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Messages - SmileyWormChip8

Pages: [1]
General Chat / Re: Mushroom Kingdom Compact
« on: November 18, 2002, 04:35:40 PM »
Plz read my note for forgiveness. It will explain why I tried this and ask you all to forgive me.

General Chat / Re: Mushroom Kingdom Compact
« on: November 17, 2002, 06:21:53 PM »
The mighty Frostbite has spoken. You might remember that I have defended you many times in the past before I left. MagicKoopa120. I like you. That is why I have devised this compact. It garuntees that you can'ot be baned without a fair trial. meaning we all will vote. This will give you a chance to defend yourself. And give me a chance yo defend you. That is why I made that stipulation. Yo protect you Frostbite, not ban you. I seriusly doubt anyone would vote you out. With your and my way of words we can convince them to vote you not guilty in a fair trial. I can't say the same for Grimsack however. I don't nesisaraly agree he was good. But I don't say he was bad either. I say he is a human. he has jsut as much right to say what he wants as everybody else has. That is why the codeholders can't act till he is prooven guilty. This means this will give you, me, and Grimsack and chance to get him "legaly" in. I am not an eminy Frostbite. I'm a friend. I'm only tring to amke sure that the breakup doesn't happen again. It wasn't all Grimsack's falt. He was the trigger. But not the falt. Deezer's lack of moderation was the falt. Grimsack was just the first person to proove this to the publick. I am gald to se that I am getting responses. this shows how much you all do love this place. I'm sure that we will have this place up and running again in no time. meamwhile a stable goverment will look good on our record and will welcome in new comers to a safe, fair inviroment. I am glad to see that you are willing to lend us your servises Luigison. Considering your the top codeholder and the society and forum keepers was probably trying to do what I am. But I'm goin at it at a much more diplomatic fashion. Insteed of "running" the people. I am letting the people "run themselfs" through the goverment. This will be much more orderly and will work out much better. So do you want to be the second memeber to join the council besides me Luigison? The position is still open for you too Frostbite. If you want to have a fair say so where this forum is conserned you can still sign up. I can't force you to. Only hope.

General Chat / Re: Is this place dead?
« on: November 17, 2002, 02:47:57 PM »
This is why I sugested a goverment. Your methods are just continueing the FlameWar. It won't work and it will only break up this place again. Grimsack should have had a fair trial. Then if convicted guilty driven out with code. Your methods are obsolite and are what distroyed this forum. If you want to help get this place working again plz sign the Mushroom Kingdom Compact and we can set up a senate to govern this forum with.

Edited by - SmileyWormChip8 on 11/17/2002 12:53:37 PM

Mario Chat / Re: My old identity!
« on: November 17, 2002, 10:39:55 AM »
So anyways... I'm back. For now. Maybee forever. Maybee for a few days. Who knows. But for now. I'm back.

General Chat / Re: Is this place dead?
« on: November 17, 2002, 10:29:27 AM »
I'm only trying to make sure the break up doesn't happen again. I think your right about the peopel coeming back. But I think Grimsack or someone else like him will come back and start another flame war. Then this will ALL happen again. If a goverment is inforced we can do the closes thing to banning the person. Haveing the code holders delete theior every post and topic till they leave. But with a goverment the code holders can't do anything until there is a fair trial. This way the person can defend himself or have other's defend him. Then we have a fair vote and if he is convicted as guilty the codeholders can act. This way a flame war doesn't get started and it won't slide downhill from there.

General Chat / Re: Mushroom Kingdom Compact
« on: November 17, 2002, 10:21:05 AM »
I guess this place isn't as dead as I thought. I realy hope people do come back. I just think if we had a goverment it would work out better. Considering your point "Hopefully, people will know how to act nice this time around." I don't think so. There are NO rules. No one to stop people who anoy us. When or if people do come back another Grimsack (Or him himself)will just come and distroy us again. If we had "Moderators" we woudn't need a goverment. But since deezer doesn't inforce anything we need some sort of inforcers. How else will the guilty be driven out? It would prevent people from just flameing and make them represent themselfs fairly. I know no one can "ban" people. But if we have a goverment and convict the person as guilty we can get the coder holders to keep deleting the guilty person's messages and topics till he leaves. I'm not saying that this all will defenatly happen again. I just think it has a good chance. I'm only trying to help. O well.

General Chat / Re: Mushroom Kingdom Compact
« on: November 16, 2002, 03:47:18 PM »
My sig
I hope this helps this forum.

General Chat / Re: Is this place dead?
« on: November 16, 2002, 03:43:14 PM »
Well... this is our last chance. I don't want to leave this place without giving it the old school try. Maybee my ideal of a council rather than a hidden inforcer will work.

