
Author Topic: do you have any competition  (Read 1890 times)

« on: December 23, 2001, 10:50:47 AM »
When my brother was a lot younger something possesed him to buy an SNES. He turned on Super Mario World and could not get past the first guy in Yoshi's Island 1. He gave it to me and I beat the level(even though I am three years younger than him) My brother never really got into it. I am lucky some people's siblings play before them. What is it like for you?

My name is +¶é_· but it's kinda hard to pronounce
My name is +¶é_· but it's kinda hard to pronounce

« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2001, 11:07:25 AM »
well my bid brother got a normal nintendo from my uncle and then he got a super nintendo and then a game boy... when he was about 12 or so he stopped playing video games.... and i inharreted all of his stuff, plus i got a gameboy color, a gameboy advanced, N64, and maby soon a gamecube. I also got all of his old nintendo power mags... starting from about issue 45.

Once in a blue moon my brother will play video games. but most of the time he just plays his gutair...and he is in a band you can check out his band its called the ideom and there website is oops sorry for advertising
CANADA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2001, 07:36:59 PM »
Well, I used to have competition back in the '80s and early '90s. But it seems the older the game is, the harder it takes to beat. I beat Paper Mario in 4 days. It took me about 12 years to beat SMB1.

Don''t quote me on this, but I''m betting that pipe goes somewhere. ---Goombario
