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Topics - ShadowBrain

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Video Game Chat / New Names
« on: January 01, 2008, 12:12:22 PM »
This is a strange thought that just popped into my head: What do you think they would've called Super Mario 64 if they didn't use the "64" suffix? Then, of course, I thought of all the other games: Mario Kart DS, Super Mario Bros. 3... heck, pretty much any game with a number in it and nothing else. So, basically, what do you think would be some good alternate names for games with only a number or some other system indicator (Super, 64, DS, Advance, Wii--that last one... I don't know how they can get away with that)?

Video Game Chat / Hard Games
« on: December 30, 2007, 10:40:48 AM »
I, like many, sometimes feel that the overall challenge of many videogames (or at least those native to current-gen Nintendo systems) is significantly less than their predecessors. Still, I look back on some of those old games and realize that they normally weren't actually that tough. Not to bore you with all my psychological issues, but this whole thing is something I've been mulling over for a long time.

Basically, plain and simple, what are some games that you consider hard? Metroid Prime 2 (and maybe MP1) comes readily to mind.

General Chat / Burning Questions
« on: December 22, 2007, 05:31:39 PM »
Ever have one of those questions hanging around in the back of your head that you just want solved? Not "what's the meaning of life", or "what's the square root of 765", but Imponderables-type stuff (assuming you know what Imponderables are). Unload your brain's queries here, and who knows--maybe someone'll have an answer (or at least agree with you).

Personally, I've been curious why the symbol for "degrees" is the same for temperature and latitude/longtitude.

Fan Creations / Kirby Superstar Parodies
« on: December 16, 2007, 11:32:29 PM »
Yes, it's the much-loved symbols for the many modes of the SNES hit, Kirby Superstar! Following are some horrible puns I made a long, long time ago (relatively speaking)

BTW: There's not one for the Great Cave Offensive because, well... just look up the picture for that one and tell me it's easy to modify.

General Chat / "I Just Don't Get It..."
« on: December 13, 2007, 07:00:28 PM »
What are some mentalities you just don't get? Now I don't mean, like, being pro-this or anti-that--or liking PS3 instead of Wii, or something--but just... mindsets that you seriously can't even pretend to have (try to keep the flaming to a minimum).

What I don't get is how anyone could enjoy the Saw movies. That, and how we're somehow expected to not laugh at that McDonalds ads where they make working there sound like it's the most heartwarming, family-pleasing job in the world.

General Chat / Worst--Movie--Ever.
« on: November 27, 2007, 10:21:00 PM »
What do you think is probably the worst movie--or movies--you have ever had the misfortune of viewing?

I think for me, it'd have to be Today You Die with Steven Segal. Seriously, I only saw about a third of it, and it takes the cake. I don't even know where to begin (or end), so I won't. Just watch it and weep.

Mario Chat / Favorite Galaxy
« on: November 27, 2007, 10:17:50 PM »
Well, the name says it all: What's your fave Super Mario Galaxy Galaxy? I myself am rather partial to the Toy Time Galaxy, even if it is among the most A-to-B.

This isn't a poll because I'm in no mood to make one with 40-something options (and I'm not even sure if that's possible, anyway).

Game Help / Invisible Goodiebag Freaks!
« on: November 22, 2007, 10:23:18 AM »
Does anyone know how to kill those invisible bag-looking monsters in Super Mario Galaxy--or if it's even possible? They're running around on random planetoids--and all you see are their footsteps--but if you wait long enough without moving, they appear. Any movement, and they're gone again. Is it possible to kill them, or are they just there to annoy you?

Video Game Chat / Eggplants
« on: November 21, 2007, 09:49:10 PM »
Is there any particular significance behind eggplants in (Nintendo) videogames? There's those eggplant guys in Kid Icarus, eggplant enemies in Wrecking Crew, the eggplant you catch in Ice Climbers, and, of course, "Kid Eggplant" in Chibi-Robo. Are these all just one big cameo reference to when the purple foodstuff first appeared in an NES game? Are eggplants popular eatin' in Japan? I suppose I could just look all this nonsense up, but I figured I'd like to hear what you thought about the whole thing.

Video Game Chat / Chibi-Robo @ Wal-Mart: Why, God, Why?
« on: October 04, 2007, 07:31:51 PM »
In case you haven't already caught wind of this tragedy, here's a sample link:
Yeah, I read the explanation, and like everyone else, it's still unacceptable. Wal-Mart loves the environment? *Laughs out a lung* I know Nintendo is a corporation, and like all corporations, they make greedy moves every now and then, but this is a shock from a longtime fan.

Well, that, and the whole tree-hugger angle this game is pumping. When did Al Gore get a job at NoJ/A?

Video Game Chat / Zapper is EEEEVIL!!!
« on: September 13, 2007, 04:54:58 PM »
It had to happen. The Wii Zapper isn't even on shelves, and already the watchdogs are foaming at the mouth. A few comments (from the NJ Star Ledger):

“Great, this is what we need. Children with guns learning how to aim and shoot. Then we can sit back and wonder what is happening to our country with kids killing kids……what’s next? Could we make it squirt blood, too” - random commenter

“….Why don’t they enclose an application to the NRA in every box as well….the marketing person who came up with this brain child of an idea should be fired.” - very concerned grandparent


Video Game Chat / New Wiimote Wrist Strap Plastic Thingies!
« on: August 03, 2007, 08:37:12 PM »
Just stumbled upon this recently. For those (read: all) tired of their Wiimote wrist strap's plastic thingy getting loose all the time... Behold! A marvel of modern science:

I don't when these come out, but still... neat!

Forum Games / Googlewhacking
« on: July 04, 2007, 05:24:16 PM »
Choose an utterly random two-word combination... and the next guy's got to Google/Google Image/Google Video it, and link/show the first thing they get--assuming it's SFW, of course!

Try this one:

Insane mailbox

General Chat / Oh, School...
« on: June 24, 2007, 09:49:31 AM »
Assuming you still go to school, what's it like? No, this isn't one of those "favorite classes" threads, or "Oh, no, school's started up again did yours?" threads. It's more school set up like you want/expect? Do you have excessive problems with gangs, drugs and teenge pregnancies? Just want to gripe or praise the whole educational system in general? Go ahead, as long as you don't get caught posting this at school; It's probably blocked, anyway (hey, there's another thing to talk about!).

Forum Games / Say Something Nice to the Person Above You!
« on: June 23, 2007, 10:26:36 PM »
Alright, positive attitudes, everybody!

Just for the hey of it, compliment, flattter, and/or pat-on-the-back the last poster. You can mean it, or just say it to keep things rollin' along.

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