
Author Topic: Ketsueki Mario  (Read 14028 times)


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« Reply #45 on: March 29, 2005, 07:24:00 PM »
Woah, where have I been the past few posts here?  This is cool!  I like the part about KM not caring for some reason.  Probably the whole "he was created for one reason" and then he destroys the doll.

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.” -Atticus Finch
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."


  • Steamed
« Reply #46 on: March 29, 2005, 07:32:53 PM »
Man, I should write fan fiction. It's just so easy to understand! Good work.

« Reply #47 on: April 24, 2005, 01:16:34 AM »
Must... bump... great... story!!

Edited by - No-One on Whichever day that happens to be convenient for me at Whatever time I feel like it.
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #48 on: April 25, 2005, 07:45:25 PM »
Wow!  I cannot stop reading this story!  I give it an A++!

If Toad is a mushroom and a mushroom is a fungus, can we say that Toad is a fungus?
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #49 on: June 02, 2005, 03:00:08 PM »
Kestsueki stood for a moment. he heard from the cave:
"I'm sorry, what?"
He answered back, "I came-I came to kill you."
There came no answer for a moment.
Suddenly he heard Mario shout.
"Can you give us a sec?"
Ketsueki sighed. "I'm not in any big hurry, but I was told not to waste any time."
"Just hang on, for like five seconds."

Mario stood up, put on his shoes, and dusted himself off. Luigi woke the wario Brothers.
"What do you want?" asked Wario groggily.
"There's a guy outside who wants to kill us." answered Luigi absently. He was afraid of this scary, if handsome, fellow, and wasn't paying much attention to anyone but him.

The four of them walked from the cave. Ketsueki Mario stared them down.
They were all familiar to him. Like brothers. He looked at each of them and knew what made them tick.
"Who sent you to...y'know...kill us?" Asked Mario.
Luigi began to shiver.
"It doesn't matter. You'll be dead in an hour."
"You-You really think you can take all for of us?" asked Mario. He obviously did not believe it.
"In about an hour, yes."
"Ummm...what are you going to do? Like...after we've been...Uh...dealt with?" asked Luigi.
"I don't know." he replied. "I really don't like the way they run things. i may go after them next. Of course they may decide to kill me."
"It doesn't matter. We've talked enough."
With this, he punched mario in the stomache and calmly turned and kicked Wario in the face.
Luigi and waluigi ran in opposite directions.
Ketsueki turned his gaze to Waluigi.
he caught up with him quickly, and grabbed the back of his neck.
Waluigi froze.
Ketsueki prepared to break his back, when out of the corner of his eye, came a large muscular yellow plumber. Wario drew back his fist.
Ketsueki turned and held waluigi in front of him, like a shield. Wario's fist connected with his brother's face.
Ketsueki tossed waluigi in the air and caught him by his legs. he spun around and realeased him, allowing the momentum to hurl him into wario's gut.
"It's a big target." he said.
Mario charged him. He was running at full speed.
Ketsueki smiled.
He jumped. High. Higher even than Luigi
Mario stopped. Where had the strange man gone?
mario looked up, only to see a big brown shoe, come right down onto his face, knocking him down.
Mario was bewildered.
"He...he stomped me. He stomped ME!"
Mario stood up. "Grrr! That's copyrighted!" he cried.

"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

Edited by - Screech on 6/2/2005 2:02:01 PM
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."


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« Reply #50 on: June 02, 2005, 04:27:04 PM »
Wow, what a great, twisted combination of darkness and humor.

