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Messages - Tingrio

Pages: 1 ... 28 29 30 31 32 [33] 34
General Chat / O.C.???
« on: April 24, 2005, 04:05:51 PM »
This may be a pointless question, but what is the O.C.? I've heard about from a friend, the school newspaper and even a game show that I've never heard of before.

Forum Games / The Adventure of Wario's Lifetime
« on: March 22, 2005, 02:56:37 PM »
One day in Diamond City, Wario watching Press Your Luck.

Wario:*Yawns* Why am I stuck indoors on such a rainy day?

???:I don't know, but I'll eat all your money.

Wario:I found you Whammy.

Whammy:You got me for the second time you watched that.

Wario threw the Whammy back on the television and the Whammy could never come back. The rain stopped and Wario got an idea.

Wario:Tomorrow I'll go on a treasure hunt for more big bucks and no whammies, but in the time I have left, I'll order pizza.

Wario went to the phone to call the pizza company. They said they would come in twenty minutes, but there was a sticky situation there. Find out next time.

Forum Games / Wario's Story
« on: February 07, 2005, 03:04:34 PM »
One day Wario was calling Ben Stein when Jimmy Kimmel knocked at the door.

The rules are the same as the other add a sentence stories so enjoy.

Game Help / The 100 coins in Tall, Tall Mountain
« on: February 01, 2005, 07:06:47 PM »
What is the best way to find 100 coins in Tall, Tall Mountain?

General Chat / Best Game Show
« on: January 30, 2005, 05:28:41 PM »
What is the best game show and why?

Forum Games / Mario and Luigi: The Trials of the Past
« on: December 08, 2004, 06:49:21 PM »
One night at Mario's House, Mario and Luigi were watching The Game Show Network when a shooting star headed straight towards them. They hid in the basement when the star hit. They went to check the star out. Mario looked closely at the star. He saw a message written on the star.

To the chosen brothers,
Touch the star to gain the power of time travel.

Mario and Luigi both touched the star. Their hands glittered within the night. The star's message then changed.

Now use the power to go back in time and find the center of the city where the Thousand-Year Door stands and you'll shall travel to a land where mana is the very way of life.

They used the power to travel back in time and found the city where the Thousand-Year Door was. They then warped to a city called Ozette.

General Chat / Sprite Comic Instructions Needed
« on: November 08, 2004, 05:29:01 PM »
Can any of you here please teach me how to make a sprite comic?

Forum Games / Wario's Crazy Treasure Hunt
« on: November 07, 2004, 06:40:56 PM »
One silent night Twlight City, Wario was dreaming about The Thousand-Year Door and was looking for the legendary treasure. Wario was getting angry because the door would not open not matter how many times he punched the door. Suddenly, the world started to shake. Wario was still punching the door when rocks fell on Wario's head. Wario woke up from his dream in a bad mood. The sun was starting to rise. Wario then went downstairs to watch the news. He barely listened to anything the news talked about, but when they mentioned about treasure in a cave somewhere in Tethe'alla. The location of the map was in Rougeport. Wario got into his car and headed for the nearest harbor near him.

You guys can add parts to the story now, but don't make your part too long.

Edited by - Tingrio on 11/10/2004 5:06:24 PM

Video Game Chat / Fake Windwaker Cheats
« on: October 07, 2004, 06:25:16 PM »
The rules are like the other ones but this ones not Mario realated, but the first fake Zelda cheat section on the Fungi Forums. I'll start for you.

Play a Demo of the Windwaker 2

Gather all the Triforce Charts and go to Windfall Island without using the Ballad of Gales. Save in the auction house then turn off your game and remove your memory card from slot A or B. Then write a story on why Sheena is so pretty and then you'll fall asleep due to boredom from the story. Wake up and put your memory card in slot A or B and turn the game on. The title screen will appear but the word Zelda will be replaced with Sheena. Go to the file select screen to find a new bonus feature on the bottom. Select it and you can play the demo for The Windwaker 2. After that finsh the story on how Sheena is so pretty without falling asleep. Now you have a demo of The Windwaker 2 on The Windwaker.

