
Author Topic: Paper Wario RPG: Legend of the 7 socks  (Read 7635 times)


« on: July 11, 2001, 03:35:47 PM »
One day Wario decided to steal some money. He went the bank and pointed his fingers at everyone. "Okay, this is a stick up everyone, I hate you all, so give me your money", he said. Suddenly he saw a very familiar face it was...(You continue it from her.)
Edited 734 years ago by Bow

« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2001, 09:50:51 PM »

'Only a mirror,' Wario told himself. "Gimme your money!!!!" Suddenly a familiar voice said:

"Hey!!!!!! That's My Super Scope!!!!!"

Wario looked and for the first time realized he had been holding Mario's Super Scope from Yoshi's Safari. While ha was staring at it, a long tongue came and grabbed it from his hands. It was Yoshi.

"Good job, Yoshi!" Mario said as he got the Super Scope back and aimed it at Wario.

"Don't shoot me!" Wario said. "Remember all the fun we had on Blowhard Duel Map? Don't you want to play again?"

"Oh, sorry, Wario, I thought you were Lemmy."

"Lemmy!! That meanie!!! He stole seven of my socks!!!"

"He did???? Then why don't we get rid of him together?"

"After I rob this bank," Wario said. Everyone quickly tossed their money towards him. "Goodie! Now I can go with you and defeat Lemmy!!"

Chapter 2: The chapter That had no Title

(continue here)

OK, I pressed the profile sig button. What? It doesn`t show my sig? That`s not fair!
Dennis, Nell, Edna, Leon, Nedra, Anita, Rolf, Nora, Alice, Carol, Leo, Jane, Reed, Dena, Dale, Basil, Rae, Penny, Lana, Dave, Denny, Lena, Ida, Bernadette, Ben, Ray, Lila, Nina, Jo, Ira, Mara, Sara, MARIO, Jan, Ina, Lily, Arne, Bette, Dan, Reba, Diane, Lynn, Ed, Eva, Dana, Lynne, Pearl, Isabel, Ada, Ned, Dee, Rena, Joel, Lora, Cecil, Aaron, Flora, Tina, Arden, Noel, and Ellen sinned. [Mario sinned!]

« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2001, 09:13:18 PM »
"You know, Wario, I can't let you walk away with all that money," Mario said to Wario as they went to leave the bank.

"Um...I'll split it with you!  60-40!" Wario said nervously.

"Not what I meant, and you know it," Mario said with his arms crossed.

"Whatever..." Wario said.  He turned and threw the money back.  "Can we go now?"

The Unlikely Allies went off to track down Lemmy and the missing socks.  Mario couldn't help but wonder what Lemmy would want with Wario's socks, but he knew that the mischievous Koopaling had also stolem Princess Peach's Crystal of Light, a Toadstool family heirloom, and he was going to retreive it.

Together they entered a dark forest.


"Did you get the socks?" Iggy said to Lemmy as he entered the castle.

"Yeah, I got 'em," Lemmy said, "None of them match, they're have more holes than swiss cheese, and the reak like week old Wiggler poo."

"Those are Wario's, alright." Iggy responded, "Put them over there.  Roy and Larry are still out there getting their items, Ludwig is building the devise, and Wendy still refuses to be a part of...bum Bum BUM...The Plan."

"Why?!" Lemmy said, "It's genius!  With...bum Bum BUM...The Plan, we'll make King Dad proud!"

The two Koopalings continued talking about...bum Bum BUM..."the plan".

Back to Wario, Mario and Yoshi.

"My feet hurt." Wario complained. "I'm also tired, hungry, bored--"

"And annoying.  Will you please shut up!? I think I heard something." Mario snapped.  Mario hooped off of Yoshi.  "Wait here." he told the dinosaur.

Wario and Mario crept off the path to hear what the sounds were.  They looked and saw...

--okay, I'm done.  New person!--

--Roy Koopa
--Oldest and coolest of the Seven Koopa Kids!

« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2001, 09:44:07 PM »
Sonic and knuckles!(tails was umm..eating at a taco bell)
Wario:And what do you guys want!
Sonic:our chilidogs!We saw somewon with a weird mustache take them!And you,Wario have a pretty weird mustache!
Wario:But we were at the bank,not at the chilli dog stand!
Knuckles:Well than who else of your friends has a weird mustache??I give you 5 seconds and if you don't know or tell,I'll sock you!<points his spiked hands in front of them>
Wario,Mario and yoshi:Gulp!
Sonic:Okay let's get him!
Mario:No,no no,we gotta get Wario's socks!
knuckles:We'll help,after all,this Waluigi was with a koopa glasses and a koopa with sunglasses...
Wario,mario:Larry and Roy!
Sonic:Do you guys always have to say things together?
continue now.....

