« on: July 23, 2006, 10:29:38 PM »
Sorry dude, that definatley isn't cool. Now, I have a bunch of relatives who collect trains, and play chess, and that sort of thing. I kinda take chess as a timeless thing, but on topic, board games, trains, and all that great stuff was the form of entertainment at the time. Videogames, movies, the internet, are what people like to play around with now. So, simillar concepts maybe?
Also im really confused about that guy being mad about this message board. Somewhere in the ballpark of everyone here plays videogames... so everyone here needs a life? so does that mean you two could get counsoling together? My other point here, is if you lied so much about him, how did he know you were talking about him, or if this "glorb" guy has any relationship to "that kid i ever so politley commented on videogames about"
But whatever...
Oh, and his wife should have taken well to the witty italics comment