Mario Chat / The Good, the Bad, and the Torte
« on: October 04, 2004, 02:50:22 PM »

Edited by - Tingrio on 11/5/2004 3:10:36 PM

Forum Games / The Legend of Cascade Island
« on: September 29, 2004, 04:36:44 PM »
Long ago in the Mushroom Kingdom, there was a clan of goombas call The Crystal Cascade Gang. They wanted to help the good citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom and other good citizens across the lands and seas of Plit. The Crystal Cascade Gang live in a city called Cascade City which was unreachable by the people of Plit. The peace of this city was destroyed by a clan of koopas that had dark magic which went through the sheild that made the city unreachable. A war stated in Cascade City between the Crystal Cascade Gang and the koopas with the dark magic. The leader of the Crystal Cascade Gang was the king of Cascade City named Harpka. Harpka used all his magic to destroy the dark koopas. Harpka faded away along with Cascade City, but the Crystal Cascade Gang goombas lived and went to find an island to make a paradise for all the people of Plit to enjoy. After serching for and island, they came apon an island with mountians around it. The Cystal Cascade Gang built the paradise that they thought the people of Plit wanted. They set out on crystal boats looking for people who want to come. Once the goombas had enough people on their boats, they went to their new island. The people were pleased when the got to the island. The Crystal Cascade Gang called the island Cascade Island also known as The Island of Paradise. Cascade Island is still fun today with new features like an arcade and casino to keep up with today's people.
The Legend of Casde Island has now been told.  

Video Game Chat / Tales of Symphonia
« on: September 22, 2004, 04:09:12 PM »
Have any of you played this game? This game is very long, but fun as you play.

The White Mushroom House / Super Mario RPG
« on: September 18, 2004, 01:50:29 PM »
Is their any copies of Super Mario RPG anywhere?

Forum Games / Anti As Told by Ginger Stories
« on: September 14, 2004, 07:46:47 PM »
When I was in Rougeport, I saw Ginger walking down on one of the streets which had a hotel on one side and a place called Nintendo Writers' Paradise on the other. I hid under two barrels so I wouldn't be seen by Ginger. When Ginger went down the alley i was hiding on, I scared her and she fainted. I hung Ginger on a clothes line connecting the hotel to an apartment on the left side of the clothes line. I used a Tingle Bomb on the clothes line Ginger was on to set the line on fire. Ginger woke up to notice that she was hung on a clothes line that was on fire. Ginger jumped down before she was caught on fire. "Is that the way you treat me here in this city on the sea Mr. Plumber." Ginger said hastfuly. I was shocked that she called me Mr. Plumber. I was never called Mr. Plumber before and I was angry. "So you want to battle me Kupo." I said to Ginger in my anger. Ginger was getting angry as she noticed her clothes started to get a sheild around her. That meant she could not be harmed, but I did not know this at that time. I struck Ginger with a blast of thunder from my hand. Ginger reflected my attack back on me. I was stunned a bit until I realized the glow on Ginger. At that time, a man named Omega jumped into battle on Ginger's side. "Omega the master theif of Rougeport works for Ginger?" I said as I recovered from that shock. I started to attack Omega, but they were using both of their attacks as one. The attack missed me and hit Chef Torte as got out from a hard day at the Nintendo Writers' Paradise. Chef Torte was furious at Ginger and Omega. "Trying to attack the master chef of Rougeport eh?" said Chef Torte. He was charging a powerful attack from his pan of peril. Many people including me ran before the attack was fully charged. After Chef Torte fired his fully charged shot, Ginger and Omega were no more and Rougeport never saw an attack from Ginger and Omega again.

Now you can make you anti As Told by Ginger stories now.

General Chat / I'm Sorry
« on: September 12, 2004, 06:23:38 PM »
In one of my recent topics, I didn't know that the owner of Super Mario Portal might have faked the delay. I'm sorry to eveyone.

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