"If it''''s a joke, laugh at it"
All hail the almighty oreo master

Edited by - KinopioToad on 7/13/2001 8:48:43 PM

« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2001, 09:45:59 PM »
So Wario and Mario were joined by Sonic and Knuckles.  Mario got back on Yoshi, who was looking at Sonic and Knuckles oddly.  Wario then pulled mario aside and asked, "Say, who are those guys, anyway?"

Mario looks at him and says, "I thought you knew them."

Mario, suspicious, turns to Sonic and says, "Hey, what's your name, anyway?"

"  Why, I'm Sonic the hedgehog!  The f-fastest person alive!"  he answered.

"Prove it." Mario said.

"Um...later?" Sonic said tenitively.

As they were talking, Wario snuck behind them and quickly bashed their heads together, knocking them out.

"Now let's see who they really are!" Wario said, imitating his favorite cartoon, Scooby Doo.

Mario pulled off what turned out to be Sonic and Knuckles masks to reveil: Larry and Roy!

"What were they doing?" Mario asked.

Wario, who was searching for a wallet to pilfer, replied, "Well, they wanted us to find Waluigi for them.  I betcha they want to steal his socks, too!"

"Or something else of his," Mario said, "You might be onto something, Wario."

"Well, what are we waiting for," Wario said, "He's probably hanging out on his Island!"

The pair (plus Yoshi) went off.


"I can't believe you let him get the drop on us, Larry," Roy said angrily to his brother.

"What!?  It was your fault!" Larry retorted.

"It doesn't matter, guys," Iggy said, "We can still get the item from Waluigi before they find him.  If we hurry, we can still continue...bum Bum BUM...The Plan!"

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Send me!  SEND ME!!" Morton yelled, jumping up and down.

"Fine, Big Mouth, you get it" Roy said, "I'm gonna send a bunch of Koopas to intercept those two on their way."

"OOOOHHH YES!" Morton screamed as he ran off.


The two had reached the shore and could just make out Waluigi's island on the horizon.  "So...we swim now?" Wario asked, with obvious distaste.

"Yep.  Yoshi, you wait here." Mario said.  Yoshi nodded.

The two dove into the water, unaware that Roy and sent a bunch of Bloopers and Cheep Cheeps along with the dreaded Big Boss Bass to get them.

What will happen to Mario and Wario?  What is...bum Bum BUM...The Plan?  And why do the Koopa Kids need Wario's socks??  You decide!
--Roy Koopa
--Oldest and coolest of the Seven Koopa Kids!

« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2001, 11:39:26 PM »
Cut to the Bowser home, where the 7 koopalings are seated around a table in a dark room, hacking away at some project.  Nails, drills, hammers, glue, and all other what not are flying around the table.  Suddenly and without warning, Lemmy jumps to his feet and yells, "Done!"  He holds aloft in his outstretched hand none other than a shiny new SOCK PUPPET made with none other than Wario's STOLEN SOCK!!!  The other Koopa Kids finish their sock puppets and proceed to the torture chamber, where King Bowser is busy flogging some slacker goombas.  "Daddy, daddy!  We want to put on a puppet show for you!", the grimy koopalings whine in unison.  They continue begging even though they get no response.  Roy and Ludwig were just about to start tugging on their father's studded shell when he turned around and...
I want to be where the Yaks can run free;
Where the marmosets can attack me!

« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2001, 08:45:50 AM »
big Boo,bowser's most trusted helper,look worried...
Bowser:What is wrong,old boo?
Big Boo:the castle's cheese,your highness,it's all gone!
<10 minutes later>
Big Boo:We are lookig for who did it now!
Bowser:We'll get on to it!
Roy:Yes we need it for  BUM Bum bum...the plan!

"If it''''s a joke, laugh at it"
All hail the almighty oreo master

« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2001, 12:47:07 PM »
Bowser followed the Koopa Kids into their dark room.  "Okay, so tell me about this plan."

"You mean, bum Bum BUM...The Plan!" Lemmy corrected.

"I'll tell you about it!" Iggy said.  He told Bowser all about it.  "And that's why we need all the cheese and the seven socks, the crystal of light, and Waluigi's 'Luigi smashing hammer.'"  Bowser thought about ...bum Bum BUM... the Plan, then finally said, "Alright, try it.  If it works, come and get me."  Then as he left, he mumbled under his breath, "So I can steal the credit!  Mwa ha ha!"  The Koopalings went back to work.


