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Messages - Kat

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^^;; errr..hmm.. The Biggest Boo, this'll be a bit difficult to explain, [espically if you've never played SMW2: Yoshi's Island, but from the sound of it, I think ya have. ^-~  Anywho, when you start a new game, and the game begins the introduction story, after all the stork, and magikoopa crap, all the yoshi's are gathered in a spot after baby mario lands on the green yoshi's back,... there's some odd music there that sounds quite simaliar [in my opion] to Serpent trench. Don't get me wrong thou, and like all thouse other songs...were just what *I* thought they sounded like ff6 music. ^^; ........ yes I has odd taste in music... :P oh well. Nevermind~ I'm babbeling senselessly again.... I need to get some sleep ;P


-__-;  hrr... again, I *really* need to check what I post more often... ^^; anyway... I just want to say, after reading a few of the new posts...[not really "new" but] The Biggest Boo, and MrWhitefolks bring up what I believe are the few main points why "the wonderful world of gaming" is confined to mainly males: Sterotypes, and for the fact that sex sells. [u-n-f-o-t-u-n-a-t-a-l-l-y...] However, this is just me, but The games I like the most are rpgs, fighting games [betcha' didn't see that coming] and action/puzzle games~think Legend of zelda, or even Bajo-kazooie. And unfortunally, I seem to be only one that I know of so that likes these kind of genera of games...I'll get to the point by saying that ;-; I'm starting to realize female gamers like me are rare... :(

•^v´~`·._•(·~Kat~·)•_.·´~`v^• [I really don't know what the point of my senseless babbleing on that was, but, hey~It's 1:06 in the morning and I have nothing better to do ;P]

General Chat / ~The Zodiac Wheel~
« on: January 28, 2001, 11:47:49 PM »
I know many of you out there most likely have looked at a horoscope at least ONCE before... and I really am intregued and have studied the Zodiac for several years. With that said--the point of the post: What is your sign?

^_^;; I understand your respects if you don't "believe" in astrology, but I'm just curious. Guestimating people's personalities from thier birthdates makes me feel like I.... kinda "bond" a lil' more with them. ;D (And you all know how much I love everyone here... well.. maybe not.. ^_^;)

I, myself am a full-fledged Virgo--with a rising sign of Cancer. However.. I act nothing like that Cancerian trait I suppossdly have, and more like that of a Scorpios'. Weird, ne?

•·º¤. Kat .¤º·â€¢

Site Discussion / Re: Mr. Face?
« on: June 24, 2000, 01:46:19 AM »
OO;; Oye... I **really** need to check what I post more often... I think this one post got the most replys on the WHOLE d@mn message board... ^^;; .... *can't think of anything else to say* .....

"Remember..drink your, I said Milf~ m-i-l-f!"

Video Game Chat / Re: Are games losing their quality?
« on: June 21, 2000, 12:54:36 PM »
Mmmn... I agree as well. I could sit hours and hours, maybe even days~[ok, maybe not THAT long...] without food or water, contentally playing SMRPG, or SMW, and even duck hunt--[if I still had it :( ] Whereas now, if I were to sit down and, Banjo Kazooie [great game, don't go bashing on it or me after I say this] I would probably only play for about 2 hours or less before I either;
a) got a headach
b) got so fusterated that I am loseing or can't figure something out[and that rarely happens ;) ]
c) or if it just got so boring...

I'm just making a small theory here, but I think it's because nintendo, sony and other gaming companies have spoiled gamers so much with beutiful, lush 3d graphics, that either Nintedo/Sony/ect... got weak in the area of replay in games, or that the companies are simply striving to make a better *looking* game than it actually is, so it will sell better... Anyway, thouse are just my thoughts~ ;)


« on: June 11, 2000, 03:19:08 PM »
That might work--even better if nintendo ***actually*** NOTICED all the people that WANT a torny for SSB.....


Mario Chat / Re: Who is your favorite Pokemon?
« on: June 11, 2000, 03:15:28 PM »
I agree with Altern, WildMarioGuy, and matt; You really shouldn't post anything bout Board~but I can't agree that much since I admit I've gone off the topic of Mario a few times ^_~. [But then again, I know I'm not the only one.] But I'll say that Nyura [new in silver and gold] and Nyasu [aka Meowth] are by far my favorites. Because Nyura is the former evolution of Nyasu! ¦> And also because he's an evil...or "dark" type. I also like Heruga--I'm not usally keen to dogs, ^_______^ But Heruga is both evil AND a fire type!! [Fire is my other favorite element.]


