
Author Topic: Mario's Rad Gab Adventure  (Read 1681 times)

« on: September 16, 2005, 10:15:44 PM »
You’ve heard of "Add a sentence", you’ve heard of "Add 1/2 a sentence", and you’ve even heard of "Add a word."  Now are you ready... for something so rad, so gab, so absolutely crazy... okay, I’ll just get on with it already.  I had this funny idea for a story topic a long time ago that I sort of copied from similar grammar stories, but until now I had forgot about it.  Now I’m going to do it!  This is another type of story like the kinds above, but with a little more freedom than usual.  In this completely crazy, random not-serious-unless-you-want-it-to-be-but-it-won't-stay-that-way story, people will have a character about to say something and then someone else will finish what they say.

Here’s a better example.  Bear with me please.  First I’ll have someone do something and talk a little bit (I can break the rules because I made them) and then end my post with a past tense verb and a comma like "said,".  Then the next person can show the dialogue of whatever they want.  Along with this you can also have one paragraph of story, and also one more piece of dialogue.  The very least you can do is fill in the dialogue and the very most you can do is have a paragraphs of talking and a paragraph of action.  You don't have to end it with a comma but it might be more fun  that way.  I know this may sound a little mind-bending but you’ll understand when it gets going. (And if this system doesn’t work out very well we can always change it later).

Now here’s the story!
* * * * * * * * * * * *

"Ah... AH... ACHOOOOO!" sneezed Mario and rubbed his nose.  "I-a must be allergic to this a-here flower.  It’s-a making my nostrils burn!"  This kind of flower was a very strange looking one that Mario had never seen before so he decided to smell it just for the block of it (but this has nothing to do with the story).  Today, our Italian plumber friend was strolling through the woods and exploring for delictable mushrooms.  And until this moment he had took please in his adventure.

But something you might not know is that Mario wasn’t just walking the trails for exercise or exploration.  On this day, Mario had this very strange feeling that just somehow, Peach was going to get kidnapped AGAIN and for some reason he just didn’t feel like doing it today.  The feeling began when Mario woke up and didn’t feel right about something, then checked his mailbox and got another letter from the Princess, and then the sky turned black over the castle with blinding lightning.  So he thought “If-a Bowser gets her again, let someone else-a be the hero!”

So, yeah the story is pretty weird so far.  But just wait because it’s about to get much weirder!  As Mario continued to get a more stuffed-up nose and indigestion from bad mushrooms, he heard a sound coming quickly behind him.  He bravely swirled around and saw the silouette of Toad running straight at him.  â€œMAAAAARRRIIIIIIIOOOOOOO!  You got to HEEEEELLLP UUSSSSSSS!  PLEEEEEEAASEEE!”

Mario knew exactly what he was going to say and without thinking twice… he decided to run!  So he ran and ran all around the mushroom world and tried to get away from Toad, but he somehow managed to stay behind.  If it was underground, in the air, underwater, in dark dungeons, or on planes, trains, automobiles, or go-karts the little mushroom reatiner never slowed down.  â€œMario, what are you DOING?!  We need your help already!  Come on you lazy butt!  Mario, you fat lard, come get some DINNER!  Gosh!”

“A-no way, Froggy!  I’m not helping save the Princess this-a time!  You can’t make me!  You can’t—“ then he tripped over a rock and Toad caught up with him.  After smacking him over and over for making him chase him so far, he said, “What is your deal today?  Have you lost your mind entirely?  Or have you just reached that age where you get so lazy that you… run… all… the time?  Uhhhhh…”

“I won’t-a do it!  Find someone else-a!”

“Why?  I thought you wanted to get all the action like usual.  You’re really strange today.  Are you sure you’re not an EVIL CLONE CREATED BY BOWSER?!?!?!”

“NO!  Give me a break-a here!  Why don’t you go pester my-a unpopular brother for a change?”

“That’s just it!  I can’t ask him.  He’s gone completely insane!”

“I know-a he is.  Wait.  He’s-a jealous of me so he’ll do anything for attention.  What did he do now?”

“Pretty much the stupidest thing ever.  Today I was on the internet at THK (the human kingdom), when suddenly Luigi burst into the castle.  We thought he was just coming in as usual to play Sonic, but suddenly he ran up the stairs, barged into Peach’s room, and… HE KIDNAPPED THE PRINCESS!”

At this point Mario fell over and started to choke he was lauging so hard.  Toad ignored him and contined takling.

“He tied her up, jumped out the window with her in his arms, and then ran away singing “I’m-a going to be a he-ro!  I’m going to be a he-ro!  Take that Mario!’ and then on the Fungi News I heard that he took her to… Bower’s castle!”

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha-a!  That’s a pretty funny joke, Toad!  Hee hee hee!  This reminds or something I did in highschool.”

“I chased you all over the world and you think I’m TELLING A JOKE?!  You’re as crazy as Luigi!  But speaking of jokes… knock-knock!!”

“Okay, Toad, calm down and tell-a me why you’re really here.”

“Interrupting cow!”

“I know that there-a must be a—“

“MOOOOOOO!!  Oh… I’m sorry.  Here, I’ve got a letter from Luigi to prove it.”

Toad handed Mario a napkin with writing on it and Mario read it.  It looked and sounded almost exactly like Bowser’s letter to him in SMB3 and even had a picture of Luigi wearing sunglasses.  But unlike that he changed several words such as saying he took Peach to Bowser’s castle and was going to save her himself and he would stomp on Mario if he tried to stop him.  Mario’s eyes grew huge and he read the letter again, stared at Toad who was running away from a Goomba, and looked up into the sky in huge shock and anger.  Suddenly he crumpled the letter in his fist, opened his mouth, and screamed,
* * * * * * * * * *
Have fun! ;)  And don't forget that you can hit the "reset button" to start a new story any time you want, or push "deset" to go back to an old one.  You have the power!

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Edited by - Yoshisaurus Rex on 9/17/2005 7:24:02 AM
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.

« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2005, 10:33:33 PM »
Bummer.  No replies.  I guess this either has a bad system or just isn't a good idea.  Oh well.  Any suggestions are appreciated (even to just forget about it).

(E I):o{ D___(--I I):o( D___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})++)___(= (: ) ) )
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.