Thank you for visting my world, come again ... Now entering reality, welcome back.
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #51 on: July 26, 2005, 03:31:51 PM »
Mario stood up.
He said that he could take them in an wasn't even five minutes and they were already getting their butts kicked.
Mario was just too slow to get a hit on him normally.
He had an idea. There were brick boxes scattered throughout the Mushroom kingdom. If there was one nearby....
Mario dashed in the direction of the first one he saw.
Ketsueki Mario instantly knew what he was planning. He took off after him.
Mario didn't look back. If he stopped for an instant, Ketsueki would catch him.
He noticed Ketsueki behind him. With his speed, Mario would't make it.
Mario slowed a bit.
As Kestueki came up behind him, Mario stopped, crouched, and, using his arms as a pivot, spun his legs around, tripping Ketsueki Mario.
Mario wasted no time. he rushed to the brick box, and busted it with his fist.
Mario had hoped something would pop out of it. A mushroom, a leaf. Anything he could use!
A brightly colored flashing flower emerged from the box.
Mario grabbed the fire flower and turned around just in time to make eye contact with Ketsueki mario.
"Take this!" he yelled.
He released from his index finger an enourmous wave of fire, consuming Ketsueki.
Ketsueki Mario, fell over on his face.
Mario gave a thumbs up to Luigi.
Luigi was about to do the same, when a look of horror appeared on his face.
"Hey! What's wrong?"
Luigi pointed and gasped.
"S'amatter? You look like-"
Mario didn't finish. Two gloved hands had grasped his neck.
Ketsueki Mario, still on fire, had grabbed him from behind.
Luigi quickly popped Ketsueki in his face.
Ketsueki let go for an instant, and mario elbowed him in the stomache.
Ketsueki rolled on the ground, attempting to extinguish the flames, while Mario, Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi looked on. It was disturbing to look at.
Both sets of brothers walked back to their small cave.
" you think you're going?"
They turned around. He had succeeded in putting out the fire and was standing up.
"Get over here."
Wario and Waluigi laughed.
Mario didn't think it was funny.
"Look. You're good, but you can't take down all four of us. Go back to wherever you came from, and leave us alone. We don't want to hurt you, if we don't have to."
Ketsueki looked at them. He had underestimated their chances, and it had cost him. He was in no condition fight at all.
He saw something else he hadn't counted on. Inside the cave entrance, was a monstrous, koopa. he recognized it as Bowser, someone he vaguely remembered, but had been explicitly warned about. And he had his kids with him.
His analytical mind began to tell him that he could not possibly defeat four strong humans, one giant turtle and eight small monsters.
He nodded.
"The next time I see you, you will die."
He began to walk away.
"We can't just let him go!" exclaimed Wario "He'll tell where we're hiding!"
Ketsueki glared at him. "I won't tell. Don't worry."
Luigi remembered what Madame Clairvoya had told him. "He is neither ghost nor alien, and is not accountable to either."
"He won't tell." Lugi said.
Ketsueki smiled.
"who are you?" Mario asked.

"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."


  • Normal
« Reply #52 on: July 26, 2005, 04:38:21 PM »
"Who are you?"

That made me laugh, it probably shouldn't've.  Yay, though, more story!

Depending on your preferences, this signature is either funny, thought-provoking, dramatic, or something else.
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #53 on: August 08, 2005, 02:22:20 AM »
Mario was confused. This guy was a whackjob.
He watched as Ketsueki walked away.
Mario turned to Luigi.
"How do you know he won't tell?"
"I feel it. Like, in my gut."
Wario looked over at Luigi.
"You're letting that guy go because of indegestion?", he asked.
Luigi sighed.

"What do you mean, you never found them!?" Screamed the purple alien.
"I mean that I looked for them and I did not see them. I'll try harder." His "Master" was getting more and more irritating.
"And how did you manage to set yourself on fire?! I send you to look for a fat plumber, and in addition to not finding him, you come back with severe burn injuries!"
"Yeah. That's kind of a long-"
"Your incompetence is unacceptable."
Ketsueki clenched his fists.
His thoughts wandered to one of his faded memories. One of Tatanga being humiliated. He couldn't suppress a smile.

"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #54 on: November 22, 2005, 03:29:15 PM »
Wario opened his eyes.
No noise. He must've been the first awake.
He sat himself up.
"Whoa!" He cried.
There in front of him, stood an elderly, bearded man with a crown. Behind him were several identical toads.
"Good morning." said the man.
"Ain't nothin' good about it." grumbled Wario. "Who the heck are you?"
"I am the king of Grass Land" he said.
Wario hopped up. "King, huh? I'm a king too." He slapped the Grass Land king on the back.
"Are you, now?"
"Yeh. Got a big ol' castle and everything."
Mario lifted his head.
"What the-? Who are you talking to?"
Wario turned to look at Mario.
"Mind your own business, common peasant." He turned back to the King. "Don't mind the riff-raff."
Mario sighed.
"Are they here?"
Sure enough, there were seven men, dressed in fancy clothes and wearing crowns on their heads. Each had some toads standing with him.
"Oh, hey. Don't stand so close, Your Majesty." Mario said, gesturing away from the sleeping Bowser. "He's liable to hurt you if he wakes up and the first thing he sees is a Mushroom King."
"Oh. Indeed." The king took several wide steps away.
"Where are your soldiers?" Mario asked.
"They're below ground, eagerly awaiting your expert training."
"Wha-? Oh, no. No, you see, I'm not training them."
"Oh...will it be the the younger one, then?"
" Err...we don't actually know anything about that kind of stuff."
"Then who?"
Mario pointed at the sleeping koopa.
"You can't be serious."
"We don't like it either, but we have no choice. They were the only ones who could contact you."
"I don't understand. Why couldn't you have used the tunnels we took to get here?"
"Because..." Mario could not think of a good reason.
Kamek approached them.
"Ah..yes. I had hoped, that you woudn't realize-"
"You tricked us!"
Kamek backed up.
"Now, now. You wouldn't want to do anything hasty."
"I think I would."
"We're all on the same side here, right?"
"I thought we were." Mario made a grab for him.
"You wouldn't have agreed, any other way!" he cried, ducking out of the way. "We need your help, and you need ours."
Mario swung.
"Think about it! We can't afford to be fighting each other!"
Mario stopped.
The others had been awakened by the noise.
"Oh. The Kings are here." said Peach.
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."


