
Author Topic: The New York Times Takes a Gander at Mario's Latest Wii Offerings  (Read 4072 times)


  • Trusts the fungus
« on: December 04, 2007, 01:26:42 AM »
A fairly recent article by Seth Schiesel in the New York Times game some favorable impressions of both Super Mario Galaxy (" The game’s whole feel is so finely tuned, so infectiously enjoyable") and Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games.  Schiesel gives some of his own impressions of the games as well as his Mario gaming memories, but what makes the article really shine are the quotes he wrangled out of other members of the media and industry.

* Andy McNamara, editor in chief of Game Informer: “The only way to really put it is that Mario is the Man.  He’s definitely like the Steamboat Willie of the video-game industry. Back in 1985 everyone thought the video-game industry was dead, and when Super Mario Bros. came out, it revitalized the whole thing. Mario is really in some ways the quintessential game experience, in that you get to have fun and explore places you would not normally visit, with all these crazy mixed-up worlds and the magic mushrooms and crazy stars. Also, every Mario game gets fairly challenging in the end, but anyone of pretty much any age can just sit down and start playing.”

* Hardcore Gamer Magazine: "What I’ve been experiencing since first putting this game in my Wii is the culmination of several lifetimes of game design mastery by its creators.”

* Simon Jeffrey, president of Sega of America, upon being asked if Shigeru Miyamoto had set up shop at Sega during the development of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games:  "No, no, Muhammad doesn’t go to the mountain.  The mountain goes to Muhammad. We would bring versions of the game to him for him to consult on.”

The article is quite interesting, so I'd suggest you visit the site and read it for yourself.
Let's do the Mario, all together now!
