
Author Topic: (insert adjective here) stories  (Read 88497 times)


  • Steamed
« Reply #240 on: October 02, 2007, 08:25:40 PM »
College is definitely a place where you experience new things.

Tonight I present a most amusing story about my conscientiousness, a trip to Safeway, and my obsessive desire to brush my teeth after breakfast.


A trip to Safeway was in order when I found I lacked many key college items: soap, cereal, and mouthwash. I bought a serving of Frosted Flakes with milk from the Hillside Café and climbed up to the bus stop near our bookstore, where I ate the cereal. I went to Safeway, got stuff, and then waited for the bus to return.

Unfortunately, the irritating taste of cereal remained in my mouth. I couldn't brush my teeth like I normally do... So I decided to use some of the mouthwash I had bought previously. There wasn't anybody at the bus stop but me, anyway. However, I did feel rather awkward about using mouthwash while cars were rushing by, for some reason. I managed to suppress such emotion to use a small amount of the green stuff, but when it came time to spit it out into a nearby garbage, I felt I had to wait until less cars were going by. The garbage can had a normal, plastic cover so you could insert stuff through the sides, and I determined that it would just look too strange for me to lean over and spit it out when cars were going by.

After waiting a minute or two, I saw an opening: a car was turning right quite a distance from me, stopping all traffic from going my direction. I leaned over, and prepared to spit inconspicuously... when I saw that about seven cars were coming down the road in my peripheral vision. I abruptly sprayed mouthwash all over the trash can, making quite a mess of the can and my calm expression! I leaned back into the metal bench and suddenly started laughing my head off. I laughed for at least two minutes, until tears came to my eyes.

When I retold this story to my suitemates at dinner, I laughed almost as hard as I did at the bus stop when I imagined how it must have looked to the drivers for me to abruptly spray green fluid all over the trash can, then fall back in hysterics.


  • Luck of the Irish
« Reply #241 on: October 02, 2007, 08:53:12 PM »
Hmm... Insert Adjective, huh? How 'bout "Idiotic"?


Ok, so this happened when I was nine years old. There was this huge hill behind my house, and this hill happened to have a rock wall at the bottom. So one day, I decided to put the hill to good use: I was going to roll down it in a Cozy Coupe. You know, one of those little plastic cars that little kids ride around in. Like this. So anyway, I got inside the thing, my legs sticking out of the front. Keep in mind that I was WAY too big for it. So I went down the hill. It went fine. The car stopped at the bottom, and I got out and wheeled it back to the top. I went down the hill again. The car didn't stop. I freaked out. A lot. I was kinda wedged inside the thing, so I couldn't jump out. The car reached the rock wall and tipped over. My forehead made good friends with a piece of granite. I went to the hospital to get eight stitches and a Harry Potter-style scar.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2007, 08:54:53 PM by BriGuy92 »
Know the most important contribution of the organ Fund science girls type. It's true!

« Reply #242 on: October 02, 2007, 09:06:08 PM »
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."

« Reply #243 on: October 03, 2007, 02:39:46 PM »
Well, for those of you who checked my post in the hopeful thread you read that I enjoyed my drama class, now here's a little story on why I enjoyed it so much.

Today we went into a couple of games, one was something called Taxi. In this game there would be four chairs, and a line of people. Four people would occupy the chairs, and whoever sat in the "driver's seat", was the driver, all others in the taxi (which is just the set of four chairs.) were considered hitch-hikers.

In this game the driver would act a certain way and talk a certain way, all the other passengers of the car would have to act the same way, while the driver comes up with a conversation. After a while, the driver is supposed to say, "Oh. A hitch-hiker, I'll pick him up." or something similar. When that happens the driver gets out of the "car" and leaves while a new person comes in through the backseats. When that happens, they all move up a seat and have to act a new way. Well, there had been a series of weird-awesome things happening in this game, but, I think all of the students laughed the hardest when I was in the backseat, and a girl is in the driver seat, acting like one of those stereotypical hyperactive girls that always blurts something like "Omigosh!" or something like that throughout every sentence. So she has to ask me, "Like, what's your name?!". I respond, in probably the oddest way "My name is like, Mason. Omigosh!" Laughter from all over the theater room ensued from quiet a while. I didn't mind it, I had way too much fun to think about anything else.

When I actually get up to the driver's seat, I decide to give a slow and low-pitched voice. It was like a slow-action scene thing. The funny thing was, my teacher was sitting in the back, jumped up and yelled "Look out!!" So slam the pretend brakes (No one seemed to notice I slammed too fast for my act.) and the supposed car stops. My teacher does a bit in which he was flying to the front of the car in slow-motion, breaks through the pretend windshield and falls to the ground. It was an awesome moment. Then I decide to say "Hey, a hitch-hiker, I'll pick him up." and my act stops.

