
Author Topic: Please come hear to deside the fate of SM642  (Read 6943 times)

« on: July 04, 2000, 10:02:17 PM »
Has this ever happen to you? You buy a regular Nintendo to play Mario games, then you have to buy an SNES to play more Mario games, then you buy Nintendo 64 to play more Mario games. Well, I've heard that SM642 will be on Dolphin instead of Nintendo 64. Well if you don't want this to happen, tell me and you will help stop this problem. I'll explain later on.


« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2000, 05:12:37 PM »
Okay, lat me explain further. I said that some of you might have wasted money buying other Nintendo systems just to play Mario games. Well, we could prevent that happening to one game: Super Mario 64 2. According to Nintendo, it will not be on 64, it will be on Dolphin. If you don't want this to happen, tell me. I will add you to my list, but I will need alot of people. I will then email the list to Nintendo, and hopefully they will make it for N64. So please help.
Note: Don't tell me your real names, I will use your user names.


« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2000, 11:37:28 AM »
I agree  sighn me up.

« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2000, 01:33:32 PM »
Ok, sign me up!!!

« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2000, 02:51:24 PM »
All, right, sign me up too.

I don't see why people think Pokémon and Digimon should fight, cuz I mean, so they both end in mon and have monsters, I mean so what? ~Me.
I shall destroy you with my ultimate power and coolness! But first...I DANCE! (Dance is pronounced dunce)~Me.

« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2000, 03:25:01 PM »
Sign me up too, I DONT want to spen anymore on game systemd that I hardly even play.Ex High graphic systems

« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2000, 03:52:36 PM »
Add me too. You know, you can start a petition for this at, which is a site that I am in no way involved with. I think its stupid to call it Mario 64 2 and not even have it on Mario 64, the only reason I'd ever buy a dolphin is to play Mario (reason I'm thinking of buying an N64 is to play SMPRG 2). MORE MARIO GAMES FOR N64!!!!!!!!!!!
~Heir to the Royal Throne, the Baker of Many Cakes, Kisser of Many Noses,Bimbo Supreme, and Crybaby Extroidinaire,Her Royal Highness, the Noble Princess Peach Toadstool~

« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2000, 03:52:52 PM »
Add me too. You know, you can start a petition for this at, which is a site that I am in no way involved with. I think its stupid to call it Mario 64 2 and not even have it on the 64, the only reason I'd ever buy a dolphin is to play Mario (reason I'm thinking of buying an N64 is to play SMPRG 2). MORE MARIO GAMES FOR N64!!!!!!!!!!!
~Heir to the Royal Throne, the Baker of Many Cakes, Kisser of Many Noses,Bimbo Supreme, and Crybaby Extroidinaire,Her Royal Highness, the Noble Princess Peach Toadstool~

« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2000, 07:54:01 PM »
Sign me up as well!
I like cheese!

« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2000, 01:36:42 PM »

I suppose so. It'll be on Dolphin anyway. Miyamoto-sama is busy working on the Dolphin versions of Zelda and Mario, he won't have time for SM642, or else, we'll end up with a Majora's Mask on our hands.

(Note there- Miyamoto-sama DIDN'T work as the head for Zelda- majora's Mask. It was done by another team, thus ending up not like the series.)

But either way, sign ol' Velvet Dark 007 up.

« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2000, 03:15:21 AM »
Sign me up!
Ori Porath

« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2000, 07:37:44 AM »
Yes, yes, you're right. It'll take a lot more than a few user names to get a change from Nintendo. Backing up, no, keep me out of this.

Edited by - Yoshi2 on 7/12/00 2:01:33 PM

« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2000, 02:09:55 PM »
Honestly, user names are a real pathetic way to get a company to trust you.
And I think it's silly to be protesting this.  If Nintendo's working on making the game for Dolphin, it's coming out on Dolphin.  A 64 project can be moved to Dolphin, but not back. :P

-John Moore
 "Boredom is the mother of invention"

« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2000, 06:15:28 PM »
Put me on too...

One thing though, it wouldn't be SMB64 2, they would have to call it something different because of the 64, but I bet you guys already knew that ;)

« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2000, 09:35:36 AM »
Don't sign me up- I just wanted to say a few things.

If new systems don't come out, several adverse effects occur:

a) Games can only get so good.
    -Depth-wise (SMRPG could never have been on the NES)

b) Once games reach their peak (graphics, depth,innovation) all games would start looking the same.  (Banjo Kazooie, DK64, and Banjo Tooie come to my mind)  Eventually, people would become bored with cookie-cutter games, even if they all pushed a system to its limits.  Consequently, games would no longer sell well.

c) With no profit, companies go out of business.  (I can't assume anything about you people...)  With no game companies to make games, games don't get made anymore.
That would essentially end the gaming industry, retro gaming aside.

I am excited about the Dolphin (Star Cube?).  From the press reports I've read, it will be a true gaming machine.  None of these Mickey Mouse add-ons to make it an end all 'stereophonic multimedia entertainment center' (PS2 cough cough) will be present for the Dolphin.

Besides, a Mario game for the Dolphin would have to be better than one for the N64.
Someone set up us the bomb!
