Cheat codes: What are they? Well, we already know, but how do you feel about them? In my opinion, cheat codes are practically a neccessity in some games. For example, the GTA games have some of the best cheat codes in any games, and would be nearly incomplete without them. Sure, there's standard stuff like health and armor and weapons, but there's also stuff like causing riots, making cars explode or fly like a plane, playing as a different character, making the main character fat or thin, and all sorts of other silly junk. Other games have creative methods of entering codes. Take the convuluted method of making the (in?)famous coin-filled ship appear in SMB3: I forget, but it involves timing the level exit just right, making sure your score ends with a certain digit, and other stuff.
Oh, and because I'm in the mood, here's a little game to play: match the cheat code to its game. Bonus points for identifying what it does.
1. Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
2. Type "idspispopd"
3. R1, R2, L1, X, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
4. Hold "G", "O" and "D" simultaneously
5. Highlight your save file, hold L + R and press A
6. Enter "PAKING PAKING PAKING PAKING" as a password
A. Kid Icarus
B. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
C. Gradius
D. New Super Mario Bros.
E. Doom
F. Commander Keen