
Author Topic: Fort Hood Shooting  (Read 1652 times)


  • Bob-Omg
« on: November 07, 2009, 10:20:00 AM »
As you've probably heard, there was a shooting at Fort Hood, the largest military base in the world (342 square miles).

Right after the event, 12 were confirmed dead, with 38 injured. As of a yesterday, one of the injured 38 has died from injuries. It was a female civilian officer on post that my friend's dad had been to many calls with and dispatched with (he was an officer on Hood and is currently a dispatcher), so he's feeling pretty bad (on top of the fact that the shooting occurred in the first place) since he knew her fairly well.

The gunman that opened fire was shot and was thought to be dead, but he survived and is now at Scott & White Hospital under heavy guard (about ten miles east of the dot labelled "My House" over in Temple. Scott & White is roughly a tick above the "M" in Temple in the first photo capture). Two other men were apprehended that were thought to be in on the shooting. Apparently, U.S. Army psychiatrist Major Nidal Malik Hasan was ****ed off that he would have to miss Christmas with his family because of him having to be deployed, so when he was in Soldier Readiness Center that gives you a medical check-up before you deploy (and after you get back) getting ready to go, he opened fire.

I live in very close proximity of it, so it was a scary sight seeing SWAT vans and guys near post setting up a perimeter with M16s ready to fire. All of post was on lockdown, with everyone, including on-post schools of course, being contained until about 8:30PM (with the shooting occurring at approximately 1:34PM). No one in, no one out.

Flags are ordered to be flown at half-staff until Wednesday.

Please pray for the friends and families of those who lost their loved ones.

Location of the shooting

In relation to Austin

Formerly quite reasonable.

« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2009, 11:37:25 AM »
Woah, you were really that close to the action? That must've been one nasty wake-up call.

Is it also any surprise that the coverage of this tragedy has degenerated into talks of gun-control/homeland terrorism?
As a game that requires six friends, an HDTV, and skill, I can see why the majority of TMK is going to hate on it hard.


  • Bob-Omg
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2009, 12:23:23 PM »
Yes, If you look at the barren-looking area above the green circle (where it's all white-ish), that's their practice field for tanks, so oftentimes at night at my house you can hear them shooting tank rounds into the mountain nearby. Sometimes it's loud enough that it shakes windows and rattles our sliding door, so yeah I'm really, really close.

I haven't been watching the news as of late, but I'm sure that everyone is bawwing on all stations saying "FORT HOOD SHOOTING. SHOULD WE ALLOW PPL TO CARRY GUNZ????"

(For any other posters reading this, don't turn this into a "Gun Control: Should We Have It?" thread because this isn't the place to discuss it.)
Formerly quite reasonable.