There was one more game as well. This was much like Taxi, but focused on only two people. My teacher set up some chairs to be like a counter of a store. One person starts out behind the counter, and it's all up to the two people to pretty much decide what the store was. When the customer person comes in, he'll move a certain way and talk a certain way, the person behind the counter has to act the same way. There were a lot of great acts. When it comes down to me, I hold both of my shoulders up and put my hands in my pockets as I walked briskly to the counter, I said in a Sid the Sloth voice (If you don't know what that is, watch Ice Age.) "You got any cigarettes?" The guy behind the counter can't even seem to mimic me very well and couldn't hold back laughter. He asks me what I said and I reply in the exact same way "Do ya have any cigarettes?" After that, we couldn't build much off the conversation, since we were both struggling to keep a straight face.

I can't say that I've ever enjoyed a class this much.
I'm a horrible person.

« Reply #244 on: October 03, 2007, 09:12:41 PM »
This happened to me earlier today.


Twice a month, massage therapists come to the student center of SCCC to give free, five minute massages. Finding this to be a good deal, I went to the building after all my classes ended. My back has endured a lot of weight in my middle and high school years, so I felt it would be good for it.

I put my name on the waiting list (it wasn't long) and sat in the nearby waiting room, watching the two massage therapists, a man in his late 40s or early 50s, and a woman in her 30s, rubbing and kneading the backs of random students. Then came my turn.

"Michael?" The man asked. I replied with "Yes, am I next?" He pointed to my name on the list, verifying that I was the right Michael. I confirmed, and sat in his massage chair. He told me to remove my glasses, as they would not fit through the head rest. I removed them and placed them on the arm rest, where I also put my arms. I then relaxed as he played with my back area with his hands and elbows.

It really did feel nice, despite the pressure put on my back. I closed my eyes and thought of nothing, and listened to the soothing music they were playing. I basically let myself drift away, oblivious to the fact that the legs of the massage chair were weakened by time.

He continued kneading my back, pressing it, rubbing it, and I basically was unresponsive as I let myself go.

Then the legs of the massage chair broke. The chair fell forward, and I opened my eyes through the head rest to see my glasses fly off the rest, and onto the floor. Other students looked on in horrifics. It must've been scary to see. They rushed over, and barraged me with "are you alright?"s and "oh my gosh"s. I said to all of them that I was just fine (and I was, no scratches or bruises, the chair itself stayed intact so I didn't touch the floor), and was more worried about my glasses, as I saw the left lens pop out of the frame, and wasn't aware if it was alright or not. A girl handed me both the frames and the lens that popped out, and I wondered out loud if it could be fixed. The man who massaged me was able to place the lens back into the frame with minimal trouble. I put the glasses back on, and walked from the wreckage that was the man's massage chair.

The other massage therapist offered to continue where the man left off once she was finished with her student. I accepted the offer, and waited. Her chair definitely looked newer and stronger. When she finished, I got in, and took my glasses off, but kept them in my hands this time. She kneaded my back just as the man did, and was a little harder (it still felt great), while conversing with the man about the broken chair.

When she finished, I wrote on the comment paper for both of them, both positively, despite the accident that happened with the man's chair.
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."

« Reply #245 on: October 04, 2007, 06:39:56 PM »
LOL 9/10

Story would have been better if you had actually smashed helplessly face-first into the ground and if you hadn't used the non-existant word "horrifics" but all together a very entertaining read and the best story I've seen you post!


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #246 on: October 05, 2007, 07:48:20 PM »
This post might help you out in understanding the characters' identities in this story.
Today I got off the bus and Muff appeared in front of me outside the driveway, from behind. This is a serious "UM WHAT" because there are fences around the entire perimeter of my house, and then a fence around the driveway. I turned around in fear that I might see one (or more... uuuuuh) of the other four dogs, hit, but I only saw Frank on the other side of the road, alive. I made sure no cars were coming and called him over. The other three were in the yard (Molly, so cute, went crazy when Muff came into the yard, overjoyed).
I immediately told my sister about it when I entered the house. I went outside to look around for a hole under a fence but didn't find anything. We decided to keep them all inside until how they escaped was clear. Only Molly and Zorra were in the house so I went out to get Tink, Muff and Frank. Only Tink was there.
After about twenty unsuccessful minutes of searching we got in her car and checked around the road and orchards. Gave up. I found them out by the chicken coop (I checked there before but they weren't there...!) and it was all good. When my mom came home with Taco Bell (wrong, of course), she went to check for herself where they had gotten through the fence. It was a hole dug under the fence by the chicken coop that I didn't see (obscured by something). Boarded up now.
The adjective? Suspenseful? Relieving (to me)?
All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!

« Reply #247 on: October 06, 2007, 10:19:21 AM »
Reminds me of when I saw our cat, Ginger, in the backyard.

None of our cats are allowed outside, for fear they'd run away. Yet, somehow, Ginger got out. None of the doors to the backyard were open, even the sunroom. I at first thought it was a stray cat that wandered into the backyard. I looked again, and it looked like her.