  • Normal
« Reply #55 on: November 22, 2005, 08:11:46 PM »
Yaaaaaaaay!  More story! *drools*
Go Screech!  Go Screech!
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #56 on: November 23, 2005, 08:22:06 PM »
My my, I'm really diggin this story. For some reason the funniest part to me was when you misspelled "Luigi" as "Lugi". B/c both are green and run. hah! no. . .seriously I've noticed a maturation in your writing style or at least your development of ideas. I've always enjoyed reading your stuff and personally believe that someday you should publish. :) Congrats and please continue writing!

« Reply #57 on: August 15, 2006, 10:06:54 PM »
This story's been bugging me lately. Just sitting in the back of my head, poking my brain and whispering, "Hey. Finish me." Sorry for digging up an ancient topic.

Peach greeted the kings and their retainers.
"Hello." she said, somewhat awkwardly, smoothing out the wrinkles in her dress. "As I'm sure you are all well aware, we need your help."
The kings all looked at peach. It was a sight. She did not look as carefree, or cheery, as they had always seen her. Without her trademark bubblyness, she seemed...worn down. They could not suppose that the last few days had been pleasant, but the princess was practically a proffesional kidnapping victim. She was very rarely without her usual spunk.
"For a very long time," she began, "The mushroom kingdom has been a peaceful place. We owe that to our protectors, the Mario Bros. But it has come to light that we cannot rely on two men, however brave or loyal, to defend us. As I speak, there is a growing threat to our kingdom, and very posibly the entire world. Even the Mario brothers are not capable of holding back this invasion. Already we have been forced from the castle, and into hiding. I believe that we can fight back, but..." She took a deep breath.
"We cannot do it alone. The Koopa Kingdom has offered it's support, and with the leadership of their King, Bowser Koopa, we can train our mushroom people as soldiers. I know I must ask a lot from you. I must ask you to trust the people we once called our enemies. I must ask you you to place powerful magic in the hands of those who once used it against you."
Peach was not sure how the kings were going to react. She could order them to give up the wands, but she wanted their willing cooperation. She liked to think that the kings would trust her.
"I must ask you to give the valued magic wands of your country to our cause."
To her surprise, every one of the seven Kings stepped forward, wand in hand.
"We shall do anything you tell us." said the king of Grassland. "Even if it means allowing that...creature to use our wands."
Bowser stepped up. "Watch it, bub! You may not realize that I hold your fate in my hands."
"Bowser." said peach. "Do I have your solem vow that until this threat is passed, you will be serving in the new Mushroom Kingdom army? That you will yeild to my command, and that you will do anything in your power to protect our people? That is, yours and mine."
Bowser was appalled. "I most certainly wo-!"
Kamek coughed loudly.
Bowser sighed. "You have my solem vow...your highness."
"Then you are now the first general of the Mushroom Army."
Bowser wanted to hit someone, but with great difficult, restrained himself.
Bowser felt a tap on his shoulder. Mario stood behind him.
"Luigi and I are watching you. Don't try anything funny."
"Careful, Private Mario." Bowser said smiling. "Now. Where are my troops?"
"Underground." said Peach
Bowser bowed quickly and hopped into the pipe that led to their impromptu boot camp. Peach and the Mario brothers followed, with Wario and Waluigi right behind.
The large area beneath the cave was dimly lit. There were rows of brick boxes, and platforms that moved up and down over seemingly bottomless pits. Probably once used by miners.
Bowser was addressing his troops.
"Allright you lazy maggots! Every fungus here who wants to be a soldier is now under my command. You do not eat, sleep, or bathe until I tell you to.
I am not going to lie to you. You miserable little toads are going to experience pain beyond you wildest imaginations. Because of your inexperience, you will be sectioned of into numbered units. Each group will be assigned officers from the more battle hardened Koopa kingdom. these officers will be training you in combat. You will learn to operate cannons with sentient artillery, you will learn to throw hammers, fireballs, and boomerangs, and you will learn to use your bodies as weapons.
Your reward for loyalty and obedience will be your survival, the only punishment for failure is anihilation.
You will hate your superiors, and you will certainly hate me, but when this thing is over, you'll thank the stars for every order I ever gave!"
Peach stared for a second. "What have I done?" she said to herself.
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."
