Today there was this extremely short but extremely powerful storm that ripped through my town today for about four minutes. It came out of innocent looking partly-cloudy skies and almost immediately reverted to bright clear sunshine afterward. It's the first day of college here so tons of fresh students walking around in their best-impression clothes got annihilated by super rain and ultro-hail. Hilarious.
But this is not how I experienced the storm.
I had the morning off because I was working late for the Madden 12 midnight release. My sister (who I live with) left for her first day of grad school and I played some 360, listened to a podcast, read some stuff. About an hour before I had to leave to work, I went upstairs to take a shower. The sky out the window was peaceful and there was no wind.
I started to shower and after a bit I started to notice a roaring noise louder than the shower itself. It sounded like Thor himself was attacking my house with torrential rain, booms of thunder, and percussive hail beats. In the small windowless bathroom, however, I was cut off from actually knowing what was going on. Had Irene crossed the continent or something?
I quickly finished showering and opened the bathroom door. Directly down the stairs from my bathroom is my front door and kitchen with a window. Oddly, I didn't hear any rain or wind anymore and it looked like sunlight from the window was hitting the bottom of the stairs. Thinking "wait, then what was all that noise?" I ran downstairs without putting any clothes on and looked out the window. The ground was littered with tree branches, melting hailstones, and wetness. I turn to go back upstairs and just at that moment my drenched sister busts in the front door to see me standing BUTT ASS NAKED in the kitchen.
It took some convincing but I think I finally got her to believe I don't do horrible things in the kitchen involving marmalade while she's out. The greatest arguments on my side were the fact that I was wet and the fact that I was flaccid.
The adjective for this story was "naked".