"I hate swimming," Wario complained.  Mario rolled his eyes and ignored his companion.

Just then Wario let out a huge "YYYEEEOOOWWW!!!"  He had been bitten by a Cheep Cheep!  Mario turned, and saw that they were being attacked by an entire school of evil Koopa Fish!

"Back off, baracutas!"  Mario said, turning and puching one.  But Bloopers were quickly entangling his arms and legs and dragging him.  "BLORP!" Mario yelled underwater (Which was really "HELP!")

Wario, in the meantime, had fought off the Cheep Cheeps and saw Mario getting dragged down.  Just then, an Angel Wario and a Devil Wario appeared on the respective sholders.

"Let him drown!  Heh heh heh!" Devil Wario said.

"No save him," Angel Wario countered.  Then Angle Wario leaned close to Wario's ear and said, "How can you prove that your 100 times better than that loser if he's dead?"

This convinced Wario.  "I'm coming, you big loser!" Wario said as he dove under the water.

With his brute strength, Wario pulled off the Bloopers and took Mario back up to the serface.  "*Gasp* *cough* Thanks Wario.  You saved m-"

"DON'T SAY IT!" Wario interupted, "It could ruin my reputation."

Just then, Wario heard something coming fast in the water.

"Big Boss Bass!  We need to book it out of here!" he said.  The two started swimming as fast as they could toward Waluigi's Island.

But Big Boss Bass was gaining.  It reached Wario and was about to swallow him whole, when a big hammer came out of no where and crushed the fish!

"Got it!  Mweh heh heh!" a voice said.  Wario and Mario looked up and saw none other than Waluigi!

"Bro!" Wario said.

"Wario!" Waluigi said openly.  Than he turned to Mario and said to Wario, "What's HE doing here?  He didn't bring his stupid brother, did he?"  Waluigi tightened his grip on his big Hammer, which Mario saw had "L's" with "No--" signs around them (ala "No Smoking" or "No Parking")

"Nope just us.  Say, you haven'r seen any of those bratty Koopa Kids around here, have you?" Wario asked his brother.

"Naw.  I did smash some Goombas recently for tresspassing, though." Waluigi replied.

Just then, a whole bunch of Shy Guys came from out of no where!

"Whoa!  Surprise attack!" Mario said.

The three began fighting the troublesome masked creatures, while behind them, Morton was slowly creeping up on Waluigi.

"That hammer will soon be ours!" He said to himself.

...To Be Continued...
--Roy Koopa
--Oldest and coolest of the Seven Koopa Kids!

« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2001, 01:08:31 PM »
Chapter 3: The nonexistent chapter

Chapter 5: Wario Burns chapter 4

"I hate chapter 4!" Wario cried.

"What do you hate about it?"

"I just hate it!" Wario said as he proceeded to burn chapter 4.

Chapter 6: Mario's Super Scope

"Why'd you do that?" Mario yelled.

"Because I hated that chapter!" Wario said. "Hey, there's a Warp To Grass Land!"

"Oh! We might find Lemmy there!"


Lemmy: I want to go to Grass Land.

Bowser: Okay. Hey how come this is in dialog form now when it was in story form?

Lemmy: Huh?

Bowser: This is dialog form!

Then Bowser got up and said, "And this is story form! See the difference?"

Lemmy: Uh, yeah.

In the warp pipe, Mario and Wario, unaware of what had just happened in Bowser's realm, still used story form. They arrived just in time to see Lemmy entering. "Wow, you were right, Mario!!!!!" Wario screamed. Mario got his Super Scope and turned on TURBO. He aimed at Lemmy then fired away.

He won.

"Now let's go to Mushroom Land!" Mario said.

Chapter 7: Ludwig at Mushroom Land

OK, I pressed the profile sig button. What? It doesn`t show my sig? That`s not fair!
Dennis, Nell, Edna, Leon, Nedra, Anita, Rolf, Nora, Alice, Carol, Leo, Jane, Reed, Dena, Dale, Basil, Rae, Penny, Lana, Dave, Denny, Lena, Ida, Bernadette, Ben, Ray, Lila, Nina, Jo, Ira, Mara, Sara, MARIO, Jan, Ina, Lily, Arne, Bette, Dan, Reba, Diane, Lynn, Ed, Eva, Dana, Lynne, Pearl, Isabel, Ada, Ned, Dee, Rena, Joel, Lora, Cecil, Aaron, Flora, Tina, Arden, Noel, and Ellen sinned. [Mario sinned!]

« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2001, 09:39:06 PM »
Okay, it seems all MY story ideas where just tossed out the window.  Thanks.  >:(

I guess I'm done with this.
--Roy Koopa
--Oldest and coolest of the Seven Koopa Kids!

« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2001, 08:06:57 AM »
Awwww come on Anonymous Mario Fan, You cant do that. Roy continue with the story, You got me captivated :-)

It''s a me Marionut#1
It's-a me, Marionut#1!

« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2001, 09:11:58 AM »
Allow me....

"If it''''s a joke, laugh at it"
All hail the almighty oreo master

« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2001, 09:19:07 AM »
A voice:Not so fast Morton!
Waluigi:Who said that??
I did!
<all the shy guys ran away>
toad:it is I,the great Toad!<toad then bonked himself on Morton j.r.>
Morton:Hey,that hurt,now I've got a boo boo,WAAAAHHHHHH!
<morton ran away>
Mario:I thought he was tough!
Toad:Well just because he has a tatoo on his head doesn't make him tough.
wario:good point.
Waluigi:What did he want,I didn't even see him!
toad:He wanted your luigi bashing mallet for some plan.
<still swimming away,morton yells>
morton:It's the BUM Bum bum,the plan!
toad:whatever,I will now join you guys to get wario's stinky socks!

"If it''''s a joke, laugh at it"
All hail the almighty oreo master

Edited by - KinopioToad on 7/17/2001 8:26:28 AM

« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2001, 05:17:37 PM »
--out of story note--

Nice, KinopioToad!  I will return to this story now.   Well, not RIGHT now, because I'm going to a friends house right now, but maybe later tonight.  See ya then!  And thanks for the encoaragement, MarioNut#1!

--Roy Koopa
--Oldest and coolest of the Seven Koopa Kids!

« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2001, 08:22:04 PM »
--still out of story note--
Thanks,Roy koopa,I barely knew I had such talent!This is fun,good topic Bow!

"If it''''s a joke, laugh at it"
All hail the almighty oreo master

« Reply #15 on: July 18, 2001, 10:10:53 AM »
--And now back to our story!--

Waluigi was confused.  "What's goin' on here, anyway?" he asked.

Toad answered, "Well, as I was running an errand for Peach, I overheard a couple of Koopa Troopas talking about this plan that the Koopa Kids were hatching. It was weird."

"What was weird about it?" Mario asked.

"They always said 'bum Bum BUM' before they said 'plan,' Toad responded, "That was weird.  But the weirder thing was the ingredients they needed for this plan to work: Peach's Crystal of Light (which I later found out was stolen), Cheese, Waluigi's Hammer, and Wario's socks."

"Did they say what they were going to do with all those things?" Mario asked.

"Nope.  They only knew what the Koopa Kids were stealing.  After I heard them, I decided to come straight to you," Toad said.

"BORING," Wario complained, "when do we get to hurt some more Koopas?"

"Well, if they need Waluigi's hammer to do this plan," Mario stated, "then we just have to make sure they don't get it.  Waluigi where's the hammer?"

"Uh..." Waluigi said.  He just noticed that his hands were empty.  "Um...I gave it to him," he lied, pointing at Toad. "The Fungus lost it!"

"You lost the hammer?!" Mario yelled at Waluigi."

Waluigi tried to blame Toad one more time."N-no.  He did."

"You were holding it in your hand!" Mario yelled, "How did you missplace it!"

The four began to agrue.  Not to far off, though, Morton was slinking away with Waluigi's hammer.  "He he he.  Got it! Ow..." he said rubbing his head, "That stupid Mushroom Person must be working out..."

The Koopa Kid quietly escaped Waluigi's Island.

In the meantime, Toad had calmed down the arguement. "Guys, just deal with it!  It's gone!"

Mario was still upset, but controlled himself.  "Okay, Toad," he said, "Was there anything else the Koopa Troopas said about the Koopa Kids' plan?"

Toad thought hard.  "Oh! They said they needed to be at the highest point in all the Kingdoms for the bum Bum BUM plan to work!"

"Highest point..." Mario thought hard.  "That would have to be Star Hill!"

"ARE WE LEAVING YET?!" Wario asked impatiently.

"Yeah come on." Mario said, running off.  Toad followed soon after, with Wario bringing up the rear.

"I'll pass, thanks." Waluigi said, turning back toward his house. "Wario, bring back my Hammer!"


"Whoo hoo hoo!" Ludwig laughed insanely, "It's finished!  My greatest invention ever!"

The other boy Koopa Kids smiled.  "Soon...bum Bum BUM...the plan will comence!" Iggy said.

"I still think this is a stupid idea," Wendy said indignently.  She continued applying her lipstick rather than pay attention.

