
Author Topic: NES deserves some respect!  (Read 1768 times)

« on: May 13, 2002, 02:02:06 PM »
Nintendo is in to the high tech businesses of GameCube and GameBoy Advance, but who can forget our classic games from the NES.  Getting from Point A to Point B?  In fact, these games deserve some respect, but they are getting harder to find as the days go by.

One thing that I notice, is that games I would not likely play on other systems, I play on the NES because of the cheesy comedy that only pixels can bring.  For instance, Jeopardy!  25th Anniversary Edition, on the NES is classic!  Me and my sis play it all the time.  Of course some to answer questions, but alot of it is funny.  When they lose or win, they do funny facials.  in newer editions, they don't throw a tantrum, get excited, or anything.  NES was more of a focus on that cheesy look that could make us laugh...hardly seen today!

Because of the NES's success, people want to get their hands on NES games, but are having a hard time, because copies are limited.  The only place to get an NES game would be at a second hand store, or a garage sale.  Never-opened NES games are incredibly rare.  I could've bought a brand new never opened original version of SMB for $8 last year, and now I'm kicking myself for not!

So with all the limited copies of these great games can't be found in normal spots, so why not get ROMs.  I know I know, they're illegal, but NES (and SNES, Genesis, and other early consoles) ROMs should be allowed.  Nintendo makes absolutely NO money off of these games.  So why are they desperate to close these sites down?

Two HOT NES ROM sites were closed down.  Tobbeo and EmuRoma.  These both offered all the NES ROMs and then some.  For instance, Tobbeo had every single NES game on ROM, even from other countries, and EmuROMA had all the ROMs, and even some prototypes, for instance an early version of SMW for the NES.

So why do they do it?  If no money is being made, why try to destroy it.  People want to see these games, but Nintendo is limiting their chances to ever seeing the early and AWSOME side of Nintendo that many children today have no chance of seeing.

I searched up NES ROMs on Google, and found very little sites that included working ROMs.  And even if I found some, they didn't have very many.   I found one really good one with a lot of working ROMs.  This site is gonna stay Anonymous for now, just in case Nintendo is listening in!  !!

But honestly people, we need these.  Pretty soon there'll be very little.  I myself own two NES Consoles, and 30 games.  However, the games aren't in 100% efficient condition, and often freeze and glitch up because of their age.  ROMs don't!

So what do you say?  Are you classic, modern, or both like me!

Some games such as SMB3, 3 Stooges, A Boy and His Blob, and other NES classics are seeing the day of light on GBA.  However, they are being updated out of their classic form, and being sold for prices that are way obnoxious for something you could get at a Flea Market for a buck!
And in this crazy world, we have to ask there anything more important than hockey?

« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2002, 09:07:14 PM »
Hey im with you on the ROMS(though Ive never been able to get one to wor. Maybe Im too stupid to try)and on playing the old NES games just for laughs. I still am on a search for older games like Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., and Donkey Kong III(I have no clue if they made that for the NES 'cause it seemed to compicated to me). The sfx are classics today. I love to listen to the Jump sound made by Mario from SMB. A few years ago I finally realized that Little Mario and Super Mario made different noises when they jumped. But the Smartest move made by the big N was rereleasing all the Mario Games(though it would have made more sense to rerelease SMB 3 before SMW). I dont mind shelling out extra dough for a classic thats had a tune up. Voices are just what those games needed.
He who fills his pockets with the rocks of misdeeds shall surely sink in the River of Good Fortune!

« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2002, 05:07:12 PM »
Good for you.  I've played all 3 Donkey Kong games.  They shortened DK and DKJ for the NES for some reason.  They're both missing one level, and they don't have the cool introduction such as "How high can you climb?"  DK3 is fun, but repetitive.  It's funny shooting DK in the crotch, then looking at his face.
And in this crazy world, we have to ask there anything more important than hockey?

« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2002, 05:56:30 PM »
I never guessed that they had DKIII on NES.... And shooting DK in the crotch sounds like fun!

 I am in a constant state of confusion.
He who fills his pockets with the rocks of misdeeds shall surely sink in the River of Good Fortune!
