
Author Topic: TurtleTek: Proving my point about GBA and 3D GFX  (Read 3402 times)

« on: June 21, 2000, 11:19:20 PM »
Hey man, I wasn't calling YOU a lair I was calling the person who told you about the 3D GFX a lair (sorry about that dude). But listen, don't you think Nintendo would be bragging there butts off about a hand held 3D system? You bet they would! I don't think you will see 3D hand helds untill the little mini CD hand helds come out. No way man im not bashing you im not like that. BTW Thanks to you guys for correcting me on the SNES GFX capability, sorry about the typo. I was thinking playstation (oiy!). Sorry about the miss understanding and the screwed info. Hey, Im only human...Goomban

Doomba, King of the Goombas
Doomba, King of the Goombas

« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2000, 10:04:29 PM »
Hey, it's alright, Doomba. I went a little overboard in that post. As far as 3D graphics are concerned, I'm still not convinced. (Come on man, I need a little more proof than that! Maybe Nintendo is just being a little hush-hush on the subject). Anyway, I guess we'll all find out eventually.

No hard feelings,

