« on: November 28, 2016, 04:30:55 PM »
The quickest way to EV train now is having enemies call for help. Each consecutive opponent you KO gives twice as many EVs as the last, so if your Pokemon is holding a Power item, you can max out a stat after beating fourteen enemies. Seven if the Pokemon has Pokerus. Be sure to have someone with False Swipe and a stock of Adrenaline Orbs. It's not as faste as hordes, but better than the alternatives offered.
Another tip: Just south of the day-care building there's a little fenced-in enclosure that's possible to enter on foot, but not while riding a Pokemon. You can enter it, hop on Tauros, and spin the circle pad around to quickly hatch eggs. Better yet, the space is within view of the breeder who crosses her arms when an egg has appeared so you can collect them immediately.