As for the statement I made.... Poor choice of words? Yes. Socially degenerative? More like it. I just said it out of a whirlwind of emotions that I've been feeling lately. Maybe thats why I thought about it and took the skateboard back, because deep down I knew. It's all a result of a constant frustration I've been facing lately that partly due to not living the lifestyle I want. The funny thing is when I said I was good at stealing, I've never stole from an individual before (like Kyle). Not that its any better but its always been from large department stores.
There is some truth to this struggle I've recently been going through though. And I'm sure I'm not the only one thats been going through it. Coming from a person who has given away more than he is ever going to get back, you can see why one would just say "Screw It." and just start to take. I've only recently come under the impression that nobody cares about what is going to happen to me and that everyone is out for themselves. Of coarse, the is not true, not "Everyone" is out for themselves, but it sure as heck seems like it. If you think there is no class struggle in this day in age, you are sadly mistaken. People like you and me consider themselves middle-class (beleive me, I used to think this too). But they're not, there is no middle class, just two extremes. Lower class, and upper class. The middle class has been erased. I'm not making this up, I used to talk about this with my economics professor in college (when I was going). And he said more than likely, pretty soon we're going to see a massive power struggle between two classes much like in the French Revolution. I'm just tired of being [dukared] on.