Anyone ever come across the "Debug Room" (officially called "The World Map" in game) in SMRPG? I tried out the codes to get to it in the ROM, and I managed to map the entire area shortly after.

When you first enter this room, a message appears across the screen, in the fashion of "narrator" messages:
The World Map
Talk to the person of the place
you wish to go to.
The Mario facing the screen is the one the player controls (and additionally the starting point), while the other does absolutely nothing but can be jumped on like a normal NPC. Talking to the Toads or Bowser will cause them to ask the player if he wants to go to a certain place (i.e. Nimbus Land), and thus the player can warp anywhere in game no matter what the progress is or what party members he has. Another Toad in the room also grants Mario the ability to gain any party member he wishes. The BGM for this room is the same as that for the Mushroom Kingdom area. The room exists in the Japanese version as well.
I also have a ZSNES save state somewhere if anyone wants it.