
Author Topic: A preview of my Mario fanfic. (just seeing if anybody's interested)  (Read 4277 times)

« on: December 20, 2004, 04:44:53 PM »
The Mushroom Kingdom, for hundreds of years this peaceful society of mushrooms has existed in harmony with the world around it.  But all of that changed with the rising of the Koopa Klan, an empire of turtle-like beings proficient in the dark arts and led by the tyrannical King Bowser Koopa.  The war between the Mushrooms and the Koopas lasted for decades eventually ending in the enslavement of the majority of the Mushrooms.

But then, just as the hope of the people had vanished and all seemed lost there came Mario Brothers.  Two of the last surviving members of the race of men rose up and led the race of Mushrooms to victory over the empire of Koopa time and time again.  However, all was not well with the brothers.

It has been ten years since the Mario Brothers defeated the evil King Koopa for the last time.  Ten years since the Koopa Klan was disbanded for good.  And ten years since the brothers, themselves, have been heard from.  And now, the Mushroom Kingdom faces a new threat.  The help of the brothers Mario is needed once again.  But as darkness falls across the land and the tides of evil spread further into the hearts of the people, will the heroes rise again?  Or will the Mushroom Kingdom face it’s final hours?

"The bigger they are, the harder I fight."

Edited by - kamikaze koopa on 12/20/2004 2:46:34 PM
"The bigger they are, the harder I fight."


  • Steamed
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2004, 12:00:21 AM »
Excellent word usage. Many fanfics turn out to be quite interesting, actually.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2012, 12:54:58 AM by Suffix »


  • Normal
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2004, 12:40:38 AM »
Sounds like a Bionicle movie advertisement, which is a compliment since the advertisements are way better than the movies themselves.  Sounds interesting, basically.

And Suffix, don't be discouraged if your stories involve rats and middle-aged men.  Ever hear of "Flowers for Algernon"?  Plus your story is good.  I'm sorry, "good" is what I use for all stories I like, I'm not a very descriptive person.
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2004, 10:34:45 PM »
Wow, thanks for all the kind words.

And I agree that rats aren't always a bad thing.  After all, look at The Rats of Nihm (great book).  And yes, I'll be sure to check out your literary work, Suffix.  ^_^

Anyway, Here's the prologue if you'd like to see it.  It's not much but I'm just starting to get rolling.  ;-)


   The light of the crystal ball shone brightly, illuminating a small portion of the room around it, but leaving the majority draped in darkness.  The podium which it rested upon was pure, unblemished, white and the floor beneath was a sheet of blue and black marble.  The light which emanated from the ball glided and shimmered against the floor, as if reflected by water, fluid and perfect in all its movements.

Just then, a cloaked figure moved towards the ball, seemingly from nowhere, his movements more of a floating than a walking.  A long white beard and two glowing eyes were all that could be seen from underneath the hood of his cloak, giving him an aura of both incredible power and kind wisdom.  He glided across the floor towards the crystal ball and gazed deeply into its recesses.

“Yes…” he whispered, “yes, it seems the time has come.”

The cloaked figure continued to look into the light of the ball for several more seconds before turning his back to it and gliding back into the shadows.

“The time…has finally come.”

Just before Merlon faded away completely, the glowing orbs that were his eyes drifted closed and his head hung low at the knowledge of what he must do.

"The bigger they are, the harder I fight."

Edited by - kamikaze koopa on 12/21/2004 8:35:32 PM
"The bigger they are, the harder I fight."
