with a smile, "May I talk with Mario?"  Luigi nervously nodded as he pointed into Mario's room.  She entered to find Mario practicing dancing to the song of "Bye Bye Bye" performed by N'sync.
"Baby I'm leaving!  Oh Yeah!  yeah!!!  Bye bye!  Bye!  WHOOO!" he said, his back still facing Peach.  PEach watched him make a fool of himself for a while, took some pictures, and text messaged her friends saying what Mario was doing.  Then she got to the warning part.
"Mario," she said.  MArio pretended that instead of dancing he was stretching and quickly turned off the music.
"Hey PEach!" he said, adding a yawn with his fake stretch, "I was just, about to turn off Luigi's music and go to bed."
"Uh-huh, listen, I need to tell you something," she said.
"Peach, I know you're jealous but-"
"Listen ya lil' mustached FREAK!!!...I mean, listen.  This is VERY important!  King Boo and Bou are planning to kidnap you and Daisy!" Peach said.
"What?  Me and Daisy?  Why us?" Mario asked.
"So that they can win!"
"But, what about you and whoever YOUR dance partner is?" he asked.  The truth was that the Boos weren't going to kill Peach and Bowser because Bowser was far too large, and if they did anything to Peach Bowser would have Kamek find out who killed her, and destroy the Boos!  They really thought this through.  Peach didn't want MArio to know she was going out with Bowser, so she made something up.
"Ummm...they aren't going to kill me and my partner, because...uhhh...I'm too important-"
"EHMP!!!  No talky!...*clears throat*, now then, I came to warn you of...that," she said.
"Peach.  You're a terrible liar." Mario replied.
"Say wha?" PEach said, her hands on her hips.
"Peach, I know you just want to beat me in the contest, but I am not going on some fake mission so I'll miss the dance-off and you'll win.  The other contestesnts might fall for your little trap, but not me."

Peach was on her way home, steam bursting from her ears.  She was SO ticked off she was about to turn into a Bom-omb.
"FINE!" she yelled (to herself), "HE CAN JUST GO AND GET FRICKIN' KIDNAPPED!  SEE IF I CARE!!!"  But, as Peach continued on, cooling off, she felt of all the times Mario saved her.  She had to be the hero, just this once.  Mario was ALWAYS on the front page on the Daily Mushroom, and Peach would never forget how she was voted "most likely to be kidnapped by Bowser" in highschool.  SHe sighed.  It was time to play hero!  First she just had to know what to do, and stuff.  To Toadsworth!!!

If Toad is a mushroom and a mushroom is a fungus and a fungus is a decomposer, can we say that Toad is a decomposer?

Edited by - The Blue Toad  on 4/28/2005 5:33:30 PM
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...


  • Normal
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2005, 06:06:02 PM »
It's still funny and I want to see what happens next, but maybe Peach should trail off grumbling instead of calling Luigi a... name. *cough*edit*cough*

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.” -Atticus Finch
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2005, 06:31:18 PM »
Editted!  I will always take people's comments into suggestion.

If Toad is a mushroom and a mushroom is a fungus and a fungus is a decomposer, can we say that Toad is a decomposer?
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...