General Chat / Re: Is this place dead?
« on: November 16, 2002, 02:58:12 PM »
I noticed. I took the libery to read through the happinings around this place :) I'm an oldschool member. I came back under this name. I'm not surprised this place is still in a huge flamewar. O well. I read up on the new events and have a good understanding of what's finishing this place off. The code wars. lol. Sounds like Star Wars. Clone Wars. lol. O well. I am takeing intrest in watching this place fall apart. But I never expected it to do so SOOOOOOOO quickly. I remember this used to be an extreemly lively place. Now it is dead. MUCH more than I anticipated. I thought about trying to start a self goverment between all the members that knew code. A law that would garantee that it's only used for good. Then we could selfgovern ourselfs because Deezer doesn't govern us. But alas. This place is long dead. lol. I should have said something when I had the chance. Maybee if I told everyone the cold truth that there is no rules and we have to be on our own maybee they would have listened. Maybee they would have put together some law. They probably would have told me to shutup. lol. O well. I see now it's LONG dead. Do you have any ideas on how to get fan's back? It would be nice if this was a lively place again. It's sad that frostbite left :'( Who is left anyway? If you all want to try to establish order and try to atrackt fans back tell me. I might want to help. It's fun watching this place fall apart... but it would be funner to see it come alive again. So... do you think it's posable to save it?

General Chat / Good people of TMK plz 4give me.
« on: November 18, 2002, 04:53:33 PM »
I am sry 4 what I tried 2 do. I want to distroy the Mushroom Kingdom compact. It seems that you all have already made peace. It also seems this place is more active than I thought. I was wrong. Frostbite is right. You all are right. You all have already desided to repect eachother. I guess I just didn't pick that up when I came back. I was in TMK during the Grimsack war. I thought you all where still in war and that I needed to take over. But I don't. It gave me something to do to try to take over this place. But I was wrong to do it. I'm just very lonely and bored. I feel like nobody loves me sometimes. Anyway. I am very sry for being so mean to all of you and if you want me to leave that's fine. I'll look back. If you all want me to go plz... don't hate me. :'(

General Chat / Mushroom Kingdom Compact
« on: November 16, 2002, 03:40:04 PM »
Who wants this place alive again? We the people of the Mushroom Kingdom Fungi Forums have seen mayn tough times. It all seemed to start with Grimsack... but I don't nesisaraly blame him. I think it's been here for a LONG time. But I think Grimsack is the one that started it. Ever since he came this forum has been one big flame war. I tried to interveen and give him another chance... bit it's seemed to failed. Once he was booted out people turned to Frostbite. One more cool guy you all persicuted. I don't nesisaraly agree with Grimsack's humer... but he has the right to his point of veiw just like everybody else. It wasn't realy that bad. It was just a bit mucher for some people. I don't beleave that Frostbite has done anything bad either. He only disagreas sometimes. Most of the time he has valid points too. I left this place with you all eing an active, flameing, side board makeing ball. When I come back the ball has deflated. Grimsack had aparently come and gone again. And you all seemed to have driven out Frostbite again. Ever since the great loophole was discovered and the Society of forum keepers was created this place has died. The ability to edit code can be a good thing. It can be what saves this forum. It can also be what distroys it. Useing it for pranks, meaningless post deleting, and just to ditroy boards... is ditroying this whole place. This free code using is makeing this board apear to be unstable to outsiders. I purpose an idea. I would like everyone who is useing code to fallow these simple rules.

1. Violaters will be voted on and booted if convicted.

2. No bannishing people without a fair trial.

3. You may use code such as emoticons and Avaters if you know how to do such.

4. You are a begining council member if you are the first 11 people to sign this note. Any other council Memebers will need to be voted in by the exsisting council.

5. Council members may leave if they wish "even without warning". New members will be voted in to replace them.

6. All polls need to run for a full week before closeing. They close on the exact time they are started.

7. You can only vote if your on the council.

8. There is no code using that interfeers with other people's post in any way without a council vote and aproovle. This includes editing, closeing, and deleting.

9. You are not allowed to post under some elses name under any surcomstances.

10. Side forums can be created. There you can test codes with or without aproovle. These rules only cover the oficial forums. Mario General, Game Help, Site Discusion, General, and Story Board. Any side forum activity is moderated by the creater. Testing codes in the oficial forums needs an aprooved council vote.

11. These rules can be changed, deleted, or added to with an aprooved council vote.

These simple rules should insure the granet for which funji forums can be rebuilt from. Remember Deezer doesn't REALY moderate us. We NEED these rules to self govern ourselfs. No one person will do anything with code that disrupts someone elses post without a group vote. If all you code holders and surviving memebers will plz sign your name to agree that you will fallow these new term of use... we can start to think of ways to atrack back fans. "Haveing a fair and stable goverment will help out alot." So for the good of the forum. Plz sign.

General Chat / Is this place dead?
« on: November 16, 2002, 02:32:43 PM »
... only 2 topics... where is everyone?

General Chat / Hi to everyone!
« on: November 16, 2002, 07:56:07 AM »
I just wanted to tell everyone that I have joined. So... HI!

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