It's 1. It's 1. Darn it the answer is 1. Operations in parentheses are always handled first. (as for the linked video which I didn't watch, the answer should be 2)
People will ask whether the equation is poorly written, or ambiguous, or why TI-whatever calculators give the wrong answer. You know what, I don't care anymore. It seems people look for any reason to avoid that unflinching rule that parentheses are dealt with first. Including changing 2(3) to 2 * 3 and then claiming that since multiplication has the same precedence as division, that we should go left to right. The problem there is that the parentheses were downgraded to multiplication. I strongly believe that 2(3) = (2 * (3)), not 2 * 3. Here's a better example, let's change that 3 to y. We have 2y. That's (2 * y), not 2 * y. Therefore the equation is 6 / 2y. If you think the answer to that is 3y, I weep for you.
This should also teach you to put everything in parentheses when dealing with a TI-whatever calculator. It's probably giving the wrong answer because it can't see 2(3) as (2 * (3)), or because it thinks the wrong behavior is more intuitive.