"You'll see, Kootie Pie!" Larry yelled, "It's the greatest...bum Bum BUM..Plan ever!"

"Whatever," the girl Koopaling said.

Roy then got an idea. "I think we need a test subject for the machine," he said evilly.  "You know, to make sure it works."

Ludwig caught Roys hint.  "Yes!" he cackled, "A test would be very apropriate.  I'll simply give the machine a limited range and..." Ludwig made some adjustments to the controls. Roy, in the meantime, had snuck up behind Wendy and grabbed her arms.  "Roy! Let go of my you stupid bo-" Ludwig then pressed the...DA DA...Big Red Button.

The machine shook, and a short blast shot out of a scope on the top.  It hit Wendy in the forehead.  No physical damage was done, but she imediately stoped struggling and her eyes had a vacant stare in them.

"The...bum Bum BUM...Plan is great." Iggy said smugly.

"The...bum Bum BUM...Plan is great." Wendy repeated.

"MWA HA HA HOO HOO HEE HEE HA HO!" Ludwig laughed.  "It works!"

The other Koopa Kids also cheered. "To Star Hill!" Larry said, pointing in the direction.

"To star hill..." Wendy repeated blankly.

The Seven Koopalings all hopped in the machine and began to drive off.

--to be coninued--
--Roy Koopa
--Oldest and coolest of the Seven Koopa Kids!

« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2001, 02:14:08 PM »
Wario, Mario, Toad, and a re-joined Yoshi all arived at the mysterious Star Hill.  They explored its strange landscape and saw many wish stars that had been granted lying on the ground.  Unfortunately, there was no sign of the Koopa Kids.

"This stinks," Wario complained, "We come all the way here, and those Koopa Brats aren't even around to beat up!"

"They'll be here," Mario promised.

"Yoshi and I will check over there," Toad said.  He and the dinosaur walked over a hill and out of sight.

"Geez, why do you hang out with them?" Wario asked Mario rudely.

Mario gave him a nasty look.  "Because they're my friends."

"Hmph...Well, you losers have to stick together, I suppose," Wario said.

"Listen, you jerk, I won't stand here and let you bad mouth--"Mario started.  But he was interupted by a menacing laugh!

"WOO HOO HEE HA HA HO HO!  Look who we have here!" It was Ludwig, riding atop the machine.

"Don't tell me you actually came to get your smelly socks back?" Roy laughed at Wario as he rode the side of the machine.

"They're MINE! Nobody steals from the great Wario!" Wario defended.

"We'll do whatever we want," Iggy said.

"And soon, YOU'LL do whatever we want, too!" Lemmy laughed.

"Get 'em! Crush 'em! Make them no more!" Morton yelled pointing at Mario and Wario.

At once, dozens of Koopa Troopas, Goombas, Spikes, and Spinies came from behind the machine and ran toward the pair.

"Le' me at 'em!" Wario called running toward the crowd of enemies.

"Wait!" Mario called, but it was too late.  Wario had rushed head first into the fray.  He plowed through a barrage of Koopa Troopas, sending their multi-colored shells in all sorts of directions.  The Spikes, however, were prepared for the charge, and took several spiked balls from their mouths and held them in front of themselves as Wario ran their way.

"YEOW!!" Wario yelp.  He had run into the spiked balls and bounced back in pain.  Imediately, the Goomba were on him.  While he over powered a few, there were just too many. They all dog piled on top of Wario and held him down.

"Idiot!" Mario mumbled to himself jumping too Wario's aid.  He punched, pulled, and stomped as many Goombas as he could before the Spinies came his way.  It was enough, and Wario stood up, a bit dizzy from the attack.

But the two were surrounded by a multitude of enemies.  "I can take these weaklings!" Wario bragged, rolling up his sleeve.

"No!  Don't you see?  These guys are a distraction!  The Koopa Kids are readying the machine as we speak!" Mario tried to reason.

But as he talked, the enemies advanced on Mario and Wario, and the tow were forced to fight again

At the machine, Larry, Iggy, Roy, Morton, Ludwig, and Lemmy were all pushing buttons, getting things into place, and preparing the machine for its use.  Wendy just stood staring blankly at the side.

"Soon,...bum Bum BUM...The Plan will be executed!!  Woo hoo hoo ha ha hee he ho ho!" Ludwig laughed triumphantly, tuning a dial up to full power.

--to be continued--

--Roy Koopa
--Oldest and coolest of the Seven Koopa Kids!

« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2001, 02:57:00 PM »
Toad:Not so fast Ludwig!
Ludwig:and what's a little squirt like you gonna do.*grins*
Morton:Oh no,not him,ahhhhhhhh!<morton runs away>
Wendy:oh no,not him,ahhhh.<Wendy says blankly and then runs off as well>

what's gonna happen now,continue please.

"If it''''s a joke, laugh at it"
All hail the almighty oreo master


« Reply #18 on: July 27, 2001, 02:05:25 PM »
Suddenly, Toad used the mad evil clown attack. Ludwig fell down and a corn chip fell out of his hand. "Oh no! somebody grab the Corn Chip thingy!" he yelled. Yoshi ate it."Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Ludwig yelled.
Suddenly, out of nowhere Luigi grabbed the control, "Wait a minute, this story can't end yet, I haven't even been in it! So I will now destroy you all" he said!

Chapter 8-The eigth chapter

Nice to meet you, may I please dump 26 pounds of Tapioca pudding on your head?

Edited 734 years ago by Bow

« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2001, 04:00:36 PM »
Okay, this chapter's over.

Chapter 9: eht sdrawkcab retpahc
Dennis, Nell, Edna, Leon, Nedra, Anita, Rolf, Nora, Alice, Carol, Leo, Jane, Reed, Dena, Dale, Basil, Rae, Penny, Lana, Dave, Denny, Lena, Ida, Bernadette, Ben, Ray, Lila, Nina, Jo, Ira, Mara, Sara, MARIO, Jan, Ina, Lily, Arne, Bette, Dan, Reba, Diane, Lynn, Ed, Eva, Dana, Lynne, Pearl, Isabel, Ada, Ned, Dee, Rena, Joel, Lora, Cecil, Aaron, Flora, Tina, Arden, Noel, and Ellen sinned. [Mario sinned!]

« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2001, 10:57:50 PM »
Well, people sure are detirmined to drive this story into a wall, but I just can't let that happen!!  We'll pick up where Toad was re-entering...


Toad, riding Yoshi, came running to the battle.  Yoshi immediately started lapping up enemies, lightening the load for Wario and Mario, who began battling their way out.

"Quick!  Get to the machine!!" Mario yelled, running to the Koopa Kids.

"Wait for me--" Wario said, but suddenly <BAM!> he was hit face by a hammer thown by a previously unseen Hammer Brother.  The blow sent him backwards and into a shallow crater.

"You're to late!" Larry yelled triumphantly, "Now, Roy!"

"Heh heh!" Roy snickered as he held Waluigi's Hammer high above his head, "Here it goes!"

With a quick swing, Roy brought down the mega-hammer right on to the Crystal of Light.  It shattered right away, and a strange energy was emmited.  This energy was immediately harnessed by the Koopa Kid's machine, and it began to rattle and shake.

At once, a yellowish shockwave was emmitted.  It passed through everyone there and continued on.  Immediately, Mario, Toad, and Yoshi were rendered immobile.  They just stood blankly.

"IT WORKED!!" all six Koopa boys cheered.

"WHOO HOO HOO HA HA HEE HEE HO HO!" Ludwig laughed.  "Excellent!"  He then walked up to the dazed Mario.  "Jump up and down on one foot and quack like a duck."

Mario then did exactly that! "Quack quack quack..." the plumber chanted.

"Mwa ha ha ha ha!" a dark voice laughed from just over a hill.  King Bowser Koopa was walking into view.

"Amazing," he addmitted, "When you were telling me about this...bum Bum BUM...Plan, I never expected such a stupid idea to work.  Good thing I put the special devise in my nose you gave me to prevent the wave from working."

"Sure it sounds weird," Iggy explained, "But as you can see, it was a complete success.  Ludwig builds a machine that runs off of the energy from the Crystal of Light..."

Lemmy picked up the coversation there, "Unfortunately, the Crystal can only be broken by the legendary Megaton Hammer..."

Roy chimed in, "Which that bozo Waluigi had and didn't even realize it!  He was using it as a Luigi-smashing hammer."

Larry went on from there, "Once the crystal is smashed, the machine can be at it's fullest potential..."

Ludwig concluded, "And tranform the aweful stentch of Wario's socks into a powerful Hypnotising Beam!  It's Genius!"

Morton added, "Now the whole Mushroom Kingdon is in our control, isn't it you stupid Mushroom person?" he said to Toad.

Toad blankly replied, "Stupid Mushroom person..."

"Why did you need the castle's cheese?" Bowser asked his kids.

"We were hungry." Lemmy answered plainly

"Oh.  Well, it certainly was an excellent...bum Bum BUM...Plan indeed," Bowser said looking at his arch rival still jumping up and down and quacking.  "I'm glad I thought of it."