Mario Chat / Re: Women of the Mushroom Kingdom
« on: June 11, 2000, 03:05:19 PM »
Hmmm, I don't know if this list is being strictly restricted to **just** the Mario video games that females have been in or in other "Mario"...umm..items??? I can recall from the Mario cartoons [SMB3] There was that freaky underwater "ugly" mermaid that thought Mario was her husband in the frog suit,... or something like that! Peach, Daisy, Plum, Syrup, Wendy 0. Koopa, [aka Cutie Pie]  And I remember in some of the Mario comics [SMB3;2?], there was a Piranha plant character that was a female, [sorry, but I really can't remember the names~] And also  in the comics,[SMB3] I think Big Bertha [that big fish that always tries to eat you] Was a female... ^^;;; or at least in that comic she was. And again, I don't know if this counts, but there were ALOT of Cavewoman in the cartoon Super Mario World. [Oye, how I miss that show, ^_^; Uktar (that's how you spell his name, right?] was so messed up in the head! It was funnie~]


Mario Chat / Re: Crazy Mario Fans Click Here
« on: June 10, 2000, 01:17:14 AM »
Hmmmmn....Well, I have to be honest, some of these things I haven't done ever, [nor plan to] But I've been playing Mario games ever since I could hold a nintendo controller [Even back then I didn't really know what a game was---I just knew I could make the little red/blue thing jump and stuff on the TV ;P] Which was I think 2-ish...that would put it close to 12, 13 years of my life?? [I'm bad enough in math, and summer isn't helping ¦> ] And I draw Yoshi, Bowser and Mario/mario related characters all the time--SMRPG and SSB are really the only games that I play that still fancy me thou. All these new party games and sports Mario games are really....dull~*off subject* ANYWAY...errr... does that make me a freak as well? [Compared to u people that already posted here, no... ^.^;; hey, I answered my own question~woooow...I think... I'd.. better.. sleep now... *currentally 3:11 AM*

•^v´~`·._•(·~Kat~·)•_.·´~`v^• *sleeeeep mmnn...*

Mario Chat / Re: Fav. music in SMRPG????
« on: June 07, 2000, 10:15:42 PM »
I believe it's gonna be on the N64~ and I think it'll be out sometime next year... maybe around fall, correct me someone if im wrong...


Forum Games / Re: Kat, here's a chick game not made for guys
« on: June 07, 2000, 09:15:11 PM »
^^;; sorrie... forgot--i know it dosen't help much to tell someone to go somewhere with out giving them the address 1st..

The second one is the actual site's address, and I only put it up there because if I add anything new there, you won't see it with the freeserver's address until I copy all the files--so check there 1st ;P


Forum Games / Re: Kat, here's a chick game not made for guys
« on: June 07, 2000, 09:08:17 PM »
The plot seems wonderful so far I truely love it. [And me being a scifi fan big time ^____^] It also reminds me of a deep storyline mixed partically of Turok2 [don't ask what reminded me, it just did] And L.o.Z.64~with the Aquaticas. If you would like, I would be honered to help u with some sketches of my own, however, ^^;;; I REALLY can't drawn humans that well [In my opion] but large, lumnious deadly [some robotic]reptiles are more my thing. ~______^; In other words, I'll help with all the enemes--u just describe them and I'll make some composite sketches. And with the rest of the game, just a few questions...

- What kind of weapons/items would be in the game [if any]~*inspiration from playing Turok2..too much over the summer ^^;*
- Do you think that there should be some other "natural" area's left, but only abandoned for *bum bumb bum* ~unknown~ reasons? [ great place to insert a gaurdian boss there... hehehe ;) ]
- annnnd....i ran outta questions--

If ya want to chat more about it, IM me at TmRcktKat -- or e-mail me [  or...] *I check the Kat one more often than Cat* And if u need some creature feature ideas--check out my *barely..^^;;;;; worked on* website where I'm planning to get a species list going for all the dragons/monsters that I've drawn over the past few years. [I've drawn just that many ;P ]


Mario Chat / Where tha HECK have I been?!
« on: September 19, 2000, 05:02:23 PM »
^__^ HELLLOOO EVERYONE...again! ;-; Don't ask where the heck I was for the past few months, but I'm just glad to finally return to spread some more insanity to this message board. I MISSED EVERYONE HERE!!! ::sob:: Chocobo, VelvetDark007, DavidDayton, Deezer, Lola Prue, Peach, Yoshi348, Black_Yoshi, Hinopio, and...and I know I'm missing many many many more, ^^; But I can't think of anymore off the topa my head..... *fuzzy moment* ^.^; Ok, I'm better now... I think. Anywho, Does anyone else agree with me that SMRPG game could [or should] be done on the Gamecube, in FULL 3D? No 2D ½ 3D ½ crap, just nice, full 3D.. OR SUPER MARIO WORLD in 3D!? WITHA YOSHI RANCH?! *just got struck with inspiration... dun ask* Hmmm... ^^; I dunno, I think I just might be runnin' outta stuff to post. o__o

"I never think before I say something. If I do, I might miss out on the chance to say something stupid." ^_^

-.-;; rgg.. me and these stupid typos...


-___- yea, I DEFINTALLY liked peach alot more when she was ****useful**** in smrpg. ^^;; I would probably still be stuck in seaside town had i not learned "group hug"---hands down THE most useful defensive magic spell in the whole d@mn game! -____o;; Nintendo had BETTER put peach back in SMRPG, thou I don't know if she'll be much use since they[nintendo] hinted at that you'll only be able to control what MARIO does in the game [in battle] and not the other remaining party memebers.... *long sigh* oh well...there's always til rpg maker2000 gets translated ^___________^


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