She didn't seem to want to leave the backyard, she just wandered around and played with the birds that flew around the backyard. I got out, picked her up, and brought her in. Not long after, she was outside again. I repeated said actions, and made sure any doors were closed and locked.

When mom got home, I told her about how she got out, and not knowing how. It was later found out that there was an opening in my sister's room near the air conditioner in the window that she was able to crawl through. It was later boarded up.
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."


  • Normal
« Reply #248 on: October 29, 2007, 08:14:09 AM »
My First Kiss
Mark the date, historians! October 28, 2007.  Markio got his first kiss ever.  And it was from a girl!  And people saw it!  Here's how it went down...
It was open house at my school, which means almost every student must be there to talk about activities they do, usually by standing around a respective booth.  Many other students lead tours around the campus all day.  Myself... I was constantly rehearsing scenes in the school theater for the show in the fall.  However, the lead/one of my best friends was leading tours because he overachieves like a fox, and so the director had me go up and say his lines and improvise his blocking.
It was kinda funny, because at one point his character is talking to my real character, and then we have a few lines together and he leaves, so I was talking to myself onstage for a bit.
We decided to do the first scene.  So at one point, I was left onstage with the girl who plays my mistress.  At some point, she's supposed to kiss me.  I figured we'd fake it or something, because I wasn't the actual actor.  So the moment comes up, and I'm thinking, "Is she going to do-- oh."  We did it.  It was wet.  But not gross.  My first kiss!  And only 17 years old.
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #249 on: October 29, 2007, 06:06:02 PM »
Congratulations, Markio.

I've mentioned or suggested it before, one of my friends is a teacher's son, so we have a GameCube set up in the classroom at school. On Friday, a few of my friends went to L.A. for a drama competition of some sort. They were taking SSBM, two controllers and the memory card we use, so I took it upon myself to bring in replacements. At the end of the day I brought my Melee disc and one of the two controllers (the other, 3rd-party and trashy, I'm leaving there) home, but after bowling I let Graydon borrow the good controller because one of his has a stuck A button.

This morning I predicted that Austin would forget to bring the game disc, Trevor would either not show up with or forget to bring the controllers and memory card, but Graydon would bring my controller.

And I was flawlessly right! We used my game disc and memory card again, and at break we had the fourth controller needed. Now I hope my prediction that more people will want to play Mario Kart than Naruto tomorrow comes true... 9_9
All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!

« Reply #250 on: October 30, 2007, 01:39:35 AM »
Awesome, Markio.

Now let's go for one that's not scripted. :P

Better hurry too, before Vid tells you to get more life.

« Reply #251 on: October 30, 2007, 04:13:39 PM »
I was actually debating the idea if Markio's kiss was a legitimate "first kiss" or not. Did he have feelings for said girl? How do you know she was kissing for real or not? Is he "returning" the kiss?
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."

« Reply #252 on: November 02, 2007, 07:29:34 PM »
So, I had an interesting day at work on the 1st. Normally, a day at work goes in the ANGST thread, but not this time..

I was working in the drive thru (order taker) when a man comes through and has a question about coupons. He made me think of a certain video game character (you'll hopefully see why). The conversation went thusly..

Me: Can I take your order?
Him: Uh yea, I have a question about these coupons..
Me: Ok..
Him: It says on here that it's limit one per customer per visit. Is that true?
Me: Yes sir. I'm sorry but it is.
Him: *it sounds like he's turned away from the speaker and is talking to his lady friend* We can only use one per visit? Well..
*she says something to him*
Him: *he's turning back towards the speaker* Well, boo! Boo on that! Ok, I guess I'll have..

It took all I could not to laugh throughout the rest of his order. All of my coworkers who had been listening were laughing as well. Then I kept laughing the rest of the day, and the girl working drive thru with me was asking "Are you still laughing at that?"
Kinopio is the ultimate video game character! Who else can drive a kart, host parties, play tennis, give good advice and items, and is almost always happy??


  • Steamed
« Reply #253 on: November 12, 2007, 01:42:35 AM »
A stale story, but a good one. For some reason, my suitemates think it's 10 times more hilarious than I do.


I've mentioned this before, but here's the real documentation. I had a dream a while back, and near the end of it, I became aware that I had to swallow to breathe. I swiftly woke up to find that the cold, dry air that had been invading had nearly killed my nose: a terrible nosebleed was taking place in the very back of it. Blinded by the early morning (somewhere around 10:00 AM) light, I fell out of bed, rushed out of my room, and ran into the bathroom... door. Squarely. One of my suitemates, who was in the bathroom, needlessly cursed and then let me in, where I spent an alarming amount of time (almost an hour) trying to both stop the bleeding and breathe.

Now my running into the door is famous! Whee.


  • Vance Vance Revolution
« Reply #254 on: November 12, 2007, 06:35:17 AM »
Was there a blood stain on the door?
Remember that your first Goomba boldly you walk? When Mario touched that mushroom being brought up more largely remember that you are surprised? Miscalculate your jump that pit remember that it falls?