"WHAT?!" the Koopalings shouted in surprise.

"You don't really think the word get out that you defeated mario without my leadership, do you?" Bowser said firmly, "From now on, if anyone asks, it was MY idea!"

"Now wait just a darn minute!" Roy said stepping up to his dad.  The Koopa family all began arguing and throwing a few punches, trying to detirmine exactly who would get credit for defeating Mario.

That were arguing so much, they didn't even notice Wario climbing back out of the crater.  Since Wario's socks were the main ingrediant for the hypno ray, and Wario had long since developed an imunity to his own smelly feet, he was not effected!

"Oi..." he said rubbing his nose, which was even redder than normal, "That was quite the throw.  What the--?" He looked up and saw the Koopa's all arguing.  Then he saw Mario jumping up and down and quacking.

"Oh, MAN, I wish I had a video camera!!" he thought to himself.  He then turned back to the Koopa family.

"Time to take out the trash!" he said to himself.

--To be Concluded!--

--Roy Koopa
--Oldest and coolest of the Seven Koopa Kids!

« Reply #21 on: July 29, 2001, 03:38:18 PM »
"King Dad, you HAVE to give us credit!" Lemmy pleaded.

"Yeah! I mean, it was all our idea!" Iggy said.

"We were just trying to help you out," Larry pointed out.

"I don't need any help!" Bowser said, "I was just about to defeat him anyways."

"Yeah, sure, what were you going to do, kidnap that bimbo, Princess Toadstool?" Roy said with arms crossed.

"Listen here you little punk!" Bowser retorted, "That's your future mother you're talking about, so watch your--"


Wario charged into the group of Koopas with such force, it sent all of them flying in different directions.  Each was confused.

"What the heck was that?!" Bowser said getting to his feet.

"ME!" Wario shouted, charging into him again and knocking him farther back.

"Get him!!" Ludwig yelled at the troops.  But they didn't move.  "Oops," Ludwig continued, "It seems we failed to give immunity clips to the Koopas!"

"I'll take fatty!" Roy said, charging at Wario.  Wario saw him coming, though, and landed a huge punch to the face.  Roy was thrown on his back, dazed.

"Ooooohhhh...." he said.

"I keep say'n its all muscle, but no one beleives me!" Wario said.  Just then, both Iggy and Lemmy jumped on Wario's back.  "Get off me you little freaks!" he yelled.

Morton and Larry soon joined the battle, tripping Wario and getting him to the ground.  Luwig had run to the machine.

"I will not let you ruin...bum Bum BUM...The Plan!" he shouted.  He then began making adjustments to the machine.  "This amplified beam should hypnotise even you! Hold him still, guys!"

The four Koopalings tried holding Wario still, but it proved to be a difflcult task.

"Nyah!" Wario grunted, throwing Lemmy away.  With his free hand, he grabbed Morton and picked him up.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! C-can we make a dealAAAAAAHHH!" he screamed as Wario tossed him at the machine.

Morton hit the machine just as the amplified ray shot out.  The hit had sent the beam just off coarse and into a nearby crater, wher it began richocheting all around.

"Morton!" Ludwig said.

"What?!  Like it was my fault."

"No, LOOK OUT!!" Ludwig shouted, pointing behind him.  Wario had gotten a hold of Larry and Iggy, and with tremendous strength, thrown them also at the machine.

"AH!!" Morton and Ludwig gasped.  They both jumped off just as the machine was hit by Iggy and Larry, making it roll backwards.

"Hit the breaks!!" Ludwig yelled.  But Iggy and Larry had each bounced off of the machine, and since Luwig and Morton had abandoned ship, no one was left aboard!

The machine continued rolling backwards.  Soon, it hit a rock and tumbled down into another crater.

"NOOOO!!!" the six Koopa Boys yelled at the top of their lungs.

CRASH!  BAM! CRUNCH! CRACK!  The machine flipped end over end as it fell down the particularly deep hole, breaking into pieces.

With the machine busting up, the spell was brocken!  Mario stopped jumping and quacking, Toad and Yoshi rubbed their eyes, and the Koopa soldiers looked at eachother confused.  They then saw Yoshi, who had a hungry look in his eye, and all ran off.

"What happened?" Mario asked.


While Mario was coming out of his hypnosis, Bowser had come up behind him and knocked him to the ground.

"I told you brats this wouldn't work!" Bowser said angrily, "Now I'm just going to have to take Mario out myself!"

"You and what army?" Mario said, standing up.

The Koopa Kids, angry that their...bum Bum BUM...Plan was falling apart, quickly turned to senceless violence.  Roy, Ludwig, and Larry, the three biggest Koopalings, went after Wario.  Lemmy and Iggy chased Yoshi, and Morton was left with Toad.

"I won't let you beat me again, fungus face!" Morton said.

"Bring it!" Toad said.  The two began brawling and were lost in a "Looney Tunes"-esqe cloud of dust.  When the dust dispersed, Morton was lying face down in the dirt and Toad stood above him triumphantly.  "Oh Yeah!" he yelled, "'Fungus Face'= 2, 'Big Mouth'= 0!"

Lemmy had successfully jumped onto Yoshi's back and was trying to choke the dinosaur, while Iggy had managed to grab the dangerous tounge and began tying it in a knot. "Heh heh heh!  Not so tough now. are ya?" they taunted together.

Yoshi then mustered up all his strength and flung Iggy into the air.  "WHOA!" the Koopaling paniced. Yoshi circled Iggy around a bit, then, with dead-on accuracacy, hit Lemmy off his back.  The two Koopa twins were down for the count.  "Vwee-Voo!" Yoshi said happily.

Roy, Ludwig, and Larry were all trying to take down Wario, but the Big Bad was just too much for them, especially since they were each a bit dazed from earlier action.  With punches, kicks, charges, and lot of profanity, Wario defeated the three Koopalings.  "I'm Wario!  I gotta win!" Wario said with his fists raised.

Mario and Bowser were still going at it.  Fire was being breathed everywhere, and mario was haveing a hard time avoiding it.  But with a well placed backflip, the plucky plumber jumped behind the King of the Koopas and grabbed his tail.

"NOT AGAIN!" Bowser screamed as Mario began circling him around and around.

"So long, King Koopa!" Mario said, letting him go and sending him into a crater.

It just happened to be the same crater where the Hypno beam was richocheting around! It struck Bowser, and the King Koopa was left motion-less.  He then began doing what Ludwig had pre-programed into the bolt.

"Quack quack quack quack" he chanted while jumping up and down on one foot.

"Oh no!  King Dad!" Lemmy said seeing his father.

"We've got to take them out!!" Roy said seeking revenge.  The other boys began to growl and look at our heroes.

"NO!" a voice shouted.  It was Wendy, back from her hypnosis!  "We are gonna take King Dad and go back to the castle.  NOW!!!!" she ordered.

Wendy always got her way, and the other Koopa Kids decided that it might be best to just go back to the drawing board and start another...bum Bum BUM...Plan.  They all ran.

"Come on, Daddy." Wendy said.  Bowser followed, still quacking.

"How long will that beam last, Ludwig?" Roy asked.

"About three hours, since the machine is broken," Ludwig answered.

"Man, in three hours, we are SO dead ..." Roy replied.  The seven Koopalings, with their father in tow, ran off.

"We did it!" Toad celebrated.  He slapped Yoshi a high five.

Mario looked at shattered Crystal of Light at his feet.  "Mama mia!  Peach will be so upset..."

"Aw, just buy her a fake, new one," Wario said, tossing Mario a bag full of Gold Coins.  "She'll never know the difference."

Mario caught the bag.  He thought about the proposal, shrugged, and put the coins in his pocket.

Toad, Yoshi, and Mario began to walk off.  "Hold on," Wario said.  He then ran over to the broken remains of the machine.

Reaching into the rubble, he pulled out seven stinky socks and put them in his pocket.  Smiling, he turned and said, "Okay, we can go now."


:)   So what do you think?

Edited by - Roy Koopa on 7/29/2001 2:44:33 PM
--Roy Koopa
--Oldest and coolest of the Seven Koopa Kids!

« Reply #22 on: July 29, 2001, 08:57:54 PM »
Cool. :D

>gives a thumbs-up<


-==bï||¥ ©hî||ÿ==-
Have a nice end of the world.
Haters gonna hate

« Reply #23 on: July 30, 2001, 10:09:39 PM »
BRAVO! BRAVO! (thunderous applaus in background)

It''s a me Marionut#1
It's-a me, Marionut#1!


« Reply #24 on: July 31, 2001, 02:53:47 PM »
That was great, I didn't expect such a plotless idea to go anywhere.
Edited 734 years ago by Bow

« Reply #25 on: August 02, 2001, 01:39:19 PM »
Roy,you and I(mainly you)ruled this one,finally,a story board topic  that ended right.Cheers again!

i''m the guardian of this island!If that last emerald fails,it could spell doom for everyone!-Knuckles the echidna

« Reply #26 on: October 18, 2001, 05:40:22 PM »
Very good job all.
